Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1468 Qiuting Lianzi: The image has long been lost

"And Ms. Qiu Ting is very responsible. She guides others very seriously," Suzuki Sonoko is still seriously helping Qiu Ting Lianzi, "After the show is broadcast, she will be popular, not only because she is good-looking and capable, but also Because everyone found that she was the kind of person who did a lot for others but didn't say anything!"

Oda Qiemin also touched his chin, "As for driving us out, I think it's because Feichi made her angry."

Mori Kogoro nodded silently. He felt that his apprentice was too much. Letting a female singer with an absolute sense of pitch do this and that is almost like being a handyman. He is simply an evil capitalist who sees every stitch and tries his best to squeeze other people's labor.

"It has nothing to do with me," Chi Feichi clarified calmly, "It's because she has been emotionally out of balance recently, and she drove us out because she was worried that Ms. Yamagen would be nervous, and Qiu Ting would not lower her standards when performing. Ms. Yamane may not be able to complete the rehearsal today."

"So that's how it is," Mao Lilan walked with a smile on her face, slowed down, bent slightly and said to the three children, "It seems that we misunderstood Miss Qiu Ting."

The three children nodded seriously.

Soon, Mitsuhiko sighed, "My lord is so strange, he is obviously a very good person, why do you have to put on a difficult appearance?"


Yuantai and Ayumi secretly glanced at Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi looked back at the three children.

Why do you look at him with that kind of strange eyes?

The three children were stared at, and they quickly smiled and looked away.

"Hey... ah, the weather is really nice today!"

"Yeah yeah……"


The next day, on the third floor of the teaching building of Didan Primary School.

A manic voice came from the music classroom.

"Bang bang bang bang... bang!"

More than a dozen children in class B of the first grade of Didan Primary School stood in a row at the edge of the classroom, staring blankly at Suzuki Sonoko, who was playing drums in the middle of the classroom.

Suzuki Sonoko was intoxicated by it, while beating the drums violently, while singing with a smile, "Sing and sing and follow your heart, let me listen to your singing..."

In front of the piano, Chi Feichi, who was tuning with Lianzi Qiuting, turned around and said, "Yuanzi, please stop."


Suzuki Sonoko thumped hard at the end, stopped, and turned to look forward to asking Mao Lilan, "Xiao Lan, how is it? I can play drums, right?"

Standing in front of the window, Mao Lilan felt his scalp numb from the violent sound just now, and quickly applauded and laughed, "Very good, I didn't expect you to play drums, Yuanzi, not only didn't you make any mistakes, but also... Has momentum."

Conan laughed dryly in his heart, there was nothing wrong, and he was very imposing, so imposing that he suspected that Yuanzi was angry in his heart, and wanted to beat the drum set to nothing...

"It's amazing," a little boy turned his head to Mitsuhiko and said with emotion, "It's like practicing martial arts. I will also learn to play drums in the future."

"Then you must find a teacher to study hard, and you need to practice more!" Suzuki Sonoko stood up with his hips on his hips, smiling smugly, "I learned it from the people in the company's band, and every company banquet My grand finale, I have practiced hard many times!"

Beside the piano, Oda Kirito, who was sitting on the table with his guitar in his arms, also twitched the corners of his mouth, and turned his head to complain to Chi Feichi, "Yes, this is a technology piled up with the company's face, of course it's amazing. There was a high-level dinner for the people, and you couldn't come, Yuanzi used the drum set to perform and sent the old director who was just about to retire to the hospital."

Chi Feichi and Qiuting Lianzi froze, and quickly continued to listen to the tuned sound as if nothing had happened.

Well, it's normal. Yuanzi's drum set has an aura that the drumsticks can fly out at any time, and they can smash the drums at any time. They have seen it once or twice, and it's not once or twice that something happened. It's the old director. Rather poor.

After listening to the sound, Qiu Ting Lianzi nodded to Chi Feichi to answer the answer, making sure that the piano sound was in tune, then turned to the others and said, "The piano is fine."

"Xiaolan, come and try." Chi Feichi got up and said.

"Okay!" Mao Lilan walked to the piano and sat down, tried to play a melody, and said with a smile, "I can't hear anything, so that's all right?"

Qiuting Lianzi nodded.

Oda Kirito also got up and handed a bass to Chi Feichi, "I've tuned both the guitar and the bass."

"The drum set is fine," Sonoko Suzuki knocked it down with a mallet and made a 'bang' sound, "I tuned it before I got someone to move it here!"

"Okay, then..." Oda Kirito also took a deep breath, with a malicious smile on his face, "Let's start with the opening performance first, the most imposing version of Didan Elementary School's school song!"

Mao Lilan was stunned for a moment, and found that Oda Keiri had also started a violent guitar prelude, which was indeed the melody of Didan Primary School's school song, and played the piano in a daze to keep up.

As soon as Chi Feichi heard it, he knew that Oda Kirito also wanted to change the rhythm a little bit stronger, and it could barely be shortened...

Didan primary school song Dj version.

Then there is no problem, he has read the official score in advance, and he can play it without score.

Oda Kirito also played a section first, then paused temporarily, then turned to the stunned Qiuting Lianzi and said, "Get ready, this time it's officially started, you help the children lead the singing!"

"Hey, wait..." Qiuting Lianzi was dumbfounded, and before she could stop it, the DJ version of the violent dubbing sounded again, and this time Suzuki Sonoko's violent drumming was also added.

A group of children are looking forward to seeing Qiuting Lianzi.

