Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1508: Someone Who Can Deal With Rak

"No," Dr. A Li smiled and looked up at the building next to him. "It's 'Shabei', which means clams. It is said that the clams in that restaurant are delicious!"

Seeing the three children's attention diverted, Conan heaved a long sigh of relief, but thinking of Hui Yuan Ai's curious question, he couldn't help feeling a little more heavy in his heart.

When it comes to the question of who is the best, he thinks that the guy code-named Lark is better than Mr. Akai.

I don't know if it's because they don't know anything about raki, or because Mr. Akai has been figured out some way of thinking when he sneaked into the organization, but anyway, that guy deserves to be the person sent by the organization to kill Mr. Akai. They knew in advance which way Mr. Akai would go, and the ill-prepared attack also made them so embarrassed.

When Mr. Akai was washing his face in the toilet yesterday, he said that that guy was like a roundworm parasitic in other people's bodies. A very troublesome enemy.

He could also feel the depression. He had made all the plans yesterday, but he had no chance to kick that football.

In fact, he thinks that Brother Chi should be better than Mr. Akai in some respects. Leaving aside the experience of 'how to deal with criminal organizations', as long as you give Brother Chi enough clues, I am afraid that Brother Chi will be able to grasp the key points faster than them. And hidden clues, put forward plans they couldn't think of, or perfect the loopholes in their plans.

"Hey, it's time for us to go in," Haibara Ai next to him reminded Conan when he was in a daze, and asked in a low voice, "What are you thinking?"

"It's nothing."

Conan responded with a smile, and sighed inwardly after following the three chirping children who entered the hotel gate.

Just now, a beautiful conception appeared in his mind.

Photos of people with different background colors are torn apart, like jigsaw puzzle pieces with jagged edges. The jigsaw pieces of Mr. Akai, who always speaks mysteriously, can be put together to organize the opposite of the silver-haired, crazy Gin , and Brother Chi's jigsaw puzzle pieces can be pieced together opposite a certain blond, blue-eyed, cold-eyed Lark.

Yes, he just had a feeling

It will be very difficult for Mr. Akai to deal with Lark, but Brother Chi should be able to. If Brother Chi joins, their chances of victory can be raised again, and his confidence can also be strengthened a lot.

But Brother Chi's condition is not good, otherwise he would call Dr. Fushan to ask if Brother Chi can still be cured... Cough, no, to ask if he can still be cured?

Do you have to think of a way to help Brother Chi heal his illness first? But even a professional psychiatrist couldn't help him. He thought it might be easier to deal with raki by himself.


in a minute...

Dr. Ali handed over the buffet voucher to the receptionist, and led a group of children into the restaurant.

Conan saw the three children happily taking food, and as soon as he calmed down, he heard the sound of sirens outside.

Takagi got out of the police car and hurried towards the elevator of the building. Halfway there, he was stopped by Conan, Dr. Ali and other children who ran out, so he had no choice but to explain the situation.

A murder occurred in this building. The deceased was the president who rented the 39th floor of the building and opened an overseas talent agency. The first person who found out was the president's secretary...

Hearing what Takagi said about the situation, Conan naturally wanted to go and have a look, but after entering the crime scene, the first time he saw the president's secretary, he was stunned.

It was a young girl from abroad, with a sharp chin, but soft facial contours, without the straight and hard contours of most Europeans. Her blond hair was tied in a short ponytail at the back of her head, and she looked very fresh and capable, with neat bangs Underneath are a pair of blue eyes, with little freckles on the cheeks under the eyes.

After Hui Yuanai saw the female secretary, she turned her head and saw that Conan was stunned, her face became serious, and she asked softly, "Could it be that this woman..."

Conan came back to his senses, smiled and waved his hands to explain, "No, the outline of her eyes is not like that of raki, and the overall look is only six or seven points similar at most. I just saw people with blond hair and blue eyes and small freckles. Thinking of that guy."

"Most Germanic people have the characteristics of blond hair and blue eyes, and the higher the latitude of the living area, the lighter the hair color. If you find two people at random, the similarity can reach 50% in terms of hair color and eye color. If the face shape is also Almost, the similarity can reach 60% to 70%, you really have a lot of water that is 60% or 70% similar," Hui Yuanai complained, but also carefully observed the female secretary, since there are 60% or 70% similarity, then She can remember this face, "Europeans have fairer skin and less melanin in their skin. It is not surprising to have freckles when exposed to more sunlight outdoors. However, freckles are generally more common in European children. After that, the freckles will slowly disappear..."

An idea flashed in Conan's mind, and he finally understood why he suddenly thought of raki just now.

That's right, freckles mostly appear on the faces of children, and they will slowly dissipate after they grow up. Although not every adult will have freckles, there are not many people who have freckles on their faces.

Because of that, he kind of resembles the raki guy when he sees the freckles on his cheeks on another grown-up, blond face.

"There are freckles on the face after adulthood, it is likely to have genetic factors..." Hui Yuanai observed the female secretary and frowned, "Wait, have I seen that rake somewhere?"

Conan's face changed drastically, he turned around quickly and put his hand on Haibara Ai's shoulder, and asked, "Where is it? When is it?"

