Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1573 Just the opposite, very pleasing to the eye

"Then Mr. Chi and I are at Longwei's house," Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi, and then said to the others, "You all pay attention to safety, and remember to call if you encounter anything!"

"Be careful on your side, then we'll leave first!" Hattori Heiji picked up Conan, hugged him with a smile, turned to leave, and whispered to Conan, "If these people are related to treasure hunting, their treasure hunting There might be important clues here, you think so too, right?"

Conan Banyueyan replied, "No, I think it's easier to solve the case with Brother Chi. Apart from Feng Linhuo, he has no other guesses about the case. I originally wanted to stay at Longwei's house and follow him. Let's chat."

Hattori Heiji was silent, and walked out the door with his head down and a gloomy face. After a while, he said in a cold voice, "Kudou, you traitor!"

"Huh?" Conan turned his head to look at Hattori Heiji who was hugging him with a speechless face, "What are you talking about?"

Hattori Heiji turned his head with an awkward expression of 'I'm angry', "It's nothing!"

We agreed to deal with Chi Feichi the Great Demon King together?

He was thinking about how to quickly grasp more clues than Brother Feichi's. Detective Yueshui had defected long ago, and now even Kudo had lost his fighting spirit and wanted to be a traitor!

Mori Ran, Toyama, and Ye will definitely go to Huda's house with Mori Kogoro, Conan and Hattori Heiji.

Before parting, Mao Lilan also offered to help take care of Hui Yuanai. The reason was that Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki wanted to protect Longweijing, and there were many people going to Hutian's house, so she could help take care of Hui Yuanai.

Sanriyue was still in the stable of Hutian's house, and Hui Yuanai was not at ease, thinking that it would be better for Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki to get along more, so she agreed.

Although there is Long Weijing, the apprentice whose wife just died, the two of them will probably not talk about feelings because of Long Weijing's mood...


Someone in Longwei's family had just died, and the atmosphere was indeed depressing.

Long Wei accompanied the old lady back to the room to rest for Shi, while Chi Feichi and Yue Shui Nanatsuki stayed in the corridor outside Long Weijing's room, sitting with Long Weijing.

Long Weijing was depressed, but he didn't forget how to treat guests. Following Chi Feichi's suggestion, he moved a low table, a small stove and clay pots to the corridor outside the door, and found a bag of tea. It's not late to make tea in the pool.

The rainy day has not turned sunny, the sky is still gloomy, and the vegetation in the yard also looks deserted.

Chi Feichi didn't speak, and boiled the water in a leisurely manner. When the water boiled, he put in the tea leaves, brewed the tea and poured the tea.

Long Weijing and Yueshui Nanatsuki didn't speak, one stared at the table in a daze, and the other watched Chi Feichi complete the set of slow and casual movements.

It wasn't until a cup of tea was placed in front of him that Long Weijing sighed and picked up the teacup, "I'm really sorry, teacher, I asked you to accompany me to be depressed."

Chi Feichi put a cup of tea in front of Yueshui Nanatsuki, and wanted to say that he was not depressed, but felt that the temperature was cool today and this yard was suitable for making tea, so he wanted to slow down and rest more, but this kind of saying It seemed too cruel to come out.

After thinking about it, Chi Feichi still said, "It's okay, you didn't cry, you are already strong enough."

"Frankly speaking, I still can't believe that Linghua is dead..." Long Weijing smiled helplessly and bitterly, lowered his head and took a sip of tea before asking, "Teacher, do you also think that the murderer will attack me?" ?”


Chi Feichi said with certainty, poured his own cup of tea, saw Feichi poking his head to look around, and stuffed Feichi back under his clothes.

Seeing Feichi, Long Weijing didn't have the heart to intervene. He frowned and said, "However, only Huo is left in Fenglin Huo, and Fanci and I are two people, and we are in Longwei's house and Hutian's house respectively. Maybe a fire burned us both? On the other hand, did the murderer only want to kill one of us?"

"You don't think Fanci can live on after you die, do you?" Chi Feichi pierced Long Weijing's inner struggle, and drank his tea with lowered eyes, "Don't think about it, both of you, don't want to stay out of it. "

Long Weijing choked, and raised his eyes to see Chi Feichi's cold and calm expression when he lowered his head slightly, and wanted to remind his teacher—this was a horrible word, as if the teacher was a murderer and was giving him a death notice Same……

Yue Shui Nanatsuki originally wanted to persuade Long Weijing not to think too much, but he didn't quite understand what Chi Feichi meant, so he didn't get involved, and sat quietly drinking tea.

Chi Feichi put down his teacup, looked up at the stunned Long Weijing, and began to talk about the legal provisions on "justifiable self-defense".

After Long Weijing listened in a daze, he understood Chi Feichi's meaning, "The teacher told me not to sit still when I meet a murderer, but to know how to fight back, right?"

"It's good that you understand." Chi Feichi said.

"I understand," Long Weijing smiled, lowered his head again, and sighed, "Speaking of which, among my former friends, Yoshiro and Koji are dead, and now Linghua is also dead, Fanji and I Maybe I’ll die too, like a nightmare I can’t wake up from, and the senior Kai who taught me how to ride and shoot also died six years ago.”

"Since it was the policeman Kai who taught you how to ride and shoot, why didn't you call him your teacher?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked aloud.

Long Weijing explained, "Because he said that I am about the same age as him, I can be regarded as his opponent, and there is no need to call him teacher, so I always call him senior."

