Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1340 You Shouldn't Run

An hour and a half later, Er Bensong rushed to Machi Pet Hospital, but was told...

"W-what? Found germs?"

"Yeah, after all, two of them have survived in the lake for a long time," the girl at the front desk flickered solemnly, "We want to confirm whether it will affect the human body, and you don't want to suddenly suffer from skin diseases or other diseases." disease?"

"That's it..." Er Bensong hesitated for a moment, but still sighed. They have checked for free, so it's good to take care of their own safety, "Then when can I take them home?"

Behind the door of the examination room, four biting turtles in cages were placed on a table and lined up.

"We tracked him down to his home and asked his neighbors," Yuan Tai and Chi Feichi reported on the investigation. "The neighbors said he didn't have a job, and he didn't even pay last month's rent!"

"On the way to the hospital, there were two other people who found him," Ayumi said, "It happened to be the two people who asked Mr. Zhenzhong to collect debts last time. He seems to owe a lot of money, a full one million yen Well, he said he'd be able to pay it all back soon."

"It's really suspicious," Mitsuhiko said solemnly, "So, we brought Officer Takagi over after we investigated."

"In this way, Mr. Chi's reasoning is correct." Takagi She took an X-ray in his hand and looked down. It showed a key-shaped shadow on the abdomen of a biting turtle. There is indeed a key inside."

Conan stood by the table watching the biting turtle, and suddenly felt that he had no sense of existence today.

He was just running around with a group of children, and Chi Feichi had arranged everything that needed to be arranged. Chi Feichi said that he gathered at the pet hospital just to bring the biting turtles to take pictures for confirmation, and by the way, gather information with them here.

At the same time, Erbensong can take them to find the stolen money...

Of course, it was found that the germs were fake, just to prevent Erbensong from getting the key to the locker in the snapping turtle today, so that Erbensong could not take out the stolen money.

If the locker exceeds a certain period of time, if you need to extend the storage time, you need to insert coins into it to renew the fee. If you don’t renew the fee, the management company will open the locker, check it, and take it back to the headquarters for storage.

If Erbensong can't get the key to open the cabinet door, and feels that there is hope to get the stolen money in the locker, he will go to the locker to renew the fee extension, and take them to find out which locker the stolen money is in.


In the lobby outside, Nihonmatsu heard that he could not take the biting turtle back today, so he left dejectedly, without any thought of "detour". After leaving the hospital, he went to a roadside locker in Mihua Town. is on.

Takagi contacted someone from the management company, opened the locker with the key of the management office, and took out the three million cash in the bag.

Seeing that the stolen money was found, Er Bensong leaned against the locker and slid weakly on the floor, "How could this be..."

"Mr. Nihonmatsu, because you owed him a large sum of money, you broke into a family named Hirokoji and stole three million yuan last night, right?" Gao Mushe confirmed, and couldn't help but say something more, "However, it was really a mistake of you to put the money in the locker."

"It's because I met a policeman on patrol," Er Bensong sat on the ground, hugged his knees with his hands, and buried his head on his knees, feeling wronged like a child weighing more than one hundred pounds. "When I ran out, I happened to meet a The patrolling policeman, I was holding a bag at night, and I decided to be interrogated by the police! Just as I saw a locker on the side of the road, I put the bag of money in it while the policeman was talking to a drunken alcoholic At that time, I thought my luck was really good..."

When Takagi saw Chi Feichi running to the side to smoke, he knew that the reasoning was that Chi Feichi would not be able to go to the side, so he had to do it himself, "Afterwards, you went to a sparsely populated park and wanted to burn the hood and gloves used in the crime, but in After you lit the fire, you met a biting turtle attracted by the fire. You were startled, and the key of the locker was accidentally swallowed by the biting turtle, and you tried to make the biting turtle spit out the key. At that time, his finger was bitten again, and he fled into the lake..."

"As for the key, we've found it from the belly of the biting turtle, and that's what the X-rays showed."

Takagi took out the X-ray, showed it to Nihonmatsu, and continued, "And this morning, you called the city office and told them that there was a biting turtle in the lake in Mihua Central Park, and then rushed to the park. I want to claim the biting turtle and take out the key..."

"But why is it so troublesome?" Yuan Tai said contemptuously, "You can just tell the locker company that the key is lost, and let them unlock it."

"No way, let the people from the company unlock the lock. In order to confirm that he is the one who put the things, the people from the company will definitely open the bag and check the contents," Mitsuhiko said solemnly, "If the three million yen in the bag is seen Come on, won't it remind people of the theft case last night?"

Another policeman who went out with Takagi arrived in a police car, parked the car aside, opened the door and got out of the car.

Nihonsong noticed that Takagi Shepherd and the children turned their heads to look over, and when the others were off guard, they got up suddenly and ran along the road without looking back.

run! must run!

"Ah..." Ayumi exclaimed, and soon, the cry was pulled in her throat again.

Behind Nihonsong, a figure approached, put his right hand on Nihonsong's shoulder, stretched out his foot and stumbled towards Nihonsong's feet, and pressed down on Nihonsong's shoulder with his right hand.


