Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1481 Conan: Am I a reasoning machine?

"Of course there is nothing to say about the performance. Some people commented that the third part of "Burana" contains the longing for love and the praise of the sadness of love. The female voice in the seventh movement is gorgeous and poignant," said Chi Feichi honestly. , "But to be honest, in addition to those high-spirited choruses, other types of choral performances, I will only get sleepy if I listen to too much."

Pu Hejiang laughed and said, "Mr. Chi is really frank, this is not something a musician can say."

"Everyone has their preferences, just tell the truth." Chi Feichi said indifferently.

"But, you don't look sleepy at all," Pu Hejiang leaned back on the back of the sofa, relaxed his whole body, looked at the stage outside, and said with emotion, "If music can help sleep, it can be regarded as music. Charm and value expression, everyone has different feelings about music, and there are so many kinds of music, and there are many ways of expression, so it is even more impossible for everyone to feel the same, even if it is music that everyone likes, in the perception There were also some subtle differences back then, which is really amazing, people and music are both so subtle.”

Chi Feichi savored it seriously, and his tone became lighter, "Come and sit with Mr. Puhe for a while, it really is right."

Haihara Ai was lying in front of the window, not surprised that the two gradually had a "happy conversation". She always thought of the "discussion" with Professor Moriarty back then, and unexpectedly relaxed, seeing Chikusa on the stage La came back on stage, still in the mood to tease Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi, the chorus is over, the next song will never make you sleepy again, right?"

"It's hard to say," Chi Feichi listened to the sound of the organ playing, and paused, "Actually, I want to hear Qiu Ting sing "Amazing Grae"."

There was a hint of ridicule in Pu Hejiang's tone, "Is it an emotional bonus?"

"No, Ms. Chikusa's performance is very good, but compared with Qiu Ting's singing, she lacks some tenacity. It can also be said that she firmly believes that she can achieve the most perfect self-confidence when she comes out on stage," Chi Feichi looked at Chikusa on the stage. Lah, I suddenly thought of a certain Bai Changmao, the taste of gin is really consistent, but some people stand in the spotlight with different brilliance, and each has its own characteristics, it is not surprising that it attracts attention, "At the same time It also lacks some... personal insights."

Pu Hejiang carefully savored and compared, nodded, looked at the stage thoughtfully and said, "Listening to what you said, I also think it would be better for Ms. Qiu Ting to sing, but there is no "Amazing Grae" in the repertoire. It’s a pity, but life is always full of regrets.”

Haibara Ai:"……"

Aren't many bombs planted in the concert hall?

When the two talked like this, it was like...

Brother Feichi: 'I think it's better for Qiu Ting to be here. '

Mr. Puhe: 'You are right, I also suddenly feel that Miss Qiu Ting should be arranged to be buried with her, what a pity. '

It's pretty much like two people communicating a criminal plot in code words, which would be even more so if it weren't for the fact that once the concert hall blows up completely, they, too, would be buried.

"I don't like regrets." Chi Feichi said casually but firmly.

Pu and Jiang smiled, "Young people always like and have the courage to fight against everything, but some things are useless no matter how hard they fight. Not everyone and everything in the world are reasonable."

"I know that fighting may not be useful, but you have to try," Chi Feichi said, "With all your strength, isn't it time to fight?"

Pu and Jiang were silent for two seconds, then sighed, "It's nice to be young."

As Chikusa Lala began to sing, the two of them stopped communicating and listened quietly to the high-pitched singing that seemed to echo in their ears.



During the singing, the sound of the door opening seemed a little out of place.

Chi Feichi closed his eyes, and looked at the door opened by a small figure on tiptoe, "I take back my comment just now, Miss Chikusa's singing has her own characteristics, and there should be quite a few people who like this kind of singing."

"Soft and melodious but chasing attention? Not as sharp as Qiu Ting, but for those who like her, she is the best. It's a pity that not everyone can hear these charms," ​​Pu Hejiang said with a smile Regarding his own evaluation, he also turned his head to look at Conan who was poking at the door. He was stunned for a while, and quickly concealed the surprise on his face, "Little brother, did you come to sit with me for a while?"

"Uh, it's..."

Conan let go of the doorknob and entered the room, feeling a little dazed.

What's with this peaceful atmosphere? It's not the same as he imagined.

At the door, Akiba Rieko, Memu Shisan, and Sato Miwako hesitated for a moment, then followed the door.

Probably because the atmosphere was very harmonious, they actually had the illusion that they were just chatting with old friends, and even began to wonder if they had made a mistake...

"Miss Qiu Ting and the two police officers are here too?" Pu Hejiang said calmly, "There were not so many people who came to accompany me, an old man, before."

Chi Feichi suddenly realized that the reason for Pu Hejiang's 'going crazy' was not necessarily just extreme paranoia, but a bigger reason might be loneliness. Looking at Pu He Jiang, he said, "Mr. It was terminated early, and we will enter the reasoning stage first."

