Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1550 Yue Shui: How about trying it out?

Evening, 19:50.

Mao Lilan took Conan for a walk after dinner, and stopped by to see if Koshimizu Nanatsuki would investigate in Mihua Park where the dog was lost.

"Miss Nanatsuki just came to Tokyo, and she is not familiar with the neighborhood, so I don't know how to investigate it." Mao Lilan led Conan to the park, looking at the corner of the park that could already be seen in front of him, feeling a little helpless, "Dad, what about dinner?" I was so drunk that I couldn't help..."

Conan noticed that some of the cars parked outside the park were a little strange, so he couldn't help paying more attention.

It's really strange that more than one car has people in it, and the windows are all up.

Although the cars were scattered again because of the dark sky, and he couldn't really tell if he didn't pay close attention, but he felt that this scene was very similar to a group of people monitoring Mihua Park...

"But it's okay, the two of us will also help. When we go out for a walk, we will look for clues, maybe we can find some useful clues." Mao Lilan smiled, lowered his head and asked Conan who was walking beside him, "Right, Conan ?”

"Hmm!" Conan raised his head and showed a bright smile to Mao Lilan, then lowered his head and continued to think.

It's not quite like police surveillance, but it's not a coincidence that these people are strategically placed.

What happened to Mihua Park tonight? these people……


Conan noticed the sudden change in the surrounding atmosphere, looked up suspiciously, and found that besides her and Mao Lilan, there was only a young woman with a long hair and a shawl leading a puppy.

He and Xiaolan had appeared here a long time ago. After the people in the car took a look, they didn't pay attention again. Now the atmosphere suddenly changed. More than one person secretly looked at this young woman. Is it because of this woman? Is this woman the target of these people?

The young woman didn't realize that she was being watched by a group of people. Even if she occasionally looked around carefully, she was acted out by those pet owners who were possessed by dramatists and pretended to go for a drive at night, and led the dog to the park without knowing it. Go to the dog play area.

Mao Lilan also took Conan into the park. Since they wanted to find clues about the lost dog, their destination was also the dog activity area.

Conan took the opportunity to slow down his pace, let the young woman who entered the park late after them follow, and looked at the young woman quietly.

Why is this woman being followed and monitored by so many people?

Don't pay back the money owed? No, if those people in the car were creditors, they wouldn't be so cautious about lurking. After seeing someone, just go up to block them. His feeling should be right. Those people in the car are like plainclothes policemen crouching for criminals. Accurate Catch the scene.

So, is this woman a drug dealer?

Conan looked up and down the woman, and when he noticed the dog's situation, he looked away thoughtfully.

Wait, he remembered those people in the car, some of them were sitting in the car, and they seemed to be holding something in their arms, could it be that...

Mao Lilan noticed the woman walking the dog, and originally wanted to have a chat to see if she could find a clue, but when she looked up and saw the two people on the bench by the roadside, she immediately gave up her plan to talk to the woman, and stopped. step.

Conan, who was thinking about something, was stopped, and looked up at Mao Lilan in doubt, "Huh?"

"It seems that we don't need our help, Conan." Mao Lilan looked at the side of the road ahead, smiling with crooked eyebrows, as if seeing something happy.

Conan turned his head, followed Mao Lilan's line of sight, and saw two acquaintances sitting on the bench over there, knowing it clearly.

Probably investigating...

Beside the walkway, Yueshui Nanatsuki and Chi Feichi sat side by side on the bench, with one hand on their knees and their chins propped up, staring at the ground.

After a busy day, she now has time to think about her personal issues.

The few times we met, she wore ladylike skirts and super cool work clothes. After meeting her classmates yesterday, she went to the astrologer’s house, so she dressed a bit more formally. Today, she is going to investigate, and she wears casual shorts and a T-shirt T-shirt, she thought it would be good to try out what style Chi Feichi liked, but Chi Feichi didn't seem to pay attention to what she was wearing at all.

Is it because boys are more likely to ignore these? Or did Chi Feichi just regard her as a childhood friend?

To put it more tragically, will it be the same as what Hattori Heiji misunderstood, treating her as a half-boy and a good buddy?

How about... try it out?


Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Nanatsuki Yueshui, and saw Nanatsuki Yueshui's ears flushed, with a hesitant face, and gave him a questioning look.

"Do you think..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki found an excuse, "The flower pattern on my T-shirt looks a bit like a butterfly?"

Chi Feichi looked down, looked at the pattern on the hem of Koshimizu Nanatsuki's T-shirt, and thought quickly.

The white T-shirt is very loose, and there are three light pink flower patterns embroidered on the hem, but Yue Shui wore shorts today, and sat on a chair again, the hem of the loose T-shirt covered the shorts, he looked down at the pattern, By the way, you will see big white legs with well-proportioned lines and delicate skin...

Wait, stop, first analyze the meaning of Koshimizu Nanatsuki's words.

Each flower pattern is composed of four petals, which are symmetrical to each other. It is okay to say that it is a butterfly, but it is obviously more like a flower. At this time, Koshimizu Nanatsuki mentioned this kind of trivial matter, which has nothing to do with the investigation and previous experience. It's too likely that it's just to show him whether it looks like a flower or a butterfly...

I don't rule out the possibility that Yue Shui is too boring waiting, but I still think about it a little more.

