Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1458 Young people are not easy!


In the room, the old woman snorted again in dissatisfaction, turned her head and pointed at the big table in the living room, and said to the five children, "Don't be dazed, find a place to sit quickly, and I'll make you a pot of tea. If so, there is taiyaki on the table, so you can eat some to fill your stomach first!"

The three children felt that they were being attacked, "Yes!"

While the old woman was boiling water, Dr. A Li sat at the table and counted the ingredients in the travel bag with Chi Feichi, and chatted with Xiangyuan Fengya and Andalai, "Oh? So you are the waiters. "

"Yeah, I'm the number two star in the store now," Kahara Fuya smiled, pointing to the Andalai man sitting next to him, "As for Mr. Lai Ren, I'm the number one star."

The Andarai man smiled, "All this is thanks to the eldest lady who gave us a chance."

Huiyuan Ai Banyueyan looking at the ingredients, these people really work hard, and they never forget to say good things...

"Look, look!" Da Tingqian bent down and looked at the goldfish in the fish tank, "It's a goldfish, don't you think it's cute?"

The two male waiters got up and went over, Kahara Fuya bent down to look at it, and said pleasantly, "That's Yumao!"

Akane Oba turned back in doubt, "Tamako?"

"That's right, that's it," Kahara Fuga pointed at a goldfish, "Its characteristic is that it has a golden body, but it has a tail fin like a mackerel. Among these 12 fish, it is the only one that is rare to see. It's a rare breed!"

Conan, who was sitting at the table, turned his head and looked at Kahara Fuga.

"That's amazing," Akane Oba turned around and smiled at Kahara Fuya, "How can you be so clear?"

"Because I used to raise goldfish." Kahara Fuya said with a smile.

"You king of knowledge..." the Andalai smiled, looked at the fish tank and said, "Then let me introduce the stone. The transparent one on the right is quartz, and the uneven and spotted one next to it is mica. Then, the one on the left in front What emits black light is obsidian, which was often used in the Jomon period."

"It's amazing, it's amazing," Da Tingqian smiled admiringly at the two, "You two are both great geniuses!"

Conan was speechless when he saw Akane Oba's startled reaction, and whispered, "This is not a genius, it can only be said that he has a lot of common sense."

"She did it on purpose. She pretended she didn't understand anything in front of men, and made them lose their way, so as to play with them in the applause. This kind of person is the most capable of trampling on men," Hui Yuanai He said indifferently, and looked at Chi Feichi, who was counting the ingredients, "So don't take women lightly, some people look glamorous, gentle and humble, and there may be some ulterior motives behind them Woolen cloth."

The old woman brought a pot of tea to the table, looked at the three people chatting happily over there, looked away, and asked Dr. A Li and Chi Feichi who were counting the ingredients, "Are you planning to cook? What did you bring?" Is there enough food for you?"

"Don't worry, we brought a lot," Dr. A Li responded with a smile, "the amount is definitely enough."

"Then leave it to me," the old woman said, "I'll help you do it."

Chi Feichi zipped up the bag, "No, I'll do it."

"What kind of kitchen does a dignified man enter!" The old woman frowned and her tone became more serious, which attracted Da Tingqian and the other three to look over.

Chi Feichi was speechless.

He knew that the old woman was trying to stimulate her grandson.

Yes, Kahara Fuya with a complex look over there is the old lady's grandson Shota. He said he was going to be a chef, but he got plastic surgery to become a cowherd. He didn't come back to see the old lady for ten years and only sent money back. , probably because he was worried that he would not be accepted by the old woman in his current state.

The old lady recognized Xiangyuan Fengya when she arrived at the door, and then stared at Xiangyuan Fengya, and now she speaks sarcastically, and she feels uncomfortable.

He can understand, so he is calm.

"Do you have a problem with the man who came into the kitchen?"

What seemed calm to Chi Feichi, to others, was Chi Feichi staring up at the old woman indifferently to ask questions. Affected by psychological factors, it seemed that there was still a cold murderous intent hidden. The old woman over there It also has a cold face, which makes people worry that the old and the young will fight in the next second.

The three children looked at the two of them and swallowed nervously.

Is it coming? The duel between brother Chi and mother-in-law Shan Yao.

The house won't turn into a man-eating monster in the next second, right?

Dr. A Li sweated, worried that Chi Feichi would hurt the old man on impulse, so he got up and smiled at the old woman, "You don't have to work, let Feichi go. When we go camping, he is often responsible for cooking."

Conan also immediately smoothed things over, looking up at Chi Feichi with a cute expression, "Brother Chi, haven't we pre-processed the ingredients for Coca-Cola chicken wings after lunch? I want to eat Coca-Cola chicken wings!"

Yuan Tai hurriedly reported the name of the dish, "I want to eat braised eel cubes!"

Mitsuhiko recalled, "I want to eat the pearl balls that brother Chi said this morning."

Ayumi smiled, "Then... Ayumi wants to eat pumpkin rice!"

"Should I make another soup?" Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi's ingredients, thinking, "There are also tofu and some vegetables..."

The old woman stared blankly at the five children.

After she finished speaking just now, she was a little apologetic, thinking that it would be a big deal for her to help cook a meal, and it would be compensation, but...

She can't do anything these kids say!

And in this deep mountain and old forest, wouldn't it be enough to eat some curry and rice, and she had to eat so many dishes, which made her feel even more guilty when she thought of talking coldly to Chi Feichi just now.

It's really hard to take care of children nowadays, and it's not easy for young people!

Dr. A Li turned to the stunned old woman, "So, can I borrow the kitchen?"

