Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1449 Deviation, serious deviation!

"Feichi, isn't this the Koshien activity for high school detectives? Why are you here too?" Mori Kogoro said bluntly that he couldn't understand the encounter with his apprentice, "Just now Xiaolan used a telescope to look at the island, Said that you and Xiaoai and Xiaogui were also standing on the pier, I thought she was delusional!"

Chi Feichi looked at Tan Baima standing beside him, "I'll accompany Baima over here."

White Horse Tan smiled and greeted Mori Kogoro, "Mr. Mori, long time no see."

Mori Kogoro scratched his head and smiled, "Ah, long time no see..."

Chi Feichi turned his head and saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki standing alone watching them. Taking advantage of the gap between Mori Kogoro and Baima Tan, he quietly withdrew from the crowd, stepped forward and asked, "Why don't you go over?"

Everyone else had company, but the little girl he once knew stood here alone and watched them, it was too miserable.


Yueshui Nanatsuki didn't expect that Chi Feichi would catch her peeking, so she hurriedly turned her head to look at the dark blue and blackened sea, and stretched out her hands to brush the hair blown on her face by the wind to cover her hot hair Er Gen, "They have a lot to say, I think I'd better not bother them, and after all, it was I who called everyone here to cause all this to happen."

"They won't care," Chi Feichi walked to the railing, stood beside Yueshui Nanatsuki, also looked at the sea, and said in a low voice, "You called everyone over just to find out who killed your friend The detective who will keep an eye on him in the future, find evidence to expose his true colors, and want to scare Butler Kotani and Mr. Tsukao, and make them feel guilty, I never thought that such a big thing will happen.”

Yue Shui Nanatsuki turned her head to look at Chi Feichi's side face, with a hint of searching in her eyes, "What if that's not the case?"

She originally planned to kill someone, brother Xiaoqi probably never imagined that she would have such a terrifying idea.

Although Brother Xiao Qi said back then, 'I'm so disgusted that I'll trample to death' and 'Don't be wronged', but he didn't say that he could kill people.

She doesn't want to cheat, she can hide it for a while, but she can't hide it for a lifetime, if she deceives a smart person in order to whitewash the peace, she will be discovered sooner or later, and it will only be worse.

Even if the confession would lead to disgust, at least she could be honest and frank, which was better than being found out to be hypocritical later.

Chi Feichi was puzzled, "Are you stupid?"

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "?"

What does it mean? Also, I beg Brother Xiaoqi to speak softly.

Chi Feichi also turned his head to look at Koshishui Nanatsuki, "I told you to say so, just say so, everything is over, there is no need to pay yourself in."

Yueshui Nanatsuki was taken aback for a moment, then immediately turned her head and continued to stare at the surface of the sea, and whispered, "I know, I know, I will say what you said."

So, Brother Xiaoqi had already guessed that she was going to kill someone? Now just want to remind her to protect herself?


After exchanging a few words, the two stood in front of the railing, quietly watching the sea, and did not speak again.

Chi Feichi was distracted looking at the sea.

If Koshimizu Nanatsuki replied 'No, I can't lie to everyone, I want to confess to the police', he would want to throw Koshimizu Nanatsuki into the sea, let Koshimizu Nanatsuki calm down, and then directly lock Koshimizu Nanatsuki into prison In the dark room...

Want to confess? Confess to the ghost!

This is not a good signal, he seems to put others in the scope of "mine". If the other party's thinking is not consistent with his own, or the other party's pace is about to exceed the rhythm he can control, he will go crazy and let the other party know What is unreasonable.

He has to control himself and just think about it in his heart. Everyone has their own ideas and the right to make decisions for themselves. He should respect his own ideas. If Nanatsuki Yueshui insists on confessing to the police, then...

Sure enough, it is better to close the small black room!

Fortunately, Yue Shui Nanatsuki agrees with his idea, which means that this girl is not so single-minded in pursuing some 'responsibility', so he doesn't have to worry about it.

Nanatsuki Yueshui didn't kill anyone, and he didn't have to worry about how to help Nanatsuki Yueshui clean up the follow-up, or consider that this time he will visit the prison for a few more years.

But after getting in touch with him, Nanatsuki Yueshui doesn't seem to have any resentment towards him, and she is still the same as the little girl back then, quite obedient, so there should be no need to worry about Nanatsuki Yueshui giving him a backstab...

Next to him, Koshimizu Nanatsuki stared at the sea surface, feeling entangled in his heart.

Why did Brother Xiaoqi leave other people and come to accompany her? Did you have a crush on her? Or are you used to taking care of girls' feelings? Or recognize her?

Wait, isn't my own thinking a little too self-sentimental?

A certain person is as indifferent as he is to others, and has been silent for so long, maybe he just feels that she is lonely and pitiful by herself, so he reluctantly comes to stay with her for a while?

In fact, she would be very happy as long as she could find Brother Xiaoqi, and it would be even better if they could talk together. Sure enough, she should find a topic to talk about, right?

After being silent for a while, Koshimizu Nanatsuki tried to use what happened just now as a starting point for the topic, and said softly, "Mr. Chi is really amazing, before you tell your reasoning, I still wonder if there might be other people lurking on the island. He is a dangerous person who never thought that Mr. Kotani would kill people in that way. Like everyone else, he thought that if Mr. Kotani glued the window frame back, he would be discovered easily. This kind of thinking error."

