Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1541 It seems a lot earlier?

"When I wanted to draw a line with her, she threatened to sell my privacy to the media," Lvchuan Kulala said, and looked up at Chi Feichi, and found that Chi Feichi was staring at her. Panic, lowered my voice, "I don't want the company to think that I will cause trouble,"

"So that's how it is, threatening and extorting," Mu Mu Shisan said, "So you decided to kill Miss Lihua when you were at a loss?"

"No," Midorikawa Kulala quickly explained, "I did go to her room, but after I knocked on the door, she responded inside, 'I'm working now, I have something to say later', so I just I had to come back first."

"Then can you prove this?" Mu Mu Shisan asked.

Lvchuan Kulala was anxious and helpless, "How can I prove this..."

Seeing Mao Lilan walking out in a low mood, Conan was about to follow when someone picked him up. Looking back, he found that it was Chi Feichi. Before he could ask in doubt, Chi Feichi raised his arm. The lid of the anesthesia needle was also opened, aiming at Kogoro Mori.


The anesthesia needle flew out and shot Kogoro Moori in the arm.

"Huh..." Mori Kogoro danced on the spot, twirling around twice, then sat down on the sofa, with his hands on his knees and his head bowed.

Conan didn't care that Mao Lilan had already gone out, and looked at Chi Feichi who put him down in astonishment, "Hey..."

Chi Feichi squatted in front of Conan, reached out and untied Conan's bowknot voice changer, and raised his chin towards Mori Kogoro.

His teacher really shoots whatever he wants, and he can automatically find a place to sit down.

Conan understood, and ran over speechlessly, taking advantage of Megushisan and Takagi Wataru not paying attention, he stuck the sound transmission button on the inside sleeve of Mori Kogoro's suit jacket.

"Brother Mao, Maoli," Mu Mushisan looked at the sleeping Maoli Kogoro, and asked in surprise, "Could it...have it started again?"

Takagi touched his chin and muttered, "It seems that the time of appearance today is much earlier."

"It's started?" the photographer Masaaki Tamura looked puzzled.

Chi Feichi turned his back to a group of people, took Conan's bowknot voice changer, adjusted the voice of Mori Kogoro, and stayed away from the group of people, "That's right, Mu Mushisan, this boring case should end, next, let's It is up to me to explain who the murderer was and what method he used."

"No, a boring case?" Mu Mu Shisan had a black line on his head.

Conan also looked at Chi Feichi speechlessly, who had his back to them and was facing the wall.

These words are very arrogant, but it seems very appropriate for Chi Feichi who discovered the murderer and the modus operandi so quickly. People may really think this case is boring.

"Brother Maoli, do you know who the murderer is?" Mu Mushisan looked at a sleeping Kogoro, "Then the murderer is..."

"Mr. Gecheng, you are the murderer!" Chi Feichi said with a voice changer.

Kensuke Katsuragi, who was sitting on the sofa for one person, was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly said with a smile, "Mr. Mori, please don't joke..."

"I'm not kidding, just at around 5:30 this afternoon, when Feichi and Conan were in the garden, they saw a red-edged blue-tailed bird staying on the roof of the studio, and under the shards of stained glass, Pressing a blue feather," Chi Feichi said with a voice changer, "isn't it strange? If the feather falls on the glass first, and then you step on the broken glass to let the feather fall, then the feather's The weight should be on top of the glass shards, how could it be pressed under the glass shards?"

"Huh?" Mumu Shisan looked at Gao Mushe.

Takagi took out the manual and looked at it, "That's right, the colleague who surveyed the site found a blue feather under the shards of glass."

"The reason why the feather was pressed under the glass is because it fell into the room long before the glass shattered, in the room that was supposed to be a secret room," Chi Feichi continued pointing at the bow. The voice changer said, "I think, after talking with Ms. Youhua, you should use the excuse of going to the living room to make phone calls to deal with work, but actually went to Miss Lihua's studio secretly, knocked on the door and waited for her to open the door, then went in and killed You left her, took away the key of the studio on her body, and threw the other people's keys on the floor under the patio. After that, you went outside the room and locked the door, and walked around to the balcony outside, just like you did tonight It was strange, and climbed to the patio along the outer wall..."

"Mr. Mori," Kensuke Katsuragi interrupted, spreading his hands reluctantly with a smile, "you saw it today when I broke the stained glass, and if I broke the glass in advance, then when you were outside the window, you would Should have seen shards of glass on the floor..."

Chi Feichi lowered his eyes and said, "You don't need to completely break the piece of painted glass, you just need to stick tape on the place where there is a breakpoint due to the painted link on the glass, and hit it with a hammer to knock out a small piece of glass. Make a hole in the stained glass, and then you just need to throw the key of the studio through the hole. The evidence for my inference is that there is a piece of red missing from the stained glass fragments in the studio... "

"Red?" Mu Mu Shisan was puzzled.

