Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1531 Finally We Were Officially Meeting

Officer Gong Zhang straightened up and looked at Chi Feichi, "The child's mother happened to be on a trip and was not at home. We just got in touch with the other party. She was startled and said that she would fly back soon. Besides, we live here. It happened that all three of them went out last night... That kid called Kairen, who is the suspicious tenant? If he behaved suspiciously before, that person is probably the one who committed the arson! "

"Kairen didn't tell them," Chi Feichi looked down at the five children in front of him, "He said he wanted them to come and see for themselves."

"But, wasn't it late at night when the fire broke out last night?" Yuan Tai asked, "Why did the three tenants go out?"

"Yeah, the fire broke out at around 2:30 this morning. They are all adults. It's not very strange for them to go out at night and come back in the morning," Police Officer Gong Zhang frowned, "But since the kid who opened the door said that the tenant There are suspicious people..."

"Officer Gongchang!" A chubby policeman stepped forward with gloves on, holding a booklet with charred edges, and handed it to Officer Gongchang, "We found this at the scene of the fire!"

"What is this?" Police Officer Gongchang took it, opened it suspiciously, and looked at it, "It seems to be a diary written by someone...Maybe it wrote something related to the fire."

"Anyway, please take a look first!" the fat policeman said seriously.

Police officer Gong Zhang looked at Chi Feichi who was walking beside him, and moved the notebook to Chi Feichi's side to share the diary of a certain unlucky kid, "Big disciple of the Maoli family, since you want to read , let's take a look together, if you have any clues, please remember to tell me in time..."

Conan: "..."

This is not good for children, and it is easy to be ignored when encountering major events.

"However, please keep an eye on Feichi. If it bites me again, I will consider suing you for conniving to attack the police with pets!" Officer Gong Chang added with a dark face, turned to the last page of the diary, and whispered Read it out, "The last page is July 4th... Yesterday? The weather was terrible when I woke up this morning, but I still have to get up early to go to school, and the red person can sleep in late... Who is this red person ah?"

Next to it, the chubby policeman reminded, "Please continue to read."

Police Officer Gongchang looked at the diary and read in a low voice, "I came back from school and fell in the porch. The white people were just about to go out. It's great. Tonight, the red people, the white people and the yellow people I've all gone out, I can stay with my dad now, I want my dad to play with me for a while, but the detective team is coming tomorrow, so let's go to bed early... Who is it? Someone came back in the middle of the night, arguing with my dad , is the yellow person, is it because he did suspicious things and was discovered by Dad? It’s terrible, cover your ears and go to sleep, and when you wake up, tell Edogawa-san about it..."

"In that case, it must be the yellow person who set the fire!" Genta said to Mitsuhiko and Ayumi.

Conan thought for a while, then raised his head and asked, "Officer Gongchang, what kind of people are those three tenants?"

"Excuse me," Officer Gong Chang turned to the chubby policeman standing aside, "Can I trouble you to bring those three people here?"

"Okay!" The fat policeman nodded seriously, turned around to go to the police car over there, said a word, and brought three men over.

Chi Feichi raised his eyes and looked over.

All three of them are dressed in ordinary clothes.

The man walking on the left was slightly shorter and fatter, wearing trousers and leather shoes, and a dark green sleeveless sweater over a white shirt.

The man walking on the right is taller, about 1.8 meters tall, wearing a gray-blue hooded sweater, white shorts, and a pair of flip flops. His skin is very tanned, he has a cut-cut head, and a Band-Aid is pasted on his cheekbone. .

Of course, these two people are not the focus, the focus is on the squint-eyed one walking in the middle and slightly behind...

He traveled through time, but he didn't expect Akai Shuichi to still be in this kind of disguise.

Probably because I feel that it is too difficult to manipulate the makeup on the face, and it is not conducive to the long-term "quality assurance", so I want to make a fuss about accessories.

Akai Shuichi wears a formal suit like this, wears elegant narrow-frame glasses, changes to softer pink hair, and then squints to cover his pupils and eyes, even if he wears a suit under a suit Ji's black turtleneck sweater also looks much more harmless, and it feels like a different person from before.

When Akai Hideichi stepped forward, he squinted his eyes so that it was hard to see where his line of sight fell, and quietly looked at Chi Feichi from the corner of his line of sight.

We finally met officially.

Although he was wearing a vest, that wasn't important, what was important was that close contact would allow him to get a feel for what Chi Feichi was really like.

Chi Feichi was no different from what he saw in the photos before, he seemed to be particularly keen on black trousers, but today he changed into a dark blue coat, but he still had an air of indifference that was a little out of touch with the world and groups.

As for whether it is dangerous or not, he has no similar feeling for the time being.

The sense of alienation he felt from Chi Feichi was too strong, as if the words 'I don't want to talk to you', 'Don't bother me', 'Don't beat me' are written all over his body... Cough, it's more disturbing to him Feel.

Chi Feichi looked at the three of them openly, not just looking at a certain pink hair, and tried hard to suppress the sudden excitement in his heart.

Thinking of capturing Akai Shuichi's whereabouts, and this guy is so close, he wants to consider whether to throw two bullets in the past... This is not good.

Akai Shuichi can definitely feel the hostility of being targeted by hunters. Even if Akai Shuichi can't feel it, there is still a member of the organization beside him who is good at scanning.

