Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1388 Something is wrong with Xiao Ai

"I, I see," Hui Yuan mourned, holding back his embarrassment. She felt that if she gave up this time, she would have no face to inquire about it in the future, so she might as well continue to ask, "I'm just curious, what did you guys talk about that day? Did you say something private that you like you very much, because you are my brother, I also want to care if you have someone you like..."

"Just commenting on the movie." Chi Feichi said.

"Is it just this?" Hui Yuanai asked.

"I also chatted about whether I have any new works, and I asked her to look forward to THK's new works," Chi Feichi added, "She knows I am H."

Hui Yuanai nodded, choosing to believe for the time being.

From the looks of it, Brother Feichi couldn't ask anything else.


A group of people went to change the diving suits in the locker room. Kimiko Yamaguchi drove, and Chika Mabuchi went with them, and went to the beach together.

On the way, Ma Yuanqianxia told the story of 'An'.

"270 years ago, during the Edo Kyobo period, it was said that the underwater palace over there was exposed to the sea. Short guns, from the letters engraved on the machetes and short spears, it is speculated that they were the weapons used by the female pirates 'Ann Bonny' and 'Mary Read' who were active at sea around 1730."

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko asked in surprise, "Are they female pirates?"

"That's right," Yamaguchi smiled, "Ann Bonny and Mary Reed are accomplices of the great pirate Jack Lakeham! When the British army attacked, all the other men hid in the cabin, only they The two are still fighting bravely back to back... Leave the enemy behind you to your companions, and concentrate on dealing with the enemy in front of you, if you don't trust each other, you can't do it at all."

Suzuki Sonoko turned his head, looked at Mao Lilan seriously, and said loudly, "Xiao Lan, I can only leave my back to you, I have already decided!"

Mao Lilan was moved, "Yuanzi..."

"Just kidding," Suzuki Sonoko's serious face disappeared for a second, and he joked with a smile, "You must have chosen your new one, right?"

Mao Lilan blushed, "Who would give his back to that kind of guy?"

In the last row, Hui Yuan Ai found that Chi Feichi next to him had indeed not looked at Himiko Yamaguchi, and was suddenly a little entangled.

Why don't you watch it?

No matter who he changed, he would be better than that dangerous woman Belmode. Even if Belmod had no hostility towards Brother Feichi, he might still bring Brother Feichi into danger.

Brother Feichi really doesn't think about Ms. Yamaguchi Kimiko?

Chi Feichi tilted his head, staring at the vast sea outside the car window, his mind was distracted, and various sentences and thoughts ran in his brain.

Want my treasure? If you want it, go to the sea to find it, I put it all there...

Rum, a bad drink for pirates...

"Unfortunately, Ann and Mary were caught and sent to two different prisons," Ma Yuan Qianxia continued to tell the story of the two female pirates, "After that, Ann successfully escaped from the prison in the Bahamas, The base was moved to the Pacific Ocean, and it is said that while she was active as a pirate, she waited for Mary, so that’s why the palace was built.”

Yamaguchi Yamaguchi accepted the words with a smile, "That's the underwater palace that I will take you to see during this dive."

"Did Ann finally wait for Mary?" Mao Lilan asked with concern.

"I don't know about this," Ma Yuanqianxia said with a smile, "There are rumors that after waiting, they gave up being pirates and found a place to live the life of ordinary people. There are also rumors that Ann has not waited until Mary, she was all alone on the sea until she disappeared."

"I really hope she waits for Mary." Mao Lilan said sincerely.

"Then what about the others?" Sonoko Suzuki asked, "Do they have other pirate companions? Are all those people dead?"

"This..." Ma Yuanqianxia recalled, "It is said that there was internal strife within their team, and some people said that they were annexed by other pirates. After Ann and Mary were captured, their captain seemed to disappear. "

Chi Feichi recalled the pirate legends circulating in this world, and suddenly discovered that some pirate legends in this world overlapped with some movies he had watched in his previous life, "Is Jack's ship called 'Black Pearl'?"

"There is indeed such a saying," Yamaguchi asked curiously, "Does Mr. Chi also like such legends?"

"It is said that the Black Pearl was originally a trading ship owned by a certain British trading company in the 17th century," Chi Feichi said, "There are many British companies that use Jack to publicize, and my mother occasionally deals with those people. It’s hard not to hear.”

"Although it looks like a fictional story for publicity, if there are rumors not only in Japan, but also in England, then it is very likely to be true." In other words, the treasure of Ann and Mary may really exist, but whether or not there are exaggerated elements in the rumors is uncertain."

"No matter how exaggerated the legend is, there can't be a sea banshee or something?" Suzuki Sonoko said with a smile, "I think most of them are true."

"It is rumored that there are submarine banshees, mermaids, and curses of immortality." Chi Feichi is still very interested in this topic. "Including the famous ghost ship legend in recent years, it is also related to this legend system."

"There really are banshees? Isn't that too exaggerated?" Suzuki Sonoko rubbed his chin and chuckled, "But these legends are indeed related, that is, the rumored captain likes to be called 'Jack'!"

