Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1552 Are consultants so unreliable?

After dealing with the people who said goodbye, Chi Feichi sent Yueshui Nanatsuki back to the hotel. When he got home, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, and he went to bed after exhausting the energy in his left eye.

On the second day, Chi Feichi completely entered a state of autism.

Taking Yueshui Nanatsuki to analyze the clues, he talked a lot, which was a little tiring, but the really tiring ones were those pet owners who were good at chatting.

Although he didn't speak much, it was Nanatsuki Koshimizu who answered questions, explained, and comforted those people, but he was tired of listening to a large group of people chirping.

It just doesn't make sense.

When Chi Feichi received the call from Suzuki Jirokichi, Chi Feichi was still in the state of 'do not want to reason with others'.

"Feichi," Suzuki Jiroji let out a long sigh as soon as he got on the phone and said his name, "Oh, I feel like I'm going to die from exhaustion..."

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, thinking that the call seemed to be made by an alien who had watched him and mocked him, "Say what you have to say."

Will Suzuki Jirokichi be too tired? This old man jumps up and down every day. He has more energy than young people. Will he be too tired?

"It's not like our two families didn't meet at all before, and now the relationship is so good, and it will get better and better. After all, I can be regarded as your elder. Even if you don't say this, then we are also consultants, so you can't ask me Is there a reason for saying that?" Suzuki Jirokichi complained.

Chi Feichi sat on the sofa and looked at the data refreshed in the computer beside him, "Then why?"

Suzuki Jirokichi choked, and his tone became more resentful, "Because you said before that I would be counted as one of the interesting things, but there has been no movement, so I was bored waiting, so I could only find that thief to pass the time, but that one was wearing a Bai's thief is treacherous and cunning..."

Suzuki Jirokichi went into gnashing of teeth.

"Tell me, as a consultant of the Suzuki Consortium, I have deployed all kinds of defenses to catch the thief, but I was still tricked by the thief. How could I swallow this breath? I recently found a suitable new bait, but the strategic team has nothing to do with it." The plan made me unable to eat and sleep well!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

He felt that Jiro Suzuki was quite energetic.

Feichi who eavesdropped: "..."

It is obvious that Advisor Suzuki is eyeing Kaito, but Advisor Suzuki said so, as if he was being bullied by Kaito.

It felt wronged for Kaito.

"I've been dreaming about that nasty thief every night for the past few days, and that guy was smiling arrogantly and hatefully at me in the dream!" Jiroji Suzuki finished speaking viciously, pouring out his inner depression, and finally returned to his straight-forward style , straight to the point, "Feichi, lend me ten good-minded strategists, and I will definitely catch that thief no matter what I say this time!"

"Understood, just wait a moment."


Chi Feichi hung up the phone and sent an email to Da Shanmi.


Suzuki Foundation, Advisory Office.

Suzuki Jirokichi listened to the busy tone from the receiver, his high-spirited expression froze on his face.

At the table, the strategist who was summoned by Suzuki Jirokichi to catch the Phantom Thief looked at each other in blank dismay.


Suzuki Jirokichi sighed and put down the receiver.

"Consultant, did Master Chi Fei refuse?" asked the elderly expert.

"It doesn't matter," a certain young man said confidently, "Consultant, in fact, with the strength of our Suzuki Consortium, we can also catch Kaitou Kidd!"

Suzuki Jirokichi glanced at the two of them, expressionless, "No, he didn't refuse..."

It's just that Chi Feichi was too indifferent, and hung up the phone so impatiently before listening to his complaints enough, which made most of his blood cold.

We are both consultants, why can't we understand each other?

"Then why..." The old expert said that he didn't quite understand why his consultant sighed just now.


Suzuki Jirokichi slapped the table in annoyance, and roared, "If you all work hard and come up with an effective solution for me earlier, I won't be so distressed!"

A group of people: "..."

Their consultants called all available strategists over. They thought it was some major event related to the development of the consortium, but it turned out that they were just catching strange thieves.

Not only that, the consultants were not satisfied with the proposals they made, and they sighed and got angry at times, which made them worry that the consultants would go crazy sooner or later.

However, the brain circuit of their consultant Jiroji seems to be abnormal...

It's not easy to work, and their consultants are really hard to serve.

An hour later, the secretary knocked on the door, and after Suzuki Jirokichi said 'come in', he entered the door and said:

"Consultant, Mr. Dashan from the Manchi Group has arrived, and he brought a lot of people with him, saying that their consultant sent them here. Look..."

"Let them come over!" Suzuki Jirokichi said, patting the table.

"But..." The secretary hesitated for a moment, seeing Suzuki Jirokichi staring at him, and the atmosphere was not very good, so he didn't say any more, turned around and went downstairs, and brought a large group of people up.

The people who arrived, besides Dashan Mi, there were a total of twenty people who rushed in through the door.

In addition to the people who were in the office before, the office, which was originally not small, seemed to be quite crowded.

"Consultant Jiroji," Oyama Ya greeted sincerely, and turned to look at the large group of people behind him, "Our consultant asked me to find 20 people to help you catch the Kaitou Kidd, our Maike Group in Japan There are not many people, but he feels that it is not enough to have only strategy experts, and psychologists and market investigators with research experience can be added. In addition, I also brought two people who are good at statistical analysis of data.”

