Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1524 Non-staff personnel who go to work every day


Nanatsuki Koshimi hesitated a little, not knowing whether to speak directly.

"But Brother Yingyou has been away for a long time, and after he came back, he behaved so strangely," Conan said for Nanatsuki Koshimizu, raised his head, and looked at Chi Feichi seriously, "What evidence does Brother Chi have to prove that he is not murderer?"

"I have no evidence," Chi Feichi replied decisively, "I just feel that he is not the kind of person who would kill someone."

Conan's childish voice was cute, "Brother Chi, don't let your feelings affect your judgment."

Chi Feichi glanced at Conan coldly, "I won't."

Conan looked at Chi Feichi suspiciously, but did not continue.

He hinted to Chi Feichi in the case of the Kubando City Hotel before that Chris Wynyard might be the accomplice of the murderer Kenzo Masuyama, and Chi Feichi started to criticize him without much thought.

There is also the case in Xinchu Hospital. Chi Feichi should have known that it was his wife who killed Dr. Xinchu Yihui, but he did not participate in solving the case.

However, when he told Chi Feichi about the murder case of Kenzo Masuyama, the case had passed for a long time, and Chi Feichi could not verify the authenticity of his words, and he could not produce any evidence, and he believed Belmore De's ability to lie and pretend is better than many people, and Chi Feichi has already discovered who the murderer is in the case of the new hospital, which is not a mistake in judgment...

"And there are other possibilities." Chi Feichi looked at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "If someone enters the karaoke room where you are alone and says he heard that you are a detective and wants to entrust you with something, you may also Invite him in for a talk?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded, "That's right, that is to say, the murderer knew something about the deceased, right? At least he knew his occupation or other information."


When Mu Mushisan led the team to arrive, he saw Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko at the door at a glance, and when he arrived at the door, he saw Chi Feichi, Conan, and Yueshui Nanatsuki standing next to the corpses talking. It was not surprising at all. , greeted with skillful half-moon eyes, "Brother Chi, it's you again."

"Mr. Chi, Conan, Xiaolan, and Sonoko, you are here too," Takagi She said with a cold sweaty smile, and also greeted Yueshui Nanatsuki, "Detective Yueshui, we meet again."

"Yes, yes," Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled with a hint of embarrassment, and whispered to Chi Feichi in a low voice, "I used to read news reports and knew that Tokyo has a large population and there are more incidents every year. But I didn’t expect it to be so much.”

"Actually, it's okay." Chi Feichi said.

Mu Mu thirteen and a half months looked at Chi Feichi, Koshimi Nanatsuki and Conan, "You probably didn't touch anything at the scene, did you?"

"No." Chi Feichi said.

"I'm a detective, so I won't destroy the scene of the crime," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said.

Conan also raised his head and said, "I didn't either..."

"Then please get out first, and hand over the scene to our police for investigation!" Mu Mu Shisan roared with spit and spittle, "Every time before the police arrived, you were the ones who wandered around the scene!"

The three hurried out to avoid Mu Mu Shisan's roaring sound waves.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki sighed when the police began to investigate the scene, "I just arrived in Tokyo yesterday, but I encountered a murder incident last night. I can't solve the case tonight. Before solving the case, I have to cooperate with the police investigation. I will also be curious about what is going on in this case and want to participate in the investigation..."

"Don't worry, the case can be solved tonight." Chi Feichi said softly.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked sideways at Chi Feichi beside him, his eyes were full of curiosity, "Are you so confident?"

Chi Feichi nodded.

The cases he and Conan encountered were rarely solved overnight. Unless it was a serial murder case or the case was too complicated, they would have to stay overnight to solve the case.

Just that confident.

"It seems that I have to work hard too," Koshimizu Nanatsuki laughed, and soon, his face became more helpless, and he looked up at the ceiling with emotion, "If I can solve the case tonight, I will probably go to the police station again tomorrow I’ve done the transcripts, right? I still want to write and sort out last night’s case tomorrow, but if this is the case, I can only do the transcripts tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to finish recording these two cases. Encountered another case..."

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, "You can try, first make the case files, and then take the transcripts of several cases to the police department to finish in one day."

He remembered that Conan was like this. He kept records of a few more cases and went to the police station to finish them all in one go. I am on my way to take notes.

Yueshui Nanatsuki was also silent for a while, "I don't hate taking notes because you take too many notes, do you?"

"No, I delegated all my records to Conan before." Chi Feichi looked at the policeman in the room, his voice softened a lot, "You are a detective, you have just arrived in Tokyo, and you are planning to develop in Tokyo, if you have the opportunity Going to the Metropolitan Police Department and having the opportunity to get acquainted with the police, there are only advantages and no disadvantages."

"That's right," Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled, and said with emotion, "Although if this continues, I feel that I will soon become a non-staff member of the police, and I am still a non-staff member who goes to work every day and has no shifts ..."

"Officer Megure!"

