Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1521 Koshimizu Nanatsuki: The smile gradually becomes ferocious

At four o'clock in the morning, the people in the organization used the medical vehicle to disguise the real corpses as medical supplies and send them outside the morgue, filling the body bags that Amuro Toru had used to sneak in.

With Chi Feichi taking the place of the doctor on duty, and coordinating with the transfer of the inspectors and guards on duty, everything went smoothly.

Afterwards, Chi Feichi and An Shitou, who was also disguised as a doctor, went to the first floor, avoided surveillance, and left separately.

When Chi Feichi got home, the sky was already bright, and Hui Yuanai also got up, stood on the small stool in the bathroom to wash up, heard the sound of the entrance door opening, and saw Chi Feichi coming back from the outside, carrying breakfast, Not surprised at all, she retracted her head, rinsed her mouth with a grunt, and said, "Brother Feichi, you woke up really early, but why did you think of going out to buy breakfast today?"

"There is a breakfast restaurant that has good curry chicken nuggets. I bought it for you to try." Chi Feichi carried the breakfast into the restaurant, "Hurry up and wash up to eat breakfast."


After Hui Yuanai washed up, she went to the dining room to sit down. Seeing that there was only one breakfast, she asked aloud, "Brother Feichi, don't you want to eat?"

"I ate outside." Chi Feichi picked up the bento prepared last night from the cooking table, put it in a bag and packed it, "I'll take you to the doctor's house to get your schoolbag later."

"Are you going to sit with the doctor for a while?"

"No, I'll take you there and I'll be back."

"By the way, I made an appointment with Edogawa and the others. Today after school, I will go to the bookstore near Didan Elementary School. Do you have any books you want to buy? I can bring them for you."

"I don't have the book I want right now."

Going to school and going to school, going to work and going to work, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, who made the record, went to the Metropolitan Police Department to make a record.

After Chi Feichi finished his sleep, he took Feichi out to feed the cats and crows. He was going to buy some ingredients to take to Dr. Received a call from Sonoko Suzuki.

As soon as the call was connected, Suzuki Sonoko yelled, "Brother Feichi, quick, quick! We are at Mihuacho 4-chome, Nanatsuki-san arrived in Tokyo yesterday, and I didn't even have time to welcome her. I came to class after sick leave, we decided to go to karaoke to celebrate, and we will wait for you!"

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes."



Mihuacho 4-chome, Suzuki Sonoko closed the phone with a snap, and smiled energetically, "It's done, Brother Feichi said he'll be there in fifteen minutes!"

Hondo Yingyou reminded me honestly, "But Sonoko, you don't seem to have told Brother Feichi which karaoke we are going to..."

Suzuki Sonoko was taken aback, looked at the karaoke shop next to him, and waved his hands to cover up his embarrassment, "It's okay, Brother Feichi won't arrive until fifteen minutes later, it's not too late for me to send him a message with the room number later, Let me ask Nanatsuki where she is!"

"I just wanted to ask..." Hondo Eisuke continued to be confused, "Who is Nanatsuki-san you are talking about?"

"It's a female detective from the south," Mao Lilan saw Suzuki Sonoko calling the contact in a hurry, and turned to explain to Hondo Eiyu, "She and Brother Feichi have known each other since they were young. They were originally active in Fukuoka. This time I plan to come to Tokyo to develop.”

"Miss Nanatsuki, this way!" Suzuki Sonoko waved towards the street entrance with her mobile phone.

Hondo Yingyou turned his head to look curiously, and was quickly taken aback, "What a handsome girl..."

Conan looked at Nanatsuki Koshimizu who was walking quickly at the intersection, and laughed dryly in his heart.

Probably because he was wearing black.

In neither cold nor hot weather, wearing short sleeves is still a little cold, but wearing long sleeves is too hot, Koshimizu Nanatsuki is wearing black overalls and a white T-shirt, and a black short jacket with a stand-up collar. The breasts were not buttoned up, and he walked forward quickly, indeed with a heroic coolness.

"Sonoko, Xiaolan! And Conan, Xiaoai, I'm sorry to keep you waiting," Koshimizu Nanatsuki approached, bent down to greet the two elementary school students, then straightened up and looked at Hondo Eisuke, "Hello, I am Nanatsuki Koshimizu, and you are the one Sonoko said that you were treated in the hospital some time ago and only returned to school today..."

"I, I'm Hondo Eisuke!" Hondo Eisuke bowed deeply nervously, "Please..."


Hondo Eisuke's head hit Conan's head.



Two cries of pain sounded almost at the same time. Conan put his head in his hands and felt another bump on the top of his head, gnashing his teeth in his heart.

Isn't Eisuke Hondo treating illnesses? Why is it still like this? !

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts..." Hondo Eisuke rubbed his red nose, tears were about to burst out.

Seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki staying in place, Mao Lilan explained with a dry smile, "Yingyou has always been like this... yes, a little reckless..."

"It seems that your illness still needs to be treated!" Suzuki Sonoko smiled, patted Hondo Eisuke on the shoulder vigorously, and pushed Hondo Eisuke into the store, "Okay, let's go in first!"

"I won't go with you." Hui Yuanai suddenly said.

Mao Lilan, who was about to enter the door, stopped, "Is Xiao Ai not going?"

