Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1348 What's going on today?

Conan was silent for a moment, "Then... the congressman who was killed by Pisco, will it be the same?"

"I don't know, because there are also some people who are involved with the organization for the sake of their future and interests. I don't know exactly who they are and how many people the organization controls," Haibara Ai stared at Conan and reminded with a solemn expression. , "Kudou, the net laid by the organization is much bigger than you imagined. In places you can't imagine, there may be an organization's eyeliner who will stare at you."

Conan was silent again, and quickly laughed, "No matter how big the net is, it is impossible to catch everyone, and it is only a small number of people..."

Hui Yuanai stared at: "..."

"Okay, I see, I usually restrain myself a little bit," Conan straightened his expression, "Then you should pay attention to Brother Chi's recent movements, of course, I will help, but I still have to find out what the main hall is. The identity of that guy Yingyou may be too busy sometimes. If she contacted Brother Chi this time to ask Brother Chi to help, then Brother Chi will definitely make some moves recently. As long as we can stop them, we can stop them, no matter whether they are If you want to harm others, or if you want to drag Brother Chi into the water, you will not succeed!"

The two quickly reached a consensus. Recently, Hui Yuanai will follow Chi Feichi and closely monitor Chi Feichi's movements. Conan will be mainly responsible for investigating Hondo Eiyu, and will help keep an eye on Chi Feichi's side when necessary.


When he arrived at the Polo Cafe, Hui Yuanai resolutely started the big business of happily pawing cats with Mao Lilan.

Even Azusa Enomoto came over to pet the cat during his spare time at work.

Chi Feichi drank his coffee, feeling emotional.

It is said that a cat is a sycophant, and it is indeed true, the kind of sycophant who can make people happy, indulge in fun, and dream about life and death.

It is said in the legend that you can’t stop stroking a cat once you start it. It’s also true. Whether it’s a single person or a group of people, once the hair is smoothed, you will be attracted by the feel of the hand, and you can’t stop stroking. The sound can relieve people's nervousness and anxiety, and the addiction of petting cats will be greatly increased.

Kogoro Maoli complained with half-moon eyes, "Really, can you guys be less noisy? The white hairs are flying onto the table."

"Wu Ming is very good."

Conan looked at Wuming's obedient masturbation, and wanted to reach out to touch it, but considering that there was no place over there, he resisted the urge to join in the fun.

Too many enthusiastic people can't surround it, the cat will be frightened.

Chi Feichi put down the coffee cup, "By the way, teacher, are you free tomorrow?"

Conan immediately withdrew his attention and eavesdropped silently.

Could it be that Chi Feichi needed help from his uncle? Could it be related to the appearance of that woman?

"I'm going to the small steel ball shop tomorrow morning, and I've made an appointment to play mahjong in the afternoon..." Kogoro Mouri said, glanced at Mao Lilan who was stroking the cat, leaned over the table, smiled and lowered his voice, "In the evening I have made an appointment with two colleagues from Kabano Detective Agency, we are going to drink at the newly opened cat girl bar, do you want to go together?"

Conan approached to eavesdrop: "..."

Hehe, Uncle, this teacher is really... really... misleading my son!

Chi Feichi thought for a while, "I'm going to THK company during the day, and there's a banquet at night, so I can't go."

"That's really a pity," Mori Kogoro sat up straight again with emotion on his face, "Then you ask me if I'm free tomorrow, is there anything I, a famous detective, can help me with?"

"Just asking, if you are free, you can go to the company with me tomorrow," Chi Feichi said, "It's not an event or commission, but a new program will be released."

Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up, "Will Miss Yoko be in the company?"

Chi Feichi shook his head, "She went to Kyoto to film a program with the staff of Nikmai TV Station, and she won't be back until at least three days later."

"Really..." Mori Kogoro looked disappointed, and quickly asked again, "Where's Miss Qianhe?"

"Tomorrow she will probably go to the TV station to shoot commercials, and she won't be in the company." Chi Feichi said.

Mori Kogoro rubbed his chin, looked at Chi Feichi, "Don't tell me you are not confident about the new program, do you want me to come over and be your spiritual support?"

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, "No, I'm very confident."

"This..." Mori Kogoro fell into a struggle, "I have an appointment with Aaron and the others. If there is nothing important, it is really inconvenient to break the appointment. I think it's better..."

"Then sister Xiaolan and I will go!" Conan offered to go, "Let's go with Brother Chi first, after uncle plays mahjong, you can go to the company to find us, visit the company together by the way, and then go to dinner, how about it? "

"Huh?" Mao Lilan, who was licking the cat, turned her head in doubt, "Go to THK company?"

"Yeah, I really want to see it," Conan pretended to be a child, and opened his arms to make a big circle, "Maybe we can meet many big stars!"

Mao Lilan was so teased that she rolled her eyes, "If Brother Feichi doesn't bother you, then let's bother him tomorrow."

Conan smiled back, then looked at Haibara Ai.

There will definitely be something important happening in the THK company tomorrow, otherwise Chi Feichi's personality would not have offered to let others accompany him to the company, and after Bellmode approached Chi Feichi as a female star, they would have a chance If you go, you have to go and see, if you don’t have a chance, you have to create a chance to go, maybe you can...

