Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1355 Whispering?

second floor.

"Auction?" Oikawa Takerai was a little surprised, "Is it an auction of my father's work?"

"Well, about thirteen years."

Chi Feichi replied so calmly that the others didn't think much about it.

The young master of the Chi family participated in a painting auction more than ten years ago. It is not surprising that he met a landscape painter who was very popular at that time. If it was a larger auction, probably any one of them would be a big celebrity or a big painter , Throwing a brick into it and hitting someone casually can be in the newspaper the next day.

"That was indeed a long time ago," Oikawa Takerai said with emotion, "At that time, my wife just had an accident, and my reputation was not as good as today. My father sold his early paintings one by one, and used In exchange for medical expenses for my wife's treatment..."

"Did your wife have an accident?" Mori Kogoro asked involuntarily.

It must be no ordinary accident that can drag down a family with a well-known painter and a lesser-known painter to the point where they are constantly selling paintings for money!

"That's right, fifteen years ago, when my wife was traveling, she had an accident, and she fell into a coma until she passed away five years ago," Oikawa Takerai sighed, and quickly said, "But It is not easy for her to last ten years."

"Sorry for bringing up these things," Kogoro Mori sighed, "It's not easy for you to last ten years."

"It's nothing, probably just selfishly wanting her to stay by my side for a few more years, and hoping that she can wake up..." Oikawa Wulai stopped at the door of a room, took out the key to open the door, and walked in. "right here."

The studio is very large, as if two rooms are opened and connected, and there are two doors.

In addition to the easel, there are bookshelves, tables and chairs and many plaster statues in the room.

Two large windows face the mountains outside. Even though it is dark outside at this moment, you can imagine how bright and open the studio will be when the sun shines in during the day.

"What a beautiful studio!" Mao Lilan sighed softly.

As soon as Kogoro Mori and Conan entered the door, they went straight to the window to check the security situation.

There are mountains outside, and there are five mobile players standing under the window, and the window is locked... It looks safe!

Chi Feichi took a look, but found that he couldn't see the scenery outside the window. Seeing Hui Yuanai looking at the plaster statue, he walked over.

After watching the window, Kogoro Mori walked to the easel covered with cloth, and asked expectantly, "Is this the painting?"

"That's right," Oikawa Takerai said with a smile, "This is the painting "Qing Lan"."

"Then, please let me pay my respects first..." Mouri Kogoro stretched out his hand to grab the cloth, and Oikawa Takeyori pressed his shoulder.

"No, Mr. Mori," Oikawa Takera smiled apologetically, "I really don't like being seen by others before the painting is finished."

Mori Kogoro was puzzled, "But, it's just one signature short, isn't it?"

"No, I still have something to adjust." Oikawa Takerai said.

"There are a lot of plaster statues here, as well as a lot of brushes and painting tools." Haibara Ai turned his head, looked at Oikawa Takerai and asked, "Isn't it you who used it alone?"

Oikawa Takerai saw that Haibara Ai was asking so calmly, he was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "I have classes here every week."

"So, is there any student you trust who has the key to this room?" Huiyuan Ai asked again.

Oikawa Takerai laughed, "No, only my father and I have the artist's key, because my paintings are preserved, so we must be careful."

Conan saw the camera on the ceiling facing the easel, and pointed curiously and asked, "Is that a surveillance camera?"

Oikawa Takerai turned his head to look, and explained, "I installed this after I received the notice letter, do you want to take a look? This video from the surveillance camera..."

"If possible, of course it would be the best!" Mori Kogoro said hastily.

"Then, please come with me..." Oikawa Takerai led a group of people out.

Conan looked at the door, and found that there were two guards next to the two doors, and these people had red marks on their faces that had been pinched, and he was relieved immediately.

Officer Nakamori is very experienced in guarding against Kidd...

"Wurai..." Haruhito Kanhara came up from downstairs again.

"Sorry," Oikawa Takerai took Mori Kogoro to the third floor, and blinked at Kamihara Haruhito, "Please wait a little longer and talk about it later, okay?"

Haruhito Kanbara opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, and subconsciously glanced at Chi Feichi who was following Kogoro Mori.

"Mr. Shenyuan," Chi Feichi stopped, "I have something to tell you."

Mori Kogoro and Mori Ran stopped in doubt, even Oikawa Takerai also stopped and turned to look at the two of them.

Mr. Shenyuan wants to talk to Mr. Oikawa, and Chi Feichi wants to talk to Shenyuan. What's the situation? Is this group of people playing whispers?

Kanhara Haruhito was stunned for a moment, and looked back at Chi Feichi. Now those eyes hid all emotions very well, but when he saw it, his right hand still couldn't help but began to tremble, "Okay..."

"Father, do you know Mr. Mori's disciples?" Oikawa Takerai looked curious, and quickly said, "However, can I trouble you to talk later? I still don't feel comfortable locking the doors and windows on the first floor, I think Please go and have a look."

He didn't paint the painting "Green Haze" at all, but his father-in-law knew about it, and he was a little worried that the old man would go to another place and let this matter out.

