Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1415 I have to beat Kaito too

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Chi Feichi reminded with black lines, "Baima, it's almost nine o'clock now."

Heiyu Kaito mixed in with the mobile team and found Chi Feichi on the phone in the corridor. With a smile on his lips, he slightly lowered his head and followed the people in front of him to enter the door, then closed the door with his backhand and flipped the latch.

Thanks White Horse!

The white horse detective on the other side of the phone heard the sound of the door closing with a 'bang', and deliberately pretended to be stupid, "Nine o'clock? What about nine o'clock... Ah, yes, I remembered. According to the report, the black cat publicly posted on the Internet. In the challenge letter, the time mentioned is nine o'clock in the evening..."


There was an electrical failure, and the entire hallway was pitch black.

Chi Feichi: "..."

The white horse is a real dog this time.

"Then have they come yet?" Tan Baima tried to hold Chi Feichi back, "Is it Kaitou Kidd or Hei..."


Chi Feichi pressed the hang up button with his fingers.


A crack appeared on the phone, and the screen flickered brightly and dimly.

Chi Feichi put down the phone and stared at the phone screen indifferently.

If his mobile phone is broken, he will violently break into the door now and beat Kuai Dou!

Takatori Yannan looked at Chi Feichi's gloomy face in the light of the phone, sweating, "Boss..."

The screen of the mobile phone flickered several times, but it survived very strongly.

Chi Feichi put his phone in his trouser pocket, walked quickly to the door, and slapped the door panel near the lock.

This phone is not bad, even the gods help Heiyu Kaito to cheat like this?

He wants to go in and beat Kuaidou.


The half door on the right was smashed in and landed with a crash.

The people in the exhibition hall were taken aback and fell silent instantly.

The metal parts on the door flew out and landed on the floor in the center of the exhibition hall with a 'slap'.

Kaito Kuroba bent down to pick up the cut-resistant gloves that Ginzo Nakamori had thrown on the ground, and when he looked up, he saw Chi Feichi stepping on the door panel with a vicious look. Hidden behind.

The others didn't notice Kuroba Kaito's actions, they just stared blankly at the door panel that was used as a footboard, and then raised their eyes to Chi Feichi and a certain cold-faced bodyguard who entered the door.

Dan Guangshi hesitated, "Mr. Chi, this..."

"Sorry, the door was locked just now."

Chi Feichi responded, scanning a group of mobile players standing in the corner.

Someone seems to have moved just now, he has to see which one is a counterfeit.

"The gem has been stolen by the strange thief Kidd, and he escaped successfully," Ruby-Jones also felt that the situation was weird. In order to prevent her plan from being destroyed, she frowned and walked out the door, "No, I Go get Kidd back!"

Kaito Kuroba realized that Chi Feichi hadn't cared about Ruby Jones at all, and was still looking at him. He was sweating, and mixed in the crowd, took out a poker pistol, and shot at the ring of the chandelier.


While the chandelier was shaken, flash bombs, hypnotic gas, and tear gas were thrown by Kuroba Kaito crazily.


"what happened?"

"That is……"

For a moment, the entire exhibition hall was filled with dazzling white light and choking gas. The person who spoke either fainted directly, or fainted after inhaling hypnotic gas while coughing after choking.

Ruby Jones, who walked to the door, was stunned for a moment, inhaled a mouthful of choking gas, felt her brain start to go into a trance, quickly held her breath, pinched the palm of her hand with her fingernails, stimulated herself to wake up with the pain, and accelerated her pace to go out.

Chi Feichi's eyes were also temporarily blinded by the flash bombs. He closed his eyes, switched to breathing with his dimensional lungs, and stood at the door to listen carefully to the movement around him.

Takatori was knocked down by the sudden 'attack', and Feichi also fell into a coma. He didn't even have time to utter a word. Now he can only rely on listening...

In the smoke, Kaito Kuroba heard the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the floor when Ruby Jones left. According to the route he wrote down, he held his breath and ran towards the door quickly, calculating that he had already gone out, with a smile on his face.

Brother Feichi must still be at the door, but he didn't respond? You won't be put down, will you?

It seems that his 'Big Explosion' tactic is not bad, and the opportunity for Brother Feichi to faint is really rare. Should he stay and draw a teaser 'signature painting' on Brother Feichi's face, and then...

After Chi Feichi heard the movement, he quickly turned around, calculated Kuroba Kaito's height and felt speed, and gave a sweeping kick.

According to Chi Feichi's budgeted speed, this kick would only scare Heiyu Kaito, at most rubbing the edge, but unfortunately, because of the wicked thoughts in his head, Heiyu Kaito suddenly let go while running. If the speed is slow, it happens to be 'swept'.



Chi Feichi: "..."

He miscalculated and hit it?

A minute later, the smoke in the exhibition hall cleared, and a group of people collapsed in the room.

Ginzo Nakamori, who originally had a gas mask, also took it lightly because he thought Kidd had gone before. He didn't put on the gas mask in time, was knocked down by the hypnotic gas, and slept soundly next to Aaron Cartier who fainted next to him.

