Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1545 Behind the door is hell

Nanatsuki Koshimi sighed again, turned to look at the golden retriever by the wall, and found that Chi Feichi was here, and the golden retriever seemed to have stabilized a lot, and did not shrink back into the corner, "So what about it? ? When I came over alone just now, it seemed very afraid of me approaching."

"It was discovered by the staff who regularly went out to search for stray pets. It was also winter when they found it. One of its legs was broken. At that time, the blood was congealed. The whole dog was skinny and skinny. Fortunately, it was severely injured The only injury is that one, because the treatment is timely, the bones on the leg are all connected, as long as you don't run too fast, the appearance is no different from that of a healthy dog, but sometimes the leg will still be broken if you run too fast. A bit of a lame...actually a very docile dog."

As Chi Feichi said, he turned around and squatted down, stretched out his hand through the gap in the cage, stroked the golden retriever's head, got up and walked towards the red iron gate behind, "Although the animals in the dormitory outside have strayed, they are still there. I really hope to be accepted again. The black pill mentioned by the staff on duty just now is a German shepherd mixed with a Labrador. The reason for being abandoned is unknown. When the staff found it, it seemed that it did not How long has he been homeless? About a month after being rescued, he was adopted, but within a month, the family who adopted him abandoned him again. When the staff found him wandering outside, they found him according to the adoption registration. The family asked if it was because of some personality defects that caused the other party to abandon it. The other party said that it was only because after raising the dog that it was more troublesome than expected, so they abandoned it. They were worried that they would be blamed by the staff of the shelter for this reason. That’s why I chose to let it wander instead of sending it back.”

"Why..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki frowned, "And then? Kuromaru was brought back, right?"

"Maybe it feels that it is not good enough, so it is not liked, and it will not be liked. After coming back, it will not eat or drink. I came to see it once. After comforting, it started to eat, but it still ate very badly. less, and became very quiet." Chi Feichi turned to look at the big black dog in the cage by the door, "It used to be a very lively and friendly big dog, the staff, because of this incident, the staff is now being adopted. If you want to use a dog to catch the person who stole the dog, if you can’t catch it today, you may take the dog to the park tomorrow, and you will also feed and take care of it. The borrowed dog, it will think that it has a new owner, once you solve the commission and send it back, the dog may be very sad, so the staff will reject you and suggest to find a dog Borrow from friends, because for a dog that is loved by its owner, if it is taken care of by others for a few days, it may miss the owner, but it will also be more relaxed, while most stray dogs are more sensitive.”

"So that's how it is," Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the quiet big black dog, and suddenly remembered something, "I heard from my friends that in the past, many shelters in Tokyo used to have a 14-day shelter period, and stray cats taken in And stray dogs, if they have not been adopted for more than 14 days, they will be euthanized by the shelter. After the Zhenchi Pet Hospital took over the shelters in various places, the stipulated shelter time was extended, about two months, two months Inside, regretful pet owners can come and register, and then adopt their pets back, so that many pet dogs should be able to go home, right?"

"Knowing that the pets may be euthanized after they are sent to the shelter, those people still send the pets ruthlessly. Various reasons have prevented them from taking the dogs back, so not many people come back to find the dogs," As Chi Feichi said, he continued to walk towards the red iron gate, "It can be said that there are almost none."

"Then, if they are still not adopted after two months, they will still be euthanized, right?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki sighed, "Obviously they are still very energetic..."

Chi Feichi looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki, and said softly, "How could everyone be willing to euthanize them?"

"Huh?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki vaguely had a guess, "Could it be..."

"The only dogs that were euthanized were seriously ill or injured dogs that couldn't be cured, dogs that carried contagious germs, and dogs that were so stimulated during their wanderings that they lost their minds and would attack others for no reason," said Chi Feichi in Red He stopped in front of the iron gate and looked back, "However, in a sense, they did die after two months. They can forget the past and regain confidence in the staff, and they will be sent to a centralized training center. The base will no longer be what it used to be, and will no longer have the slightest nostalgia for the previous owner. This is a decision I made after discussing with the dean, because if there is no two-month containment time limit, some pet owners will think that they Sending dogs here won’t kill them, that will encourage abandonment, and the two months in the regulations are not for humans to regret, but for them to abandon their old owners.”

"Will it work?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki sighed, "Many dogs don't forget their owners so easily, right? Some can remember for a lifetime, not to mention just two months?"

"I'll let them forget, they're not that stupid, two months is an agreement between me and them, if their owners don't regret it and come to take them over within two months, they will also give me a little bit of courage and don't do it again Those who abandoned them wagged their tails."

Chi Feichi took out a card, swiped it on the machine on the wall next to the red iron door, and after an electronic screen lit up on the door, he put his palm on it.

This agreement was relayed by Feimo.