"Uh, okay." The old woman didn't object any more, she slowed down, looked at Chi Feichi with a strange look, sighed, and turned to lead the way, "Let's go, I'll take you to the kitchen."

"Men don't go into the kitchen. That's an old idea of ​​which century. I think men who can cook will get extra points," Da Tingqian followed a group of people with two followers, and said, turning her head to Chi Fei. Chi Xiao, "Speaking of which, I have never cooked since I was a child, can you teach me later?"

Hui Yuan Ai stretched out his hands, and pulled the corners of Ra'an Dalai and Xiang Yuan Fengya's clothes. When the two looked at them, he asked indifferently, "Aren't you trying to win the attention of your client lady?"

Andalai and Kahara Fuya could only laugh awkwardly.

They just came out to play with the benefactor, and now the benefactor is obviously interested in other men, and the interest is strong, if they get together now, no matter what they say, the benefactor will be unhappy.

Forget it, it's too embarrassing to be said by a child, and with this attitude, it's almost written on the face of 'can you not let this woman harm the people on our side', they still go up...

"Please don't make trouble for no reason."

Chi Feichi replied to Da Tingqian, followed into the kitchen with the bag, turned to Dr. Ali and said, "Doctor, Conan and Xiao Ai can help me, you take them and put away the bowls and chopsticks first."

Hui Yuanai looked at Da Tingqian, who had a stiff smile on her face, and suddenly felt that she had just been worrying for nothing.

'Can you teach me how to cook...'

'Please don't make trouble for no reason. '

Well, when it comes to using methods that make people lose the desire to chat, she only obeys Brother Fei Chi.

For someone like Da Tingqian who just stood there stupidly and couldn't respond in time, Brother Feichi could kill ten of them in one wave.

Dr. Ali was embarrassed for Da Tingqian, and asked the three of them with a dry smile, "By the way, have you three had dinner? We brought a lot of ingredients. If you haven't eaten, you can eat some together."

Xiangyuan Fengya looked at Akane Oba and saw that Akane Oba had no objection, so she laughed, "That's really troublesome for you!"

The Andalai people also adjusted the atmosphere according to the topic, "We only ate a little snack on the way, so I'm really hungry."

After Chi Feichi went out, he put the bag on the cooking table, and turned to look at the old woman who was cleaning the table, "Can mother-in-law eat red dates and walnuts?"

They let them stay for free. Since they eat, they must bring a portion with them.

The old woman was stunned for a moment before realizing that Chi Feichi was planning to make a portion for her as well, annoyed once again that the sneer she said just now should not have been done, young people are always cold-hearted and kind-hearted.

Thinking about it, the old woman's face softened a lot, "No need, I'm getting old, it's hard to digest food at night, and I won't be able to fall asleep."

Chi Feichi has already started to prepare the ingredients, "It's just rice noodles, it shouldn't matter if you eat a little bit."

Conan helped put pumpkins into the rice cooker, laughing dryly in his heart.

The strong old woman and the strong elder brother Chi are both the type of 'no, you have to listen to me', so if two people meet and don't let the other, it will really make people worry that the two will fight every minute.

This time it was the old lady who compromised, acquiescing that she could have a taste, watching the opportunity from the sidelines, helping to pass the bowls, beating hands and so on.

The ingredients were pre-processed, and Chi Feichi moved quickly. It didn't take too much time to make dinner. The slowest thing was the pumpkin rice. When the pumpkin rice was out of the pot, everything else was almost ready.

A group of people helped out with the dishes and sat down around the big table.

Da Tingqian smelled the aroma of the food, and her mood improved a lot. Thinking of Chi Feichi helping the old lady with a bad attitude to make rice noodles, she didn't object to their joining. Maybe it was just that she was not good at saying good things, so she thought it was interesting, but the eldest lady He was so proud that he didn't want to put a cold face on his ass anymore, he just sighed, "It's finally time for dinner, I'm hungry!"

Seeing the old woman sit down, Ayumi put something on the table with a smile, "This is my mother-in-law's rice cereal!"

The old woman's expression was much gentler, "Thank you."

"Where, we also want to thank you for the taiyaki and pickles." Dr. Ali replied with a smile, and the atmosphere became better again.

When a group of people shouted 'I want to start', Da Tingqian noticed that Chi Feichi didn't participate at all, and asked curiously, "You have lived abroad since childhood..."

On the table, the scrambling mode will be activated in one second.

"Eel chunks, eel chunks!"

"Yuantai, don't put so much in your own bowl, so that others won't be able to eat much!"

"The glutinous rice balls are good, don't grab them so fast."

"Coke Chicken Wings, Coke... Doctor, don't keep grabbing the same piece from me!"

"Hey, you guys have some soup first..."

Akane Oba, Fuya Kahara, and Andalai looked dully at Dr. Ali and the five children scrambling for food. Even the old woman put down the bowl of rice cereal and looked at the group of people speechlessly.

Anyway, there are a lot of dishes to cook, and the portion should be enough. As for grabbing so much?

Soon, the three of Da Tingqian discovered that they might not be able to eat it if they didn't grab it.

The aroma of the food is enticing, it seems that everyone can eat an extra piece or two, there are so many people here, if each person eats a little more, what else do they eat?

Seeing that half of the plate of eel pieces disappeared quickly, Da Tingqian became anxious, "Hey, you..."

Andalai and Kahara Fuya immediately joined the robbing team, and since Da Tingqian was their benefactor, of course they had to take care of them.

The enemy forces are quite brutal, protect our benefactor!

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