Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1564 Similar Murders

Mori Kogoro was silent for a while, and said expressionlessly, "Feichi, can't you let Feichi stay under your clothes obediently?"

What if the client is frightened and the client drives them away?

Chi Feichi waited for Feichi to finish reading the photos before he grabbed Feichi by the neck and dragged Feichi back, "Sorry."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Huda, this is a pet raised by my apprentice. Now these children just like to keep some strange pets." Mori Kogoro smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly said, "But don't worry, this snake has a bad temper. Very good, generally they don’t bite, even if they are carried around by children, they never attack people!”

Conan who was bitten once: "..."

Hehe, even the uncle has learned to use Chi Feichi's 'generally don't bite' to fool people.

Mori Kogoro who was bitten once: "..."

In order to appease the client, he told lies against his conscience.

"Yes, is that so..." Hutian Zhixin saw that Feichi retreated into Chi Feichi's sleeve, sat down again, and forced a smile, "It is true that there are not many people who raise snakes."

Mori Kogoro looked at the photo, and got back to business, "But this centipede..."

"This centipede was put there after being trampled to death and before the blood was dry," said the door of the living room when the door of the living room was opened, and Naobu Toranobu's wife Darei Torada was wearing a blue-green kimono, holding a tray with teacups Standing at the door, he said with a gloomy expression, "That is to say, someone saw my son's miserable state and didn't call for help, and even put such a terrible bug in a pool of blood, and watched him die, so he almost said, 'You Deserved it!"

Kogoro Mori saw that Darei Torada was full of resentment, and sweated, "However, this centipede may also have been swept into the air by the tornado, and then fell there..."

"It was my second son Fanji who found the body," Toranobu Naotobu said indignantly, "He said that there are no creatures like centipedes around there, and someone must have turned his back on his brother!"

"Second son?" Mori Kogoro was a little confused, "Didn't you just say that the dead Mr. Yoshiro is the only one who can inherit the family business?"

"Hmph..." Toranobu Naobu snorted dissatisfiedly, "I don't consider that guy Fanji who is obsessed with digging treasures all day long to be my son anymore!"

"And then?" Conan couldn't help asking, "Who do you think are more suspicious? Didn't you just say that someone has a grudge against the Hutian family?"

"The Longwei family that has been in conflict with our Hutian family for many years," Hutian Darong said with a firm face, "The one who refused to save my son must be from the Longwei family!"

"That's why their son was condemned by God not long ago and died too!" Hu Tian said straightly.

"Dead, dead?" Mori Kogoro was a little surprised, "Did another incident happen recently?"

"That's right, they actually thought it was done by our Hutian family," Hutian Naobu said with a dissatisfied face, "Because the police have not yet investigated the mystery of his son's death, their family also invited a detective, so we That’s why I invited you to come and fight against them!”

Maori Kogoro:"……"

He always thought that the entrustment was to investigate the cause of death, but he never thought that it was against the detectives they had hired.

"You said 'the mystery of the death of the son of the Longwei family'? Is it because the son of the Longwei family died very strangely?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked, "Isn't it an accidental death?"

"No, their dead son, Koji, was tied up and buried in the soil. He was hit on the head many times with a blunt instrument until he died," said Tariyo Torata, who bent down and put the tray on the table. , brought the cup of tea on the table to the table, "Before the blood on his head dried up, the murderer put a dead centipede in the blood on his forehead, and then fled, so the Longwei family has always suspected that it was ours." If the son is dead, the son of their family will also be killed."

"Being tied up, buried and beaten to death..." Mori Kogoro frowned and thought about it, then raised his eyes and asked, "Mr. Zhixin, is your family really unrelated to this matter?"

"Mr. Mori, it's really impolite for you to ask me that," Toranobu Naobu said with a displeased face, "There will never be such a person in our family! Even if the relationship between our two families has been bad, we suspect that it is someone from their family." We don't want to save my son, but we don't think about killing their son, if someone in our family is involved in this matter, how can I find you, a famous detective?"

"Ah, I just want to make sure," Mori Kogoro smiled and asked again, "What about the person who found Mr. Koji's body?"

"It's the second son of their family, Long Weijing." Hu Tian Darong straightened up with a tray after serving the tea, "The celebrations in our village are about to start recently, and their family's Ajing is the young man with the best riding and archery scores in our place." He has always been a candidate for horseback riding performances, and he found Kosi's body on his way home after practice."

"The same is that the body was found by the younger brother after the tragic death of the elder brother, and a dead centipede was released before the blood dried up." Kogoro Mouri paused, "So, is there anyone who hates both of you at the same time?"

"Impossible. Our Hutian family treats people fairly in the village. My wife Darong and the patriarch of the Longwei family, Longwei Weishi, are also responsible for preparing the celebrations for the village every year," Hutian Naobu affirmed, "will hate us family, only the Longwei family."