Haibara hugged Wuming, seeing Conan looking at him, he was a little confused, so he lowered his head and continued to lick the cat.

Isn't it just going to the company with Brother Feichi tomorrow? She originally planned to follow Brother Feichi in the near future...

Conan: "..."

Huiyuan just said 'what are you looking at me for? Isn't that strange look in your eyes? Did you forget about their appointment?

I'm really worried that Huiyuan's cats and cats will be scrapped.


The next day, at ten o'clock in the morning.

In a small screening room of THK Company, the curtains are drawn and the indoor lighting is soft.

Oda Kirito and Morien Kikuto were also talking in a low voice, and when they heard the door opening, they stopped talking and turned to look at the door, like two suspicious people who were secretly talking secretly.

Chi Feichi brought Hui Yuanai, Mao Lilan, and Conan into the door, and brought mineral water for the three of them from the hot water dispenser at the door.

"Brother Min Ye, Brother Ju Ren."

"Brother Min Ye, Brother Ju Ren."

Mao Lilan greeted Hui Yuanai.

"Brother Minye, brother Juren!" Conan greeted with a cute face.

"Please sit down," Oda Kirito greeted with a smile, and asked, "Where's Mr. Mori? Feichi, didn't you bring Mr. Mori?"


Conan was puzzled, didn't Chi Feichi personally want Uncle Mao Li to come? Could it be that something really happened to THK?

"Maori teacher may arrive in the afternoon."

Chi Feichi unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle and took a sip of water.

"Really?" Odagiri Min also had a weird smile on his lips, "It's a pity, it's too late in the afternoon..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Chi Feichi's mouth, like a harmless and gentle gentleman, and said softly, "Teacher will regret it."

Conan felt that something was seriously wrong, and he said in a daze, "That..."

"Huh? Xiaolan, are you here?" Suzuki Sonoko entered the door and looked around, "Where's your father? Didn't Brother Feichi say that if your father was free, he would invite him over? That uncle doesn't just play mahjong and pachinko. Apart from horses, there should be nothing else, right?"

Before Mao Lilan answered, Suzuki Jirokichi, who followed Suzuki Sonoko into the door, laughed loudly, "Don't worry about that drunk Mr. Kogoro, I can represent middle-aged people. The evaluation of the elderly is still too old for me. A little bit, but I feel like I'm never out of date!"

Conan: "..."

Hey, what's going on today? Why even this uncle is here...

"Sonoko, Mr. Jiroyoshi," Oda Kiritoshi also greeted, looked around, and nodded with satisfaction, "Alright, little boys, little girls, young high school girls, men in their twenties and thirties, plus Mr. Jiroyoshi , and everyone has different personalities, if the test is successful, it should be no problem to suppress the wind of that matter."

Senyuan Chrysanthemum closed the door, with a gentle smile on his face, "It's a bit too much to test with children!"

Conan: "..."

Hey, what is the déjà vu of being part of an evil plan and being treated as a test product...

"That, that..." Mao Lilan was stunned, and asked weakly, "What's going on?"

Suzuki Sonoko sat down on the seat beside Mao Lilan, put the handbag aside, and was a little puzzled, "Didn't Brother Feichi tell you? It's about the company's new program."

"That's right," Mao Lilan hesitated, "but what does this have to do with the test?"

"Call people of different ages and different personalities, let's take a look first," Suzuki Sonoko explained with a smile, "Actually, it's just an internal preview. I was expecting your dad to come over. He is a fan of Miss Yoko. Fans, will definitely be very excited!"

Mao Lilan became interested, "Is it a program about Miss Yoko?"

"There's also Qianhe and Komatsu," Morien Kikuto said with a smile, "They have practiced hard for a long time for Feichi's program."

Mao Lilan laughed, "No wonder Brother Feichi said that Dad would regret it..."

"Brother Na Minye said, it's okay to suppress that matter, so what's going on?" Conan grasped the point.

"That..." Suzuki Sonoko and Oda Kirito also looked at each other, and said with a helpless smile, "It's rumored that an actor's love affair is with a woman who is much older than him, and he still hides from the company. After being exposed, the company I just found out, because the other party had some bad rumors before, it seems that they have colluded with violent associations, and were also involved in some violent land sales, so even the actor caused a lot of dissatisfaction..."

"Ah..." Mao Lilan whispered, "I remembered, it was mentioned in the recent entertainment report."

Conan recalled, "I remember that he had a movie that was about to be released recently. It seemed like half a month later, because his underground love affair was exposed, some people were dissatisfied with him, so his new movie was also mentioned."

"Is that just trying to divert everyone's attention with a new program?" Hui Yuanai frowned, "But that incident caused a lot of trouble in the entertainment sector, and it may not be easy to eliminate the influence..."

"There is no need to eliminate the influence, as long as the rumors are suppressed, in fact, those reports are driven by our company." Oda Kirito also touched his nose, "I wanted to take this opportunity to increase the popularity, but it was pushed too far. If it continues, the situation will continue. There will be signs of loss of control, so I want to use other things to divert everyone's attention."

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