"You won't suffer if you call me teacher." Chi Feichi said calmly.

The last person who called him a teacher was Prince Philip, Prince Philip of England. Long Weijing calling him a teacher is indeed a good thing.

Long Weijing laughed hurriedly, "I want to be the teacher's opponent, and it's still very early."

The three of them drank tea silently for a while, chatted for a while, and chatted until noon.

Someone in the family just died, and no one was in the mood to do it.

Long Weijing went to the kitchen to grab some food, gave some to his grandmother and father, and took the rest of the food, and went back to the corridor to sit and eat with Chi Feichi and Yue Shui Nanatsuki silently.

Halfway through lunch, Koshimizu Nanatsuki received a call from Toyama Kazuha, "Hi, Kazuha...what, what? Something happened to Mr. Fanji?"

Long Weijing paused, and looked up at Yueshui Nanatsuki.

"...Is it on fire?...Nothing happened to us here...Okay, I see!" Yue Shui Nanatsuki hung up the phone, and then turned to Chi Feichi and Long Weijing who were looking at her, " On the phone call with Ye, she said that something happened to Mr. Fanci, and they accompanied Mr. Fanci to the treasure hunt to get things. On the way back to Hutian's house, Mr. Fanci suddenly disappeared. When they found Mr. Fanci, Mr. Fanci Falling on the side of the railway track, the whole body was covered by the fire. Now the fire has been extinguished, but Mr. Fanci was also buried in the fire. In addition, Officer Yamato rushed to the scene. He asked all of us to go there and said that he I found something, and the matter is probably over."

"It's over?" Long Weijing looked puzzled, "What... do you mean?"

Nanatsuki Koshimizu stood up and put away her phone, "I didn't say anything on the phone..."


In the gloomy monitoring, a bolt of lightning lit up among the dark clouds.

Chi Feichi got up and stuffed two Taiyaki into Yueshui Nanatsuki's hands, and said to Longwei Jing, "Go and see."

He knew that it would be difficult to have a good meal when going out with Conan!


Long Weijing got up, went to the front yard and called Longwei Weishi and Longwei Shengdai, and went to the place that Yuanshan and Ye had mentioned on the phone together, intending to find out what was going on.

On the way, Yueshui Nanatsuki and Chi Feichi fell behind Longwei's family, lowering their heads from time to time to look at the two Taiyaki in their hands, struggling all the way, and seeing that they were almost at the place Yuan Shan and Ye said, Still trying to hand one to Chi Feichi, "Do you want it?"

Chi Feichi didn't pick it up, "I don't like sweets."

Nanatsuki Koshimi recalled it, and realized that Chi Feichi did not touch taiyaki just now, but ate a little salty biscuit, so he didn't force himself, picked up taiyaki and took a bite, "You're still picky when you go out Huh? But after we came, the murderer still succeeded every time, and I just heard that Mr. Fanci died, so I don’t have much appetite, so tell me, is it really over as Officer Yamato said?”

Chi Feichi didn't want Yueshui Nanatsuki to be misled. Seeing that the people from Longwei's family in front were some distance away from them, he whispered, "Don't listen to his nonsense."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Do you two dislike each other?"


As soon as Chi Feichi spoke, he was answered by Yamato Gansuke who came from the nearby railroad track.

"On the contrary, it's very pleasing to the eye!" Yamato dare to help with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but because of an eye injury, his face still looks fierce, and his smile is like blocking a robber halfway, "at least for me, Is such that!"

Chi Feichi nodded calmly and said, "It's very pleasing to the eye."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the two of them, and swallowed the taiyaki in his mouth.

Although the two of them didn't wink at each other, why did she feel that these two were like two naughty children secretly exchanging signs?

Yamato Dasuke laughed, turned around, and walked towards the place where Hattori Heiji and others were staying with a cane, "After all, dealing with smart people is really worry-free..."

When he found out that Yuan Shan and Ye were calling the people who stayed at Longwei's house, he asked Yuan Shan and Ye to call Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki over.

At that time, he was also mentally prepared. If Chi Feichi didn't want to come over, he would take him out of Longwei's house anyway.

And if Chi Fei came late and didn't call to refute his arbitrariness that the matter was over, it means...

Chi Feichi probably understood his plan.

Even he couldn't believe that Chi Feichi could understand his plan, so he couldn't help being curious, and temporarily left the team to come over to see if Chi Feichi really understood, and don't make trouble for him.

And Chi Feichi's answer just now let him know that he really understood his thoughts.

This is also like the person he knows, who speaks like a god, has a tepid attitude, and makes people unpredictable emotional changes, but always calculates his thoughts accurately, without him saying much, he can also play perfectly. Cooperate……

Thinking about it this way, this kind of person is really annoying.

"However, smart people sometimes waste their efforts because they think too much. The real investigation doesn't need to be so troublesome!"

Dahesuke restrained his smile for a second, stopped in front of Hattori Heiji and the others, spoke with inexplicable resentment, looked back at Chi Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki, took out a booklet packed with evidence, "Okay, you must be very curious, why did I say that the matter is over! This is what I found there, it should be the treasure hunting notes that Mr. Fanci is looking for..."

Members of the Longwei family: "..."

Police Officer Yamato laughed so happily just now, they thought that Officer Yamato and Mr. Chi laughed away their grievances, but they didn't expect it to be so fierce and scary in a blink of an eye.

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