Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1419 Huiyuan Ai: Summon Brother Feichi

Hakuba Tansuo's comprehensive commercial building is located in the old street of Nianxingcho. It is a pedestrian street where the shops along the street have been rebuilt several times, but the street has not been widened.

As soon as you enter the street, you can clearly see the big hourglass standing in the middle of the street.

In the dark brown wooden shelf, the dark blue quicksand flows through the glass opening, and falls a little bit, giving the old street full of shops along the road a calm atmosphere of time.

Chi Feichi had never been to this street before, and there were not as many pedestrians as he had imagined, and he could immediately see a certain little loli walking down the street with its head down and deep in thought.

"Human cells... I should find two books on bone cells..."

Hui Yuan Ai was walking on the road wearing a light pink short-sleeved dress, the standard little girl's children's clothing, but her steps were steady, she murmured, and her expression was not serious like that of ordinary little girls. She sorted out the books she wanted to find and thought about it. Do you want to buy two copies for others to go back.

The doctor didn't say what books they needed. The bookstores the children usually go to are enough for them. There is no need to go to places with many unpopular books to find books. Others don't seem to have any special needs for books...

Find a recipe for Brother Feichi that you can't buy outside? That's even more unnecessary...

Forget it, why don't you take a look at the reasoning, ghost stories, music, and veterinary books for a while, and see if there are any good unpopular books. As long as the book is good, Brother Fei Chi is not interested, and Kudo is also interested. Brother Chi would also be interested.

give away? No, no, if she really came across some out-of-print book, she would buy it and wave it in front of those two people to see if she could catch an interesting reaction.

Especially Brother Feichi, if Brother Feichi can express his eagerness to 'show me that book', she thinks that those who can come here this time can brag for a lifetime...


Walking to the big hourglass, Hui Yuan Ai noticed that someone was staring at him, turned his head warily, and was a little surprised to see the person approaching, "Brother Fei Chi?"

I remember that two days ago, Edogawa complained to her, "If a pair of Chi brothers have bad ideas, they will be summoned." She also laughed at Edogawa's superstition. Although Edogawa was joking, they Let's talk about probability.

She thinks it should be that Edogawa always maliciously slanders Brother Feichi, and the number of times of slander is too many. Of course, there are many times when he ran into Brother Feichi after complaining. If you bump into it three, four, five, six, seven or eight times, you will feel that you will be summoned out as soon as you complain.

At that time, Edogawa looked thoughtful. Obviously, she was right. That guy often slandered Brother Feichi, and not every time he slandered and complained, he would 'summon' Brother Feichi. They finished their discussion that day. , Brother Feichi didn't show up either, but Edogawa was a god of plague as always, and their young detective team could run into incidents even when they played football.

The God of Plague is not a matter of probability, but a matter of metaphysics.

But today she also began to suspect the possibility of "summoning Brother Feichi". More than once or even more, that's why Edogawa told her that?

You know, before today, she had never secretly imagined Brother Feichi's cuteness begging to read a book or something...

Cough, recently she is also concentrating on researching drugs, except for one day participating in the youth detective team's football activities, she didn't think about other things. I chatted with Brother Feichi and knew that Brother Feichi attended banquets almost every day recently. She didn't feel much about banquets. Interest, and did not complain about anything in my heart.

She hadn't seen Brother Feichi for several days, but after thinking about it today, Brother Feichi suddenly appeared not far behind her, which was quite scary...

This place is not close to Kuboto-cho. In recent years, it has been impacted by the nearby new commercial street. There are no high-end hotels that can organize dinner parties. How could Brother Feichi appear here?

Chi Fei arrived in front of Hui Yuanai late, and asked first, "Why did you come here?"

The tone is rather cold, and the attitude is not enthusiastic enough, making people feel like questioning, but Hui Yuan Ai knows that this place is also far away from Mihua Town, Chi Feichi just thinks it is strange that she, who does not like to wander around alone, appears here .

"I heard that some bookstores here sell unpopular books. I want to take a look," Hui Yuanai said truthfully, and then asked, "What about you? Brother Feichi, why are you here?"

"I have an appointment with someone..."

Chi Feichi looked at Tan Baima who was walking down the street.


The number of people who came to eat at the restaurant became three.

There is no number of reservations for Baima Tan before the appointment, and adding a little girl is just an extra children's meal for children.

Most of the topics during the meal were tasting food. Baima Tan and Hui Yuanai chatted from time to time, and Chi Feichi talked about the topic of "food introduced to a certain area to cater to local tastes", and occasionally asked about each other's current situation, saying Two sentences about the current situation in Britain and major and minor matters, and a meal is relaxed and leisurely.

When the dessert and coffee were on the table, Tan Baima started to chat after the meal.

"So that's how it is, Miss also went there to buy books." Bai Ma Tan smiled and looked down at Hui Yuan Ai, "Then, did you have dinner to your liking?"

Hui Yuanai nodded, "Very well, thank you."

After all, he is Brother Feichi's friend, she wants to show face, and the food is really good, so she can't find fault with a polite and personable person.