"I think so," Pu Hejiang smiled helplessly, and looked at Mu Mu Shisan who was sitting on the opposite sofa, "Then, is it the police officer who will ask or explain?"

"This..." Mu Mu Shisan looked at Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi was not interested in reasoning, so he turned to look at Conan who was sitting beside him, "Conan, come here."

Conan was called upon as soon as he sat down, and looked up at Chi Feichi with a three-pointed blankness in his eyes. Soon, the blankness turned into annoyance.

In Chi Feichi's eyes, is he just a reasoning machine?

Chi Feichi vaguely guessed where Conan was upset, and looked at Conan calmly.

Isn't a famous detective just used as a reasoning machine? Hurry up, don't waste everyone's time.

In the end, the confrontation ended with Conan's defeat.

Conan complained in his heart that Chi Feichi's attitude of "taking it for granted" was simply a snake spirit, took a deep breath, and looked at Pu Hejiang seriously, "Mr. You were responsible for the attack, the bombing in Mr. Shida’s store, and the gliding and falling of Mr. Sone, right?”

"Oh?" Pu and Jiang sat in their original positions and spread their hands, "Why would I do this?"

"You killed four people, Liancheng, Mizuguchi, Shida, and Sone, to avenge Mr. Soma," Conan said firmly, ignoring Guan Qiuting's gaze and staring at Pu Hejiang, who looked astonished, "because he was Your son!"

Pu Hejiang calmed down, "How do you know?"

"I was at Dean Domoto's house, and I saw a photo of you when you were young. It was very similar to the photo in the file of Mr. Soma, which was investigated by the police. It can be said that it was almost carved out of the same mold," Conan said, "And you His license plate number is 52-83, which is taken from Soma-san’s birthday, right? That’s a proof of blood connection to a son who cannot be made public.”

Pu and Master Jiang sighed, "That's why you all know that I did it, don't you?"

"No, it's not just this." Conan looked at the music score and Jiang Jiang said, "During the rehearsal before, Miss Qiu Ting and I found that the sound of the organ seemed to be a little off. Brother Chi called and said that from the sound pipe of the organ, he found an explosive device that could sense the passage of airflow, and I knew that the strange sound we heard should be caused by the explosion sensor..."

Chi Feichi took out the evidence bag containing the sensor from his pocket and handed it to Mu Mu Shisan, "When I took it off, I was wearing gloves."

The corner of Mu Mu Shisan's mouth twitched slightly, feeling that Chi Feichi was still so 'professional'. After taking the evidence bag, he looked it over carefully and handed it to Miwako Sato.

Conan continued to reason, "I heard from Sister Yuanzi that Mr. Puhe is also a person with absolute pitch. This should not be a secret. When Brother Chi said that he removed the sensor, I was sure that Mr. Puhe was the murderer. Because you have an absolute sense of pitch, you should not have heard a problem with the sound of the pipe organ during the final rehearsal, let alone tell Dean Domoto, unless you are the one who put the sensor in the pipe organ! Let the river play the piano Miss Qiuting was involved in the explosion and was injured. She was injured when she put something in Miss Qiuting’s tea and drove after her. It is because they have absolute pitch. Detecting the sensor before it even started spoils your plans, so you have to stop them from appearing."

"Mr. Nachi..." Miwako Sato looked down at the evidence bag in her hand.

"Being able to find the sensor means that Brother Chi also has an absolute sense of pitch!" Conan turned his head and smiled at Chi Feichi, then looked at Pu Hejiang again, "When we came here just now, Miss Qiu Ting told me that we When watching the rehearsal, she suspected that Brother Chi had absolute pitch. It was only because she didn't realize it and hadn't practiced it, so she thought that she was only sensitive on the piano. That day Pu and Mr. Si sat next to them, I miss you At that time, I heard Miss Qiu Ting's analysis, and put Brother Chi on the blacklist, that is, the list of people who must never participate in the final rehearsal and concert!"

Saying that, Conan felt a little more doubtful.

Another thing he couldn't figure out was why Chi Feichi was on the 'Must Kill' list? Could it be because Chi Feichi hooked up with the fiancée of his deceased son?

"That's right, I really think so. Just in case, Mr. Chi must not be allowed to attend. If he attends the final rehearsal, then find a way to send him and Miss Qiuting away who discovered the abnormality. Fortunately, he didn't come Watching the rehearsal, and after the performance officially started, I was also hesitant to do it, but after hearing the noise outside, I realized that it was a stand-in. He actually came over secretly and removed the sensor, which was a bit beyond me. Unexpectedly, it should be in the midway of Tangben's speech, right? It seems that there were only two explosions outside, so the police could come in so smoothly, but it's okay..." Pu Hejiang said indifferently, and put his hand into the right pocket of his coat , turned to look at Miwako Sato who had been sneaking close to him, "This police officer, please stop!"

Miwako Sato quickly stopped her small movements, looking solemnly at Pu He Takumi's right hand in his pocket.

Sure enough, there is a manual detonation controller!

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