Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1536 It's delicious

Haibara Ai walked behind Conan, pulled Conan, frowned and whispered, "What are you thinking? How can you lend the house to someone who doesn't know anything about it? You are Kudo Shinichi who should have been killed by the organization Ah, if a call to your house or a letter to your house reveals that you're alive..."

"It's okay," Conan said with a confident smile to Haibara, "because the admirers of Sherlock Holmes will definitely not be bad people!"

Hui Yuan Aidou Douyan: "?"

The effects of drugs make the famous detective more and more childish?

Conan was smiling when he suddenly felt the collar tighten around his neck, and his whole body rose vertically and was picked up.

After Chi Feichi picked up Conan from behind, he turned Conan upright, lifted him to a position at eye level with him, stared at Conan and asked softly, "Do you know him?"

"Ah?" Conan panicked, pretending to be innocent and confused, and looked at Okiya Subaru who turned around, "I think Mr. Okiya is very kind, not like a bad guy, and Aunt Kiko told me As I said, the house has been unoccupied, and thieves might get in, that's why she gave me the key, and asked me to go and take a look at the doctor's house when I have time... I just thought, Mr. Okiya for a while He couldn't find a place to live, and all his things were burned. If he was allowed to wander outside, then he would be too pitiful. Since this is the case, wouldn't it be good to let him live in Brother Xinyi's house temporarily? Help with housekeeping."

"I see." Chi Feichi nodded and put Conan down.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, took out the key from his pocket, raised his head and handed it to Okiya Subaru, "Here, here is the key!"

Okiya Subaru bent down and took the key, "Is it really possible? Do you need to tell that family?"

"I'll send an email to Aunt Yukiko later." Conan said.

"Thank you," Subaru Okiya said, "It was a great help."

"The condition is that when he is not at home, you are responsible for taking care of the house!" Conan smiled at Yasubaru.

Okiya Subaru also squinted his eyes and nodded with a smile, "Of course."

Chi Feichi saw the two people flirting with each other and exchanged secret words, so he didn't pay much attention to it, and arranged for Haibara Ai to rest in the room. After coming out, Conan and Okiya Subaru had disappeared.

Dr. Ali came back from the door and explained with a smile, "Mr. Okiya sent the children to the Mihua General Hospital to visit classmates, bought some daily necessities for him, and moved to the next door at night, how does Xiao Ai feel? "

"It looks like her complexion has improved a lot. She said she'll be fine after a short rest." Chi Feichi went straight to the cooking counter, put away the ashtray, and flipped through the ingredients, "I'm going to prepare dinner."

"It's not too late," Dr. Ali scratched his head with a smile, "I thought that Mr. Okiya could be regarded as a new neighbor, and I troubled him to take the children to the hospital, and there was still a lot of dough left for lunch, so I invited him Come over to eat ramen tonight..."

"I'll make noodles with fried sauce for you tonight." Chi Feichi turned over the ingredients, looked at them, then turned to get the clothes on the sofa, "the ingredients are not enough, I'll go out and buy some, and bring some fruit for Xiao Ai Come back, doctor, do you want to come with me? Or wait for me at home?"

Dr. A Li was worried that Chi Feichi would not be willing to come over to eat with Subaru, but Chi Feichi agreed. He was taken aback for a moment, and quickly smiled, "Ah, I think I'd better take care of Xiao Ai at home."

They are very generous and kind. The key is... there is a new dish tonight.

In fact, he hasn't had enough of the Lanzhou ramen at noon, but he is looking forward to the new dishes. This is probably the trouble of happiness.


Seven thirty in the evening.

Okiya Subaru took a group of children back to Dr. Ali's house.

"Wow! There are so many dishes," Yuan Tai saw that the table was full of dishes, and ran to the table with bright eyes, "It feels delicious, I'm already hungry!"

Hui Yuanai came out of the bathroom and reminded, "Go wash your hands first."


The three children happily ran to the bathroom, not forgetting to care about Hui Yuanai who came out of the bathroom.

"Xiao Ai, are you feeling better?"

Hui Yuanai yawned, "Thank you for your concern, I'm much better."

She went to the room to lie down, obviously some unknown guy had ulterior motives, but for some reason, she was not so disturbed, fell asleep very disappointingly, and just woke up not long ago.

After a good night's sleep, my spirit is much better.

Okiya Subaru walked to the table, squinted at the large table of dishes, and felt dazed, and said with emotion, "There are so many dishes."

Dr. Ali, who helped carry the dishes, said with a smile, "Because Mr. Okiya is having dinner with everyone for the first time, Feichi went to buy a lot of ingredients, and the eel was contributed by Feichi."

Feichi stood up on the table, tilted his head towards Okiya Subaru, and spat out the snake letter.

Well, it was sure that this was Shuichi Akai's smell.

"Eel? This is it..." Conan looked closely at the roasted eel with cucumber on the table, and then asked curiously, "Brother Chi, what are those layers of dim sum with different colors?"

"Rainbow Fat Cake," Chi Feichi put two plates of fried noodles on the table, urging Conan, "Hurry up and wash your hands, we're ready for dinner."

"Yes~" Conan replied with a smile, and ran to the bathroom.

Today is another day of happiness and contentment.

"It seems to be causing trouble for Mr. Chi, let me help too!" Okiya Subaru felt that it was not good for him to stand still, so he rolled up his sleeves and helped to serve plates of Jajang noodles, smelling the pleasant fragrance , his mood suddenly improved a lot.