If Haibara Ai noticed the organizational aura on him, with Conan and Akai Shuichi both present, he suspected that he would be targeted by some people from the FBI in a short while.

And he didn't really want to kill Akai Shuichi that much, but occasionally couldn't help but want to make Akai Shuichi a little trouble.

In the future, if something happened to Amuro's little undercover agent, he still counted on Akai Shuichi to help him, so he would continue to play the role of 'Luck', otherwise, he would have to think about how to save Amuro Toru without revealing his identity.

Then you need to hypnotize yourself.

He doesn't know Shuichi Akai, he doesn't know anything, he's just a veterinarian...

Akai Hideichi observed Chi Feichi for a while, then moved his eyes down, and fixed on a certain tea-haired little loli standing beside Chi Feichi.

Don't need to check your eyes, it's Shirley.

Hui Yuanai instantly felt a dangerous and familiar aura lingering around her, seeming to be staring at her and approaching her, her pupils shrank, her face was pale and she quietly raised her eyes to look at the three approaching people, and took a step back , hit Chi Feichi's leg.

This feeling……

The terrifying sight of staring at the prey, and the oppressive feeling that makes people's internal organs be hollowed out...

People from that organization are around here!

"Gah! Gaah!"

Two crows flew away, and a certain red-eyed crow flew into the crowd of crows, watching the scene with great interest.

Chi Feichi looked down at the top of the tea-haired little girl, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Hui Yuanai stretched out his left hand subconsciously, and tightly grabbed Chi Feichi's trouser leg, and slowly clenched his right hand hanging by his side, turning a deaf ear to the outside voice, and peeked at the three people walking in front with an ugly expression.

Who is it? Why is it here?

After making sure that his pants were not pulled down by Hui Yuan Ai, Chi Feichi squatted down beside Hui Yuan Ai, tilted his head and looked at Hui Yuan Ai, "Xiao Ai?"

Hui Yuanai stared blankly at the magnified face of his brother who suddenly appeared in front of him, feeling puzzled and confused.

That feeling suddenly disappeared...

Was it just an illusion? No, absolutely not, but why...

Did her senses fail? Confused?

Akai Hideichi stopped staring at Haibara Ai, and continued to maintain a harmless squinting eyes.

He had been out of the organization for so long, and he was only agitated just now. Seeing Shirley's reaction just now, he seemed to be aware of the danger.

From this point of view, he really thought too much before.

If Chi Feichi has anything to do with that organization, Xue Li has been with Chi Feichi for so long, she would have discovered it a long time ago, and she would not subconsciously regard Chi Feichi as someone she could rely on after feeling the danger, and hold him tight. Chi Feichi didn't let go of his trouser legs, and turned his head to hide behind Chi Feichi.

"Xiao Ai?" Chi Feichi observed Hui Yuan Ai's bewildered face, and found that his sister's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and suddenly felt a little upset.

It's interesting to scare his sister, but it's interesting to scare yourself. The feeling of scaring others is really different.

Akai Shuichi actually frightened his sister, like a provocation to him!

"No, nothing." Hui Yuanai glanced over Chi Feichi's face, looked at the three people behind him, confirmed that the feeling had indeed disappeared, and even suspected that there might be something wrong with his induction, but he didn't relax his vigilance and looked away. Staring at the ground, said softly, "I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable..."

Chi Feichi resisted the urge to flick the knife at Akai Hideo, and continued to hypnotize that he didn't know Akai Hideichi, and stretched out his arms to hold Hui Yuan Ai and stood up, making Hui Yuan Ai face his arms, and stop looking at the three people over there , asked in a low voice, "Did you catch a cold?"

"may be……"

Hui Yuanai answered absent-mindedly, turned his head persistently, and secretly watched the three people over there with the corner of his eyes, his mind spinning rapidly.

In any case, the people from the organization may be here, and there may be some traps, so we must leave here!

If she said she was unwell and asked Brother Feichi to take her to the hospital first, Brother Feichi would definitely agree. It would be fine for her to take Brother Feichi away, but what about the others? what about the kids

If someone from that organization has already targeted her, the other party may try to threaten her with the safety of the children. Brother Feichi is quick-witted and skilled, and she took away the violent person responsible for Brother Feichi. This side has lost a lot of help. If something happens to Edogawa and the children, she will be sad.

And that feeling disappeared, the other party may not be targeting her, and it is not suitable for her to make too abnormal behavior, otherwise it will attract the other party's attention...

"Should I take you to a nearby hospital?" Chi Feichi said, "Or I'll take you back to the doctor's house to rest, it's not far from here anyway."

If Hui Yuan Ai feels uncomfortable staying here, then he can send Hui Yuan Ai away from here first.

"No need," Hui Yuanai whispered, seeing that Officer Gong Chang didn't let the three people approach, but let the three people stand aside to be questioned by the police, "I don't feel that bad, I can hold on for a while."

Conan was obsessed with the case, so he didn't notice anything unusual about Hui Yuan Ai, so he raised his head and lowered his voice to ask Officer Gongchang, "I want to ask, what do those three people do?"

Hui Yuanai tilted his head, half-hid his face in Chi Feichi's arms, and eavesdropped with his ears up.

It would be good if we could figure out who was more suspicious.

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