Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1400 Meima and Nan: Continue to be arrogant! 【Happy Mid-Autumn Festival Plus】

.  , Conan's I am not a snake spirit

Chi Feichi walked to the quaint cabinet, looked at the Chinese label pasted on it, opened a drawer, took out the medicinal materials inside, and asked, "Can I take these?"

"You can take it if you want," Meima and Nan said indifferently, "but it's medicine, it's better not to use it indiscriminately, the fifth row from top to bottom, the second drawer from right to left, the boss said at that time, This can be used to make water to drink at ordinary times, it is good for the body, you can take some if you want.”

Chi Feichi looked at the word 'Godberry' pasted on the drawer, and found a small evidence bag, "You are sincere."

Meima and Nan were puzzled when they saw Chi Feichi open the drawer and grab a handful of goji berries and put them in the bag with a smile on his face.

Seeing that the suggestions I put forward were adopted by young people, my mood is always in the same mood.

After Chi Feichi filled the wolfberry, he suddenly found it troublesome. He turned around and took a round-bellied vase from the shelf next to it, and went back to the medicine cabinet to search for herbs.

"That vase..."

Mei Ma and Nan just wanted to say that there was a lot of dust in the vase, but they were stunned before they could speak half a sentence.

Chi Feichi was really sweeping away the herbs.

Read the label and open the drawer, take the medicine and smell it, grab a similar amount, put it in a vase, read the label and open the drawer, take the medicine...

The drawers were pulled open one by one, and the medicinal materials were put into the vase at random. Soon, seven or eight kinds of medicines were put into the vase.

After Chi Feichi finished sweeping the medicinal materials, he took a pottery pot and began to sweep the spices and dried ingredients, and then went to the wine place to find a bottle of cooking wine, then turned to ask Meima and Nan, "Mr. Meima, can you Help me get something?"

"Oh?" Meima Henan stepped forward, "Would you like cooking wine?"

"No, take the big and small clay pots on the shelf next to you," Chi Feichi said with a calm face, "move them all out, and I will help."

Meima and Nan turned their heads to look at more than a dozen large and small clay pots on the shelf, and the corners of their mouths twitched slightly.

Young people are really rude.


Eight in the morning.

Last night, Haibara Ai woke up in the middle of the night and went out to wash up, followed by Suzuki Sonoko, Mori Ran and the three children, followed by Dr. Ari, and then Conan and Mori Kogoro who came back the latest...

A group of people lined up sleepily to wash up, smelling the scent of food faintly, and followed the scent all the way to the backyard.

A large pit was dug in the open space of the backyard, and a row of low stoves was built next to it with loess and stones. The stove holes were full of flames, and a row of large and small clay pots was steaming above it.

Mei Ma and Nan stood aside, still wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt, shorts, and flip flops, but their feet, legs, and clothes were all stained with mud. They crossed their arms and watched Chi Feichi make pastries.

Chi Feichi was making cakes in front of a table made of stones, his trousers rolled up were also stained with mud, and he also dragged his flip flops, so only his hands and face were cleaned, and his feet were still stained with a lot of yellow mud.

Yuantai stretched his neck, closed his eyes and looked up, smelling all the way to the stove, "There is the smell of sea cucumbers, pork ribs, sweet dates, and strange grass..."

Meima and Nan turned their heads to look at Yuanta, and suddenly admired the fat kid in front of them. These clay pots were covered with lids, and the food that spilled out was not much flavored and mixed with each other. Can you tell the ingredients in it? incredible.

"There are also sweet and sour hawthorns..." Yuan Tai closed her eyes, twitched her nose vigorously, and suddenly laughed, with saliva coming to the corner of her mouth, "The pumpkin porridge made by Brother Chi is definitely the only taste that Brother Chi can make! "

No matter how much Mei Ma and Nan admired them, they had to remind them, "Little devil, don't get too close to the stove, the stones and clay pots are all heated by the fire, and they will be hot!"

Kogoro Mori was about to reach out to lift the lid of the clay pot, but quickly withdrew his hand when he heard this, "Mr. Mima, what are you doing? Why are you setting up a platform in the yard?"

"Mr. Mao Li," Meima greeted the man, looked at Chi Feichi, and said with half-moon eyes, "He suddenly wanted to make food for you, and asked me to find the ingredients. I dug a big hole in the yard of my house, and after digging the big hole, I have to help him build this thing..."

He likes to move his body in the morning, and this morning was enough.

"You voluntarily." Chi Feichi put the cakes into the steaming rack, and uncovered the arrogant masks of Meima and Nan.

Mei Ma and Nan choked, he did it voluntarily, whether it was moving things, or digging his own yard to build a stove, because he was curious about what Chi Feichi could do, he really didn't complain, "I just want to see See what you can do, and don't let me down."

Continue to be arrogant!

Mori Kogoro looked at a row of large and small clay pots, and asked expectantly, "Then what are these for?"

Chi Feichi looked up and found a group of people with toothpaste foam in their mouths and towels in their hands, and decisively chased them away, "Go wash up first."

other people:"……"

From Chi Feichi's sizing up, they felt disgusted.

Ten minutes later, a group of young and old stood in the corridor in front of the kitchen, looking at the burnt stove.

On the stove, there was only one large stove hole that was still boiling water, and the others were all extinguished.

Chi Feichi and Meima Henan stood aside, wrapped the clay pots with thick towels, poured the hot porridge inside into small bowls, and put them on the tray.

