Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1353 Trying to wake you up

Hui Yuanai's 'happy waste' state did not last long, and in the afternoon, the symptoms eased and gradually returned to normal.

But Mori Kogoro's symptoms were much more serious, and he didn't get better after two days...

"Father, it's time for you to work!" Mao Lilan dragged Mo Li Kogoro away.

Mori Kogoro held the table with both hands, his head was still in front of the TV, his eyes sparkled with excitement, "I'll watch it for a while, I can do the work tomorrow..."

"But it's already been discussed with the client!" Mao Lilan tugged hard.

Mori Kogoro grabbed the table and refused to let go, staring at the TV without blinking, "Then make an appointment another day!"

At the door, Hui Yuanai felt the same way.

She can understand the joy of being addicted to watching videos, but uncle, this is too serious, right?

Chi Feichi stepped forward and turned off the TV.

"No!" Mori Kogoro stretched out his right hand, but it was still a step too late. Seeing that the TV was turned off, he lowered his head dejectedly and buried his head on the table, "It's okay if you don't watch it.

"Teacher..." Chi Feichi said.

Mori Kogoro continued to lie down on the table without raising his head or making a sound, expressing his dissatisfaction with his apprentice turning off the TV with his childish behavior of ignoring others.

Chi Feichi didn't care, and continued to speak in a calm tone, "That day I took Xiaolan and the others to watch a high-definition version of the dance video. In the screening room of THK Company, the big screen was clear and real, just like a real person in front of my eyes. .”

Mori Kogoro seemed to have heard the sound of his heart shattering. He leaned on the table and looked up at Chi Feichi, "What, what?"

What did he miss that day?

Mao Lilan silently guessed, could Brother Feichi want to use 'high-definition viewing' to tempt his father to go to work first?

Mori Kogoro also thought of this, looked forward to it again, stood up and straightened his shirt collar, "I'm going to see the client, and then can I go to your company to watch the high-definition video?"

"No," Chi Feichi said, "Min Ye is not free recently, and the screening room is used to watch new movies. The line is full, and there is no room for it recently."


Not only Mori Kogoro froze, but even Conan, Mao Lilan, and Haibara Ai were a little confused, staring blankly at Chi Feichi.

No, no?

Is this not playing cards according to the routine?

Chi Feichi ignored Mao Li Kogoro's stiff face, "There is only one chance, if you miss that one, you don't know when the next time will come."

Maori Kogoro said with half-moon eyes, "Hey, since it doesn't work, why are you telling me about it?"

His apprentice didn't come to deal with him, nor did he come to comfort him, but just to pierce a hole in his heart, right? !

"I tried to wake you up with regret and sadness." Chi Feichi said calmly.

Maori Kogoro:"……"

His apprentice's thinking is really strange, and it's so straightforward that people have nothing to say.

"Children like to use their emotions to manipulate others in order to achieve their own goals and get what they want, but when they grow up, they should understand..." Chi Feichi walked to the sofa and took his partner He picked up the suit jacket on top and handed it to Kogoro Mouri. He stared at Kogoro Mouri with calm and indifferent eyes, and said in the usual tone, "This method has failed."

Mori Kogoro was stunned on the spot, subconsciously grasping the coat stuffed in his hand with his right hand.

His apprentice was suddenly so serious, which made him a little overwhelmed.

Mao Lilan's first thought was 'it makes sense', but then she felt that these words were too cold and realistic, so she hurriedly laughed, "Actually, it's not entirely like that. When facing the emotions of people you care about, sometimes you will think about it to some extent. Well, just like my father sometimes makes a fuss about drinking, and I can’t bear to control him too strictly when he says and expresses his happy or unhappy emotions. I won't let him mess around if he says he must stop drinking. Today is also because he has watched too many videos in the past two days, and he has already made an appointment with the client, so he can't break his promise, so..."

Conan and Haibara looked at the three of them in silence.

That's right, the truth is right, people should grow up like that, otherwise it will cause trouble for themselves and others, and it will be bad for themselves and others, but...

"So..." Mao Lilan didn't know how to express her thoughts.

"Adults can sometimes be willful," Hui Yuanai paused, "at an appropriate time."

Mori Kogoro put on his coat, bowed his head and buttoned it, and said with a speechless expression, " don't need to teach me a lesson, I called the client in the morning and made an appointment to meet It was in the afternoon, and we had time to go there after lunch, and if we went early, we might disturb the police's deployment."

Chi Feichi wasn't surprised. It would be strange if his teacher really didn't care about the business when he watched the video. A little prodding would force his teacher to reveal himself.

Mao Lilan looked embarrassed, "But, but I have already called Brother Feichi and Xiao Ai, so now..."

Mori Kogoro buttoned his coat, raised his hand to straighten his collar, still looked disgusted, "Okay, I'll take you out for something to eat, and then go over there to have a look, after all, this time the opponent is Kaitou Kidd Should be more serious."

