Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1384 Journey to God's Island

In the evening of the next day, the household department finished its work and went out to see Chi Feichi, so he greeted him.

"Consultant Chi, are you going home?"

Chi Feichi also stopped, "Well, I'm going on a long trip tomorrow."

Hubu felt that he could completely ignore Chi Feichi's indifference, and told himself that there was absolutely no sense of alienation, "Huh? The consultant won't come tomorrow?"

"I made a deal with the teacher to go on a trip," Chi Feichi explained. "I didn't come to the hospital very often. Don't worry about the animals that scratched and bited before. As long as they don't irritate them, they won't hurt people."

"They are the little ones who can bear the pain. If it weren't for the pain, they wouldn't be so irritable." Hubu smiled, "The consultant can go at ease, I wish you a happy trip!"


Chi Feichi responded and went out directly.

Hubu withdrew his gaze, turned around and went upstairs, went to the ward to check around, looked at the dog he was in charge of, and then returned to the first floor.

It was getting dark, and there were not many people on the first floor. A blond young man with dark skin and a black baseball cap stood at the front desk, chatting with the female receptionist who had changed shifts.

Makes him feel sneaky, so keep an eye out.

"The consultant has gone back?"

"Yeah, I stayed until past eight o'clock in the evening yesterday," the female receptionist smiled, "but I went back early today and left after five o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Amuro, do you have anything to do with Consultant Chi?"

"I just called the dean to say hello in the morning. The dean said that he was here recently and wanted to have a cup of tea with him. By the way, I asked him if there was anything I could help with." Toru Amuro stroked his chin and said, "Then I'll come back tomorrow, and I'm free tomorrow afternoon."

"The consultant won't be here tomorrow," Tobu stepped forward, seeing Toru Amuro and the female receptionist look over, and explained, "I met him on the first floor before, and he is going to travel with the teacher tomorrow, so... ..."

"Really?" Toru Amuro was a little regretful, but he also knew that it was difficult for the two of them to spend their days in the office like before. He raised his hand and pressed the brim of his hat, and turned to the female receptionist, "Then I will go talk to the receptionist." The dean said hello."

"Okay!" The female receptionist smiled sweetly.

Tobu watched Toru Amuro walking towards the elevator, frowned, and asked the female receptionist in doubt, "That person is..."

Anyone who came to inquire about the consultant's movements would say?

Don't you know that the consultant has a good family background, so it is easy to meet dangerous elements such as kidnappers and suspicious detectives?

"Mr. Amuro, the consultant's former assistant, is a very enthusiastic and cheerful person!" The waitress smiled, "He has a very good relationship with Dean Soma and Consultant Chi. Bring something like fruit to the dean, but unfortunately, Mr. Amuro can't catch up with Mr. Amuro, and the advisor doesn't come when Mr. Amuro arrives. Maybe both of them have other things to do..."

Hubu nodded. People who have a good relationship with the dean and consultants should not be dangerous, but he disagrees with the evaluation of "enthusiastic and cheerful". He still thinks that people who come to the hospital still wear a black baseball cap. It's strange, he always feels a little dangerous.

When the household department returned to the office and was about to leave after the shift, Toru Amuro went to the office with an old doctor, helped the old doctor hold the file box, greeted them all with a friendly smile, shared the fruits they brought, and returned to the office. By the way, we chatted a few words.

Watching Toru Amuro leave, Tobe suddenly felt melancholy.

Such a friendly, gentle, and helpful person, why did he feel that he was suspicious just now?

He has more or less contacted the consultant and the former assistant of the consultant. Like the dean, he is honest and sincere, but he has repeatedly misunderstood them in his heart.

It's over, did he have any sequelae after he was decadent last time? Or did he start to misjudge people because of too much contact with animals? Do you want to see a psychiatrist another day?


the next day.

Mori Kogoro, Mao Lilan, Chi Feichi, and Dr. A Li took the five children from the Detective Boys on the train, and even Suzuki Sonoko followed them on the train. A large group of people occupied five rows of seats in the front, back, left, and right sides of the train.

After arriving at the station, Kogoro Mori, like a leader and tour guide, told the children not to fall behind, took two more taxis to the pier, and took a cruise ship to Shenhai Island.

Along the way, the three real children got together to discuss how to play this trip, and from time to time they brought Conan and Hui Yuanai to discuss together, Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan also looked forward to discussing the arrangements after arriving on the island, Chi Feichi and Mixed into the middle-aged and elderly group, listening to Mori Kogoro and Dr. Ali discussing the itinerary.

On the island of Shenhai, Mori Kogoro acted as the head of the family and the tour guide again, greeted the three children who were running in the sea breeze on the pier, reminded them of safety, counted the number of people, and led the team to the hotel.

Suzuki Sonoko's expression gradually became weird, and he looked at Mori Kogoro from time to time, and when Mori Kogoro went to ask the front desk to reserve a room, he finally couldn't help but asked, "Xiaolan, is your dad a little bit wrong today?" ?”

Mao Lilan was puzzled, "Is there?"