He already has a better way, as long as he implements it, everything can be solved...

"I've seen it at the entrance of the auction before..." Kanhara Haruhito finished speaking, looked at Chi Feichi again, and said firmly, "Then just wait a while, until today's farce is over."

Chi Feichi nodded, not reluctantly, but did not intend to wait.

He remembered this episode, "Qing Lan" didn't exist at all.

"Blue Lane" is the wind, Oikawa Takerai's wife was in an accident due to a tornado, and Oikawa Takerai couldn't draw it at all, so he forged the notice letter from Kaito Kidd just to cover up this. In order to buy a painting, the person would have a "wind" painting, forcing him to paint this "Blue Haze", so he killed Kamihara Haruhito, and took the opportunity to frame Kidd.

In the end, under the cooperation of Kidd and Conan, of course the truth came to light, and Oikawa Takerui's resentment towards Kamihara Haruhito was also a misunderstanding, the old man is not that bad...

When the matter is over, he will have no chance to talk about it.

Could he still talk to a dead body?

Although it was a misunderstanding, it was only half an hour before the forecast time. In other words, Kamihara Haruhito still had half an hour to live. It was difficult to explain clearly given Kawatake Yori's attitude of not wanting to talk at all.


A group of people arrived in the monitoring room, and Nakamori Ginzo was already roaring and directing in the room.

There is only one camera, and it is aimed at the painting, but it cannot take pictures from other places in the room, and the picture quality is not very clear.

And the reason why he didn't arrange people to guard in the studio, Oikawa Wulai said that he was worried about others seeing the paintings, so he insisted not to allow people to enter the studio.

At the door, Chi Feichi leaned against the wall and listened to the voices in the room, staring down at the calling page of the mobile phone in his hand.


The phone rang for a while, and finally connected.

Chi Feichi picked up the phone and put it to his ear, and heard Koizumi Hongzi's expectant voice over there.

"Hello? Want to hit Kidd? I know where he is!"

The voyeur!

"Hongzi, do me a favor and go to my house."

"Huh?" Koizumi Hongzi was surprised, "Your home?"

"It's the old house of the Chi family," Chi Feichi and Chuan Wulai took out the walkie-talkie and went out, frowned, and walked to the window at the end of the corridor, "You should know the location, please go and pick up something for me now, and let anyone deliver it to you." You can come here..."

"It's okay to take things, but I don't have my key at your house." Koizumi Hongzi said.

"Do witches still need keys?" Chi Feichi asked.

Now he is the only one in Tokyo who has the key to his old house, and he still carries it with him, not even Oyama Ya, otherwise he can consider asking Oyama Ya or Takatori Geno to come at night.

Looking for Koizumi Hongzi, isn't it because the witch can enter the door without a key and can speed up the delivery?

Koizumi Hongzi was silent for a while, "No key...? Okay, okay, I get it, don't tell me that Uncle Shinosuke is so kind to me, if he finds out that I sneaked into his house secretly, I will feel Shame……"


Chi Feichi put down his phone and hung up.

It took him more than an hour to drive here. Koizumi Hongzi's broom is more convenient, but the speed may not be as fast as his driving. However, considering that there is no need to take winding mountain roads and can be directly volleyed, the time is about an hour.

Kamihara Haruhito only has 20 minutes at most, so he still needs to stop him? Or... let his silly brother who escaped from the show and women's fetishism help him?

Let Kuroba Kaito help stop it, maybe it won't trigger any event rebound.

"Brother Feichi?" After Hui Yuanai went out, he looked around, found Chi Feichi standing at the end of the corridor, and walked forward.

Chi Feichi stopped dialing and looked at Hui Yuanai.

Forget it, it's hard to say whether Kaito Kuroba can enter this villa, it's more likely that he is still trying to find a way outside.

He handles this little thing by himself.

Don't care about whether it will rebound later, he just wants to do what the original consciousness body wants to do, by the way, I would like to ask Haruhito Kanbara a question, as long as he makes sure that Haruhito Kanbara lives until Koizumi Koko delivers the things, and then he will not rebound later, Kanbara Whether Haruhito will die or not... depends on the situation.

"Why did you get out?" Hui Yuanai didn't forget that he still has the responsibility of "monitoring Brother Feichi's movements". Beside him, he asked in a low voice, "This incident and Kidd..."


The lights in the corridor and the room over there went out at the same time, and the surroundings were suddenly dark.

When Hui Yuanai was surprised, he felt a gust of wind blowing by his side. He quickly turned on the watch-shaped flashlight and turned around to take a picture. Sure enough, he saw the back of Chi Feichi running towards the stairs.

At the door of the monitoring room before, Conan also turned on the watch-shaped flashlight, and ran to the stairs with Ginzo Nakamori, Kogoro Mori, and Ran Mori holding the flashlights.

Hui Yuanai took a look and followed decisively.

Brother Feichi is so motivated... It seems that today's Kidd is the enemy, and he has caught the one that can be sold for money!

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