A group of people saw the two men coming with a tray, and hurried into the room and sat around the table, ready to eat.

After Chi Feichi entered the room, he put porridge bowls on the table, his movements were neat and he had no spirit of service.

"Whether appetizing and invigorating the spleen, clearing away heat and eliminating food..."

The three children, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko looked down curiously at the bowl of porridge in front of them.


Hui Yuan mourns.

"Calm and soothe the nerves, nourish the blood and invigorate the heart."



"Relieve fatigue, soothe the nerves and refresh the mind."


Dr. Ali's.

"Lower blood pressure, blood sugar."


Mori Kogoro's.

"Hangover hangover, conditioning the liver."

Mima and Nan followed behind with a tray, and a stack of beef stew and pastries was placed in front of each of them.

Chi Feichi put a bowl of porridge on the table, turned to look at Meima and Nan, "Mr. Meima, yours, relieve arthritis."

Meima and Nan were taken aback, then turned to look over their shoulders, "When did you find out?"

Chi Feichi put his bowl of porridge on the table, and sat down on the spot, "When you were helping to hold the clay pot in the morning, you suddenly stopped, which weakened the strength of your right shoulder, and there is an arthritic part, which lasted for a long time. Yes, the muscles around the joints will atrophy. Generally speaking, there is no major problem with your body, but joint diseases are common diseases for fishermen. Depending on your situation, the pain has only started in the past two or three years. Very good, when you have time to cook porridge according to the method I made your bowl of porridge just now, it will relieve you a little bit."

Mei Ma and Nan sat down beside him, silently recalling the herbs that Chi Feichi had put in his bowl of porridge just now.

He originally didn't like to eat with other people, but he was too embarrassed to refute if they even prepared his portion properly.

The key is that this group of people is really nice, the kind of well-intentioned guests...

Chi Feichi considered that Meima and Nan might not be able to remember the various medicines dispensed too quickly just now, so he added, "I'll give you the prescription later."

"Brother Feichi..." Suzuki Sonoko finally couldn't help but raise his hand like a primary school student asking a question in class, and asked curiously, "Is this Chinese medicine?"

"Medicine." Chi Feichi replied.

Bumei looked at the beef on the table curiously, "Is such a delicious food also a medicine?"

Yuan Tai smiled and said, "If all medicines are like this, I won't dislike taking medicine!"

"Kampo medicine..." Mitsuhiko looked at Dr. Ali, "Will it be effective for the doctor's situation?"

"It won't cure the disease all at once, but it can be controlled. Take it once every once in a while. After a long time, you can slowly recuperate your body." Chi Feichi also looked at Dr. A Li, "Usually, you have to control it well. diet."

Dr. A Li sighed, "Xiao Ai has helped to control it very well."

Hui Yuanai glanced at Dr. Ali, "I am also thinking about your body."

"I know, I know..." Dr. Ali laughed hurriedly.

Only then did Huiyuan Ai look away and look at the porridge bowl in front of him, "However, it's good to eat some of these together, it will be milder than synthetic medicines, and if the body is well conditioned, that's a good thing."

"Okay, okay," Suzuki Sonoko urged with a smile, "Hurry up and have breakfast, I'll talk about it later, I'm hungry!"

A group of people eat breakfast by hand.

Meima and Nan ate in silence for a while, then suddenly looked at Chi Feichi with serious eyes and said, "If you give me the prescription, I will tell the other residents on the island. You can think it over before talking."

He is not really fraternal to the point of "giving what he has to everyone", but fishermen are indeed prone to joint diseases. People who fish all year round have more or less such diseases. If he has Chinese medicine here If the news spreads, if other people want it but can't get it, the rumors may be exaggerated. People always like to think more about mysterious things, and the island may also be used for publicity.

At that time, if the prescription in his hand is deified, sometimes things that are not so miraculous in themselves will become a "wall" of "preoccupation with crimes". No, the sightseeing class will definitely introduce him to the guests.

He has to tell Chi Feichi what he thinks. Instead of causing trouble when the time comes, it's better to confess it when someone asks him. It's not unusual for everyone to know.

Chi Feichi had to think carefully about this, and if he didn't want to give it to him, he could go back on his word.

"It's okay," Chi Feichi explained without much thought, "It's not a secret weapon at all. Find a pharmacy that understands Chinese medicine. He can give you ten prescriptions. There will also be adjustments, this one is more suitable for you, your body is already good, and it is best not to eat it for people with weak health."

Meima and Nan nodded, feeling a little emotional.

He agreed without hesitation, and it seemed that his previous worries were too much. These people are indeed good people.

Chi Feichi received the good person card +1!

Suzuki Sonoko smiled and ate the beef slices, "Brother Feichi, you know Chinese medicine."

"I know some of the prescriptions." Chi Feichi said.

What he knows best is bruises, and the others are just incidental...

"That's really powerful," Mao Lilan sighed, and was a little curious, "But is there any contraindication for this? Is it like some people are allergic to certain medicines, not every prescription is suitable for everyone?"

"It can be said that if you don't understand it, you can't take too much. Some medicines have conflicting properties, and some medicines have contraindications during use," Chi Feichi looked at Maoli Kogoro, and listened calmly to Maoli Xiao Wulang's ears suddenly became cold, "For example, you can't drink alcohol. If you drink lightly, it will cause discomfort. If it is serious, it will be fatal if you don't rescue it in time."

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