Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1386 Hunter's Breath

"The generation of breath is related to factors such as people's personality habits, experience, environment and mentality at the time." Chi Feichi was in a good mood and decided to discuss this issue with his little sister. "For example, a detective who is keen on solving crimes, in The moment they solve the puzzle, regardless of whether they have that confident smiling face or not, there will always be a sense of satisfaction..."

Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi, "Don't you feel the joy in solving the case? I don't think I've ever felt it."

"I'm not a detective," Chi Feichi added, seeing Kogoro Mori in the front passenger seat, "not even the kind of detective who is keen on solving incidents."

Haibara looked at Mori Kogoro and understood, the uncle doesn’t have much “joy of solving crimes”. Of course, it may also be because the number of times the uncle solves the case himself is very small, “That is to say, the treasure hunter will also have the same Human breath, that's what I, Edogawa, and even you feel, right?"

Chi Feichi let out a 'huh' and said seriously, "Not only are treasure hunters, but most bounty hunters don't care about the rules of the outside world and are more casual, so some hunters are more free and easy than ordinary people, and some hunters It is rebellious and unruly, and the worst is lawlessness, of course, not only hunters have this kind of aura, but there are treasures here, plus some characteristics of the three of them, it is reasonable for Conan to judge them as treasure hunters."

In fact, this kind of 'breath sensing' is not uncommon. Even ordinary people can feel it when they meet a certain type of people they are familiar with.

Conan is a person who is very sensitive to 'breath'. Although he can't feel the breath of the organization from a distance and many people like Da Ai, Conan is good at observing and feeling, to feel a certain person's temperament, to learn from Analyzing the details observed by the other party's gestures, and finally forming a 'breath sensing', the judgment of a certain person will be clearer and more specific than ordinary people.

For example, Qin Jiu, when Qin Jiu gave other people a cold look, their thoughts might just be 'this person is so fierce', 'can't afford to mess with', 'avoid me', this is the instinctive judgment of a creature to danger, but those people would not It's too clear and specific judgment, but when Kudo Shinichi saw Gin for the first time in the amusement park, he could feel from Gin's eyes that he killed a lot of people but didn't seem to care at all, this judgment is better than ordinary people Be more specific.

This is because a famous detective has seen a lot of murderers, and can feel some common aura of these murderers. The observation that people don't care when they see a dead body finally draws this conclusion in their minds.

So he had to hide some of his breath in front of Conan.

And the aura emitted by a person is also related to the state of mind at that time. For example, if he stared at the three treasure hunters with the mentality of a hunter looking at the prey just now, Conan will most likely feel that there is an unusual 'hunter' aura around him.

In fact, when they first met him, others might think he was aloof and indifferent, or that he was not easy to get along with or talk to, but Conan and Haibara might have captured some special aura, thus I suspect he is a dangerous person.

However, because he realized the importance of restraining the breath early on, and the fusion of the breath in the original consciousness body, the 'dangerous' breath might not be so strong... right?

Regardless of whether the 'dangerous breath' felt by these two people was strong or not, 'mental illness' helped him find a reasonable explanation.

In Qingshan No. 4 Hospital, there are many people with strange breaths. When some aggressive patients get sick, just a look can make people jump. There are also some people, even if they don’t get sick, their eyes and expressions are different from ordinary people. Yes, then, the strangeness that the famous detective felt in him can also be explained as——not a special occupation, but a difference in psychology and spirit from normal people.

After that, after getting along for a long time, people will get used to a certain aura, and when they feel that the source of the aura will not threaten their own safety, they will relax their vigilance even more, and even the brain will directly ignore the abnormal aura.

Looking at it this way, it wasn't too bad to go to Qingshan Fourth Hospital, which provided him with a layer of protection.

Hui Yuanai continued to look at Chi Feichi, "The breath of a hunter? I don't seem to feel that kind of breath on you either."

"I am not only a bounty hunter." Chi Feichi paused, and decided to explain in another way, "You are also a bounty hunter now, do you feel that your aura has changed?"

"It doesn't seem to be..." Hui Yuanai thought for a while, "In other words, it also has something to do with personality, whether you have other identities, and personal experience, right?"

Chi Feichi nodded, "It can be said that concealing and adjusting can also affect the characteristics of breath."

Take Toru Amuro as an example, he has too many occupations, mixed breath, and is good at concealing and self-adjusting, so Conan didn't feel that Toru Amuro was dangerous when he first saw Toru Amuro.

As long as Toru Amuro doesn't get scanned by Haibara Ai's unscientific radar, and don't assume Bourbon's identity in front of Conan and show some strange eyes or expressions, the dangerous aura will not leak out.

Hui Yuanai thought about it, and found that Chi Feichi did have the aura of "rich man's young master", which was rooted in his behavior, but he did not have the aura of "detective", "bounty hunter", or "veterinarian" at all. , the more I feel it, the more I feel like a mystery of incomprehensible form, which makes people confused, "What about you? Have you covered up and adjusted?"

"I won't let Conan feel a different breath." Chi Feichi said softly.