In the room, Takagi Tsutomu, who was squatting next to the corpse, turned his head and said, "According to the driver's license on the deceased, the deceased was Mr. Tatsumi Moniwa, 46 years old. The cause of death was continuous blows to the head with a blunt object. It should be that the murderer had too much blood on his suit when he committed the crime, so he threw it here and just covered the upper body and head of the deceased."

"The first person who discovered it was the receptionist at the karaoke," Mu Mu Shisan turned around and asked the male waiter standing at the door, "It's you, right?"

"Yes." The male waiter nodded quickly.

"When the deceased came over, did he have any companions?" Mu Mu Shisan asked.

"He came here alone, and he also made a very strange request," the male waiter turned to look at Mao Lilan and the others next to him, "He said that when a high school student with a child came out, please let me know He said..."

Suzuki Sonoko's face turned ugly, "Is this guy really following us? It's so perverted!"

"Following?" Mu Mu Shisan looked at a group of people in doubt.

Conan and Koshimizu Nanatsuki stepped forward and told about how Chi Feichi happened to enter the store not long after the man entered, and also about Chi Feichi's judgment on the scene.

"The deceased invited the other party to talk to him before he died..." Gao Mushe looked at the corpse on the ground, touched his chin and said, "Looking at it this way, the appearance of the corpse is likely to be like this."

Mu Mushisan asked people to develop the photos in the camera that the deceased carried with him, and continued to ask the male waiter, "So, how many people left the karaoke shop during the period after the deceased arrived?"

"There is not a single customer who has left. After this customer came, several customers came and found the corpse. The gentleman who entered the scene said that the people in the store should not leave for the time being..."

The male waiter told the situation of the people who entered the store today, and the police went to find the customers waiting in the private room to the corridor for questioning.

In addition to Chi Feichi and others in room 3, and the deceased in room 5, the man with a long face and dangerous hairline came after the deceased, that is, the man who went to room 3 by mistake before and was knocked down by a big man The man, named Kyouta Honma, went to Room 2.

After that, the big dark-skinned man who bumped into the long-faced man, named Kenji Arimoto, was in room 4 with his companion.

Then the old man with a fishing rod on his back, named Kunio Tamai, went to room 1.

Takagi finished recording in the notebook, looked up at the dark-skinned man, and confirmed to the male waiter, "You just said this dark-skinned guest?"

"Yes, yes," the male waiter looked at Kenji Arimoto and said, "This guest came with his companion."

"The companion who came with me is resting on the sofa in our private room..." Kenji Arimoto turned and opened the door of Room 4.

The person lying on the sofa in the room was wearing a pink sports vest, tall and muscular like Arimoto Kenji, with short yellow hair like a saw head, and sat up when he heard the door open.

"Hey, no one told you to get up," Kenji Arima hurriedly said, "Go ahead and rest if you don't feel well!"

The person on the sofa reached out and pressed his throat, his voice was very hoarse, "I'm sorry."

"The voice is very hoarse." Gao Mushe looked into the room, "Is it because you are not feeling well?"

"Yeah, this guy has a bit of a cold, and he insisted on singing karaoke, but his voice is completely hoarse." Arimoto Kenji finished complaining, and added, "But this guy has been staying in the room I haven't been out, so it shouldn't have anything to do with this case, right?"

"Ah, no," Takagi said, "There is no evidence yet..."

Mao Lilan noticed that Hondo Yingyou was staring at Yumoto Kenji distractedly, and his face turned paler, and asked concerned, "Yingyou, are you okay? Your complexion has turned paler."

"No..." Hondo Eisuke's voice trembled.

Suzuki Sonoko stared at Eisuke Hondo, "Let me tell you, you didn't kill him, did you?"

"I-I didn't kill the person!" Bentang Yingyou said in a panic, "I just saw it!"

The others turned their heads to look at Eisuke Hondo at once, and the gazes of Mumu Shisan and Takagi Shin were particularly sharp.

Were there any witnesses at the time of the incident?

Suzuki Sonoko stared at Hondo Eisuke speechlessly, "What did you see?"

"I, when I came out of the toilet, I went to the wrong box and entered the room of that dark-skinned person..." Eisuke Hondo pointed at Kenji Arimoto, his face was still as white as a dead person, and he stumbled, "Yu, result……"

"Then what happened?" Suzuki Sonoko looked at Kenji Arimoto.

"He, he and that person in his room just now...are actually kissing!" Hondo Eisuke shouted something almost collapsed.


Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan were taken aback.

The brain made up the scene of two muscular men hugging and kissing, and the faces of the others turned pale.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki took a step back in surprise, not even noticing that he bumped into Chi Feichi's arm behind him and was forced to stop.

Chi Feichi lowered his head to look at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, and saw Nanatsuki Koshimizu looking at Kenji Arimoto in horror with goosebumps on his neck, and then looked at Conan who was also stupefied in place .

Hmm... He remembered this case and knew that the people in the room were actually women, but these people don't know it yet, so, please ask for the psychological shadow area of ​​everyone here?

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