Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1435 A person who has no impression at all

"Oh? The representatives of other high school detectives seem to have arrived," Baima Tan smiled, looking at the group of people standing at the door, "Then, the chatting ends here, and the mysterious and suspenseful stage play should begin."

Chi Feichi gave an 'hmm', looked at the group of people at the door calmly, and recalled the whole episode.

Hattori Heiji and Conan are old acquaintances, Tsuchio Hiroo and Kotani Renzo met just now, there are only two people left...

The white-faced male high school student with mid-length hair and a face that looks more mature than Hattori Heiji should be Junya Tokitsu, the deceased in this suspenseful stage play.

As for the remaining tomboy dressed up, wearing sunglasses, standing in the crowd and looking at this, it should be the planner and murderer of this stage play, Nanatsuki Koshimizu.

Wait, something is wrong, is Koshimizu Nanatsuki's expression a little too dull?

And it looks like... him?

After a moment of silence, Hattori Heiji asked in a daze, "White Horse Detective? Who is it?"

"The high school detective I met in the incident before..." Conan replied, still in a daze.

Speaking of high school student detectives, it's not surprising that Baima Detective is the representative of the East, but Chi Feichi is not a high school student, so why is he here? He even brought Huiyuan with him?

"I'm the White Horse Detective," the White Horse Detective stood up and introduced himself with a smile, "the representative of high school detectives in the east."

Tokitsu Junya looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki who was petrified beside him, "You all know each other, right? Am I the only one who is alone?"

"I know this little brother, and the others don't know each other at all," Hakuba visited Heiji Hattori, looking at Nanatsuki Koshimizu who was stunned, "Including..."

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki, followed Koshimizu Nanatsuki's line of sight, and found that their eyes were beyond Hakuba Tan, not on Haibara Ai on the left side of the table, but...

Finally, a group of people looked at Chi Feichi in unison.

Chi Feichi was also sure that Koshimizu Nanatsuki was looking at him, so he lowered his eyes to recall, but he didn't remember seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki before, so he got up and walked forward.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu was wearing sunglasses, he wasn't sure what that line of sight was like, the emotion in Nanatsuki Koshimizu's eyes, he just looked at Nanatsuki Koshimizu with a silly face, but if he could see it, maybe he could check it out one time……

When Chi Feichi stopped in front of a group of people and stretched out his hand towards the sunglasses that Koshimizu Nanatsuki was wearing, Koshimizu Nanatsuki came back to his senses, quickly took a step back like a conditioned reflex, raised his right hand and held down the frame of the sunglasses, with a look of wariness, "You, what are you doing?"

Chi Feichi's right hand paused in the air, as if about to put it down, but suddenly took a step forward, and quickly took off Koshimizu Nanatsuki's sunglasses.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki just relaxed his vigilance, and before he could put down his hand, he looked at Chi Feichi in astonishment.

Chi Feichi observed it, folded the temples of the sunglasses, looked up at Nanatsuki Koshimi, and handed the sunglasses back, "Don't wear sunglasses when you're indoors."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki reached out to catch the sunglasses, as if she hadn't recovered, "Yes..."

Chi Feichi let go of his hand, turned around and thought about it, and sat down at the table.

Does Koshimizu Nanatsuki know the original consciousness?

The two are the same age, so it's not surprising that they knew each other, so Koshimizu Nanatsuki lost his composure because he was worried that he would expose that he was 20 years old and not a high school student at all?

No, no, if there is worry, there should be panic in Nanatsuki's eyes, but just now there was only surprise in Nanatsuki's eyes, and it could even be said to be 'shock'.

It was as if a person who shouldn't have appeared had appeared here.

This doesn't make sense either. As the planner, Nanatsuki Yueshui should have known that the white horse detective would bring one more person, so he should be mentally prepared to meet all kinds of people, so as not to be so surprised.

And it was strange that he browsed the memory of the original consciousness again, but he didn't find the name 'Yueshui Nanatsuki', or knew such a person.

After the original consciousness is fifteen years old, it is normal to not pay much attention to other people and not remember a certain classmate, but if they met during this period, the two should not have much intersection. With the attitude of the original consciousness during that period, Koshimizu Nanatsuki shouldn't have been so surprised even if they were just nodding acquaintances in the same class.

As for the age from three to fifteen, the primordial consciousness still pays more attention to others. Although the memory is not as good as a photographic memory, in general, from the age of three to fifteen, it is not enough to know someone and forget it. .

What's more, Koshimizu Nanatsuki is considered a beautiful girl in this world. Although she has short hair and dressed like a tomboy, her facial features are gentle and have aura. When she is younger, her appearance may be a little different, but she should It is relatively easy to identify.

So, did you meet before the age of three?

It seems impossible. The original consciousness body did not have many memories before the age of three. As a peer, Nanatsuki Koshimizu was also a child at that time. There is no reason why the original consciousness body could not remember Nanatsuki Koshimizu. conscious body.

Even if the purple eyes of the original consciousness are easier to be remembered...

Or did Koshimizu Nanatsuki admit to the wrong person? Who does he look more like someone Koshimizu Nanatsuki knew before?

When Chi Feichi recalled, Hiroo Tsuchio organized four detectives, "Alright, alright, since the representatives of the four detectives from east to west, north, south, and north are all here, please introduce yourself first!"