"That piece of stained glass was designed by Teacher Lihua based on the combination of her profile and the guardian constellation Scorpio, and there are other places in this villa," Chi Feichi explained in Mori Kogoro's voice, "It is located in the position of Scorpio Antares The glass is red star-shaped, and the size of the glass is just right to throw the key down, but the red piece is missing from the debris at the scene, so it’s not surprising that I would make such an inference.”

"But Mr. Mori, don't forget," Kensuke Katsuragi said, "I was chatting with you and Mr. Tamura in the living room at five o'clock in the afternoon. Miss Kulala went to the second floor. At that time, Li Hua Didn't the teacher still talk to her?"

"Mr. Tamura, could you please play the recording of the interview?" Chi Feichi continued to speak in Kogoro Mori's voice, "You should have recorded it all, right? Just play the Nakame of Ms. Yuhua coming in and talking about Toto TV. It will be fine if the sir calls over."

"Ah, okay!" Masaaki Tamura vaguely understood, took out the tape recorder, and played the recording.

In that recording, Zitiao Lihua said 'I'm working now, I have something to talk about later', which was clearly recorded.

"Miss Kulala, did you hear such words when you went to the studio to find Miss Lihua at five o'clock in the afternoon?" Chi Feichi asked.

"Yes, yes!" Midorikawa Kulala nodded in surprise, "That's exactly what I heard at the time."

"Mr. Katsuragi, after you threw the key down the hole, you stuck the tape recorder in the hole again, right? When Miss Kulala passed by, you played that recording, and at that time you were in the living room with Mr. Tamura and I are chatting, this way, you will have an alibi," Chi Feichi said to the bowknot generator with his back turned to everyone, "afterwards, when the body is found, you just need to climb up, recover the tape recorder and crush it The glass can cover up the fact that a hole has been opened in the glass long ago, so after Feichi broke the window glass, you insisted on climbing up to smash the stained glass of the patio. As for the reason why you made your secret room, it depends on you From the point of view that Miss Youhua may have a spare key from the beginning, your original intention was not to create a secret room, but to put the blame on Miss Youhua, but you never thought that Miss Youhua did not have a spare key... "

Conan looked at Chi Feichi, whose back was facing them, and sized him up again and again.

It's not bad for his little friend to impersonate and reason. Not only did he imitate the uncle's tone... no, it should be said that he imitated ten percent of his usual tone when reasoning as an uncle.

Moreover, he, his uncle, and Xiaolan would all call the titles 'Miss Youhua' and 'Miss Lihua', but with Chi Feichi's usual personality, he should call the surnames 'Miss Baishi' and 'Miss Zitiao' relatively distantly. ', that's what Chi Feichi called him too, but after reasoning with his uncle's identity, he even changed the way of addressing him, which is really careful.

"Mr. Katsuragi," Mu Mushisan looked at Kensuke Katsuragi seriously, "You shouldn't be able to throw that red star-shaped glass far away, right? If it's what Moori brother said, we only need to search it, and we should be able to find it in you." I found that piece of glass on my body, or somewhere in this villa."

Katsuragi Kensuke sighed, gave up the sophistry, lowered his head, and gritted his teeth, "It's that woman who is not good! Who made her suddenly ask me to repay the money she has contributed so far? If she can't do it, she will have to grasp it from now on." The publishing house got information about insider trading and sold it to a weekly reporter...she threatened me!"

Seeing Kensuke Katsuragi's confession later, Chi Fei turned around and walked to Conan's side, squatted down, and stuffed the bowknot voice changer into the pocket of Conan's small blue suit.

Since he broke the glass of the window and Kensuke Katsuragi did not pick up the key on the ground to open the door, then there is no clue of accusation of "Kensuke Katsuragi immediately found the key of the studio to open the door".

But in the same way, Katsuragi Kensuke found that the body had not touched the key tonight, which can be used as evidence

Judging from the direction of the plot, Zijo Lihua should have given the white crystal on the original studio key to Mao Lilan. The key was dropped in the hole, and fingerprints may have been left on the sapphire.

Reika Shijo changed the sapphire when she arrived at the studio. If Kensuke Katsuragi hadn't secretly visited Reika Shijo during this period of time, how could it be possible to leave fingerprints on the sapphire?

Sometimes it is like this, the more you think about filling the loopholes left by crime, the more loopholes will be filled.

Of course, Mao Lilan is not here now, he shouldn't know that Zitiao Lihua changed the key gemstone, so he doesn't need to talk about this, let the police find out.

Mu Mushisan sighed, walked forward and said, "Mr. Ge Cheng, for the rest, please follow us to the Metropolitan Police Department to explain clearly."

Katsuragi Kensuke nodded dejectedly, followed Megushisan and Takagi Tsutomu out the door.

Chi Feichi also stood up, looked at Lvchuan Kulala, "Lvchuan, come with me."

"Ah, yes!" Midorikawa Kulala hurriedly got up and followed.

Conan guessed that Chi Feichi wanted to talk about Luchuan Kulala being threatened, so he didn't join in the fun after going out.

By the way, where did Xiaolan go?

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