Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1364 Don't You Remember?

Conan: I'm Not a Snake Syndrome Main Volume Chapter 1364 Don't you remember? Oikawa Takerai calmed down, thinking that his father-in-law might have frightened the children that night, he felt somewhat guilty, and felt that the burning of paintings was not unforgivable, "Then he..."

"He looked up and looked over. I have never forgotten those eyes all these years, a pair of eyes intertwined with pain and resentment," Shen Yuan Qingchuan closed his eyes, as if seeing the eyes that were so clear in the dream again, and his right hand once again Trembling, tears streaming down her cheeks, "But at that time, two years after my daughter's accident, I saw that the flames in that painting had already swallowed my wife and my daughter, and I was Angry and fearful, I was like the distorted shadow in that painting, accusing him of being an evil spirit..."

"Father..." Oikawa Takerai frowned, seeing Kanbara Haruhito's painful expression, he still couldn't continue.

"I don't remember how we separated from him in the end, or what I did in anger, and I returned home in a daze, but that night I dreamed about it," Shen Yuan Qingchuan opened his eyes and looked at him empty-handedly. Looking forward, he murmured, "I went back to the back door of the auction house in my dream, and I saw those eyes full of pain again. I still asked him why, and began to accuse him of being a ghost. I saw more clearly. Seeing the reflection in those eyes, I look like a terrifying evil spirit, with its paws on a child's shoulder..."

Oikawa Takerai saw that Kamihara Haruhito was not in the right state, and shouted, "Father!"

However, Haruhito Kanbara turned a deaf ear, as if he had fallen into a nightmare, his eyes were still out of focus, and he spoke faster, "In the next few days, I always dreamed about that night, about those eyes, I wanted to make a change, but I kept pressing The original trajectory developed over and over again. In those dreams, the pain in his eyes became more and more clear, and the reflection of me in it became more and more clear. Later, I found that when I picked up the paintbrush, I also think of those eyes, and my right hand starts to tremble, and I can't hold the paintbrush no matter what."

Oikawa Takerai was a little surprised, "You can't draw anymore because of shaking hands, is it because of this?"

"Yeah, for more than ten years, I have had that dream every once in a while," Haruhito Kanbara slowed down, as if breaking free from the short-term nightmare, his eyes regained clarity, but his spirit became more depressed and powerless, " Guilt and remorse are the most terrible curses. I lost my most proud ability as a painter, which is like the punishment given to me by the curse. For so many years, I can only finish the painting "Qing Lan" that you painted, and then Today, he showed up."

Mao Lilan wanted to say it was a coincidence, but when he thought of the dream that had lasted on and off for more than ten years, the person who could no longer paint had just finished a painting, and the person in the nightmare came to the door, and he felt a chill down his back.

Is there really a curse?

No, no, if you say that, wouldn't Brother Feichi become a cursed wizard?

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

No wonder Haruhito Kanbara said before that 'guilt and remorse are the most terrible curses'. If you want to believe in science, those dreams of Haruhito Kanhara must have been distorted by guilt and regret.

Shenyuan Qingchuan looked numb and tired, "Takerai, I want to take the blame for you, and I also want everyone to think that I am afraid of him, so I attacked him. What did you say, why I don't remember..."

"Don't remember what?"

A calm male voice came from the door, Mu Mu Shisan and the others turned their heads to look over.

Seeing the client coming, Mao Lilan took two steps back to let Chi Feichi enter the door, "Yes, I'm talking about what happened twelve years ago, Mr. Shenyuan, I'm sorry..."

"Feel sorry?"

Chi Feichi looked at the situation in the room. The son-in-law Weng who sat together seemed to have cried, and his teacher was also pushed against the wall. It seemed that the incident had been resolved.

"That's right..." Mao Lilan hesitated.

Haibara Ai thought for a while about Kanhara Haruhito, who was going crazy just now, and decided to help out, "Because he lost his temper with you at that time, so I feel sorry..."

Chi Feichi nodded calmly, as if to show that he knew, or to say, "So that's how it is".

other people:"……"

So calming.

"I want to know, what did I do after that year?" Kanhara Haruhito looked up at Chi Feichi, "I can't remember what I did after you said 'you seem to be in pain'. The memory is very vague..."

Chi Feichi stared at Kanhara Haruhito for confirmation, "You don't remember?"

The others immediately tensed up.

His face was serious and his voice was a little cold. Could it be that something unpleasant really happened?

Haruhito Kanbara felt that he could bear all the truth, and nodded with a tired face, "I have wanted to know all these years, but I can't think of it."

Chi Feichi was silent for a moment, "You turned around and left with a sigh, and you were absent-minded when crossing the road, and there happened to be a fast car rushing towards you. I didn't have anything on hand at the time, so I used the auction as a painting The wooden box that I threw at you..."

He really wanted to tell Haruhito Kanbara, since he couldn't remember it, forget it, don't remember it.

other people:"……"

Could it be that Mr. Kanbara couldn't remember that memory clearly because he was smashed?

