Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1472 The little goldfish is just a little goldfish

The speed of the car was very slow, and the front of the big truck behind was already close at hand.

"1." Chi Fei reported the last number late.

Gao Mushe didn't hesitate, hugged the two children tightly, lowered his body and rolled out of the car.

Almost immediately, Conan popped the football out of his belt.

The soccer ball flew out from under Takagi Tsubasa's arm, and flew between the large truck and the black commercial vehicle. It automatically inhaled air and inflated rapidly.

However, Conan's face was still ugly, he gritted his teeth, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

Football isn't big enough!

This time is simply not enough for the football to be big enough to block the impact of the truck, at most it is to help buffer it.

In fact, that's fine, he doesn't know where the bomb is, and if the football inflates too much, it's easy to squeeze the commercial vehicle in front of Chi Feichi into the explosion range due to the impact of the large truck behind, but this won't work, he has to find a way Stop these two cars!

In the car, Chi Feichi had a strange look in his eyes. After catching a glimpse of the postbox on the side of the road ahead, he stepped on the accelerator, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I don't know if it's the retribution of his messy plot, Pu and Jiang are really determined to kill him like a small universe broke out.

When Pu Hejiang drove a truck to chase Qiu Ting Lianzi before, they should not have left too far, but came to this only way from Didan Primary School, planted a bomb behind the roadside mailbox, and then parked the truck in the alley behind inside.

After learning that Qiuting Lianzi and the group of people who went home together were attacked, he, as a friend, would definitely come over to take a look, and he was going to leave Didan Primary School, so it was impossible to turn to other directions to avoid the frightened people. Friends go back.

If he was sure he would come, Pu and Jiang just sat in the big truck and waited at the intersection. When they saw his car or him coming here, they would just kick the accelerator and see if they could hit him to death.

If you can't kill him, drive after him and force him to run into the explosion range.

The bomb may have been remotely controlled, or it may have been timed after it was activated, otherwise it would have triggered the explosion and caused the explosion long before he passed the police car in front of him.

According to his speculation, it should be a time bomb after activation.

Because Pu and Takumi have to chase him by car, using the remote control may not be able to detonate in time. It would be bad if he ran past the explosion range or accidentally bombed himself. He activated the timing device in the early stage, and then drove a large truck behind him to put pressure on him, making it impossible for him to stop or slow down the speed too slowly, so that he could ensure that he drove the car into the explosion range during the explosion time.

As for Pu and Jiang himself, since they are the ones who installed the bomb and knew the timing, they can stop outside the explosion range and before the explosion time, reverse the car, turn around, and drive directly.

He never thought that Pu Hejiang would kill the carbine, neither did the birds of the Non-Mexican Legion, and there was no time to warn, even the police could not have imagined that a gangster would stare at him deadly, and the police car in front had just passed by. Set a deadly trap for him in the next second.

The old man is a talent...

It made him a little excited.


On the side of the road, Conan fell to the ground, looked up and saw Chi Feichi speeding up the car, and his mind froze for a moment.

Why? If there is a bomb in front, why accelerate at this time?


After Chi Feichi let the car speed up suddenly, he slammed the steering wheel, using the car's sudden speed and unsteady body, the rear of the car almost turned in a circle on the spot.

After turning the front of the commercial vehicle, but because the road was not wide, the car rushed directly into the right lane, and the left side of the car was thrown onto the sidewalk again, rubbing against the wall of the roadside shop and driving forward, but the friction between the car body and the wall caused it to fall. It also slowed down the car.

In the rear, the large truck slowed down in a hurry, making people uncertain whether it was worried about rushing into the explosion range and was preparing to retreat, or whether it was planning to slow down and turn to give a "head slam" to the commercial vehicle that was scraping the wall and slowing down.

Chi Feichi didn't give Pu and Jiang the chance to fight the car. When the commercial car was still driving along the wall, he reached out and unbuckled the seat belt, opened the door, jumped out, and held the edge of the truck with both hands.

Japanese lanes drive on the left. Except for imported cars, the driving position is also on the right, and these two cars are no exception.

After the commercial vehicle turned around sharply, Chi Feichi's driver's seat was on the side of the large truck. After pulling the edge of the truck, he climbed up easily.

The compartment of the large truck was not capped, and there was a lot of sand and gravel, which should have been 'borrowed' by Pu and Jiang from the side of the road.

After Chi Feichi climbed into the compartment, he quickly approached the driver's cab and punched the rear-view glass window with his fist.

At this time, the safest position is on the enemy's car and can jump out of the car at any time.

Then, it was him who put pressure on the enemy...


The glass shattered under Chi Feichi's fist.

On the side of the road, Conan was still worried that his little friend would be injured by driving against a wall, so he suddenly looked up and saw his figure on the truck compartment, and the next second, he saw his little friend directly smashing the window of the car with his bare hands, and couldn't help but sit in a daze. On the ground, I forgot to stand up.

This situation... reversed?

Next, his little friend dragged the gangster out of the car window and beat him up. He believed it.

Hui Yuanai clasped Feichi tightly with both hands, and sat on the ground, a little dazed.

She used to think that Brother Feichi was planning to sacrifice herself for their safety, but now it seems that they may have affected Brother Feichi's performance in the car, and Brother Feichi obviously not only has a way to get out of trouble, but also plans to fight back against the gangsters of.

Others said she was a little goldfish, but she refused to accept it, but if it was Brother Feichi... the little goldfish would be a little goldfish.

In the car, Pu and Jiang were wearing brown trench coats and fisherman hats, wrapped tightly so that they would not be hurt by the broken glass, but they were still taken aback.