Qiuting Lianzi was uncomfortable being looked at, thinking that her tall singer image had been defeated time and time again by people from THK Company, she gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and led the singing, "Use the strength that fills my whole body..."

"Turn the courage to try! Into my unique heart!"

A large group of children sang loudly, and Feichi lay on a table, beating time with his tail.

Hui Yuan Ai looked at this crazy scene, and then looked at her brother who bowed his head and played the bass very seriously, heartbroken, and sang along with the DJ version of the school song.

Conan felt that his heart was infected and excited, and his participation was higher, "Sing loudly..."

Chi Feichi, Odagiri Toshiya, Mao Lilan, and Suzuki Sonoko shook their hands, then quickly stabilized themselves, maintaining the accompaniment without stopping.

"Di Dan! Di Dan! Di Dan Elementary School!"

"Di Dan! Di Dan! Di Dan Elementary School!"

After the exciting opening performance, the children were all in high spirits.

"It's great!" Oda Kiritoshi also laughed, "The momentum almost overwhelms the drum kit of the garden!"


"It's really fun for everyone to sing like this together!"

The children's faces were full of smiles.

"Okay," Qiu Ting Lianzi splashed cold water with black lines all over his head, "don't make trouble, it's true that you can sing like this, but the out-of-tune is really serious. Almost half of the people are out of tune. The out-of-tune was serious."

"Before the official start, let them feel the charm of music." Chi Feichi turned the bass on his back calmly and carried it on his back. "This will help them persist in practicing."

And the off-key of the "individual child" has nothing to do with them changing the DJ version to have fun.

It was because of this that he had to pull Qiuting Lianzi over.

"Yeah," Oda Kirito nodded again and again, agreeing with Chi Feichi's statement, "When I practiced before, if it was too boring, I would play a section to adjust my state, let alone the children. Now everyone is in good spirits. Pretty good, isn't it?"

Qiuting Lianzi suddenly felt that she couldn't refute, but she couldn't lower her head, and looked at the large group of children with bright eyes, "Okay, then I will sing seriously, Xiaolan, you can accompany them."

"Okay!" Mao Lilan nodded with a smile and began to play the piano accompaniment.

Without the manic accompaniment, under the sound of the piano, the children's chorus is much cleaner and purer. Even if some children occasionally prolong their pitch, they become cute and energetic because of their childishness.

Of course, the premise is to ignore the voice of a famous detective.

Qiuting Lianzi listened carefully for a while, her face froze, the fingers of the hand hanging by her side trembled, and she put it into the pocket of the sportswear jacket.

Seeing the reaction of Qiu Ting Lianzi, Chi Feichi was satisfied and did not disturb the singing children. He walked to the back of the classroom, picked up the thermos cup Qiu Ting Lianzi put on the seat, walked to the window, unscrewed the lid, and poured it out.

This time the plot may have collapsed again, since he found a lawyer for Qiu Ting Lianzi...

Then he doesn't mind playing a little more.

For example, pour out the problematic tea for Qiu Ting Lianzi in advance, so that today's practice can continue.

He suddenly looked forward to it, wondering what Pu and Jiang would do next?

After the chorus was over, Mao Lilan, who was sitting in front of the piano, turned her head and asked, "Miss Qiu Ting, what do you think of the children's singing?"

"So..." Qiuting Lianzi was tortured by the magic voice hidden in the child's voice, but she could still hear it clearly, and her heart was not very happy, which was also reflected on her face, and she walked towards the child with a heavy face. In front of them, first look at the child who is not a big problem, "Yuantai, right?"

Seeing Qiu Ting Lian Zi's unhappy expression, Yuan Tai was sweating, "Uh, yes!"

"The voice is too loud, you have to learn to cooperate with others," Qiuting Lianzi said, looking at Mitsuhiko, "and Mitsuhiko..."

Mitsuhiko immediately stopped his schadenfreude smile.

"You are not singing out of tune, but sometimes you are absent-minded," Qiu Ting Lianzi smiled, and teased, "Don't be distracted by peeking at Xiao Ai? Her brother is still staring here, so restrain yourself a little bit. ah."

A group of children laughed, Yuantai hugged the blushing Mitsuhiko.

"Xiao Ai," Qiu Ting Lianzi walked up to Hui Yuan Ai, and said helplessly, "You can sing very well, but you have to sing more like a child. Although I know your personality is not very lively, you still have to sing. Childlike innocence is good."

"Sorry." Hui Yuanai said calmly.

Qiuting Lianzi was even more speechless, this feeling of 'I'm sorry, but I don't plan to change', the brother and sister are exactly the same, "Well, as for Ayumi, her pitch is very good, she is very energetic, and she performed very well!"

Ayumi was praised, she smiled happily but also a little embarrassed, and quietly glanced at Chi Feichi who was standing in front of the window with her back to them.

Qiuting Lianzi followed Ayumi and turned her head to look, bent over and touched Ayumi's head, and said in a low voice, "He is very difficult to deal with, let's talk about it when he grows up."

Ayumi blushed: "Hmm..."

"Don't be influenced by other people's voices, have confidence in yourself, and strive to be the one who leads everyone to sing well," Qiu Ting Lianzi straightened up, looked at Conan who was whispering to Hui Yuanai, her face turned cold, and pointed her teeth through gritted teeth. Looking at Conan, he said, "The problem is you, Conan! You didn't sing correctly from the beginning to the end. You couldn't be mischievous on purpose, right?"

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