Suzuki Jirokichi touched his chin in satisfaction, "That brat Feichi is so tepid, I didn't expect to think about this matter so seriously..."

Other members of the Suzuki Consortium: "..."

That's right, their consultants summoned a dozen people here just to catch the Kaitou Kidd, which is already outrageous. I didn't expect the young and young master consultant of the Machi Group to do the same, and they sent twenty people to send them here.

Are all these rich people so capricious and boring?

No, their president is still very serious, but the consultant is outrageous.

"The consultant also asked me to bring this to you." Oyama Mi took out a stack of printing paper from the document bag he brought over, stepped forward and put it on Suzuki Jirokichi's desk, with a serious look, which in the eyes of others seemed like Demon's entourage is as insidious, "This is some security defense equipment recently researched by the Zhenchi Group. There are equipment that tends to detect, and equipment that tends to be bulletproof and explosion-proof. Of course, some equipment is offensive. If you need it , I will immediately arrange for someone to bring it over.”

"Not bad." Suzuki Jiroji nodded, picked up the form and looked at it, "This kid is really, when I called him before, why didn't he make it clear, I thought he didn't want to talk to me... ..."

"No, not only does our consultant not want to talk to you, he doesn't want to talk to anyone," Oyama Mi said, seeing Suzuki Jirokichi looking puzzled, and explained calmly, "These things are told by the consultant to me in an email." , he said that he was tired, tired, and didn't want to talk to anyone, so please don't call him again."

Suzuki Jirokichi: "..."

Got it, I just wanted to tell him not to make phone calls to harass him, right?

On the side, the corners of the Suzuki Foundation's mouth twitched slightly.

Sure enough, the consultant at Machi's side was also abnormal.

Suzuki Jirokichi was silent for a moment, picked up the handset, and redialed the number he had dialed before. After the answer was answered, he said with a smile, "Feichi, the person you asked Mr. Dashan to find has arrived, and you are really serious. The indifference made me think you were not interested, but I didn't expect you to be so interested in catching the Kaitou Kidd, since you are so interested, why don't you come over and discuss it together?"

"I'm really not interested."


The phone was hung up again, Suzuki Jirokichi had a '#' character on his forehead, and he redialed again.

"It's not too late..."



Suzuki Jirokichi redialed again, only to hang up this time without answering.

One hit, one hang, one hit, one hang...

"Damn! Damn! Damn! . . . "

Jiroji Suzuki made five phone calls, and when he called again, they finally answered.

Chi Feichi was irritable: "Snake spirit disease!"


"Damn it!" Suzuki Jirokichi was very angry.

Called again, and found that Chi Feichi's phone had been turned off directly, and turned his head to glare at Dashanmi, "What's the landline number at that kid's home?"

Oyama looked calm, "Sorry, Consultant Jirokichi, I won't say anything."

Seeing that Oyama Ya is still so calm, others from the Suzuki Consortium and the Manike Group suddenly felt admiration.

Dashan Mi sighed inwardly.

Isn't Consultant Jiroji annoyed at himself?

Sure enough, my young master was right, this old man is just too boring.


Kuboto Apartments.

After Chi Feichi turned off his mobile phone, he went out with a disguise tool, bought some ingredients, put on a Lak disguise face, and went to No. 119, 1-chome, Kubado-cho.

Actual combat training, cooking and eating, gun practice, and finishing the energy of the left eye before going to bed, to exercise memory and observation skills.

When Chi Feichi first arrived, the camera display light in the basement lobby turned on once, and soon he switched to the actual combat training ground and the shooting training ground. The appreciation of the class stopped.

When Chi Feichi woke up, the weather outside was gloomy, and it began to rain in the afternoon.

But it doesn't affect him playing his own game.

Watch Saki Midorikawa's gun practice video, see Ayaka Urao's recent smell test results and report card, read information, do some daily physical exercise, and practice hand speed and gun practice.

That person wanted to confirm whether Chi Feichi had left, so he turned on the camera in the lobby again, only to find that Chi Feichi had stayed in the lounge for a long time, and there were some more access records on the platform built by the organization. After that, it was the actual battle. The training ground and the shooting training ground went back and forth, and it seemed that he had no intention of leaving.

Fu Chi himself had a great time. In the morning, he ran to the lobby to play kendama, followed Chi Feichi to watch video materials, in the afternoon he followed Chi Feichi to exercise, and in the evening, he went to pick up the antique dagger that Chi Feichi kept in the lounge. Get down, drag and climb to a relatively spacious hall, and use the tail to curl the void to pierce the air.

That person thought that Feichi was very interesting again, and during Chi Feichi's autistic period, he gave instructions with an electronically synthesized voice:

"At this height, it can only penetrate into a human's calf at most. Jump up, and the knife is not very stable. Try propping up your body with your neck and hanging upside down..."

"In the beginning, you don't need to pursue the speed of the stabbing, you must ensure that the stabbing is stable and the stabbing force is sufficient..."

"Not bad! The stabbing force just now is enough, but pay attention to the angle..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

If Feichi can speak out, he can proudly say something in front of other members of the organization in the future——

‘Which person taught me how to use a dagger, and I started from the basics and taught it with a little patience! '

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