Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1408 Hunter VS Strange Thief

. , the fastest update of Conan: I'm not a snake maniac!

In the sky above, Kuroba Kaito, who was hiding under the paraglider, saw that the transparent rope he lowered was effective, and he didn't relax at all, and a drop of cold sweat fell from his forehead.

If he guessed correctly, his elder brother is here...

Not because of that shot, but because of the wrong wind.

Just now he was taken aback by the power grid around him, and because their original hang glider and paraglider originally flew with the wind, and the wind was blowing from behind, so he didn't notice that the wind blowing from the front and from the left and right was weak.

Or because of the dummy doll he released, because the slight shaking of the doll shows that there is only wind from the rear in the air at this moment, and the wind blowing from the front, left, right, and even above the sky is very slight and scattered, just Just like the night sky only has a small hole...

That's definitely a curtain!

He wasn't sure if his elder brother was the only one who could hunt people on the wanted list and use magic tricks, but he dared to play such a big close-up magic show. This style was in the same line as him, and he felt very familiar when he saw it.

If I had known at the beginning, he would not have let Brother Feichi read the magic notebook... No, Brother Feichi knew what his father said to him before, so he must have known his father a long time ago, and he must have been entangled with his father a long time ago , Go hook up, maybe you have learned a lot of magic.

Everyone else is a son cheating his father, and his father is recruiting apprentices indiscriminately and cheating him to death! Bloody pit!

If they had continued to fly just now, they would not have hit the power grid at all, they would have only hit the curtain.

Of course, it won't be so easy to get away, maybe there is a bastard with a sickle behind the curtain, taking the opportunity to let the curtain wrap them around them, and then use the sickle to attack them...

The black cat doesn’t understand why, when he said “unscrupulous” it not only means that some bounty hunters in Japan are now using swords and guns, sometimes quite irritable, but also means that there are many methods that can be used, such as all kinds of escape magic and real scene magic .

No, wait, now the question is, what next?

He feels a little bad, should he remind the black cat, or run away first?

In the second that Kuroba Kaito hesitated, a palm-sized black cylinder flew over from the front.


Horrible sound effects, like some kind of big firearm, but in fact it is indeed a 'firearm'.

The black cylinder hit the black cat's paraglider directly, and it caught fire quickly.

Kuroba Kaito, who was hiding under the paraglider, didn't dare to wait any longer. He flew out in the flames, and the black cloth thrown behind him was ignited by the fire. 'Grid' rushed, "Black cat! The grid is fake, run away!"

Down below, the black cat had already slid to the bottom edge of the power grid, and was surprised to find that the paraglider above was burned. Just about to find a place to pop out the rope hook to prevent itself from falling into a 'cake', suddenly heard a strange thief say He yelled, but didn't respond for a while.

Kuroba Kaito yelled, and he did not forget to give the black cat a hand. The rope around his sleeve was quickly thrown downward. The black cat had a circle around its waist, "Catch it!"

Black Cat: "..."

Thank you Kidd, I haven't forgotten at this time...

"call out!"

Flames appeared again from behind another window of a certain building, and the bullet broke the rope again with precision.

Then, a black-robed figure landed directly from above, heading straight towards the black cat.

There was no rope hanging from that figure, and the giant scythe sticking out from under the black robe had no pattern at all, and it was completely black, except for the sharply polished edge that shone under the searchlight, like a slender crescent moon, facing towards it. The black cat below chops away.

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

Sure enough, the top is also a curtain, and his brother really came down from above to sneak attack.

But from this point of view, his brother's target this time is not him, but this black cat?

As the paraglider was burned and the rope given by Kaito Kuroba was interrupted again, the black cat staggered down in the air, and suddenly found someone coming from above, gritted its teeth and reached out to take out a dagger.

Come on, who is afraid of close combat...who...

Behind a certain window of the building, there was a whistle, and a black muzzle poked out, aiming at the black cat in the sky.

Black Cat: "..."

Mortar? How can there be such a horrible thing in circulation in Japan? What do the police who investigate smuggling and black market transactions do?

Also, the opponent's accomplice is about to fall to his side, are they planning to shoot?

Kaito Kuroba controlled the hang glider and had already flown out of the range of the grid screen. He was about to turn around to help the Kaitou, but when he saw the muzzle, he was stunned. His first thought was 'my brother is even more insane'. It soon became apparent that something was wrong.

This scene looks like "Jiyue's accomplices suddenly changed their plans and wanted to kill Qiyue and the black cat together", which makes people wonder what kind of hatred this is...

However, he knew his elder brother well, so it was impossible for him to find such an unreliable teammate without preparation.

Or, it's not about catching any monsters tonight, his brother designed all of this to force that 'accomplice' to show his feet, and there is definitely something wrong with the gun.

Either, his brother's accomplices didn't intend to fire, or the mortar muzzle was fake, and it was just a prop to scare people.

Kuroba Kaito quickly figured everything out, and shouted, "Fake!..."