Hui Yuanai saw that she had helped enough, so she walked to the table and sat next to Feichi's seat.

In reality, even Belmode had dinner with her. In the game, Professor Moriarty also invited her and Chi Feichi to have breakfast. Isn't there just Subaru Okiya?

Ignore it, the food is currently, the greatest respect for food is to eat seriously first.

After washing their hands, the three children and Conan ran to the table and sat down, watching each of them have a plate of fried noodles and each of them a plate of colorful hair cakes. When Okiya Subaru came out after washing his hands, he couldn't wait to shout out.

"I'm going to start!"

Feichi yelled, swallowed the eel section in the small bowl in front of him in one gulp, and then watched several pairs of chopsticks staggering to pick up the food quickly.

Okiya Subaru looked at the posture of the crowd scrambling for food, looked at the three children frantically grabbing food, looked at Conan who was serious about scrambling for food, and then looked at the noodles in front of him. You should eat fried noodles first.

"Enough is enough for me," Chi Feichi looked at the group of children with a gloomy gaze, "Tonight's food is enough, don't mess up the table."

"Yeah," Dr. Ali saw Okiya Subaru stunned, and said with a dry smile, "You guys will scare Mr. Okiya!"


The three brats and Conan obediently stopped grabbing food.

"But I want to eat eel more," Yuan Tai muttered in a low voice, "Conan grabbed a lot."

Is it that delicious?

Okiya Subaru silently picked up a piece of eel with his chopsticks. After eating, he was silent for a while, then stretched out his chopsticks to pick up another piece of eel.

It is delicious.

At the beginning, the taste of the sauce is not too strong, and it still has the fresh and refreshing taste of cucumber. After tasting it, the rich sauce soaks into the surface of the eel segment, and the taste is richer. The aroma is lighter, but the salt taste is enough, just right for people to taste the deliciousness of eel meat.

Mr. Chi's cooking skills are really good. It seems that there is another advantage of living next door. In the future, he should be able to come over from time to time for a meal!

A group of people ate dishes with fried noodles and rainbow hair cakes. When the braised eel with cucumber decreased a little, the other dishes also gradually decreased.

Okiya Subaru originally estimated that the children would be able to finish each person's serving of Jajangmen and Fat Cake at most, but he didn't expect that a group of children would almost eat enough for adults if they ate vegetables and staple food together.

It's understandable, after all, Mr. Chi's dishes are delicious.

The chicken nuggets are a bit spicy and very appetizing. It seems that the chicken that has been marinated for a while also has an indescribable aroma.

Stir-fried amaranth looks green and oily, very appetizing, the seasoning does not destroy the light taste, it is so appropriate that people can't fault it.

Jajangmyeon is also delicious...

The hair cake with a very light sweet taste is also delicious...

Tomato Shrimp Soup, it looks good, you can try it...

After the meal, a group of people, like Feichi, sat motionless to digest food, and like Feichi, their stomachs bulged out, big or small.

Chi Feichi got up and cleared the table.

Okiya Subaru took a look, stood up and said, "Mr. Chi, I..."

"No, you sit down."

Chi Feichi cleaned up the table, cleaned the dishes, and saw a group of people starting to move around. He opened the refrigerator, took out the fruit plate inside, removed the plastic wrap on it, and brought it to the table. "The weather is hot these days, eat more Fruit, I have frozen it in advance."

"It's great!" Yuantai looked at the garden and animals carved out of the fruit with bright eyes, and touched his stomach, "Good! There is some space in the stomach, let's eat some more fruit!"

Okiya Subaru: "..."

This kid can eat better than him...

Also, Mr. Chi, is this a pig feeding method? He suspected that if he lived next door for a period of time and came over for a meal from time to time, he would be fed a few catties.

Hui Yuan Ai also felt that he ate a bit too much last night and today, but when he saw the red bayberry on the fruit plate of the 'garden' that served as a flower, he took one and tasted it, and suddenly found that the sweetness and sourness were right, so he picked up another one and started eating.

When Chi Feichi was about to make a move, he noticed the phone vibrating, took out the phone, checked the number, and answered the call.

"Toshiya?...A newspaper interview? Next Saturday? What about the salary? Got it, I'll call and ask about Mr. Mori's schedule...I'll contact you later."

Conan waited for Chi Feichi to hang up the phone before asking curiously, "Brother Chi, is there someone looking for an interview with Uncle Mao Li?"

"The president of Xing Kong Publishing House wants Mr. Maori to conduct an interview with a very popular astrologer, and it will be published as a popular magazine," Chi Feichi explained, pulling out the landline of Maori Detective Agency I dialed the phone, "Because they have already cooperated with THK company, so please be sure... Hey, Xiaolan, it's me..."

After hearing that Kogoro Mori was looking for a job with a good salary, Mori Lan immediately agreed for Kogoro Mori.

"Of course it's okay. Anyway, my dad doesn't have much work to do recently. It's next Saturday, right?"

"It's roughly confirmed to be Saturday. However, President Katsuragi wants to find a time when the teacher is free. He will visit the teacher in person, and then discuss the specific interview arrangements and interview content in detail. Of course, the contract will be signed at that time."

"That's right. He's free recently, so he can come anytime."

"If it's okay tomorrow, President Katsuragi and I will go there tomorrow, at 9:30 in the morning, how can we play?"

"Of course it's okay. I'm going to school the day after tomorrow, and I'm worried that my father won't be able to entertain the guests then. It would be best if I could come over tomorrow."

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