"Since the head of the Longwei family, Mr. Shi, can prepare the celebration together, it means that their family is also respected and loved by other villagers in the village. The only one who is dissatisfied with their family is the Hutian family, right?" Conan asked innocently. "What is the conflict between the two of you?"

"This..." Toranobu Naobu looked up with a heavy face, looked at his wife Darei Torano, then looked at Mori Kogoro, and said awkwardly, "Actually, I don't know, but since I can remember, I have been told that the Tatsuo family is not You are not a good person, you must hate the Longwei family!"

Mori Kogoro twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, "Yes, is it..."

"But the children of your two families seem to have a good relationship, right?" Yueshui Nanatsuki saw other people's eyes, and explained, "When I came here two years ago, I saw a riding and archery performance at the celebration. The villagers Said that the performer was Mr. A Jing from the Longwei family in the village, and there were four young men and women congratulating him at the time, and it seemed that the relationship was very good, among them were the two sons of the Hutian family, right?"

"Two years ago..." Hutian Zhixin recalled, nodded quickly, "That's right, those should be my two sons, his wife and his eldest brother, although our generation can't deal with it, But our son's generation grew up together, and we have a good relationship, even Ah Jing's wife, and later played with the four of them."

"Is Mr. Fanji at home now?" Mori Kogoro said, "I think it's better to ask him about the situation when he found Mr. Yoshiro's body, maybe he noticed something unusual at that time..."

Tariyo Torata took a group of people to Shigeji Torata, but Naobu Torita didn't want to see his second son at all, so he didn't go with him.

Shigeji Torata looks very similar to his father, with a short, fat and round body and a big nose. The straps and the stubble on the chin were not shaved clean, and he looked sloppy. No wonder Naobu Torata didn't want to see his son.

However, Shigeji Torata gave people the impression that he was much more easy-going and honest than his father. After hearing the intentions of a group of people, he thought about it carefully and said that apart from the dead centipede, he didn't find anything strange.

"At first, I also thought it was the Tatsuo family who refused to save my brother," Shigeji Torata sighed, "Until that happened to their family's Koji..."

"Is there any story between your Hutian family and Longwei family, and the centipede?" Conan asked with his head raised.

"There is no story," Tomata Shigeji recalled with a puzzled face, "but as for the centipede pattern, I seem to have seen it at the festival..."

"Really?" Mori Kogoro asked quickly, "Where is the centipede pattern?"

"This..." Shigeji Torata scratched his head, "I just remember seeing it, many times."

"It's on the flag, isn't it?" Koshimi Nanatsuki looked a little helpless when he saw Shigeji Torata so confused, and said, looking at the armor in the room behind Shigeji Torata, "The celebrations in their village, It’s just that someone will wear that kind of armor to perform, and in addition, among the flags used for the celebration, one of the flags has a centipede pattern on it.”

"Ah, that's right," Shigeji Torata turned his head to look at the armor in the house, and smiled, "When it comes to the celebration, the men in the village have to wear armor in imitation of the war, but that is just a plastic imitation distributed in the village , very cheap and light to wear.”

"Does the centipede flag have any special meaning?" Mori Kogoro asked again.

"I'm not very clear about this." Hu Tian Shigeji scratched his head with an apologetic smile.

Mori Kogoro saw that Shigeji Torata was so confused that he couldn't find any useful clues, he sighed speechlessly, then turned his head and said to others, "Then let's ask Mr. Ajing from Tatsuo's house, he found that Mr. Koji When the body is found, maybe something will be found..."

"Mr. Mori, I won't take you there anymore," Darong Hutian said with a stern face, "Our two families didn't communicate much before, and after this happened, the children didn't communicate as before, Long O's house is in the big house on the other side of the village. If Mr. Mori wants to go, he can go and see it by himself. Prepare for the celebration performance."

The detective team went to Longwei's house by themselves, and Hui Yuanai also took San Riyue into her.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki has been to the village before, and although he only visited the festival on the way to investigate, he knows the square where the festival is held in the village and the general route, and he can easily lead the way.

Since Hutian Rongda said that Longwei Jing might be in the woods, Mori Kogoro was worried that he, the detective hired by the Hutian family, would be defeated by Longwei's house, so he decided to go directly to the woods to find Longweijing, and don't go to the door of Longwei's house first.

When the six of them arrived at the woods behind Longwei's house, Longwei Jing, who was wearing a horse riding suit, was still practicing. He rode his horse and ran past the target standing on the side of the road. In the very center of the target, the wooden target was directly broken into two halves.

Yueshui Nanatsuki led the way to the woods, and when Long Wei Jing rode back to the tree and talked to the young woman waiting under the tree, he introduced in a low voice, "That is Mr. Long Wei Jing, the horseman from the celebration two years ago. He is the one who shoots the show, he hits every shot, it's really wonderful, as for the person talking to him, it should be his wife..."


Mori Kogoro, Mori Ran, Haibara Ai, and Conan looked at Longwei Jing with scrutiny.

Why do you feel that this level of riding and archery is not that strong?

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