Mao Lilan and Yamaguchi Himiko chuckled, and the atmosphere in the car was happy and relaxed.

The car stopped at the pier, and a group of people got out of the car.

Haibara Ai was not in a hurry to get on the boat, and ran to Yamaguchi Yamaguchi with her mobile phone, adding Yamaguchi as her UL friend.

She felt that Ms. Yamaguchi still had great hopes. Brother Feichi would rarely stare at a girl like that. If she wanted a contact information, she would help to chat first.

If Brother Feichi regrets it in the future and wants Miss Yamaguchi's contact information, and Brother Feichi doesn't coax her, she won't give it to Brother Feichi so casually!

Chi Feichi helped move the diving equipment onto the boat, and took a look at Hui Yuanai.

Something is wrong with Xiao Ai, very wrong.

A girl who is not very keen on making friends, but from some time ago, she has been adding beautiful and cute girls as friends.

For example, the girls they met during their trip to Kyoto, such as Renxi Shitara... Ai Huihara seems to have kept in touch with each other all the time, and the chat is still very lively, no matter how you think about it, something is wrong.

Moreover, ordinary sea kings are not as good at netting as Hui Yuanai. They are all beautiful girls. They would rather kill the wrong than let them go. They are not specific at all.

Could it be that his sister discovered a new attribute by herself and indulged in the fun of Neptune?

Just now I asked him why he was staring at Kimiko Yamaguchi, and he was rambling for a long time. In fact, he wanted to express, "If you don't make a move, I will go if you don't make a move. You think about it, and don't suddenly regret it in the future and come to grab me"?

This is not only crooked, but also crazy.

But don't rush, observe and observe again, Hui Yuanai is still young and still has time.


A group of people loaded the diving equipment onto the small yacht, and Ma Yuanqianxia sailed away from the pier.

Chi Feichi squatted down, opened the luggage bag, took out Feichi, and took out Feichi's oxygen supply glass box for inspection and adjustment.

Yamaguchi had just finished enjoying the feeling of the sea breeze, when she turned her head and was startled by a snake lying on the deck, "Boss, didn't you check the yacht before? It seems that a sea snake came up!"

"Snake?" Ma Yuan Qianxia looked at the deck in panic.

"No, it's not a sea snake," Suzuki Sonoko hurriedly walked to Feichi's side and explained, "This is brother Feichi's pet. It's called Feichi, and it's usually very good!"

Hui Yuanai stepped forward to pick up Feichi and put it in his hand, proving with actions that a certain snake is really well-behaved.

Yamaguchi Kimiko looked at a snake lazily resting its head on the little girl's arm. She felt that the style of the painting was strange, but also believed that Feichi was not aggressive. Curious, she stepped forward, stretched out her hand and tried to point Feichi's body with her fingers, "Really Yes, as docile as a puppy."

Feichi: "..."

The question is, is this a compliment or a detriment?

"Should I put it here later?" Yamaguchi Kimiko stroked her chin, "But the boss is afraid of snakes."

"I'll take it to dive with me." Chi Feichi carried Feichi into the glass box, put Xiaomei's body doll in it, and closed the box. "This box can supply oxygen."

"Dive with a snake," Yamaguchi Kimiko felt novelty, "It's the first time I've tried it..."

"Brother Feichi, are you relying too much on Feichi?" Hui Yuanai was speechless, and asked again, "But have you applied the waterproof ointment?"

Chi Feichi checked whether the glass box was sealed well, "It's finished."

"I remember this is..." Haibara looked at the unkempt doll in the box with a very scary appearance, "That Doll's Day doll that Yoshida-san gave you?"

Chi Feichi found an excuse, "As a toy for Feichi."

Suzuki Sonoko sighed, "Brother Feichi, you seem to treat Feichi better than me!"

"Be more confident," Chi Feichi stood up, "Remove the 'as if'."

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

What you said...forget it, because Feichi saved her, she won't refute.

Yamaguchi Himiko laughed out loud, turned her head to look at the sea surface, and reminded, "We are almost there, let's prepare for diving first!"

When they arrived near the underwater palace, a group of people prepared to dive, and Yamaguchi Himiko took the lead in diving.

Because there was a child named Hui Yuanai, the speed of the group of people diving was very slow.

Xiaomei followed invisibly, and the voice appeared in Chi Feichi's left ear from time to time, and disappeared from time to time, reappearing in Chi Feichi's right ear.

"Master, the fish is so beautiful in color, even better than the ones seen on TV, it must be great for cooking..."

"Master, the fish has escaped, I'll go and have a look..."

"Master, the sea water is not very clean, it should be very troublesome to clean up..."

Feichi was also chattering endlessly in the glass box.

"Master, have they arrived?"

"Master, will Feili come out to play together? Or wait for us to dive again at night?"

"Master, I think it's better for us to come again at night, we can dive a little deeper, and follow Feili to catch fish..."

Chi Feichi silently hypnotized himself and turned off his auditory system.

When he was changing his diving suit in the changing room, he had contacted Feili, and Feichi was there at the time, why was he still so verbose? dislike.

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