Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1392 Ordinary fish school has an opinion on him?

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The sharks swam closer and slowly narrowed the encirclement.

The octopus became vigilant, stretched out its tentacles and moved forward, trapping Chi Feichi and Feili into the tentacles.

After the group of sharks came around, the largest shark started to swim up and down and in circles, baring its teeth from time to time, and the sharks next to it also bared their teeth.

Feili watched in silence for a while, then switched to the shark language, "I don't understand, can you speak directly?"

Halfway through the circle, the largest shark saw Feili froze, half-opened his mouth, his teeth bared, and his big face looked dumbfounded.

Feili explained to Chi Feichi, "Master, it seems to want to say that it will bite us if it doesn't leave..."

"No," the big shark came back to his senses, and the majestic male voice said word by word, "I mean, we don't come here often, but the nearby waters are our territory, and we gathered today to tell you that we don't have many Little, if you attack us again, we will fight back."

"It's okay," Feili agreed, "If I don't eat you, I can eat other small fish, and Wanwanjiang doesn't like to eat you. If it wasn't for finding big shellfish, it wouldn't eat it either." You big fish, it says it’s not as tender as Bei Bei.”

The sharks who were disliked for their rough skin and thick flesh were silent collectively, and Chi Feichi felt as if there was a breath of resentment spreading in the sea water.

The big shark was speechless for a moment, then glanced at Chi Feichi again, and said in a majestic male voice lacking in confidence, "It's fine if you don't eat, and...we want to see him."

Feili was puzzled, "See what my master is doing?"

"It smells good, it smells good!" The shark beside him swam towards Chi Feichi.

When Chi Feichi heard the sound, he knew it was one of the sharks that besieged the bounty hunters before.

...It's the silly one who always repeats a single sentence.

"Stop," Fei Liyou stepped forward and stood in front of Chi Feichi, his Jiao Didi voice was full of viciousness, "My master can't eat, or I will eat you all."

A certain shark didn't know that he was slandered as a 'stupid' by Chi Feichi's venomous tongue, so he remained stubborn and said, "I'm not afraid of you."

Fei Li Ding, "Is this a provocation?"

"It's not the smell of food," the largest shark said in time, resolving an almost fight, "it's a very magical smell, just like swimming in seawater with the most suitable temperature. Strong, smelling it makes me feel very comfortable."

Feili moved closer to Chi Feichi, trying to distinguish the smell on Chi Feichi's body, "Is there any?"

"Of course there is," the large shark continued, "I smelled a little yesterday, so I came here."

"I smell it too, I smell it." A certain silly shark agreed.

Chi Feichi patted Feili's head, pointed forward, then pointed to the big shark, and pointed forward.

He wanted to ask the big shark about something, but he needed to go to a place far from the coast, so as not to be seen by the people on the island.

If the big shark can't understand his gestures, then...let Feili talk later.

Feili swam under Chi Feichi's body, carried Chi Feichi on his back to swim far away, and said, "Wanwanjiang, let's change places, big guy, my master asked you to come with me."

The black and white killer whale took the lead and quickly swam away.

In the rear, the octopus also jumped forward.

In the rear, there were big sharks that followed without hesitation, and a group of large and small sharks that followed hesitantly.

With such a large group of fierce creatures swimming, the other schools of fish all changed their course and avoided it far away.

Occasionally, a group of not-so-bright fish ran into the encirclement, and before they had time to panic, they were eaten by Feili and the sharks behind, and even many sharks failed to grab the food.

Wanwanjiang swam forward, sweeping the shellfish along the road, as long as it was fairly big, he quickly stuffed the shell with tentacles and rocks into the middle of the shellfish, rolled up the shellfish and hugged it with tentacles, sweeping all the way, the tentacles There have been five large shellfish.

Feichi was dumbfounded by this bandit's behavior of not letting any living creature be spared, "They are all so edible, if this continues, the sea will not be eaten up by them, will it?"

Xiaomei floated aside, and said in a low voice, "I was too bored at home some time ago. I watched TV, and the TV said that the sea is very big, and there are many creatures in the sea. If the living things are eaten up, then there is no need to worry about them eating up all the living things, which is also called ecological balance.”

Chi Feichi saw that the distance traveled was almost the same, so he patted Feili and pointed upwards.

Feili understood, and brought Chi Feichi up.

The light in the sea gradually brightened, and the sea water also changed from dark blue to light blue.

Feili sent Chi Feichi on his back out of the sea, and the octopus and sharks also went below the sea surface.

Chi Feichi put the glass box and the black pearl on Feili's back, and looked at the big shark swimming below, "You said you smelled me yesterday, and I didn't go into the sea at that time, so you could smell it too? "

With Feili who can speak 'shark language' in front, the big shark found that he understood Chi Feichi's words, and he didn't find it strange, "It's just a little smell, and it's not like a smell, but a strange feeling. It seems that there is something very good here, so I searched all the way.”