Er Bensong came into close contact with the earth with a surprised side face, lying on the ground, staring blankly at a bit of soot falling from the front of his eyes.

In the rear, Hui Yuanai and the three children looked dull, but with a little relief of "it really is".

Mr. Nihonmatsu really doesn't know the fate of those who tried to escape before...

With their violent responsibility here, how can it be so easy to escape?

Seeing that Chi Feichi didn't even leave his mouth for the whole process, and his face didn't change when he stood up, Conan's mouth twitched slightly.

This is completely 'follow your hand, put it down easily'!

Takagi stepped forward to help Nihonsong who was lying on the ground, looked at the red marks left by Nihonsong's side face, and said with sympathy, "Mr. Nihonsong, you shouldn't run away."

Nihonmatsu was still a little dazed, he didn't know why he fell just now, and soon he lowered his head slumped, letting Takagi Shepherd to the police car, gritted his teeth unwillingly, "Really, why are you in the park that belongs to everyone?" Put that horrible turtle! And even the hospital and the police lied to me, wouldn't this world be a little more sincere..."

Chi Feichi thought this prisoner was quite interesting. There are very few people who complain about the world after being caught. He turned his head and said to Erbensong who was passing by, "Don't think that the world has abandoned you. The world has no time to care about you."

Er Bensong froze, did not leave, and turned to look at Chi Feichi in a daze.

Conan: "..."

He almost forgot that this guy Chi Feichi not only knows how to beat people but also kills people, he can make people's brains roar with anger.

"Ahaha, Mr. Chi, what... let's go first." Gao Mushe broke into a sweat, directly stuffed the Arborsong into the police car, got in the car and closed the door in one go, "Thank you very much for today, I will contact you when I rest some other day !"

"He..." Nihonsong turned his head with an aggrieved face, trying to look past Takagi She's body, catching someone who spoke too much.

Listen, is what you said just now human?

"Let's go quickly," Takagi blocked Erben's sight, and urged the colleague who was driving, "Close the team!"

He also did this to protect Mr. Nihonmatsu. Mr. Nihonmatsu would not know that there was once a prisoner whose lungs were blown up in the Metropolitan Police Department.

The three children watched the police car rush away, pulled Conan and Hui Yuanai, ran to Chi Feichi's side, looked at each other, and shouted slogans in unison.

"Young detective team, the battle was a great success!"

The smile on Ayumi's face lasted for a second, and she became worried again, "But what about the four biting turtles?"

"Yeah, they were abandoned by their owners, and the people who planned to raise them had bad intentions," Mitsuhiko couldn't help laughing, "There are four of them in total, so it's not easy to find someone to adopt them."

"And there is a key in one of the stomachs." Yuan Tai lowered his head and reached out to pat his stomach. "It must be very uncomfortable."

"The key can be taken out tomorrow," Chi Feichi said about the result of the discussion at the Manchi Pet Hospital, "Dean Xiangma wants to keep them in the Manchi Pet Hospital, so he puts a closed viewing tank in the lobby and puts them Raise them all."

"Really?" Mitsuhiko was pleasantly surprised, "In Machi Pet Hospital, they will definitely get the best care!"

"That's right, even if you are sick, you can go to the doctor directly," Yuan Tai also looked forward to it, "And this means that we can also go to see them in the future?"

"Actually, they are still very cute," Ayumi said with a smile, "especially in front of Brother Chi."

Conan didn't get involved in the discussion, and looked up at Chi Feichi.

Today my friend suddenly became serious.

When he vaguely felt that something was wrong, Chi Feichi thought of 'the snapping turtle has a key in its belly', and afterward, they listened to Chi Feichi's words and went to the woods to find the hooded gloves. Running at home, they continued to track and investigate, and then took the clues and went to Zhenchi Pet Hospital to meet Chi Feichi. Chi Feichi had already completed the X-ray examination of the biting turtle, and arranged the trap for Er Bensong by the way. ...

After the whole incident was dealt with, they just had to do what Chi Feichi said, looking for things, following a person who was in a hurry to go home, and inquiring about things. They didn't need to spend any brains at all.

Relaxation is a good thing, but they are like a group of puppets acting according to instructions. The ending seems to have been calculated by Chi Feichi long ago, and every link is also controlled by Chi Feichi, which made him inexplicably depressed.

Rather than saying that he is depressed, it is better to say that he has chest tightness.

Looking back on the whole incident, the feeling of being in control is like being surrounded by invisible and viscous things, but it is not too strong, not to the point of suffocating.

Seeing that Conan has been silent, Haibara teased in a low voice, "But there are people who are not cute at all in front of Brother Feichi. Are you still depressed because you didn't show your skills today?"

"No," Conan came back to his senses, and smiled in relief. It's a good thing for a friend to be serious. Only in the atmosphere of chasing each other can he improve faster. "I wish he could be serious every time. Woolen cloth!"

Ayumi rubbed her chin, "Since the case has been solved..."

"The exercise is also over," Yuantai looked expectant, "Then next..."

The three children raised their arms high, "Go back to the doctor's house for dinner!"

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