Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1425 What Do Children Know About Inducing Confessions 【Happy National Day! add more]

Chi Feichi was too lazy to listen to those speeches, but suddenly thought of something. Instead, he used one hand to hold down the man's hands. With the man's body pressed against the table to cover him, he put his free left hand into his pocket, and touched the man's hand. Go to the recorder and press the switch.

The responsibility of Team Zero is not only to collect and crack down on spies who sneak into the country to steal state secrets, to investigate dangerous criminals in the country, but also to investigate corruption and bribery of some congressmen and abuse of power.

Then not only Detective Baima should pay attention to this matter, he seems to have to pay attention too, even compared to Detective Baima who is not in the system, he, a public security consultant who belongs to the zero group, should take care of it.

Although he does not need to worry about this kind of task, and it is not under his control, but no matter which part of the zero team members are in charge, when they find something related to espionage, terrorist crimes, and officials taking bribes, they can also do so without affecting their own tasks. , Actively investigate and grasp the other party's criminal evidence.

Later, the member of Congress might bite back, lie and perfunctory, and there is no police at the scene, it is best to record a voice, so that the police or public security can be used as a breakthrough to start the investigation.

He doesn't care if he has merit or not, but since he is named in the zero group, he can help out with something.

It's all because the people in Team Zero didn't contact him, and didn't give him work, especially Toru Amuro, who didn't know if he was raised by Langde or his contact person, so he almost forgot that he still had such a level identity...

"Bastard!" The man held by Chi Feichi was emotional, "You are the murderer who killed my wife and ran away!"

"What?" Bai Ma Tan frowned.

Conan just finished the phone call, and turned to look at a member of Congress in surprise.

Seeing that someone paid attention to what he said, the man complained in grief and indignation, "He is the murderer who killed my wife with a car, and he actually found someone to take the blame and surrender himself!"

The congressman's face sank, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"I've found everything!" The man started to struggle again, but Chi Feichi pressed him tightly, so he could only shout, "I spent three months investigating, and finally found the witness!"

The face of a member of Congress suddenly turned ugly. If it was said that he was playing an official role and putting on airs before, then his face really sank at this moment, "What did you say?"

"Then why didn't you call the police?" Bai Matan asked with a frown.

"I think so too," the man's voice turned into tears, "but they ignore me at all!"

Chi Feichi put his left hand in his pocket, silently holding the recording pen.

It seems that now it is not only a congressman abusing his power and threatening the police, but also a matter of collusion between the police and politicians...

The member of Congress didn't know that he was being watched by the son of a police chief and also by a team zero consultant. Hearing this, he relaxed a little and smiled disdainfully.

The man who was held down by Chi Feichi was stimulated by that smile, and his tone turned to pleading, "Who made the other party a politician with a lot of background, that's why I want to avenge myself, please let me go, I To kill him!"

"Hmph, it's not that I didn't compensate your family, you're the only one who is stupid," a member of Congress saw that Chi Feichi was still holding him tightly, approached, lowered his voice arrogantly and said to the man, "You are right. I have more things than you. Wanting to give something to others is just a matter of saying. There are so many people who are willing to help me. Who gave you the courage to do that kind of whimsical thing?" Dream?"

Conan: "..."

Did this person misunderstand his little friend?

White Horse Detective: "..."

It's fine to misunderstand Brother Feichi, why is this guy looking at him with such a smug face... No, no, even if he only misunderstands Brother Feichi.

After the two were dazed, they either looked down at the phone they had just finished calling, or put their hands in their pockets to touch the phone, and tacitly made the same move—turn on the phone to record.

This guy is admitting to being a hit and run, finding someone to blame, colluding with the police, right?

It's a pity that I forgot to record just now, but maybe it's still too late to start recording now, and more important material will be recorded.

Chi Feichi looked at a proud member of Congress, and there was something in his mind that he didn't know whether to say it or not.

Does he look like such a dishonest person?

Forget it, let this guy perform, he records first.

"You..." The man who was held down by Chi Feichi was very angry, struggling, and found that he still couldn't break free, and was about to cry, "This kind of guy...let this kind of guy live, the unlucky person will not I will be the only one, and in the future there will be more people who have grievances and will not get justice, and they will not even have a place to say it! It is me now, and maybe it will be you in the future!"

"Stupid, the only unlucky guy like you who can't think about it is you, and you will be unlucky in the future!" A congressman snorted, and found that the two people in the lounge were looking at this side curiously, raised their heads and said "young man" I look at Chi Feichi very much with your eyes, "Okay, young man, take him out, there are many people here, let's go outside and talk, of course, you can bring your friends with you."

Tan Baima hinted at Chi Feichi with his eyes.

If it's not Brother Chi's cliché, he has just recorded, so at least he has to tell the truth, right?

His father's position is sensitive in this matter. If he follows the other party's words, if the recording is taken out of context by his father's competitors in the future, it will cause trouble for his father and his family, even if he clarifies later, in a certain If this threshold is exposed, it might also make his father lose his job.

