Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1517 Treat Conan better today

"But you all really like to run around. The path here is so dark, and a murder happened just now. You might be in danger if you run around..." Mori Kogoro complained, turning his head to look at Conan He ran away and waited for his daughter and a certain elementary school student to come back.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki glanced at Hazaka Minyo who was standing beside Fei Yingli, walked up to Chi Feichi, and asked in a low voice, "How is it? When did Miss Minyo leave the shop?"

When Chi Feichi saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki approaching, he was not at all cautious. He felt that there was nothing easier to get acquainted with each other than solving a case together. He thought about whether he should treat Conan better in the next two days, and took out his notebook and gel pen. , said softly, "I'll write it down."

At 20:00, lawyer Fei came to the shop, washed and dried her hair.

At 20:10, lawyer Fei started to dye her hair.

20:30, hair dyeing time is up, start to wash your hair.


After finishing writing the movements of Fei Yingli and Ye Sakajidai from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Chi Feichi drew a line between 8:10 p.m. Ms. Saka left the store from the back door and said she was going to a convenience store to buy rice. Since there was a garbage collection place near the convenience store, she went to throw out the garbage. At that time, she rode a moped at the door. The time was about 8:20 From ten to eight thirty, except for these ten minutes, she is with my teacher and wife at other times."

"It happened to be the period from when the deceased was killed to when we found the body..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought for a while, and looked in the direction where Conan ran away before, "By the way, I also found some things there. Right above the garbage dump where the body was found, the guardrail pillar was about 20 centimeters from the ground. The traces of wear and tear just circled around the pillar, and the traces are very new, so they should have been left recently..."

Said, Yueshui Nanatsuki looked at the alley in the opposite direction again, that is, he came over there by himself, "After I found that there were wear marks on the ring, I walked around the outer guardrail for a while, and then I arrived at the other side of the road. On the side of the road leading out of this alley, there is a pillar at the lower corner of the isolation fence, which also has the same trace, which is also about 20 centimeters from the ground. Judging from the trace, it should be left by the same thing at the same period."

"Line?" Chi Feichi continued to prompt.

"It really looks like it was left by something like fishing line rubbed off," Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded and said, noticing the rotatable single chair on the abandoned table beside him, reminded in a low voice, "Mr. Chi , you see, there is a circle like that on the axis of the chair."

Chi Feichi took a look and saw that Conan was back, so he nodded without further talking.

"What are you running around like, kid? Can't you be more obedient like Xiao Ai?" Kogoro Mouri saw Conan came back, and also saw Hui Yuan Ai who had been following Chi Feichi, stepped forward and raised his hand I'm going to give Conan a head-beating.

Standing beside him, Chi Feichi stretched out his hand, stopped him, and calmly said to Kogoro Mori, who was looking puzzled, "Teacher, children may become stupid if they are hit on the head too much."

Today, he treats Conan a little better.

When Mao Lilan heard this, she hurriedly stood in front of Conan, "Yes, Dad, don't keep hitting Conan on the head!"

Mori Kogoro crossed Mori Lan's side, stared at Conan who was hiding behind, and said angrily, "I think this kid is spoiled by you!"

"It's better than some old man hitting a child on the head, right?" Fei Yingri glanced at Mori Kogoro with half-moon eyes.

Mori Kogoro was even more angry, staring at Conan with cannibalistic eyes.

This brat...

Hui Yuanai yawned, and looked up at Chi Feichi who withdrew his hand.

Brother Feichi is really used to Edogawa...humph.

"Okay, okay, let's go to that convenience store!" Megushi Shisan sweated and stopped the group of people who were about to quarrel, and looked at Miyo Hazaka seriously, "Miss Hazaka, please lead the way."

Hazaka Minato nodded, and led the way to the alley in the opposite direction to Conan's.

Conan turned his head to look at the alley above the garbage dump, and looked away thoughtfully.

In the opposite direction...

Yueshui Nanatsuki frowned, took out a booklet and a pen, held the Tang Dao in his arms, and walked forward with the others while lowering his head to draw a simplified map of the vicinity on the blank page of the booklet.

At the intersection at the end of the alley, Conan suddenly noticed that there was an abnormality in the roadside guardrail. He ran forward and squatted down to look at the ring marks at the lower corner of the pillar.

"Conan is really sharp..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki raised his eyes to notice Conan's reaction, sighed softly, turned to look at Chi Feichi, and found that the person beside him looked focused and serious, staring down at the map in his booklet, startled, and asked with a smile, " Did you find out?"

Chi Feichi always felt that Nanatsuki Koshimizu's voice was abnormally gentle for a moment. He raised his eyes and looked at Nanatsuki Koshimizu who was looking at him with a smile. He said 'hmm', took the booklet, and drew a map in Nanatsuki Koshimizu. Draw a line on it.

A line starts from the back door of the beauty salon, leads to the top of the garbage dump where the corpse was found, circles around the specially marked pillar, and draws back to the back door of the beauty salon. At the end of the line, a sketch of a moped is drawn .