"Can all you sharks smell or feel?" Chi Feichi asked.

"It doesn't seem to be the case. I have encountered other sharks on the road," Big Shark recalled. "Looking at them, they shouldn't have the strange feeling like me."

Chi Feichi confirmed the situation with Hanhan Shark again.

The area where the big shark was originally active was the furthest away from here, but before he entered the sea, the big shark sensed his approach, and then came along the way.

The Hanhan Shark's activity area was already near here. He only smelled his scent when he met him while diving, but he was busy hunting at that time, so he didn't pay much attention to it. Afterwards, he returned to wander around the underwater palace.

Among the other sharks, according to a shark that can barely speak, they are usually active in the nearby waters far away from the island, and they were attracted by the bloody smell of the treasure hunter. With a different breath, I want to see him again, so I continue to come here, just like a silly shark.

When they arrived at the underwater palace one after another, Feili and Wanwanjiang had just dragged back the unlucky bitten shark and ate it in the abyss. These sharks smelled the blood of their own kind and received the 'danger' signal. However, seeing that there were a lot of the same kind gathered, under the communication of the big shark, a group of sharks temporarily formed a team, relying on "the number of fish and the power of the crowd", they wandered around, trying to find him.

As for uniting and issuing a 'fasting warning' to Feili, it was not as united and domineering as what the big shark said. It was only a decision made after a group of sharks gathered together.

"Then you were lying to me when you said that you had a lot of people?" Feili looked at the big shark thoughtfully.

With the most majestic voice, the big shark uttered the most unashamed threat, "It's not a lie, we can gather once, and we can gather twice. If you fight us, you won't take advantage."

Feili: "Oh..."

Chi Feichi patted Feili's dorsal fin, signaled Feili to stop, don't ruin his aura by whining, and asked, "Feili, did you smell anything the day you met me?"

Feili diverted his attention and thought about it, "No, but the weather was very good that day, I wanted to go shopping more, and I saw the empty fishhook that the owner put down."

Chi Feichi sorted out his thoughts.

The most spiritual big shark, within a certain range, will sense his position, attracting the big shark to approach him.

Other sharks only smelled him after he entered the water, and some sharks didn't smell him when they were nearby.

The sharks that can smell his scent are big and small, and not all of them can talk, and he is not clear about the rules for the time being.

This may have something to do with the shark's sensitive sense of smell, because other marine species don't seem to smell anything different from him, but there are other sharks that can't smell that smell, which is very metaphysical.

However, according to this inference, the sharks gathered here should be a group with an excellent sense of smell in the group, or are these sharks more psychic?

Feichi asked curiously, "Master, why are you asking this?"

Chi Feichi pondered, "I'm thinking about the reason why I can't catch fish."

After he came to this world, fishing was basically zero. The only time he took the bait was Feili, who even fished him back into the sea.

There was another time when I went fishing with my children. When he was there, no one could catch any fish. After he left by boat, others had a harvest. When he rushed back to the fishing spot by boat, there were still schools of fish frantically heading to the embankment side to go.

So, could it be because he attracted some dangerous creatures on the bottom of the sea at that time, and let a certain creature rush to his location because of the smell or various reasons, scaring away the common fish near him?

But there is something wrong with this.

He has also gone fishing in freshwater lakes with Mao Lilan, Conan, and Hui Yuanai. Everyone else can catch fish with a net, but he has nothing.

If the school of fish is scared away by dangerous creatures, other people shouldn't be able to catch the fish either.

So... it really is the ordinary fish school that has a problem with him?

"Master, have you thought about it?" Feichi continued to be curious, "Is it related to the big shark?"

"It seems to be related, and there seems to be other reasons." Chi Feichi didn't think about it any further, looked at the big shark in the sea, and said calmly and firmly, "This shark is destined for me."

He has to help Feili with two cruel assistants who are not always cute.

He dare not expect Feili to be King of the Sea, as long as he doesn't get kidnapped, hunted by humans, or killed by dangerous creatures in the deep sea, he will be satisfied.

Girls are more worrying. This is probably the mood of an old father with a daughter.

"I also think it has a destiny with its owner." Feichi understood very well, and decided without reason, "Then it will be our shark from now on!"

Feili didn't intend to be reasonable, and directly took care of everyone, saying in a shark language, "Okay, you all follow me from now on, let's go hunting together, and it's not a problem to eat whatever you want!"

Many sharks in a group couldn't make a sound that Chi Feichi could hear, but they probably had no problem communicating with each other, and they could understand Feili's meaning, so they looked at each other.

Get together and hunt?

Based on their fighting power, they can still be swept away in minutes... Wait, it may still be a little dangerous to meet a group of big killer whales, but it doesn't mean that you can't fight.

As long as they don't encounter too troublesome creatures, shouldn't the suitable prey be eaten by them?

This is good!

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