Although the possibility is unlikely, he should also be cautious in his words and deeds, and it is best not to make inappropriate remarks if he can.

Chi Feichi also silently looked at Tan Baima.

Baima Tan doesn't talk or ask questions, so what does he do? Want him to set you up?

He probably understands that Tan Baima should be more cautious when speaking and doing things, but the recording on his side may need to be handed in, and he doesn't want his own voice to be recorded.

If he doesn't say a word, and with the security system of the police, other people can at most guess that there is someone from the police here, it could be a nurse, it could be the two passers-by who came to see the dentist over there, or it could even be someone who happened to come here The public security or informants are behind the door of the consultation room, behind the gate, anyway, through the pockets of the clothes, it is difficult to judge the distance of the speaker from the recorded voice, and it is difficult to pinpoint who it is.

But if he speaks, his voice is recorded in the recording, it will definitely be clearer than others, and there will be chest and abdominal resonance in his voice. As long as you have experience and go to the noise reduction screening, you can infer that he is It's the recorder.

Once this recording arrives at a certain department of the public security department, and it happens to fall into the hands of the organization, then for the organization, it is the first step to identify the recorder as a hidden police officer. After that, if the recorder's voice is familiar, go Processing and screening the recordings by means can become evidence that he is an undercover police officer.

Although there are still articles to do in it, for example, he can say that this recording was indeed recorded by him, but it was just to provide information to the organization, and somehow it fell into the hands of the police, but that person was cautious and suspicious, and the organization The people in this game have always been careful. Once there is a trace of doubt in him, not to mention that the golden start will be ruined, there will definitely be many dangerous temptations waiting for him in the future, and there will be many things to guard against and hide from him.

This risk could have been avoided, so he would not.

The two stared at each other in silence, and found that the other party was unwilling to talk, so they turned to look at Conan.

There is a suitable candidate here. Children who have not yet reached the voice change period sound similar, and sometimes the difference between the voices of boys and girls is not very obvious.

Conan guessed that the two of them still felt that children were easy to talk about, so they walked up to Chi Feichi and looked up at a congressman, "What is uncle going to talk to my brother about? Why do you want to go out?"

Members of Congress are still a little vigilant, knowing that some bribery words cannot be said openly, so they whispered to Conan with a smile, "Little brother, you can't say this here."


Conan drew a long tone, let out a child's long sigh of disappointment, then pointed at the man who was held down by Chi Feichi, and lowered his voice mysteriously, "I know, what you want to talk about is the uncle bumped by this uncle." About his wife's death, right? Uncle will be in trouble if anyone finds out."

Induce a confession? No, no, he's just a child, what kind of confession does a child know, he just asked out of curiosity.

"That's right, so you can't say it, little brother," a member of Congress never thought that there were three people recording silently now, talking, and looking at the only nurse who could hear what he just said, threatening in a low voice, " You should understand what you can say and what you can't say, right? To tell you the truth, even if you testify against this guy, I will have a way to disallow your testimony, and you will get yourself into trouble! "

The little nurse was in a daze when the door was opened, and Mumu Shisan, Moori Kogoro and others walked in.

"Brother Baima, you said the prisoner has been caught?"

Everything is possible As soon as the little brother's Mumu Shisan entered the door, his eyes locked on the man who was held down by Chi Feichi.

The man didn't struggle any more, and lowered his head so that his face was pressed against the table, muttering in despair, "You will regret it, you will definitely regret it..."

"Shut up." A member of Congress threatened in a low voice and frowned.

Even called the police?

Fortunately for other places, the police in the criminal department are not so easy to get through. He still wants to find a place to first ask the person who witnessed his accident and solve the matter together.

Alas, it seems that the young man's skill is good, but there are some things that he still doesn't understand...

Chi Feichi closed the recording pen in his left hand, and when Shiratori Ren Sanlang came to him, he pulled the man up, pushed him forward, and handed it to Shiratori Ren Saburo, "This is the murderer who stabbed Mr. Xishan."

Shiratori Ren Sanlang stretched out his hand to support the man, and nodded sincerely at Chi Feichi, "I'm sorry to trouble you again, Mr. Chi."

Chi Feichi then looked at a member of Congress who straightened his collar and said, "Well, hit and run, find someone to take the blame, suspected of colluding with the police insiders to prevent others from reporting the crime."

Mumu Shisan and Shiratori Ren Sanlang's expressions became serious for a moment, and they looked at a member of Congress who looked dazed.

When it comes to colluding with people inside the police station, that's a serious matter.

The man who was taken over by Shiratori Ren Sanlang was also stunned for a moment, and looked up at Chi Feichi blankly, unable to realize which direction the situation had turned so suddenly.

Mori Kogoro regained his senses and looked at Chi Feichi with a serious expression, "Feichi, I believe you are not a nonsense person, but you said 'suspected', I still want to confirm, why did you say that?"

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