The following words were drowned in the sound of gunfire.

Even though he had guessed it long ago, even though he had confidence in his brother's ability, Kaito Kuroba's heart still stopped beating for a moment amidst the loud noise.

What if his brother made a mistake?

Then this wave is not only a matter of the end of the black cat, he will also lose a brother.

Although this brother is not mentally normal, he has the same feelings as Mo De. To help him is to let the armed helicopter go to kill a bunch of people chasing and beating him. Sometimes he can shoot him, but in fact he still takes care of him. Yes, I will cook delicious dishes for him, cooperate with him inside and out to steal the queen's gems, and...

At the moment when Kuroba Kaito was tense, the black cat was not idle, and the moment it was hit by the muzzle, it didn't care about the person who made an emergency landing at high altitude. It quickly cut off the transparent rope still tied to the buckle with a dagger, and gave up the The paraglider, which was nearly burned by the incendiary bottle, lost the airborne flying object, and at the same time, the person fell rapidly.

After landing into a cake, you can still find a way to avoid becoming a 'cake', but if you are bombarded...


The shells fired from the muzzle exploded in the air, and golden and red ribbons flew all over the sky.

Chi Feichi has already landed not far from the black cat. Although the black cat dropped faster after giving up the paraglider, and the position is below him, it is good for him to jump down first, at least the falling speed is faster than the black cat a little.

The scythe is turned upside down, with one end of the handle facing down, sweeping.

As soon as the black cat saw the piece of colored paper in front of him, before he had time to react, he was hit on the back by a huge force, and he rushed towards the building in front of him.

There was no imaginary hitting the wall, no imagining falling to the ground, a black cat landed on a spider web woven by transparent ropes.

Behind the window of the building, Yan Nan Takatori pressed the mechanism, the spider web was drawn up, and the person was lifted up. At the same time, he also used the hook mechanism to shoot the iron hook diagonally downward.

The iron hook connected to the steel rope flew out quickly, and was nailed to the outer wall of the opposite building, stretching the steel rope straight.

Chi Feichi took the opportunity to grab the steel rope, turned over and stood on the rope, and looked up at a certain white shadow that flew down.

Although he couldn't die if he fell directly, since Takatori Yannan wanted to give him a foothold, he used it, and let's see what happened to his brother by the way.

still not running? Still want to save someone?

Kaito Kuroba really planned to come back to save the black cat once, and control the glider to turn around, but saw that something seemed to be stuck to the spider web wrapping the black cat, and the black cat couldn't move inside, so he looked at the steel rope again. The black-robed man who stood still and looked towards him twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and before approaching, he controlled the hang glider to make a roundabout and flew into the distance, "Black cat, don't worry, I will find a way to save you! "

The black cat caught in the net: "..."

This... did they have any friendship before? Or is Japan's number one phantom thief so kind?

Although I couldn't move my body, my heart was touched.


After more than ten minutes...

The police car where Ginzo Nakamori was sitting rushed downstairs.

The mobile team members ran out of the police car behind, and followed Nakamori Ginzo to the building.

Before a group of people entered the elevator, a voice came from the walkie-talkie on Ginzo Nakamori's body.

"Police! The sky is on fire... No, no, it's the power grid... No, it's like a curtain!"

"What did you say? What curtain?"

Nakamori Ginzo turned around again, ran out of the building, looked up at the burning curtain in the sky, and finally understood that the power grid was several large curtains.

And their police helicopter, because they were frightened by those curtains, thought it was a real power grid, worried that they would be electrocuted and cause the plane to crash, wasting more than ten minutes of high-altitude search time in vain!

"This feeling..." A mobile team member next to him stared blankly at the curtain of bright red flames burning high in the sky, which looked like a mass of colorful roses, and said speechlessly, "Isn't this a trick that Kidd often plays? "

"Yes, yes." Nakamori Ginzo's eyes were puzzled.

What the hell is going on tonight?

Kidd ran away, and a UFO appeared beside Kidd, Kidd and the UFO were surrounded by the grid, July appeared, suspected to have found July's accomplices, the UFO was arrested, Kidd fled, the scene grid was a curtain , and after they arrived, they burned magnificent roses in the sky like a magic curtain call... He suddenly couldn't figure out whose arrangement was there. After all, he didn't see it all the way, but just listened to the description of the people on the helicopter.

Could it be that Kidd and July teamed up to capture that UFO?

It's not impossible, but according to the subordinates on the helicopter, Kidd seems to be in the same group as the UFO, and he tried to save the guy in black many times, but in the end he had no choice but to escape first. Looking at it this way, the UFO The character is also like Kidd's accomplice, who met Kidd after Kidd successfully stole the sword.

Thinking about it, Nakamori Ginzo looked at the golden sword in his hand again, and instantly felt relieved.

The relationship between that group of people is really chaotic. When the time comes, his report will write what he heard and saw. As for what happened specifically, let the people above figure it out.

He has already recovered the golden sword that Kidd stole, so it can be regarded as futile.

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