For these dogs, Feimo and Wuming really had nothing to do at first, especially Wuming, who was also abandoned and raised. Mo worked hard to learn the dog language, and also trained two crows with language talents. When he was free, he ran around various pet shelters, stood on high places to learn how dogs bark, and crazily brainwashed the dogs. He made a two-month agreement , and let the dogs who understand it pass it on.

After that it's much easier.

Even if some dogs are ignorant and don't understand Feimo's meaning, there are also dogs who understand to help and convey this agreement every day. When new stray pets are brought in, there are also dogs who have been waiting for a while to convey.

To use Wuming's curse when he hated iron and steel, it means—"Even if you can't forget it, you have to have some self-respect when you see it again, pretending that you don't know those stupid and selfish human beings, which stupid dog shakes at the old owner who abandoned it Tails, my wife is the first to send them into the disposal room! '

"Ding! The palm print verification was successful."

After the palmprint verification was completed, the red iron door slid into the wall on one side, revealing the corridor behind.

Seeing this battle, Yue Shui Nanatsuki became even more puzzled, "This is..."

"The back is just the operating room, treatment room, observation room and euthanasia disposal room, and then there is a backyard, where there is an activity area for injured pets, and a cremation place," Chi Feichi led the way into the door, seeing Yueshui Nanatsuki still in the room Looking at the iron door, he explained, "This is the door manufactured by the Manike Group. When I took over the Mihua Town Shelter, I sent someone to move it from the Manike Group's warehouse in Japan. I didn't pay for it."

"Isn't there no ordinary iron gate in the warehouse of the Manike Group?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki joked, and the heavy mood just now relaxed a lot.

She understood, because this is someone's own door, which can be used on credit, that's why when the Zhenchi Pet Hospital took over the shelter and needed to install new doors for the new separation point, she gave up using ordinary iron doors and installed them directly. High-tech doors.

It made her think that there was some big secret hidden behind it, or some research base...

"Not really."

Chi Feichi admitted that he was just taking advantage of his father.

In fact, for the Manchi Group, that warehouse is regarded as a "waste" warehouse, and many things have been eliminated. Take this door as an example. Although the technology is ahead of the current civilian level, it is only a door made in the experimental stage, and it is impossible. It's for sale, but it's no problem to use it yourself.

He asked Soma Taku to find Oyama Ya, and the two picked out a lot of things that could be used in the shelter, including this door.

Walking to the other end of the corridor, Chi Feichi paused, and added, "Everyone says that entering that door will have a sense of ritual, not because of the sense of technology of this door, but because... behind the door is hell."

The corridor was filled with the smell of disinfectant, and behind the door turned was the backyard.

The stray pets that have just come in will be cleaned, disinfected, inspected, and observed in the observation room in the backyard. Relatively speaking, there are more people in the backyard.

When the two arrived, someone had just brought back a bloody dog ​​and was wearing a rubber suit to protect it from being bitten by the dog, shaving the dog and cleaning the blood on its body.

And the two houses in the backyard are the source of Chi Feichi's 'hell'.

There is a euthanasia treatment room in one building. If the stray pets brought back are highly aggressive, have fatal infectious diseases, have incurable and painful severe diseases, or are seriously injured and cannot be treated, they will be sent there. Euthanized, then cremated in the building.

The cremated remains and ashes were also collected by the staff in glass bottles, and the date of storage, disposal period, disposal time and general characteristics were recorded on the hanger, and they were placed on a shelf in a room.

Since there are not so many stray pets being euthanized in a centralized manner, this building is relatively quiet. Amid the strong smell of disinfectant, Koshimizu Nanatsuki followed Chi Feichi around briefly, did not enter the door, but put a shelf and put a In front of the little bottle's room, through the window glass, the eyes glanced at the glass bottles, and it felt like seeing a cold and depressing apartment.

The other building is the treatment department, which has operating rooms, treatment rooms for critically ill animals, and a rest room. Doctors sent from Manchi Pet Hospital are busy here, as well as some staff responsible for nursing and caring for animals. It is opposite to the adjacent building. , and much more lively.

Jun Tobe just came out of a room. He raised his eyes and saw Chi Feichi bringing Koshimizu Nanatsuki over. He stopped and took off his mask, and said hello in surprise, "Consultant Chi? Are you free to come over today?"

"I'll come and have a look," Chi Feichi also stopped in his tracks, and introduced to the two of them, "This is Nanatsuki Koshimizu, a professional detective, and also my friend. This is a doctor from the household department. He had a crush on my teacher's wife before." , He is a doctor at Zhenchi Pet Hospital, and the pet hospital will arrange doctors to come on duty every once in a while."

"Master? Is the concubine a lawyer?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki was a little curious.

"Hello, I'm Hubu," Hubu Jun smiled, showing helplessness again, "Consultant, don't make fun of me about lawyer concubine."

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