Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1558 This kid is really worrying!

The people at the crossroads were all paying attention to the people in white clothes. Kaito Kuroba was wrapped in a black cloak and moved up the billboards with scrolling text on the outer wall of the building without being noticed at all.

The third card flew out and landed on the ground. Someone also picked it up and read the number on it, "One!"

Seeing that the plan was about to succeed, Kuroba Kaito lowered his voice and laughed loudly, "Hahaha..."


From the rooftop above, a primary school student's voice came out.

Conan squatted on the outer edge of the roof guardrail, watching a certain thief being pulled up by the rope, with a confident smile on his face, and said, "It's a pity, the magic show tonight is a waste of time, and the reward is 0 Oh, Mister Magician in the moonlight!"

Kuroba Kaito saw that he was blocked by Conan, his face changed, and he said to Konosuke Terai on the communicator, "Throw away the heavy objects!"

"Huh?" Konosuke Terai was a little confused.

"Hurry up!" Kuroba Kaito urged again.

Behind the vertical banner hanging on the other side of the building, Konosuke Terai, who was pulling a rope and tied a heavy object, didn't ask any more questions. After untiing the heavy object, he threw it to the ground.

The method used by the two is to arrange a rope pulley under the roof at a corner of the building. Konosuke Terai pulled the rope in advance, tied the heavy object, and hid it under the roof. During this period, other people's attention was attracted by the white-clothed monster , no one would notice that there was someone hiding under the roof, and after Kuroba Kaito succeeded, he wrapped himself in a black robe, and while others were searching for the figure in white, he quickly ran downstairs, grabbed the rope, and notified Terai Konosuke Jump down to pull yourself up.

As for the way to pass through the induction ray, it is indeed using something that insulates the temperature. As long as it is known in advance, it can be sewn into the cloak when preparing the black cloak.

After Terai Konosuke dropped the heavy object, the weight was not enough to pull Kuroba Kaito up, so Kuroba Kaito stopped in the upper middle of the building not far from Conan.

After Kuroba Kaito stopped, he pulled the rope, put his feet on the advertising billboard of the building, and listened to Conan's reasoning and exposing his tactics.

"I finally understand why you always like to appear in a white outfit that is easy to be spotted and is unreasonable at all," Conan calmly looked at a certain thief and reasoned, "It's not about being bold and unscrupulous, but for the sake of Easy to hide! Anyone who sees the white disappearing in front of their eyes will subconsciously look for where the white has gone, and quickly change from white to black, which can be hidden from the eyes of ordinary people."

"Yeah, it's the same reason, if instead of a white thing suddenly appearing in the dark," Kaito Kuroba grabbed the rope with one hand, stretched out his hand and tore off the black cloak on his body, and quickly stood up straight, looking like he was lying sideways Standing on the billboard, he smiled and said, "It's also amazing!"

Above, among the crowd searching for the white figure, someone immediately spotted the white figure on the billboard, and led others to look up together.

"Look! Isn't that Kidd?"

"It's amazing! Standing on the wall of the building!"

On the roof of the building, the reporter who broadcast the broadcast also thought that this was the moving location chosen by Kaito Kidd in advance, and had no idea that this was a little problem with the plan of a certain Kaitou, and he had to choose the middle and upper part of the building to show up.

Conan saw that a certain strange thief was amazed again, and he was not in a hurry. He smiled and said, "I think you will give up your mind. If you just come up like this, you may still have a chance to escape, but the one who descended to the bottom The accomplice will be caught by the police, and conversely, if you don’t come up, or choose to go back to the ground, you will be caught!”

Kuroba Kaito was not in a hurry, his eyes under the unilateral glasses had a wicked smile, and the corners of his mouth raised, "Then what if I have a hostage?"

Conan saw that a certain Phantom Thief was still so confident, and realized that he might have miscalculated, he frowned in doubt, "Hostage?"

"Yeah," Kaito Kuroba looked sideways at the downstairs of the opposite building, and said in a low voice with a smile, "The one I failed to get last night was that little girl who seems to have a good relationship with you..."

At the same time, at the gate of a certain building, two organs that were hung down by thin wires shot out thin wires carrying tiny electric currents. man's neck.

The momentary electric shock made the two of them stiff, and at the same moment, four slender piano wires popped out from the two mechanisms, and the small hooks at the front of the piano wires penetrated the clothes in front of their shoulders. , locked tightly.

The other end of the piano wire went all the way up the shadow of the building and was tied under the helicopter in the air.

On the roof of the building, Conan realized who Kaito Kuroba was talking about, his face changed slightly, "Hai, Huihara?"

"That's right, I wanted to take her away with me last night, but I was stopped by the lady with a good sword skill next to her," Kaito Kuroba said, looking away from the downstairs, and smiled at Conan, "I just want her and that lady to be guests, and cooperate with me to perform a levitation magic. After they have experienced it, I will put them back safely on the ground..."

The position here is already higher than the net. He can use the hang glider to take Terai Konosuke to leave. When he moves, the helicopter with searchlights will chase him away. Then, the clothes below are hung on the shoulders. The two people who have touched the piano wire will suddenly feel as if they are floating.

