Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1514 It's Not So Worrying

19:13, Maori Detective Agency downstairs.

Mao Lilan waited downstairs with Conan, saw Hui Yuanai coming, bowed his head to say hello, "Xiao Ai, you are here!"

Hui Yuanai looked around, "It's getting dark, Brother Feichi and the others haven't arrived yet?"

"Yeah..." Mao Lilan looked towards the intersection, and found that the red Lexus SC was just turning around, and laughed, "Here we are."

After the red Lexus SC parked downstairs, the three of them set off and walked forward.

"Brother Feichi, Detective Yueshui, you are here too!" Mao Lilan looked at the intersection and explained, "My father is going to rent a car, please wait a while."

"After all, Brother Feichi is the only car, and it can't fit so many of us." Seeing Yueshui Nanatsuki sitting in the front seat, Hui Yuanai opened the back door and got in the car, "Detective Yueshui, long time no see. "

"Long time no see," Koshimizu Nanatsuki responded with a smile, opened the car door and got out of the car, and handed the two bags at hand to Mao Lilan, "Mr. Hotel, I brought the souvenir I bought in Shikoku, please accept it."

When Mao Lilan heard that it was specially brought by Koshimizu Nanatsuki from Shikoku, she hurriedly reached out to take it, "Thank you so much..."


A white car drove to the side, slowed down and stopped, Kogoro Mori poked his head out of the window and urged, "Okay, okay, get in the car, we still have to pick up that stinky woman, it's really troublesome... ..."

Mao Lilan's face darkened, and she turned to ask, "What is a stinky woman? Isn't it normal for you to take the initiative to pick up your mother before going to dinner?"

Mori Kogoro looked dissatisfied, "She is the one who should go to the restaurant as soon as possible for dinner? She even went to dye her hair. I'm the one who pays the bill tonight!"

Yueshui Nanatsuki just got back in the car, saw the father and daughter arguing, turned to look at Chi Feichi, Conan and Hui Yuanai, and found that the three of them were all calm, hesitantly asked Chi Feichi in a low voice, "Is there a bad relationship between Mr. Maury and his wife?"

"They are angry at each other, and they are currently separated," Chi Feichi looked at the rearview mirror with a calm face. In the white car behind, his teacher looked like he was so disgusted that he was furious. "Teacher Mao Li means, It should be to let Xiaolan and Conan move faster, so that he can see his wife earlier."

Conan, who was standing next to the red Lexus SC, felt hehe.

This fellow Chi Feichi's interpretation really...prefers his own teacher!

If it wasn't for Xiaolan's suggestion, the uncle wouldn't even be willing to pick up his concubine's lawyer...

On the side, Mao Lilan also heard Chi Feichi's whispers in the car. When she opened her mouth, she retracted her complaints in a second, walked to the white car with a smile, opened the door and put the gift from Yueshui Nanatsuki on the back seat, " This is a gift that Detective Yueshui brought us from Shikoku, okay, Conan and I will go to Brother Feichi, Dad, you will be the driver of Mom, let's go~!"


The doors close.

Conan, who had just walked to the white car, was dragged back to the Lexus, silent.

If I had known about him, I would have just gotten into Chi Feichi's car...

Mori Kogoro scratched his head in bewilderment, not understanding why his daughter was in such a good mood all of a sudden, after thinking about it, he decided not to think too much, and drove ahead to lead the way.

It was completely dark, and the two cars drove out of Mihua Town one after the other with their lights on, drove uphill, and drove along the road.

Along the way, Mao Lilan talked about the situation of the restaurant, and the appointment time was at 10 o'clock, and asked Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara Ai if they wanted something to eat first.

"No need, I ate lunch late, and I'm not very hungry yet." Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned to talk to the three people in the back seat.

"I'm fine too," Hui Yuanai raised his hand and yawned, "Before going out, I cooked curry beef with the doctor, and I've already eaten a little bit."

Conan was a little surprised, turned around and asked, "Have you already eaten?"

"Yes, but I still want to join in the fun." Hui Yuanai put down his hands and glanced at Conan who was sitting next to him, "Can't you?"

"No." Conan quickly smiled and waved his hands.

"Xiao Ai hasn't seen Brother Feichi for a while, right?" Mao Lilan guessed, "It's normal to want to have dinner with my brother."

Hui Yuanai chose to acquiesce. She actually came here because she heard that Detective Yue Shui and Brother Feichi met in advance and wanted to have dinner with everyone. Otherwise, it would be fine to have dinner with Brother Feichi tomorrow. She has already had dinner There is no need to make this trip.

Yueshui Nanatsuki remembered what Chi Feichi said before, and asked curiously, "Mr. Chi said before that Xiao Ai lives in a relative's house, and the other person is a person who needs to be taken care of. Is there any inconvenience in life? Will it be too hard to take care of the children?"

Conan and Haibara were taken aback for a moment, then lowered their heads with a suppressed smile.


Mao Lilan was also stunned, and seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki was even more puzzled, and helped to explain, "It's not that life is inconvenient, Xiao Ai's parents have passed away, and she is related to Dr. Ali. Before she became Mrs. Kana's goddaughter, she Living in the doctor's house, the doctor is an inventor with great ideas, but sometimes he uses instant food to cope when he is busy, Xiao Ai can be regarded as supervising him to eat well."