"You are deeply impressed by the Lavender Villa incident, and you are more likely to fall into misunderstandings than others." Chi Feichi said "routine comfort", suddenly remembered something, looked at the sea and said, "I am not the kind of hot-blooded detective."

Yes, in the plot, Koshimizu Nanatsuki said to Hattori Heiji with a smile, "Xiaosao admires a hot-blooded detective like you."

He is the complete opposite of Hattori Heiji. Even if he shows a bad temper sometimes, he has thought about it and is convinced that he can bear the consequences. It is completely different from Hattori Heiji's true magnanimity and scheming.

After all, there is a person who still understands his own nature, and he is still a girl he abused, so why would he appreciate Hattori Kuropi who is completely opposite to him... Deviation, deviation is terrible!

A question mark slowly appeared in Yue Shui Nanatsuki's mind: "?"

Have they talked about the hot-blooded detective? It seems not, not since we met today, so why did brother Xiaoqi suddenly say this?

Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "I'm not the kind of detective who always believes in the existence of life until I'm convinced of death."

This sentence Yueshui Nanatsuki also said in the original plot.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki didn't quite understand what Chi Feichi wanted to express, so he looked up at Chi Feichi for a moment, sorted out his thoughts, and felt that he should correct it.

"But I think you are..."

As soon as the words came out, Yue Shui Nanatsuki laughed by himself, and looked at Chi Feichi with soft and serious eyes, "Someone told me before, when you can't hold on, tell yourself to hold on, I think Mr. Chi is the same People who are not sure whether everything will end, firmly believe that they can persist and continue, they are very admirable people!"

Chi Feichi looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki, feeling a little surprised.

That's what he said, so that's what Koshimizu Nanatsuki understood?

And Koshimizu Nanatsuki doesn't look like a liar now, and he is serious when he talks about 'admiration'...

Wait, the point is, at this time, I talked about the previous things and expressed my appreciation. In addition, Nanatsuki Koshimizu did not destroy the intercom in the warehouse. Although it may be too late, Nanatsuki Koshimizu can move freely when they are in their respective rooms , so it is more likely that Koshimizu Nanatsuki himself gave up the plan.

Analyzing by behavior... Koshimizu Nanatsuki has a crush on him?

"He is a very amazing person. I always think he is right. If Channa can persevere, she might be able to wait for me to help her. The same goes for everyone else," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, Feeling a little uncomfortable, she lowered her eyes and said softly, "Of course, I didn't get to her in time, and I have no right to talk about her. When I feel bad, she will comfort me. When she needs me most, I will But it's not there..."

Brother Xiaoqi is the same.

No one will deny that growth is a good thing, but sometimes, growth has to wade through thorns.

She couldn't imagine how many things had happened that would wear out all the youthful aura in a person, and turn the evil spirit that could be flaunted to the outside world into a restrained and deeper coldness. Some frightening coldness is deeply hidden in the eyes, and I don't want others to see it.

From a little girl who can only cry and beg for help when things happen, she has grown up step by step. She has encountered too many things that are too painful and troublesome. The same is true for Brother Xiaoqi who has changed a lot.

Obviously her Xiaoqi brother was so smart when he was a child, and he has been able to live a good life. It turns out that he is already very good, and there is no need to hurt anymore.

Just now, seeing Chi Feichi standing over there talking to other people, she felt warm and distressed.

Brother Xiaoqi seems to be living well these years, but if he is really living well, why is he still sick?

He's obviously a surly person, but with those warm and upright people, restraining things that would make other people repel him, would Brother Xiao Qi, who was standing there just now, feel wronged?

"I am a person who seems to be always accepting what others give..." Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi, although he was smiling, but there was mist in his eyes, "When others need me, I always absent."

Chi Feichi looked at the mist in Yueshui Nanatsuki's eyes, as if he saw the little girl who looked at him with red eyes from crying.

It's just that the little girl has grown up, and the pitiful face can be seen more clearly than in the dream, and those aura eyes clearly reflect his figure, and there is more pain that he didn't have when he was young, which makes him want to raise his hand and touch her. Touch Koshimizu Nanatsuki's hair to comfort her.

Considering that we haven't seen each other for many years, Chi Feichi still didn't raise his hand, and reminded him softly, "You've grown up, so don't like to cry endlessly like you did when you were young."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki took a breath, stared at Chi Feichi in a daze, and even forgot to raise his hands to brush his hair down his face when the wind blew it.

"Yue..." Hui Yuanai came over with her mobile phone, and found that the two were standing in the dark on the deck, staring at each other. She was stunned, and quickly retreated into the cabin before Chi Feichi looked over, "Excuse me."

When Yueshui Nanatsuki looked back, he found that Hui Yuan Ai had long since disappeared, so he couldn't help laughing softly, looked up at Chi Feichi, then quickly lowered his head to hide the corners of his mouth that couldn't help but ask softly, "Are you usually too strict with your sister?"

It was the first time she discovered that after she became an adult, she could get what she wanted most like a child, and the joy in her heart was so full that she could overflow.

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