Suzuki Sonoko rubbed his chin, looked at Mori Kogoro's back with scrutiny, as if he was serious and serious like a detective, "It's not right, it seems to have become very reliable, if it was the past, shouldn't he say with a look of disgust, 'You little devils Can you be quiet, don't disturb me to rest', 'Xiao Lan, go and see if that kid's bathroom is back, really, let everyone wait for so long', 'Okay, let's hurry up and go to the hotel, but I I've been looking forward to the good wine here for a long time'... something like that?"

Mao Lilan looked at Suzuki Sonoko's imitation of Mori Kogoro's tone so vividly, she could only laugh dryly, "Probably because Brother Feichi was injured before, and the doctor had to help take care of the children, he suddenly felt responsible and felt that he could no longer let go Never mind."

Suzuki Sonoko patted Mao Lilan on the shoulder with a smile, "It's rare that the uncle is so reliable. If you can keep it up, you will have peace of mind in the future!"

Mao Lilan whispered, "I don't think it's possible..."

Dr. A Li turned to chat with Chi Feichi, "By the way, Feichi, are you going to go treasure hunting with the children later?"

"No," Chi Feichi refused decisively, "I'm going diving."


The three children muttering together turned their heads in surprise.

"But, is the wound okay?" Ayumi asked worriedly.

"Don't be self-willed at this time," Yuan Tai said, "After the injury is healed, there will be a chance to go diving in the future, but if the wound does not recover well, you will not be able to have fun in the future!"

Mitsuhiko nodded seriously, "It's more important to take care of your body."

"It's okay, the stitches were removed the day before yesterday, and now not only the wound, but also the eye of the needle is completely healed." Chi Feichi explained on a bright face, but it also showed that he did not intend to change his mind.

"Generally don't touch water for three to five days after the stitches are removed to avoid infection symptoms," Hui Yuanai reminded, thinking that they couldn't call Chi Feichi last time when they went skiing, and Chi Feichi couldn't during this time either. Morning exercise or running, I feel a little soft, "However, if the diving shop rents a dry suit, it can also prevent water from soaking to the injured place, so proper exercise is also good for the body."

"I brought my own wetsuit," Chi Feichi said, "and ointment that can form an isolation film."

Conan laughed dryly in his heart. Chi Feichi even brought his diving suit. He was so well prepared that he didn't intend to discuss it with them at all.

Just let them know?

"Don't worry, Xiaolan and I will also go diving," Suzuki Sonoko said with a smile, "If brother Feichi is not feeling well, we will drag him back to the boat."

Huiyuan Ai was still not at ease, "I'll go with you, and I can do a little diving. As long as the diving shop has diving equipment that I can use, there will be no problem."

Mitsuhiko was thoughtful, "Haibara, even you are going diving..."

"Don't go to too many children at once," Dr. A Li hurriedly reminded, "It's dangerous for children to dive in the sea. You have been trained by children's instructors. A small accident may be dangerous, and It is very troublesome to take care of people in the deep water, and if you follow, you will not be able to take care of them at all."

Hui Yuanai folded his arms and said in a leisurely tone, "It's not impossible to go, but you need to find a coach to take you to study in the pool on the shore. This trip may only be for study."

The three children were immediately persuaded to leave.

"Let's forget it..."

"Let's go treasure hunting with Conan, it's just as interesting!"

"Maybe we can find priceless treasures, I want to buy 100 servings of eel rice!"

Conan was a little confused.

Why did he also give his itinerary?

He can also dive. Since Chi Feichi, Hui Yuanai, Mao Lilan, and Suzuki Sonoko all go, he doesn't want to play any games with children. Diving is what he should do at his real age!

"I want to buy a set of the latest "Dictionary of Science," Mitsuhiko was still immersed in the fantasy of discovering the treasure, "by the way, don't forget to leave funds for the detective team."

"I haven't decided what I want yet," Ayumi thought with some distress, "Should I open a coffee shop or a dessert shop..."

Conan had a black thread, "Hey, let me say, can you listen to my arrangement? I want to go diving..."

"Come on," Haibara Ai stretched out his right hand and patted Conan's shoulder, with a serious face on the outside, gloating in his heart, "The children will be taken care of by you."


At the front desk, Mori Kogoro raised his voice, which prevented Conan from continuing.

"Didn't receive the appointment?" Mori Kogoro put his right elbow on the counter and leaned forward, "How is this possible? I made an appointment two days ago!"

The male receptionist in a white suit and glasses sweated and said with a smile, "But your name is indeed not on the appointment list."

At the back, the group of people standing together fell silent for a moment, and Suzuki Sonoko sighed speechlessly, "It hasn't been long since I finished praising Uncle's reliability, can't he just live up to it a little longer?"

Yuan Tai murmured in despair, "Are we going to sleep on the street..."

Mitsuhiko frowned worriedly, "This island is a subtropical area, maybe there will be poisonous insects."

Ayumi also looked melancholy, "If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come."

"There will always be a way," Hui Yuanai comforted, "This is not a foreign country with a language barrier."

Mitsuhiko looked sideways at the calm Haibara Ai, and was stunned, "You are really mature, Haibara."

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