Another line also starts from the back door of the beauty salon, but this time it is drawn directly on the sketch map of the moped, all the way to the pillar at the intersection here, and circles around...

In this case, it was also the use of strings such as fishing lines as traps.

It's cumbersome to explain, but it's much easier to draw a picture.

After observing the traces at the lower corner of the pillar, Conan looked up and saw the two standing together writing and drawing on the booklet, and found that Mori Kogoro and others had already entered the convenience store ahead, so he decided to go to the convenience store first.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu could understand the meaning of the lines drawn by Ike Feichi, and simulated in his mind the trajectory of Kazuyo Hazaka riding a moped to the convenience store, and the lines tied to the car being driven, his eyes lit up, Soon he frowned again, thinking, "But with such a thin thread, there is no way to drag the corpse over there, right? Even if it could, there would be scratches on the corpse... Wait, the chair by the back door... ..."

"That's right." Chi Feichi was at the back door, drawing a sketch of the chair again, and drew a little match figure sitting cross-legged on it. "If you let the corpse sit cross-legged on it, the corpse won't fall down."

Like Conan's "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" prompt, he finds it troublesome and can't play it, so it's more comfortable to say the answer directly.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki understood, and asked Chi Feichi for the answer, "And when the chair with the dead body was used as the side of the guardrail, the chair hit the guardrail, and the corpse flew out, flying all the way to the garbage dump below, we heard ' The sound of "snap" should be the sound of the chair hitting the guardrail. After she continued to ride the moped, she could drag the chair back to the back door. When she came back from the convenience store, she would put the chair on the table. As for Evidence... The carotid artery of the deceased was cut open, there must have been a lot of blood, and she dared to take the police to her shop, explaining that the murder weapon and the blood-stained gloves were lost, and she couldn't go too far, so... ..."

Chi Feichi saw Yueshui Nanatsuki looking up at the garbage collection place next to the convenience store in front of him, and said with certainty, "When I came to the convenience store, I threw it there with other garbage. The police should be able to find it if they investigate."

Nanatsuki Yueshui nodded his head heavily, and said with emotion, "Mr. Chi, you are really amazing, you have seen the tricks used by the murderer so quickly!"

"You go and help the police solve the case." Chi Feichi closed the booklet and handed it along with the pen to Yueshui Nanatsuki, "Don't mention me, I hate taking notes."

"Ah..." Yueshui Nanatsuki thought of the last time when he was investigating Jiashiyuan, Chi Feichi went to the police station to take Conan to make a record, and he kept his face cold and didn't cooperate very much. After receiving the booklet and pen, he put his hand on the side of his forehead and saluted with a smile, "Yes, obey!"

In the convenience store, the male clerk took out a shopping receipt and handed it to Mu Mu Shisan who was asking the question, "Only Jie Dai came tonight, the specific time is on the shopping receipt!"

Mu Mu Shisan took the receipt and looked down at the time printed on it, "8:28 p.m.... Excuse me, how long did she stay in the store before paying the bill?"

"About four to five minutes," said the male clerk, "Just look at the surveillance video in the store and you'll know."

"Then, it's impossible for her to commit crimes, right?" Fei Yingli said, "She left the store at around 8:20, and arrived here at 8:23 or 24. She stayed in the store for four or five minutes before paying the bill. After returning to the beauty salon, it was almost 8:30, and there was no time to cut the neck of the person and carry the body there."

The male clerk turned pale, "Cut, cut off the neck?"

"Yeah, I can tell you..." Mori Kogoro approached the male clerk's ear mysteriously, and threatened with malicious intent, "I heard that when she came here by bicycle, she threw it away at the nearby garbage collection place." Three bags of garbage, there might be body parts or something in them."

The male clerk suddenly laughed, "Are you trying to say that Jie used that moped to carry the corpses for her? That's impossible, that moped was left to her by her father, and it always broke down. The engine is often turned off. When she came tonight, I went out to take out the garbage and saw her at the intersection. The car seemed to be turned off again. She came here pushing the car. Not to mention carrying corpses, it is enough for a car like this to ride normally. Already very lucky."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu who entered the door was stunned, and found that the last clue puzzle was also found.

The moped stalled, probably because the chair with the dead body hit the guardrail...

"Now are you sure?" Fei Yingli took a step forward, staring at Mori Kogoro with a dark face, "She is innocent! And she is my most important beautician, can you stop interrogating her like this?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki stepped forward, thinking that he might face the rebuttal from the legendary queen of the court, he felt a little nervous, but he turned his head and looked at the back of Chi Feichi who was standing outside the convenience store, smoking with his back to the door. After sorting out the clues and confirming that there was no mistake in the reasoning, he calmed down again and said, "I'm afraid it won't work, lawyer concubine."

"No, no?" Fei Yingli turned to look at Nanatsuki Koshimizu suspiciously, "Miss Yueshui wants to say..."

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