Compared with the subsequent movement, what concerned him more was that, with such a distraction, the large truck was almost driving into the explosion range of the bomb.

The countdown to the explosion is only 3 seconds at most...

The crisis of 'die before birth' is in sight, Pu Hejiang gritted his teeth and made a crazy decision:

Speed ​​up, turn sharply!

Naturally, it was impossible for a large truck to swivel and turn around like a commercial vehicle, but crashed into the glass window of a closed shop on the side of the street.

Chi Feichi had originally planned to take him out, so he didn't need to beat him up, but Pu Hejiang was old and couldn't stand the beating, and he had to be responsible if he was beaten to death.

But when Kanpu and Jiang ran into the store, Chi Feichi immediately changed his strategy, turned around and leaned against the steel plate connecting the cab and the carriage, and squatted down to protect his vitals.

It's too late to jump off the car now, and it's easy to be entangled and crushed by the rear wheels of the truck.

It is safer to stay in the car. The front of the truck will smash the glass and the wall. He is in a low position and will not be hit. Also, in the triangular area of ​​the car, the possibility of deformation of the steel plates behind and around him is not high. Crushing injuries were less likely, and even splashes, falling bricks and glass shards that might have hit him were less likely to hit him.

The only troublesome thing is that the sand from the car, the fragments of the car window he just smashed, will slide or splash due to the impact, but as long as the weak points are protected, a little scratch is only a small problem.


The van slammed into the shop, shards of glass, broken bricks, and smoke enveloped the vehicle.

The front of the car crashed directly into the store. Since the place where it hit was a glass window, even if there was a part of the brick wall, the damage to the car body was not serious.


The bomb on the mailbox on the street also detonated immediately, and the flames stopped in front of the truck body, but could not sweep over, and the impact of the air wave was not enough to overturn the truck whose front was stuck in the hole in the wall.


In the shop, Pu Hejiang stabilized his accelerated heartbeat, opened the car door, and fled through the back door of the shop.

When he got out of the car in a hurry, he didn't know if it was an illusion. He seemed to hear a young male voice "heh" and a low laugh from the rear of the cab, only separated by the steel plate, as if he was sighing comfortably. In the case of a life-threatening situation, the laughter was strangely inappropriate.

Behind the driver's cab, Chi Feichi was sitting on the harsh sand and stones, with his head leaning back on the steel plate, his right hand covering his forehead, blocking the debris and dust flying towards his face, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He didn't intend to catch up, and he couldn't.

After the front of the car crashed into the shop, the roof of the car was a little squeezed and deformed. The rear view window of the driver's cab was not that big. Now the biggest gap is at most enough for him to stretch his arms through. Even if his bones and muscles have been modified, he can't get through.

Moreover, the wall above him happened to be hit with a hole, and was blocked by the wall and the top of the truck's head, so he couldn't climb over the roof to chase people.

Then stop chasing him, let's see what Pu Hejiang can do, and whether he will continue to chase him to death...


On the other side of the street, police cars were parked on the edge of the blast zone.

Shiratori Ren Sanlang sat in the car, looking at the flames and smoke ahead, sweating coldly.

They found that there was a situation in the back, and they drove back again, wanting to support them, and by the way, see if they can catch the gangster who dared to act fiercely under the police, but the result was almost... If the car was faster, they would be caught. Get involved in an explosion!

The closest they were to Tuan Mie, the distance was less than half a meter, and the time was less than two seconds.

Mu Mu Shisan was also sweating, opened the car door and got out of the car, looked at the gradually dissipating fire, woke up suddenly, turned his head and shouted, "Quick! Call the fire brigade and an ambulance!"

At the intersection not far from here, Toshiya Odagiri, Mori Ran, Sonoko Suzuki, and Reiko Akiba, who fell and got bruised, stood by the side of the street, turning their heads to look at the black smoke rising into the sky under the setting sun.

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned by the loud explosion, and already had a vague guess in his heart, but he was not sure, so he stammered, "Just, what was that sound just now?"

Qiuting Lianzi and Oda Qiermin also looked at each other, frowned and said in a low voice, "It seems to be an explosion, right?"

"The location is on the street from Didan Elementary School!" Oda Qiemin also said solemnly, and quickly walked to the place where the black smoke rose into the sky, "Let's go and have a look! Yuanzi, Xiaolan, Qiu Ting's leg is injured, you take care of it Take a look at her, don't fall behind!"

Five minutes later, the fire brigade and the police took over the scene together, and even the explosive ordnance disposal team rushed over to remove the explosives and investigate the exploded mailbox by the way.

The ambulance dispatched by the nearby hospital arrived and directly packed up the relevant people and took them all to the hospital.

Akiba Rieko bruised her knee when she fell, and Haibara Ai and Conan scratched their palms when they jumped out of the car under the protection of Takagi Tsutomu. After being treated by the doctor, they went to the corridor and met the uninjured Odagiri Toshiya, Mori Ran, Sonoko Suzuki waited together.

Conan was the last one to leave the infirmary and walked to the bench, "How are Brother Chi and Officer Takagi doing?"

"Feichi was only scratched by the flying glass fragments when the window glass was broken, and was also scratched by the sand and stones in the truck. It was not serious. The doctor did a physical examination for him, and there were no fractures or organs caused by the impact. , brain injury, and now the doctor is helping him deal with the trauma in the infirmary over there," Oda Kiritoshi also said, smiling, "It's not bad, I just suffered a little injury in such a dangerous situation."

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