Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1510 Shoot me

In front of the warehouse, the lamp hanging on the door was shaken by the wind.

A blue sports car drove up to the door, and Chianti pointed his head to the human standing at the warehouse door, "Luck, let's go first!"

Chi Feichi nodded, "After arriving safely, send an email to Qinjiu."


The blue sports car roared away before leaving the warehouse.

Beside the white car parked in front of the warehouse, a man wearing sunglasses straightened up, closed the hood of the car, without taking off the gloves on his hands, turned his head and said to Chi Feichi, "The things are already packed, Rum said , I don’t have time to make many arrangements near Laiye Mountain, let you be careful.”


Chi Feichi hissed back, looking at Gin and Mizuruna who came over.

The man also looked back at the two of them, turned into the dark place next to the warehouse and left.

Shui Wurenai stepped forward, holding the mobile phone in his hand, and shook Chi Feichi, "Fulfilling the mission, Akai has already agreed, so the transportation for me to go is also ready?"

On the screen of the mobile phone, an email is displayed:

[Tonight at 19:00, after turning the seventh turn on Laishan Road——Mizumu Rena]

Chi Feichi looked at the white car and said in a hoarse voice, "Go by yourself."

"Ah, thank you."

Mizuruna put away her phone, walked to the white car, opened the door to get in, and then turned her head to confirm, "Gin Jiu, then I'm going to come to Yeshan now."

"Wish you all the best!"

There was a smile on the corner of Gin's mouth, and he watched the white car leave. He restrained his smile, and turned to walk towards his Porsche 356A, "Is everything ready?"

"The locator and the bomb are all installed," Chi Feichi followed, "Bermode will rush to the murder scene, stare at Judy, and confirm the FBI's response. The hospital has not evacuated Lang Mu's people." , If the FBI personnel leave the hospital, Rum will give us news, but there will be no arrangements for coming to Yeshan, let us be careful."

"Hmph... I don't need him to remind me." Gin Jiu opened the car door and got into the car. "If the time and place agreed to meet are enough for us to prepare well, that fellow Akai may not be so easy to be fooled."


At 18:59 in the evening, the road to Yeshan was pitch black.

A white car was parked on the side of the road, and Shui Wurenai leaned on the car, watched a car pass by and drove away without stopping, and raised his wrist to look at the time on the watch.

one more minute...

She understands the style of organizing those people, and the car prepared for her will not only be equipped with a locator that can determine her exact location, but also a bomb.

If the situation is imminent, she chooses not to attack Akai Shuichi and tries to escape with Akai Shuichi, then the bomb installed in her car will be detonated, and Gin and Lark will be able to kill her and Akai Shuichi without even coming over. .

Similarly, if Akai Hideichi did not come, she was afraid that the organization would kill her and would not be able to escape. Once she made any attempt to escape, the bomb would be detonated.

On a nearby mountain road, a black car drove across the mountain road.

In the car, Akai Hideo threw the exhausted smoke out of the car window, looking at the road ahead illuminated by the headlights.

Not long after, the black Porsche drove slowly to the opposite cliff without turning on the lights and stopped.

In the car, the faint light from the laptop screen showed the picture from the camera on Rena Mizumu's body, and the time was displayed in the lower corner - 19:01.

When no one else was around, Feichi also lay on Chi Feichi's shoulder, stretched his neck, stared at the screen, and lowered his voice to remind, "Master, it's already past seven o'clock in the evening."

Chi Feichi didn't answer, but just looked at the screen displayed on the laptop, preparing to watch a "live animation performance".


A black car came from the opposite lane and parked alongside the white car.

Shui Wurennai saw the visitor open the car door and get out of the car, and took the initiative to step forward, allowing the camera on the neck collar to take a clear picture of the visitor, "What's going on? Why did you come from the opposite direction?"

Akai Shuichi leaned against the car door, "I drove around first."

"So did you find it?" Rena Mizumu stood still in front of Hideichi Akai, and asked with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "It's a solid proof that I came here alone."

Akai Hideo turned his head and looked around, "Ah, it looks like this..."

"Also, why did you change the car?" Rena Mizumu said that she almost didn't recognize the car.

"My car was blown up before, I borrowed it from a colleague temporarily..."

The conversation between the two was also transmitted to the opposite computer through the bug.

Chi Feichi looked at the 'Akai Shuichi high-definition face' that appeared on the screen, with a faint smile on his mouth, and said with deep emotion, "The picture quality is good."

It's much more realistic and detailed than when I first watched the anime.

"That's right, if the man's body is splattered with blood, you can see it clearly." Qin Jiu picked up the walkie-talkie in a cold voice, and said to the other side, "Okay, Keir, let's shoot him first, I will Just aim at the position of the lungs on your body..."

The first shot was to spatter blood to confirm that the transmitted image had not been tampered with.


The light from the gun illuminated Akai Hideichi's face, and when the gunpowder smoke rose and the blood spattered, it instantly went dark again.