"So this is ah……"

Yueshui Nanatsuki glanced at Chi Feichi who was driving, and blamed Mr. Chi for being unclear. She thought these people were 'using child labor'.

"Doctor, he really needs to be taken care of by himself. Sometimes he has to be reminded to eat and rest, otherwise he can forget himself for a whole day when he is busy, and his cooking skills are extremely poor, and his blood sugar should have been controlled long ago. Food is enough, he will go to the hospital sooner or later," Hui Yuanai complained calmly, regardless of whether his words and tone were too mature, "As for Brother Feichi, it's not really worrying, but it's better than the doctor , at least you don’t have to worry too much about life.”

Chi Feichi: "?"

What do you mean he doesn't really worry too much?

Koshimizu Nanatsuki probably understood, this is a little girl who loves to worry, others don't care, but she is too worried first, laughing with Mao Lilan in the back seat.

After the car drove through an alley, Feichi suddenly jumped out from Chi Feichi's collar, not to mention most of his body, struggling to dangle, "Ahhh! Master, hell! There is a dead body sitting on the ground. Float on the chair!"

As soon as Fei Chi finished speaking, there was a sound of 'cracking' metal impact nearby, followed by the sound of something heavy falling, and soon there was another 'cracking' sound.

Chi Feichi stopped the car immediately.

Feichi dangled in front of his eyes, and he couldn't help but stop.

There was a lot of metal impact and heavy objects falling, and the white car in front also stopped immediately.

After Conan was taken aback, he opened the door and got out of the car.

"What was that sound just now?" Mori Kogoro also got out of the car.

"It doesn't sound like a car crashing..." Yueshui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi who got out of the car, and paid attention to Feichi who had calmed down and lay on Chi Feichi's shoulder, "Just now Feichi also jumped up suddenly Come out, as if frightened by something."

After Mao Lilan and Hui Yuanai got out of the car, they looked at the front and back of the road, "But, there is nothing falling around here."

Conan had already reached the guardrail, turned on the watch-shaped flashlight, and took a picture of the dark road below, his face became ugly, "Is that it?"

The others converged on the fence.

Conan let the beam illuminate the garbage pile below the highway guardrail, "Look, above the garbage pile!"

A man with blond hair lay on the garbage dump. His gray-green short-sleeved T-shirt was messy, revealing his waist and abdomen. His hands, feet and body twisted unnaturally. The side of his neck was stained red with blood.

"Isn't this a person?" Mao Lilan asked in surprise.

Mori Kogoro stood by the guardrail and took a look, turned his head solemnly and said, "Anyway, Xiaolan, you should call an ambulance and call the police!"

When Mao Lilan called the police, Chi Feichi and Mao Li Kogoro drove back to the road below, parked the car, and walked around to the garbage dump.

The pile of rubbish wasn't too high, Kogoro Mori stepped forward, stretched out his hand to grab the man's wrist, felt the man's cold and stiff wrist, and sighed, "No, it's hopeless."

Chi Feichi thought of this episode, and immediately lost his sense of expectation for solving the case. He stood aside and said, "Fighter."

"Huh?" Mao Lilan called back and looked at the man's face, "So, he seems to be a famous fighter. Recently, the news of his engagement was reported on TV. I remember his name is... "

"Shiro Nagazaku! The challenger of this fighting championship, a 90-kilogram fighter, I heard that he is most famous for never letting his opponent approach from behind." Conan frowned and looked at the man who had become a corpse, "But look It looks like someone cut off his carotid artery..."

"Cough." Haibara Ai coughed lightly, reminding Conan that enough is enough.

These situations, even the uncle and detective Yueshui can judge, so there is no need for a famous detective to summarize them.

"Yeah, it's not easy for such a fighter to cut his neck," Mori Kogoro looked up at the road above, "and was the murderer dumping his body here? The plop we heard just now should be The sound of the corpse falling here, but there were no other people or cars except us on the road just now!"

"Then...then how did his body get thrown down?" Mao Lilan felt the chill behind her, and wanted to find someone to hug her, but found Yueshui Nanatsuki bent down to look at the body seriously, and could only bend down to pick it up Haibara, hold me tight.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki bent down and stared at the neck of the corpse, reaching out to touch the pocket.

She seemed to see a tiny golden glow on the wound just now, but the light was too dim to see clearly, so she had to find a light...

A beam of light shone on the corpse's neck.

Yueshui Nanatsuki was startled, then turned to look at Chi Feichi, who was lighting up with a small flashlight, and was also looking at the neck of the corpse, then looked at the corpse again, pointed to the muzzle of the gun on the neck of the corpse and said, "That's broken hair. Is it? It seems to be the hair of the dead, but it is very fine."

Conan hurried forward and looked closer, "That's right, there are hairs around the wound, and there are a lot of them, and they are very broken, and the blood on the neck has a very strange dividing line..."

Mori Kogoro leaned forward and thought about it, "It seems that when he was cutting his hair, someone cut his neck with a sharp knife. The mark should be because he was still wearing a bib or towel at that time."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki took over the words, "In this case, how the murderer approached him can be explained. The other party cut his neck suddenly when he was cutting his hair and was unprepared."

"The murderer is probably the barber who cut his hair!" Mori Kogoro touched his chin and said.

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