Hui Yuanai nodded, "That's right..."

Can't let Edogawa find out that "Jiyue is by his side", Brother Feichi will definitely cover it up, but what she wants to find out is why she feels like a mystery...

Wait, Brother Feichi is not normal in the first place.

She had seen some patients with serious mental illness before, and she also went to Qingshan Fourth Hospital once. Those people gave her a strange feeling. Sometimes they seemed to be no different from ordinary people, and sometimes they were completely different from normal people. Sometimes it is a mixture, with all kinds of strange smells.

Also, organizing those people is not only abnormal, but also very pure. Most of the core members have a very pure 'horror' breath, so pure that there is only that kind of breath left, but the degree of 'horror' is different, so that she can treat that Make a rough judgment on the danger of people.

Well, those people from the organization and the snake spirit disease can all be classified into the "abnormal classification group" in her breath sensing system.


The passenger car was parked in the yard of a family.

"It's this one. The owner is Mr. Meima Kazuo. His wife has passed away, and he is the only one living here, so he treats it as a homestay and named it 'Shenhaizhuang'. Receiving some tourists," Iwanaga Chenger got off the car, led a group of people to the front of the house, opened the door to say hello, "Mr. Mima, excuse me, I am Iwanaga! Mr. Mima, are you there?"

In front of the house, Mori Kogoro looked at the Japanese-style house and the empty yard, "Although it's clean, it's still far worse than the restaurant just now."

Suzuki Sonoko also felt that compared with the luxury hotel just now, this place is not grand enough, "Yes, but it should be considered good in a B\u0026B, there seem to be quite a few rooms."

At the door, Yan Yongcheng yelled for a while, but got no response, and turned back apologetically, "Sorry, everyone, he doesn't seem to be at home, although I called in advance..."

"What's the matter, it's so noisy!"

A man came from the other side of the yard, wearing a light yellow short-sleeved T-shirt, with gray hair, but still tall and strong, with a straight face, and after taking a look at Yan Yong Chenger, he looked at a group of strangers.

Chi Feichi took a look and looked away.

He remembered that it was mentioned in the plot that Meima and Nan used to be treasure hunters, but seeing the yellow clothes in the sun really dazzled their eyes.

"Ah, Mr. Mima!" Shiro Iwanaga hurriedly stepped forward to introduce, "This is what I mentioned on the phone, Mr. Detective Mori and his party."

Mima and Nan went straight back to the house, without the slightest enthusiasm for welcoming the guests, "It's 6,000 yen for one night plus two meals. If you don't want to, go to another place."

Yan Yongcheng was sweating, and hurriedly followed, "Wait, wait a minute! Mr. Meima..."

Mori Kogoro complained in a low voice, "This guy's attitude is really bad!"

"The price is much cheaper than staying in a hotel," Chi Feichi said bluntly, "the service fee should not be included."

Mori Kogoro thought about the price, and he didn't speak hard, "Then he can talk about the service fee, let us consider whether we should choose a good service."

Seeing that Mima and Nan didn't respond to his thoughts at all, Yan Yongcheng'er turned around and explained helplessly, "That's not the case, Mr. Mima has always been like this, and he hasn't charged any service fees, but apart from being a little paranoid, he is actually still fine."

Chi Feichi didn't correct it.

Paranoid? It should be said willful.

Seeing you are pleasing to the eye, I am happy, I will chat a few more words, if I am not happy, don't expect me to talk to you, and don't talk about 'it is better to get along with everyone', 'Business will be better if you are more enthusiastic', I am In this way, if you can't stop, you will leave. I'm really upset that you bit me?

Well, as expected of an old hunter, they did not embarrass their hunter group.

And it probably has been retired for a long time, and Meima and Nan have lived a peaceful life for too long, but they don't have a strong hunter aura, more like an old man with a weird personality.

Yan Yongcheng said a few good words for Meima and Nan, and raised his right hand with a smile, "Then, who of you wants to participate in the treasure hunt?"


The three children pulled Conan and held up their hands.

Yan Yongcheng looked at Chi Feichi, Mao Lilan, and Suzuki Sonoko who were standing aside, and confirmed, "As for this gentleman and the two ladies, they plan to go diving, right? If they go right away, I can use my car to take you to the diving shop."

"Thank you," Mao Lilan thanked with a smile, looked at Hui Yuanai, and asked again, "Does the diving shop here have children's diving equipment? A child will go with us."

"Take children to dive..." Yan Yongcheng scratched his head, "There are very few people like this, and I'm not sure if there will be equipment for children in the diving shop, after I send you there, you can ask Ask the people in the store."

"I brought it." Chi Feichi looked at Hui Yuanai, "I have full dry suits for children, mouthpieces and other things, as long as there are 6-liter, 8-liter gas cylinders and half a kilogram of weight. .”

Yan Yongcheng laughed, "That's no problem, there are still a lot of gas cylinders of various specifications in the store!"

Hui Yuanai raised his head and asked Chi Feichi in a low voice, "You wouldn't have guessed that I would go diving with you, would you?"

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