"Strange, Kaitou Kidd?!" Conan was surprised.

"Yeah, Conan, didn't I tell you?" Mao Lilan thought about it for a while, and didn't remember if he forgot to say it. He bent down and smiled at Conan, "There is a famous painter who received the Phantom Thief Foundation yesterday morning. De's notice letter, the notice letter said that he would visit at 8 o'clock this evening and take away his newly completed painting. Although he also notified the police to deploy it, he was still worried and called my father to go with him. Protect that painting, and the other party also specifically mentioned you, saying that you are Kidd's nemesis, please ask Dad to take you there, and said that he doesn't mind Dad bringing a few more people there."

"So I told Xiaolan to remember to call Shang Feichi," Mori Kogoro said confidently, "After all, it's a duel between a detective and a villain. It's always good to see more~"

Conan thought hehe, it's up to him and Chi Feichi in the end, but he still showed a look of surprise and anticipation, "Hey—so that's the case, but doesn't Kidd like to steal gems? How could he think of stealing paintings?" ah?"

"Who knows, maybe it's because the painting is very valuable," Mori Kogoro led the way out and explained, "Although the painting is a newly completed painting, the client is a famous painter and Mr. Kawatakerai. The previous paintings were auctioned for hundreds of millions of dollars, so the price of this one will only go up or down."

"T-hundred million yuan? That painting is so valuable..." Mao Lilan sighed, seeing that everyone had gone out, she turned and locked the door.

Taking advantage of other people's inattention, Hui Yuanai cast a questioning look at Chi Feichi.

Brother Feichi and Kidd seem to have a good relationship, do you know about this?

Chi Feichi shook his head slightly, but didn't say much.

Hui Yuanai looked away, no wonder, Brother Feichi is not an accomplice of Kaitou Kidd, so he would not know about it every time, if it didn't need the cooperation or help of 'July', Kaito Kidd would not find Feichi bro.


The studio of the painter Kawaburai is located in the famous scenic spot Okutama, and built a villa on the mountain for living and painting.

When Chi Feichi drove a group of people to the villa, the reporter who received the news had already squatted outside the villa.

As soon as the car stopped, Conan had just gotten out of the car when he was surrounded by reporters rushing forward.

"It's that boy!"

"Little brother, your name is Edogawa Conan, right?"

Hui Yuanai saw the situation and closed the car door decisively.

Conan was dazzled by the flashing light, raised his hand to block it, and turned his head to see the tacit cooperation of "Hui Yuanai closed the door and Chi Feichi drove away immediately", and was speechless for a while.

Hey, why do you feel abandoned?

Of course Chi Feichi didn't leave Conan behind and ran away, but those reporters blocked the car door, so he had to drive the car to a wider open space and stop.

Mori Kogoro waited for the car to park, opened the car door and got out of the car. After tidying up the clothes that had been crumpled in the car, he walked towards Conan, "Xiao Lan, hurry up, I'll go to the reporter for an interview first!"

A group of reporters are still filming Conan and conducting interviews.

"Conan, how are you? Are you sure?"

"This is the third confrontation between you and Kidd, right?"

"Although I don't know the result if I don't try it, I'm confident," Conan said to the reporter with a smile, "and it's been more than three times."

"Oh?" A male reporter was surprised, "That is to say, apart from the three times reported, have you fought against each other in other places?"

Conan put his hands on the back of his head and said with a smile, "I just met it a few times by chance!"

Hui Yuanai, who got out of the car, looked over there, disgusted with Ban Yueyan.

A famous detective really likes to show off...

"Then what is your secret to defeating Kidd?" the male reporter asked.

Conan froze for a moment, and said with a dry smile, "I haven't really won yet..."

Kidd is still active, they have been only a tie, he caught Kidd to be considered a win.

"Of course that is the earnest teaching of my Mori Kogoro!" Mori Kogoro came to Conan, smiled and stretched out his hand to rub Conan's head.

Conan: "..."

The reporter didn't care so much, seeing Kogoro Mori coming, he immediately changed the interview target.

"Oh, it turned out to be a teaching from a famous detective!"

"Today's duel is also full of confidence!"

"So Mr. Maori, what are your chances of winning?"

"The odds of winning against that bandit? I haven't thought about it yet..." Mori Kogoro laughed when he thought of the same pronunciation of "chance" and "bitterness", "I want that bandit to taste bitterness!"

"Odds and bitterness? It's a really good turn," Nakamori Ginzo clapped his hands, and when Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at it, he roared angrily, "Are you talking about cross talk? You plague detective! Here It's Kaitou Kidd's teaser scene, you and that old fox Megure should be busy with your murder case!"

Mori Kogoro raised his hand to block the spittle flying all over the sky, and after Nakamori Ginzo finished yelling, he pointed at himself and smiled, "But, I came here only after accepting Mr. Oikawa's request."

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