Hui Yuanai glanced at Conan and nodded, "Say sorry to Brother Feichi for me, I didn't go home last night, I want to go back to see the doctor early tonight."

The truth is - between "listening to Edogawa's singing" and "giving up on tracking the progress of Detective Yueshui and Brother Feichi", after hesitation, entanglement, and conflicts, she still decided to choose the latter.

"Then be careful on the road!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Mao Lilan gave advice before taking Conan into the shop.

More than ten minutes later, Chi Feichi arrived on the street as scheduled, took out his mobile phone and glanced at the email he had just received, looked up and found a karaoke shop by the roadside, and walked in.

At the front desk, besides a male waiter, there was also a middle-aged man in a brown suit, black sunglasses and a hat, standing at the front desk, talking to the waiter.

"Ah?" The male waiter looked puzzled, "Did any high school students bring their children in?"

"Yes, can you tell me what time they will come out?" the man in sunglasses said, "I forgot something in their room."

The male waiter looked down at the register, "But, when we were cleaning, we didn't receive any lost items."

Chi Feichi was not in a hurry to go to the box, but deliberately slowed down and stopped by the front desk.

It seems that he ran into a case again, or the case he remembered, and Yue Shui happened to be there...

The chance to bring Yueshui to the case is +1!

The man in sunglasses turned his head to pay attention when he noticed that Chi Feichi had entered the door, and then smiled at the male waiter, "It seems that my friend was joking with me and hid things on purpose, so it's not easy to find, how about it, I'm waiting in the other room while singing, if they come out, please tell me!"

"Ah, this is no problem..."

The male waiter agreed to come down, and helped the man in the sunglasses register Room 5 before looking up at Chi Feichi, "Hello, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, may I ask you..."

"My friend asked me to come over, and they have already come," Chi Feichi casually found a reason, "My friend said that if you need a drink, you can order it yourself when I come over, so I want to tell you by the way, please send one later A can of stout goes by."

"Okay..." The male waiter looked at the brochure in a low voice and nodded quickly, "What room is your friend in?"

"No. 3." Chi Feichi replied.

"I'll send it to you right away, it will be ready in a minute!"

Seeing the male waiter start to register drinks, Chi Feichi walked inside.

The room next to the front desk is room 1, followed by rooms 2 and 3. In room 3, there is a corner in the corridor. On the right side of the corridor past the corner are rooms 4 and 5, and on the left are men's and women's toilets. There is a cigarette vending machine at the end.

Chi Feichi turned around the corner and took a look before pushing the door open and entering room 3.

As soon as the door was pushed open, the girls sang in chorus.

"The past of tears, the swaying summer breeze, recalling the lost summer..."

Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan stood in front of the jukebox and sang.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, while stroking Conan's hair with his right hand, he turned his head to talk to Hondo Eisuke, with a rather stern posture, "Conan is really smart..."

When the door opened, the chorus stopped and only the accompanying music played.

Chi Feichi looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki, who was wearing a black stand-up collar jacket and bullying Conan heroically, entered the door silently, and closed the door.

When he saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki for the first time just now, he almost wanted to ask if he could help light the cigarette...

Koshimizu Nanatsuki froze in place, even the careless smile on his face froze for a moment, and he didn't know whether to withdraw his hand on Conan's messy hair.

Yuanzi didn't say that brother Xiaoqi would come, but he said that he would help her clean up the dust, and help a classmate who was on medical treatment during the holidays and just returned to school today to celebrate her return to school!

She didn't want to bully the children, she just looked at Conan's stinky face, and wanted to destroy Conan's image. With this explanation, I don't know if Brother Xiaoqi believes it or not...

"Brother Feichi, you're here!" Mao Lilan greeted.

"Brother Feichi," Suzuki Sonoko also smiled and turned his head to say hello, "Sit wherever you want, if you are someone you know, I won't entertain you!"

Conan took the opportunity to get out of Koshimizu Nanatsuki's clutches, put his hands on his head to straighten his hair, ran up to Chi Feichi, raised his head and complained, "Brother Chi, sister Nanatsuki bullied me!"

Xiaolan, Sonoko and Yingyou couldn't cure Nanatsuki Koshimi, just now he wanted to stand up to protest, but Nanatsuki Koshimi put his head on his head and pushed him back on the sofa. .

Seriously, a cold glance can cure all dissatisfied backers!

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

Ha ha ha ha ha……

The smile gradually became grim.

Chi Feichi saw that Conan "voluntarily gave up his seat", stepped forward and chose a seat not far from Yueshui Nanatsuki and sat down, raised his hand and patted Conan's head lightly, and said calmly, "Go and order two more songs." Song, come back with revenge."

Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan, who had just sung a few lines, stopped again and turned to look at Chi Feichi and Conan with complicated eyes.

Brother Feichi, do you want to use Conan's hand to wipe them out as soon as you come?

The pitiful expression on Conan's face disappeared in a second, and he looked at Chi Feichi blankly.

Damage or not?

He just wanted to ask, did Chi Feichi feel a little bit guilty about hurting the child's self-esteem when he said these words?

The backing is down, he has a brain twitch, and he thinks that Chi Feichi will help him accuse Yue Shui Nanatsuki of the injustice of oppressing the weak.

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