In that mechanism, he specially used an electric current that would paralyze the whole body for a moment, but not for a long time. The girls, one big and one small, would probably feel numb all over after standing for a long time, and then fly away inexplicably. Get up now.

Then, when the two girls were surprised by flying up suddenly, he would say something like 'invite the guests to cooperate with the levitation movement magic' in the air, attracting the attention of the crowd and the two girls, and waiting for the two girls The child is pulled to a certain height, and before the two of them realize that they are tied with piano wires, he will fly down, grab them, remove the piano wires in an instant, and put them on the roof of a certain building... …

After all, he is also the brother of the little girl named Hui Yuan Ai, and if he takes a child to play trapeze, the child will definitely be excited and excited.

As for the lady with the Tang Dao, she doesn't look like a little girl who would be scared to cry. Isn't it a wonderful and rare experience to fly once?

By the way, he still has two gemstone sandals here, not the Pandora he was looking for. Put those two people behind the roof of the building, so I can just ask them to take them back to the uncle in Suzuki's house.

This plan is perfect!

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)

Alas, he didn't expect that Brother Feichi was not there, and those two girls seemed to be standing under the building, making everything so smooth that he could succeed with the simplest plan.

As long as the heights of the two are calculated, at the right time, press the remote control in his trousers pocket, put down the mechanism, and let the silk thread shoot out horizontally at the height and angle calculated before, no matter how accurate the hit is.

Who made Brother Feichi disappear? There is no need for him to take the risk of making easy contact and tying piano wires to the two girls.

But Conan thought of something Kuroba Kaito didn't know, and stopped him with an ugly face, "No! You can't do this!"

Now there are TV stations broadcasting the broadcast, once Hui Yuan Ai is performed by Kidra to perform some kind of air levitation, there will definitely be many people and the cameras of TV reporters will gather on Hui Yuan. If people from that organization see and recognize him , Huiyuan is in danger!

"Why?" Kuroba Kaito saw that Conan's face was so ugly that he vaguely sensed that the matter might be a little serious, so he didn't rush to act, and guessed, "Could it be...the two of them have a fear of heights? Or a bad heart?"

Conan was relieved when he saw that the certain Phantom Thief was not in a hurry to act, but he was not sure if Phantom Thief Kidd would have a guest floating in the air in the next second, and he didn't know whether he should reveal something to Phantom Thief Kidd. He frowned and said, "In short..."

In the next second, the face of a certain Phantom Thief who was looking at the direction of the roof changed, and he raised his head and stared at behind Conan.

Conan also felt that something was wrong behind him, so he slowly turned his head to look.

The reporter broadcasting on the rooftop first shouted into the microphone, "July! What a surprise, July appeared on the rooftop, and Kaito Kidd didn't teleport to the rooftop again tonight, could it be that he foresaw the crisis in advance? ?"

Conan: "..."

Didn't these people see him stuck here?

Kaito Kidd didn't go to the roof, but chose to show up in the middle and upper part of the building, because he blocked him, okay?

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

No, he didn't expect his elder brother to disappear at all, he came here to block himself.

Since a certain elementary school student was able to see through his tricks so early, he must suspect that his elder brother would not be slower than a certain elementary school student. He was probably preparing a trap for being so late!

Beside the guardrail of the roof, a tall figure shrouded in a black robe stood behind Conan, the hood was pulled down very low, revealing the lower half of the face of the white mask, the blade of the scythe on the back was slanted to one side, reflecting in the moonlight With the cold light, it was like a slender and curved crescent moon lit up on the roof.

After causing a commotion, Chi Feichi ignored it and just folded a piece of white cardboard with his gloved hands with his head down.

Bowing his head is a fake move, his mask has no openings in the eyes, and he observes things entirely with the temporary hot eyes that have knocked on the snake's slough.

But it was also because of the snake slough that he discovered the piano wire hanging from the helicopter and drifted towards a certain building, and he also locked the exact location of the piano wire...

Kaito, this kid is really worry-free!

Conan turned his head and saw a death-like black figure standing behind him, his scalp shivered with fright, and he quickly observed secretly again.

The mask is right, it's July, but what is this guy doing here? Did he come here to catch Kaito Kidd? So why do you keep doing origami?

Is the situation a little out of control tonight?

The three of them were silent here, but the reporters on the other side of the rooftop were very excited.

"Qiyue appeared here, did he come here specifically to catch the Kaitou Kidd? We saw that Qiyue and Kidd are now in a stalemate, and there is a little boy in front of Qiyue, and that little boy ran to They went outside the guardrail, and the two haven't taken any action yet, is it because they are worried about scaring the little boy and causing the little boy to accidentally fall?"

Conan: "..."


Just because Qiyue was making origami, he was a little unsure what this guy wanted to do, and it was probably the same for Kaitou Kidd.

At the crossroads below, there was a lot of cheering and shouting.

"July! July! July! . . . "

"Kidd! Kidd! Kidd!..."

Kuroba Kaito looked up at the rooftop above, and could clearly see Chi Feichi's movements. Seeing that a white paper crane in Chi Feichi's hand was quickly formed, he was thinking of taking Terai Konosuke to withdraw as soon as possible. Still waiting to see what trap his elder brother prepared.

He was quite curious.

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