Kuroba Kaito, wearing the mobile team's clothes and the mobile team's helmet on his head, collapsed against the wall of the corridor.

Chi Feichi squatted down, checked Kaito Kuroba's breathing, stripped Kaito Kuroba of the mobile team's clothes, and stuffed the hotel room key Dan Guangshi gave him into Kaito Kuroba's coat pocket. Using a handkerchief to pad his hands, he took out a card that said 'I have already received Phantom Thief Kidd as a treasure' from Kuroba Kaito's pocket, and then got up and walked quickly to the sightseeing elevator.

Before, Dan Guangshi said, "As long as the elevator is replaced after the incident, you can enjoy the scenery outside." He explained that the sightseeing elevator only has metal wires in the glass of the elevator, and the glass of the elevator passage outside is still the original transparent glass.

In the plot, Kaito Kuroba also noticed this and turned to the top of the elevator, but now that Kaito Kuroba is unconscious, of course he will not let Kaito be caught, so...

He'll have to help with the finishing touches next.


There was no one in the corridor, because Ruby Jones had taken the sightseeing elevator down before, and the elevator was still on the first floor. After Chi Feichi pressed the button, it went all the way up, and finally stopped on the 21st floor.

After Chi Fei got into the elevator late, he turned to the top of the elevator, took out a bottle of chemicals in eye drops, squeezed the bottle and drew a circle on the glass.

The glass was corroded by the potion, and it was easily removed, leaving a hole big enough for one person to pass through.

"Buzz... buzz..."

In the silence, the vibrating sound of the mobile phone on the top of the elevator was exceptionally clear.

Chi Feichi pasted the card he found from Kaito Kuroba next to the big glass hole, reached out to touch the cell phone that was taped to the side of the elevator, took it off and answered the call.

On the other end was a male voice disguised by Black Cat using a voice changer, "Phantom Thief Kidd, you found it there, but it's a pity..."

Chi Feichi interrupted with a warm male falsetto, "It's me."

There was silence over there. Ruby Jones took off the voice changer placed next to the phone. Even though she tried her best to restrain herself, she still spoke in a surprised tone, "July? Where's Kaito Kidd?"

"He took advantage of the chaos and ran away," Chi Feichi said.

Ruby-Jones breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Although it's a pity that after the victory, I couldn't talk to Kaitou Kidd about my feelings, but it's the same if you answer the phone. Anyway, I also want to thank you, Thank you for giving me this opportunity, this ring is something I want to get no matter what, and thank you Kidd for causing a power outage, giving me the opportunity to take the ring... By the way, the ring worn by Officer Nakamori It is fake, I will not mistake the authenticity of the opal, and the ring of Marie-Antoinette, it is impossible for Police Officer Nakamori to wear it, and it is still wearing gloves and the circumference of the finger is larger. It is even less likely to be the real Golden Eye. No one would believe that Cartier guy. When he was helping Police Officer Nakamori to fasten the tie clip on his tie, he secretly stuck the real ring in the interlayer of the tie fabric. I took advantage of the confusion and used The scissors cut Officer Nakamori's tie, and directly..."

Chi Feichi suddenly asked in a gentle male voice, "Where is the ring with you now?"

"Yeah," Ruby-Jones paused, and decided to explain. After all, July was in the building, and she didn't chase her or try to catch her when she ran away, although the brain circuit of suddenly letting her challenge Kidd was a bit Weird, but she should be grateful, "I have reason to have to take it..."

"Let's not talk about that first," Chi Feichi reminded, "You say you can't mistake the authenticity of the opal, then take a look at the ring you got."

"Look again?" The phone fell silent for a while, and Ruby Jones exclaimed in astonishment, "This is impossible! The diameter of the ring is wrong, and the opal is not the eye of gold. How, how is it possible..."

"The real Golden Eye has been transferred by Kidd before this. The ring on Police Officer Nakamori's hand is fake, and the ring in his tie is also fake." "He was worried that you would really cut Officer Nakamori's finger, so he pretended to steal a fake ring, and created a chance for you to get the ring you thought was real, and leave..."

"Then tell you this referee, did I actually lose?" Ruby Jones said helplessly, "Should I say that I will not give up, and I will get that ring sooner or later?"

"He asked me to tell you that he already knows your identity, which is Ruby Jones," Chi Feichi said, "In addition, he also knows the reason why you stole the seven opal ornaments. Every time you commit a crime, you will leave a jewelry without the opal on the scene, but it is exactly the same in other places. When the jewelry is privately collected and not often exhibited, there is only one possibility. You have the mold in your hand, and it is A full set of moulds, and judging by time, Queen Mary’s jewelry should not use moulds, so..."

"That's right," Ruby-Jones laughed, "That's not Queen Mary's ring at all. Dan Guangshi's father, Jian Guangshi, got a batch of exquisite opals and entrusted my father to imitate Queen Mary's jewelry style to make a ring. A set of jewelry, ready to give to his wife, but the jewelry made by my father is too perfect, Jian Guangshi changed his mind, claiming that this is the ring worn by Queen Mary, my father said that he committed suicide in order not to embarrass Mary, I only found out about this a few years ago, and I've been recycling that set of fake accessories since then..."

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