Akai Shuichi's face froze for a moment, he stretched out his left hand, gritted his teeth and covered his right chest, leaned against the car, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, his breathing became rough and disorderly, he turned his head to look at the opposite cliff behind him, and his eyes vaguely caught the Porsche 356A roof.

Seeing Akai Hideichi gritted his teeth and endured the pain, Gin sneered, "Okay, Keel, kill him quickly!"

Rena Mizumura aimed the gun at Hideichi Akai, and said, "But, I've already pierced his lungs, so don't worry about him, he can only last for 30 minutes at most..."

"Aim at the head..." Qin Jiu said to the intercom with murderous intent in his eyes, "Put a bullet through his head, and wait until he stops breathing completely!"


Rena Minzumu responded, approached Akai Shuichi, raised her hand and aimed the gun at Akai Shuichi's forehead.

Akai Shuichi held his chest and panted hard, gritted his teeth, looked up at Rena Mizumu, laughed lowly, and said in a hoarse voice, "I didn't expect to come to this point..."

Rena Mizumu also showed a smile on her face, pointing a gun at Hideo Akai, "I'm also surprised, I didn't expect it to go so smoothly..."

"Keel, wait."

A hoarse male voice came from the earphone, and the smile on Rena Mizumu's face froze for a moment, and quickly eased, "What's the matter, Lark?"

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Luke is here too...

That guy is indeed the biggest variable!

In the Porsche 356A, Gin also turned his head to look at someone with an indifferent expression under the blond hair beside him.

"Before hitting the head, shoot me," Chi Feichi said in a hoarse voice, watching Akai Shuichi's panting on the screen, "heart."

He didn't want to make trouble at first, and wanted to let the story go through smoothly, but just now, he suddenly wanted to spoil the mood of the two of them.

At this juncture, these two people are still talking code words happily. Do you really think that no one can understand?

"Heart..." Rena Mizumura lowered her gun, met Kami Hideichi's determined gaze, and said with a smile, "No problem!"


The muzzle flash came on and went off.

Akai Hideichi fell back and leaned against the car when the blood splashed, and the bright red soon stained his clothes.

"Then the next shot..." Gin just opened his mouth when he heard the siren approaching nearby, paused, and said in a cold voice, "Keir, there is a police car coming nearby, the last shot will penetrate him Head, solve it as soon as possible, and then retreat!"


Rena Minami leaned into the car, put the muzzle of the gun against the forehead of Shuichi Akai, who was still with his eyes closed, and pulled the trigger.


Akai Hideichi wore a black knitted hat, so the bullet holes could not be seen clearly, but the bright red quickly spread on the car seat.

Rena Minzumu got out of the car, took out a bomb and placed it next to Hideichi Akai, closed the door, and immediately got into the car she drove, and drove away.

The police car drove by behind the white car. Hearing the loud explosion sound from behind, he turned around and checked the black car that was detonated by the bomb.

Reina Mizumura didn't look back, and drove away straight away, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, with cold sweat seeping out of her palms, and said to the communication headset in a low voice, "Is that all right? I pack the things in the car , shouldn’t suddenly kill me?”

"Okay, Keir, this is also to confirm your attitude, that's just in case of preparation, you go back first, and wait for us at the agreed place."

Qin Jiu comforted her, cut off the communication, and then took out her mobile phone to send the address.

Chi Feichi closed the laptop and called Bellmode.

"Bermod, how's the situation?"

"The case has been solved. Judy and the FBI who were involved in the murder have returned to the hospital. I am outside the hospital now. Because they have no abnormal movements, I didn't call you specifically. What about you? That man solved it Did it drop?"

"Well, Keir fired three shots, and I would like to trouble you to continue to confirm the FBI's reaction."


The Porsche 356A left the spot, and the police called the fire brigade. After putting out the fire, they brought the burned car and the body back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Soon, the news reported what happened in Raihayama. The FBI who was staying at Kubado Central Hospital was unable to contact Shuichi Akai. Amidst the anxiety, Judy and James Black went to the police again not long after returning to the hospital. TV hall.

Shuichi Akai's identity as an FBI investigator cannot be revealed, and Judy can only lie that he is a man she met by chance, and takes out Conan's mobile phone that Shuichi Akai has taken, and checks the fingerprints of the man's right hand that is not burnt.

After the fingerprint verification, Judy walked out of the police station, and after getting into the car, she couldn't help crying.

A motorcycle passed by, and Belmode, who was riding the bicycle, heard the suppressed crying in the car, and did not stop long. He rode the bicycle all the way through two intersections, arrived at a quiet and remote street, and parked the car next to the black Porsche 356A .

The window of the passenger seat of the Porsche 356A was lowered, and in the car, the blond young man in black turned his head and looked at Belmode who was parking beside him, with a hoarse and calm voice, "How about it, Belmode? "

"People from the FBI went to the Metropolitan Police Department to confirm," Belmode did not get out of the car, still holding the handlebars of the motorcycle with both hands, the corner of his mouth under the helmet smiled, and his tone was half a smile, "That female FBI agent Zhu Tee... You know, she used to be in love with Akai Shuichi, and after leaving the Metropolitan Police Department, she hid in the car and cried very sadly..."

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