Hui Yuanai raised his hand to 'snap' open Conan's hand, and said softly with a speechless face, "I just feel that I seem to have seen a similar face on the street, but I just saw it inadvertently, and there is no intersection at all."

"Yes, is it..." Conan withdrew his hand in embarrassment, and found that his voice was too loud just now, which attracted Mu Mushisan to look over, and smiled awkwardly at a group of people, "Haha..."

Eye thirteen has a black line.

At the murder scene, you don't have to be so noisy and laugh so hard that your eyes are crooked, right?

Hui Yuanai took the opportunity to whisper, "I don't feel the breath of the organization from her."

"Hmm..." Conan nodded lightly. Seeing that the police continued to work on the case, he lowered his voice and whispered, "I was wondering if Lark is also of mixed race? His facial contours are not as straight as most Europeans'. Hard, but this is just a guess, after all, there seem to be a lot of mixed races in your organization."

Hui Yuanai yawned calmly, "Indeed, there are quite a few mixed races in the organization, and I am one of them."

Conan laughed dryly, listening to Mu Mu Shisan's analysis of the case.

What's the matter with Haibara's sudden displeasure...

The murderer is likely to be the new foreign artist that the president intends to sign.

Soon, Takagi Wataru brought two suspicious foreign men, and Chiba and Shin also brought a 'very suspicious' foreign man...Andre Cameron.

Conan was also a little confused when he saw Andre Cameron became a suspect. Soon, he noticed that Andre Cameron was staring at the female secretary, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

No need to ask, Investigator Cameron had the same illusion as he had just now, thinking that this woman is a bit like rake, but...

Investigator Cameron should think about how to solve this matter now.

No way, Conan saw that Andre Cameron couldn't tell his identity clearly, which aroused the suspicion of the police, so he could only go aside and call Judy to come to help.

After Judy arrived, she lied that she was Andre Cameron's girlfriend, and stared at the female secretary from time to time.

They've been so focused on raki lately that seeing someone similar is like looking twice more...and two more times...

Hui Yuanai saw that the two of them were always sneaking glances at the female secretary, and walked to the window boredly, looking at the night scene outside.

Outside, the sky has completely darkened.

The flocks of crows that are common in Tokyo in winter seem to have also disappeared into the night, making it difficult to peek.

One or two crows hid in the night, quietly watching the movement of the building.

On the street in the distance, a black Porsche 356a drove across the street, drove along the road to a pier, and stopped at the door of a warehouse.

The two men guarding in front of the warehouse turned their heads and saw the two people in the car get out of the car and greeted them loudly.



Chi Feichi looked at the two of them.

It seems that the hunter who received the bounty of "Assassination Chi Feichi" before was caught by him and Gin Jiu to "fish" and dragged into the periphery of the organization to do coolies. Afterwards, he threw it to Gin Jiu. up to now.

One of the guys with a simple face, he still remembers.

Qin Jiu walked to the warehouse door, saw that the warehouse door was open, but there was no one inside, so he didn't go in again, turned around and asked, "Where are they?"

The man with a simple and honest face was sweating, and hurriedly pointed in the direction of the container, explaining, "Keir said she wanted to go out for a walk and exercise, and Chianti and Cohen followed."

"You guard here."

Gin Jiu took out his mobile phone and dialed Mizuru Renai's number. When he found that he couldn't get through, he left a sentence and walked towards the container with Chi Feichi. With a chill, he glanced sideways at Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi understood, and walked around to the other side of the container.

No matter how complicated the situation is and how dangerous the situation is, as long as Keir doesn't betray the organization and won't cause the rest of the organization to be wiped out, no matter how hard the organization spends, it will save people. position statement.

Only in this way, other core members will have a greater sense of belonging to the organization.

But after being rescued, it's hard to say how much trust she has in Mizuru Rena who fell into the hands of the gangster.

Now Gin is quite suspicious of Mizumu Rena.

If it hadn't been for Rum's email saying that the people on duty nearby hadn't found anything unusual, Gin probably wouldn't have driven directly to the warehouse.

And if Shui Wurenai didn't stay in the warehouse and the phone couldn't get through, it was enough for Gin Jiu to make up a hundred possibilities.

Thinking about it in a bad direction, it is also possible that after colluding with the cunt, Renai Mizumura may have used some means to contact the cunt, let the cunt sneak in, and find an excuse to lure Chianti and Cohen into a certain trap Here, let Chianti and Cohen get caught by the f...

With Chianti and Cohen, it is really not necessarily possible to play against Akai Shuichi and Minzumu Rena.

Even if Rena Minzumu should have the organization's bugs and signal transmitters on her body, these can be manipulated to deceive the people who have been monitored by the organization.

As for when Reina Mizumu couldn't get through, why didn't Gin call Chianti and Cohen...

If those two people were hiding somewhere to hide from the enemy, a single phone call might allow them to be discovered.

In short, Gin is nervous now, and he is already prepared for the trap on the container side. He even has doubts about the two people guarding the warehouse door, so he specifically said to the two people, "Stay here". If a person dares to move around, there will definitely be a "turning bullet" flying past.

As for looking at him specially, what I want to express is

Be careful and split up.

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