"There is a green belt in the park in front of you. The wooden box hit your back and threw you into the ditch dug when repairing the green belt." Chi Feichi felt that since Haruhito Kanhara wanted to know, he was qualified to know, "But It also made you dodge that car."

Kamihara Haruhito: "..."

He was covered in mud and grass blades, not because he did something crazy after that, but because he was thrown into a ditch?

The others looked at Kogoro Mori leaning against the wall.

It was really hit by a famous sleeping detective. The person really fell into the ditch, but it was not kicked, but smashed.

"Not long after that, you stood up from the ditch again and left along the road," Chi Feichi continued, "My housekeeper came out to look for me, so I followed him back to the auction venue."

other people:"……"

After listening to Mr. Shenyuan's version, and then listening to Chi Feichi's later talk, I always feel that this experience seems to be not on the same line.

Chi Feichi stepped forward and knelt down, and placed the large wooden box in his hand beside Haruhito Kanhara. After opening the lid, he took out the painting inside and handed it to Haruhito Kanhara, "This is for you."

Kanbara Haruhito took the painting in a daze, looked down at the content of the painting, and froze for a moment, "This, this is..."

Conan leaned over curiously, this should be something sent by Chi Feichi temporarily...

A painting.

In the painting, the cabin is located in the forest, the sunlight passes through the lush green branches and leaves, and is divided into long beams of light. In the garden in front of the cabin, a long-haired woman in a blue dress holds a white dress The little girl turns around, and the woman turns sideways because of the turn, her face is blocked by the long hair blown by the wind, but watching the action, people are happy, the little girl is being hugged and turning around, with a happy smile on her face, and next to her, The man in the dark blue suit turned his head to look at his wife and daughter, his eyes and lips were soft, and he didn't smile, but it made people feel that the eyes looking at his wife and daughter were very gentle.

When seeing this painting, Conan instantly remembered the painting "House" mentioned by Haruhito Kanhara just now.

Oikawa Takerai also saw the content of the painting, and looked at Chi Feichi in surprise.

It wasn't much different from the one he saw in his memory, but it wasn't the one his father-in-law painted.

The strokes of this painting are very immature, and there are still many places that are a bit rough, but this painting...

Kamihara Haruhito stroked the edge of the painting lightly with his fingers, thinking of his wife and daughter for a moment, the scene when he painted that painting, and thinking of the pained eyes of the little boy outside the back door that night when he looked up , Thinking of his hideous face reflected in his eyes.

He also remembered that when the little boy said 'you seem to be in pain', the complex emotions in his eyes were inquiry and a little apologetic.

When a child was sad, he added a wound to the other. He always thought that the complicated eyes that he couldn't see clearly in his dreams could be fear, fright, or something else, but he never thought that it would be like this...

"At that time, I had to go to school, and I had to learn other things. It didn't take much spare time. It took me two years to paint like this," Chi Feichi explained for the original consciousness, "But at that time, there were rumors that the painter Qingren passed away, I don’t paint any more, so it’s been kept in storage.”


A drop of tear fell on the painting, drawing long water marks on the paper.

Haibara Ai silently looked at the sobbing Kanbara Haruhito.

It turns out that what Brother Feichi wanted to give to Mr. Shenyuan was a copy of the painting that was burned that year.

It's just a child who finds out that he has destroyed someone else's treasure, and simply wants to restore that treasure bit by bit, make it again, and return it to that person.

Even if that treasure is not good for that child, even if the person who lost the treasure once said bad words to each other...

"I'm the evil ghost..." Kanbara Haruhito whimpered, hugged the painting tightly, and wailed, "I'm the evil ghost! I was the evil ghost that night!"

Oikawa Takerai looked at his eighty-year-old father-in-law crying like a child, felt sad for a moment, and remembered that he almost failed the old man's efforts, and felt murderous towards such an old man who cared about him and made him feel distressed, He stretched out his arms to embrace the old man in front of him, tears welled up in his eyes again, "No, I'm the evil spirit..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

All of them have never even seen what an evil spirit looks like, and they are still rushing to be evil spirits?

The people around watched quietly, and the sentimental Mao Lilan lowered her head, and quietly raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Chi Feichi was still squatting beside Shenyuan Haruhito, and didn't get up in a hurry. He waited for Weng and his son-in-law to stop crying before saying, "Mr. Shenyuan, I want to ask you a few questions."

Kanhara Haruhito wiped away his tears, looked up to see Chi Feichi's calm and deep eyes, and sighed, "The change is really can ask."

"Didn't you really see it?" Chi Feichi observed Kanhara Haruhito's expression, "The car that almost hit you back then..."

Kanhara Haruhito felt a lot of pressure, but compared to that, he was more afraid of seeing those eyes full of pain back then, avoided Chi Feichi's sight, lowered his head to think about it, shook his head and said, "I really don't remember what happened at that time gone."

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