"That's good," Baima Tan smiled, then turned to Chi Feichi and explained, "I inadvertently saw a classmate mention in the chat group that the bookstore had boring and boring books, and there happened to be two of them. They are missing from my set of books, I want to come here to try my luck, if they are not bought, then I don’t have to ask around where I can get those two books..."

Hui Yuanai reached out to get some snacks.

In the past, Senyuan Chrysanthemum often called her "Little Miss" with a smile. Be polite and maintain a sense of distance.

She is quite familiar with this feeling. Brother Feichi sometimes does this at banquets, but Brother Feichi lacks the gentleness of Baima Tan's body.

Such two people sitting together and chatting, the atmosphere is harmonious and harmonious, what to say, the relationship looks very good, invisibly, it is a little like plain water, it seems that there is a lack of enthusiasm and laughter among friends, and there is more politeness and calmness , made her feel weird, as if she was drinking tea with two old people to pass the time...

Another high school student detective, a detective with a different personality from Edogawa and Hattori Heiji.


"However, why are you in such a hurry to come back from Paris?" Chi Feichi took the coffee on the table, "I thought you would stay until school started."

"After Paris Fashion Week ended, I originally planned to stay with my mother in England until school started, but my old lady suddenly received a phone call. I had no choice but to come back early," Tan Bai took a sip of coffee, although Still smiling, but looking at Chi Feichi with obvious seriousness, "Brother Feichi, do you know that high school student detective Kudo?"

Hui Yuan mourned, and the snack almost fell on the table, he raised his head to Tan Baima in surprise.

Why did you suddenly mention Kudo? Also, why did you ask Brother Feichi if he knew him?

"I've seen it once, but I'm not familiar with it." Chi Feichi said.

"Really... He was a very active and well-known high school detective in Tokyo before. You seem to have experienced some incidents. Although you said that you are not a detective, you are no worse than a detective in solving crimes. I still miss you Will there be an intersection in the past, but you and he seem to be less active recently," Baima touched his chin, "I'm still guessing, whether he has encountered some big trouble or a big case..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

It is indeed a big trouble. If the existence of the organization is made public, then Kudo is indeed handling a big case.

But why did Baima Tan mention Kudo? Can you tell me quickly? Why didn't Brother Feichi ask curiously?

She doesn't have the leisurely and chatty mentality of Baima Tan now, she wants to ask herself, but she is worried that she will be too concerned about the matter of "Kudo Shinichi" and be noticed by others.

Detective Baima still didn't say why he suddenly mentioned Kudo Shinichi, looked at Chi Feichi, and asked seriously, "Brother Feichi, how do you think I compare with him? Who is better at solving cases?"

"It's half a catty." Chi Feichi said.

Baima listened to the word and suspected that Chi Feichi was attacking them, but thinking about Chi Feichi's bad behavior of flipping the table in the Twilight Pavilion before, he felt that it was normal for Chi Feichi to be casual, "Then who do you think is half a catty, who Eight taels?"

Seeing that Tan Baima was too serious, Hui Yuan looked down at the black tea cup in front of him.

Could it be because Tan Baima suddenly mentioned it because he was a little unwilling to hear about Kudo, and wanted to compete?

Just now he looked calm and calm, but he didn't expect to care about this kind of thing. He was really a normal high school student.

"I can't tell," Chi Feichi compared again, and still found it difficult to predict, "Judging from the reports of the incidents you solved, some cases are about the same difficulty, some are complicated and some are simple. Once the two of you meet On the other hand, it also depends on the status of both parties and the specific event.”

Baima nodded, "That's right."

Chi Feichi added, "And I haven't seen you solve the case."

When the white horse explored the Twilight Mansion, he failed to show a little bit at all, and his eyes suddenly turned a little bitter, "Brother Feichi, if you don't tell me the answer directly next time, I can probably prove my ability."

Hui Yuanai almost didn't laugh out loud.

Well, well, another detective who was 'oppressed' by her brother Feichi.

Chi Feichi ignored White Horse Tan's resentful gaze, picked up his cup and drank coffee, "Then I will spare you time next time."

The white horse detective felt that he had been hit by a critical blow, the kind that hit his self-confidence, and wanted to say proudly, "Don't give me time on purpose", but on second thought, I'm afraid it's really impossible not to stay.

That's the most depressing thing.

Hui Yuanai ate snacks and watched the play silently.

She seemed to have seen this gloomy look on Edogawa's face before.

When Chi Feichi saw Tan Baima, he still looked at him blankly, trying to comfort him, "That time was just a coincidence."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Familiar routine, if Baima finds Brother Feichi, Edogawa will be with him when he is sad and angry.

The white horse looked at Chi Feichi's calm face, and said in a soft but serious voice, "I don't believe it."

Chi Feichi didn't look at Tan Baima any more, and brought the plate of pastries that Hui Yuanai ate the most, and passed the snacks to his sister.

Believe it or not.

White Horse Detective: "..."

Brother Feichi, why don't you explain and analyze the possibility of yourself 'seeing the truth earlier than all the detectives is just a coincidence'?

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