"The introduction is fine..." Baima responded, turning to look at Koshimizu Nanatsuki who was distracted.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki withdrew her thoughts, "I, I'm fine."

Hui Yuanai looked at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, then at Chi Feichi who was looking down at the table, jumped off the chair, walked to Chi Feichi's side, leaned on the chair, leaned closer and asked in a low voice, "You don't know?" Forget about the people you know?"

Chi Feichi looked sideways at Hui Yuanai, but said nothing.

But... maybe?

This made him even more puzzled, how could he not have any impression of the people he knew.

Before that, he wanted to figure out whether it was because he looked like someone Koshimizu Nanatsuki knew, or because the original consciousness had lost a certain memory.

Therefore, he needs to sort out the memory of the original consciousness again.

"But is it okay?" Over there, Tokitsu Junya looked around, "The camera is not in place yet, right?"

Hattori Heiji spread his hands, "It should be said that I didn't see the staff of the TV station at all, right?"

"Actually, the staff of the TV station and the artists hosting the show are expected to arrive tomorrow morning. Now I just want to let everyone get acquainted with each other first," Hiroo Tsuchio said with a smile. Do the same thing again."

"Oh? Are you rehearsing in advance?" Shi Jinrunzai looked at the others, with a smile on his face, "Okay, I'll do it first, I just have a very important question to ask, and my name is Shi Jinrun Well, although I was born in Tokyo, I grew up in Hokkaido, so that’s why I’m the representative of the North? I’ve dealt with about 300 cases, including 250 people who were arrested and prosecuted, and some in the People who escaped or even committed suicide before being arrested... As for the question I want to ask, they all seem to know each other or have some kind of relationship. Will this not affect the fairness of the competition? If someone secretly exchanges the clues they have with each other, That's very bad for me."

Chi Feichi didn't sort out his memory any more, and looked up at the four detectives he had introduced.

250? good numbers.

"What, I don't know the eastern representative. Of course, I didn't know the southern representative and you, the northern representative." Hattori Heiji glanced at the three of them, turned around suddenly, and looked at Ike with a serious face. Feichi, "The only ones I know are Brother Feichi and the kid next to him. I also have a very important question. This eastern representative named 'White Horse Detective' is not calling a helper to cheat, right?"

"It was not stipulated before that you can't bring assistants..."

Hiroo Tsuchio was speaking, seeing Hattori Heiji's eyes wide open with an angry and resentful expression on his face, he was sweating and didn't say any more.

Tan Baima looked at Hattori Heiji thoughtfully, "You didn't suffer under Brother Feichi, did you?"

"What is a loss..." Hattori Heiji frowned unconvinced, then suddenly froze, looking at Tan Baima, "Wait, did you just say 'also'?"

Baima Tan stretched out his hand and rubbed his chin, "For example, not long after I came into contact with the clues, when I was sorting out the clues, I was suddenly called over and told you not to think about it, the case has been solved..."

Hattori Heiji instantly had the feeling of meeting a confidant, even looking at Tan Baima was pleasing to the eye...

Bah, it's even more unpleasant!

"Now that you know, don't you think it's too much to bring Brother Feichi to be your assistant?"

"It's not an assistant," Baima Tan explained, "I just said that I would bring one more person here. It should be said that I want to try again. I am really unwilling to lose so badly."

"Oh?" Hattori Heiji smiled, and looked at Chi Feichi, "So, Brother Feichi is here to accept the challenge?"

Baima Tan also smiled at Chi Feichi, "Actually, I have been studying abroad before, and I just came back this year. I can serve as an overseas representative and give up the eastern representative to Brother Feichi."

Chi Feichi said calmly, "I'm not a high school student, so I won't get involved with you."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

It's a little embarrassing. Could it be hinting at her?

No, they obviously didn't recognize her...

Hiroo Tsuchio smiled dryly, "Everyone, let's introduce ourselves first, the schedule is very tight, we can discuss those matters later when we have dinner."

"Okay, then I'll come. I'm Heiji Hattori. I'm a well-known high school detective in the Kansai area, so I was invited here as a representative of the western region. As for the incidents that have been resolved..." Heiji Hattori looked like Counting them decently, he said with a smile, "Probably more than a thousand pieces, I can't count them!"

"One, one thousand pieces?" Shi Jinrunzai's expression changed.

Conan tugged at the hem of Hattori Heiji's clothes, and whispered in a speechless voice, "Hey, you're not bragging, you made a false report!"

Hattori Heiji bent down and approached Conan, smiled and said in a low voice, "It's true, if you count the entrustment of helping people find lost cats when I was a child..."

"So, you are Hattori Heiji," Baima Tan smiled at Hattori Heiji with a puzzled look, "About you, I often hear from my father, he said you are a very keen detective."

Hattori Heiji stared, "Why does your father know about me?"

"Because he's the same as Brother Heiji!" Conan smiled, then raised his head and pretended to be a child and asked Baima Tan, "Right, Brother Baima Tan?"

"Same?" Hattori Heiji was confused.

"Yeah, my father is the police chief, and your situation is very similar to that of you, who has a head of the Osaka Police Headquarters as your father." White Horse Tan laughed.


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