Generally speaking, women deliberately ask men to pay attention to a certain decoration on their body, and what they want to hear may also be comments on the decoration, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the supplementary answer "does it match" and some positive praise, and it fits the reality. To answer, for example, if the gorgeous accessories have to be in a fresh style, it will definitely appear careless.

Also, consider the environment...

Yueshui Nanatsuki saw Chi Feichi looking down at the pattern on his T-shirt, waiting for the answer.

Will it be too cryptic? Do you want to be more straightforward?

Ask... What kind of style do you like girls? No, no, that seems a little too straightforward.

"It's a bit like a butterfly. The light pink embroidery is on the white clothes. The pattern is simple and the style is casual..." Chi Feichi didn't look at the pattern again, and looked up at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "It's well put together, it looks refreshing and cute. "

"Yes, is it..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki stared down at her knees, feeling her ears burning like fire.

People tend to praise her from the side she approves of. Her previous judgment should be correct. Brother Xiaoqi still likes girls to dress up neatly, not flamboyant.

However, when it comes to 'appearing refreshing and cute', you are complimenting her, do you also think she is refreshing and cute...

Chi Feichi stood up, took off his coat, and put it on Nanatsuki Koshimizu. His movements were natural and quick, and he didn't give Nanatsuki Koshimizu any time to think about it. "But the clothes are too thin, and the wind is a bit cold tonight. I have a cold."

The evening wind tonight is a bit cool, not to the point of feeling cold or catching cold, but the climate is not cool and the environment is ventilated from all sides. It is not ruled out that Yueshui Nanatsuki may be a bit cold, even if Yueshui Nanatsuki is not like this Meaning, you can never go wrong with a coat in this climate.

Come on, please go ahead and make moves, if you can't catch it, he will lose!

"Thank you, thank you."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki brushed the black coat she was wearing, "Thank you, thank you."

Suddenly harvested a caring coat?


Happiness is overflowing.

Is it cool tonight? It's obviously warm milk with a heart of wine...

In the woods on the side, Mao Lilan cat bent his waist and led Conan to lurk in the jungle. When he saw Chi Feichi get up and put a coat on Yueshui Nanatsuki, his eyes lit up, and he said in a low voice, "Great discovery! Conan, brother Feichi is really good!" So considerate..."

Conan: "..."

That guy Chi Feichi took care of girls and children. Detective Yueshui suddenly became cold, and it was normal to put on some clothes. Although it was a bit ambiguous, he considered many possibilities and did not make a conclusion before ruling out other possibilities. Right, Xiaolan's gossip-to-excitement reaction, isn't it too much?

And is it really okay for them to sneak around and gossip like this?

If Chi Feichi finds out, the cold eyes will come right away, okay?

Also, Xiaolan doesn't have to keep repeating that Chi Feichi is considerate, right?

If Xiaolan is cold, he will also put a coat on Xiaolan.

Of course, the premise is that after he recovers Kudo Shinichi's body, Xiaolan can't wear Conan's coat now, but it would not be too strange for Xiaolan to take care of him and give him the coat.

All of a sudden, I felt... a little bit worried.

By the side of the aisle, Chi Feichi sat down on the bench again, looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki, and then turned his gaze back to the front, "You're welcome."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki sat upright on the bench, clenched his fists on his knees, stared down at his fists, looking serious like a statue, but his cheeks and ears were flushed, and under the slightly drooping eyelashes, his eyes were shining brightly. Yan Shuiguang, like a child stubbornly confronting his blushing state.

It made him want to try to poke it, to see if Koshimizu Nanatsuki would fall down in this 'sitting' state...

Cough, judging from this reaction, it is certain that Koshimizu Nanatsuki has a good impression of him.

On the day when Koshimizu Nanatsuki thinks of him, and the first thing that comes to mind is the current him instead of the boy back then, then he will be considered a complete success.

The current self regards the past self as an imaginary enemy. It seems a bit strange, but since he has changed compared to the past, and the relationship between the two of them has been interrupted in recent years, then if Koshimizu Nanatsuki is only against the old self The boy has a good impression, and what he is obsessed with may only be the memory and the past.

Past experiences may be the source of goodwill, but if the only obsession is memory, then the emotions brought by the memory will be consumed sooner or later.

The current him is the current real him. If you like him now, then you really like him.

He likes the eyes of Nanatsuki Koshimizu, sincere and focused, yet flexible and gentle. This is something that has never changed in Nanatsuki Koshimizu, and it is also something that attracts him, but if he really wants to say it, he feels that when he grows up, Yueshui Nanatsuki is more attractive than the ignorant little girl back then.

"By the way..." Yueshui Nanatsuki slowed down, tried to make her voice sound more natural, and then continued in a low voice, "Don't call you 'Xiao Qi' in front of others, it will reveal your secret, I think it's better not to call me that in private..."

Said, Yue Shui Nanatsuki became serious, feeling that the temperature on his face dropped a lot when he was serious, so he turned his head to look at Chi Feichi.

"If it becomes a habit to call it and blurt it out accidentally, wouldn't it be very troublesome?"

"You can call him whatever you like." Chi Feichi paused, and also looked sideways at Nanatsuki Koshimi, "But, aren't you curious about my secret?"

"That..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki suddenly laughed, with a hint of cunning in his eyes, "I seem to know already."

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