Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1576 Mrs. Darong will not die, right?

Koshimizu Nanatsuki knocked down one person with the back of the knife, and dodged to avoid the other person. When the back of the knife swung out, he also wanted to see if Chi Feichi was injured, but before he had time to look over, Darei Hutian attracted his attention. .

"Damn it!" Hutian Darong saw that the person he had brought had been knocked down, and raised his hand anxiously and resentfully, intending to raise his gun.

At that moment, the atmosphere was not right.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki knocked down the people beside him, but his eyes were still fixed on Darei Torada, his eyes were so sharp that he seemed to crucify Darei Torada to death.

I almost forgot, here is one of the most dangerous and needs to be solved...

Chi Feichi looked sideways, although his eyes were calm, but a little more gloomy, he swung his knife and knocked down a big man with the back of the knife, and rushed forward.

You can fight Yueshui any way you want, but you can't kill the most important one...

He won't let this head go.

Hattori Heiji also caught a glimpse of Tara Torada, and hurriedly followed, and when he slashed with the back of his sword, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although Brother Feichi didn't forget to help him find a weapon, he was very grateful, but this one...

is his!

Yamato Kansuke and Uehara Yui also set their sights on Torada Darrong, and rushed towards Torada Darrong.

This woman cannot be shot.

Also, the culprit must be solved by the police!

The shotgun in Hutian Darong's hand was not even halfway, but the backs of the knives had already reached his side.

Right shoulder, left forearm, back, right leg, waist...

Long Weijing stared blankly at Hutian Darong being besieged by a group of vicious people from all angles, and found that Conan also pulled out his knife at some point, touched Hutian Darong's side, and the back of the knife also slashed at Hutian Darong's left foot The calf was even more confused.

This time, all the 'Fenglin Volcano and Thunder' have gathered... Mrs. Darong will not die, will she?

Conan: "..."

hateful! Stealing failed.

He would feel ashamed if everyone was fighting so lively, but he didn't exert any strength at all. At first, he thought that it would be worthwhile for him to draw his sword for a long time, but he didn't expect These five people also rushed over...

A group of people found that not only their own attacks were in front of Hutian Darong, they all withdrew their strength so as not to beat Hutian Darong into hemiplegia.

The backs of the six knives fell on Darrong Hutian from various angles. Almost simultaneously, there was a slight sound of objects hitting his body. He couldn't even cry out in pain. He rolled his eyes and dropped the shotgun in his hand to the ground. At that time, the person also lost consciousness, unable to fall to which side, so he sat straight on the ground.

Seeing that the man was unconscious, Chi Feichi stood up straight and put the knife back into the scabbard.

"Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

The other five people also retracted their knives almost at the same time. Yamato Kansuke squatted down, looked at Tariyo Torada who was lying unconscious on the ground after falling down, breathed, pressed the places hit by the back of the knife before standing up and said, " He is not dead, and his bones have not been cut off by you! Not bad, it seems that everyone has a sense of proportion!"

In the next second, the six of them turned their heads at the same time, looking at Longwei Jing who was standing there staring blankly at them.

Long Weijing: "..."

For some reason, he always felt that he saw a group of vicious robbers.

The illusion, it must be because the teacher and the others are too strong, and they beat people too hard just now, so he had this nonsensical illusion.

"Mr. Ah Jing, it's all right now, this time it's really all over," Yamato dared to help seeing Long Weijing stunned, guessing that Long Weijing was frightened by the scene of the group fight, he comforted him, and didn't bother , took out his mobile phone to make a call, and roared again, "It's me! No need, it's all settled, you guys bring someone in to clean up!"

The others silently walked away from Yamato Ganzhu.

Officer Yamato's yelling method is like bringing someone to rob and ransack the house...


The police arrived quickly. Those who should take people into the police car took people into the police car, those who should clean up and disturbed, and those who should go to the neighborhood to check if there are any fish that slipped through the net went to the neighborhood to search.

The detective team didn't get involved. After the fight, they handed over the knife from Longwei's house to the police and returned it to Hutian's house to sleep.

Longwei's house was lively all night, even Longwei Shengdai and Longwei Weishi were alarmed, watching the police action from the side, and listening to Longweijing talk about what happened.

It was after ten o'clock in the morning that Yamato Kansuke arrived at Torita's house and asked Toranobu Naobu to explain the situation.

After Chi Feichi waited for the people to wake up and wash up, he was dragged into the yard to watch the fun.

"What?" Toyama and Ye asked in surprise after hearing Hattori Heiji's story, "Did you fight with the person brought by the murderer last night?"

"Why didn't you call us?" Mao Lilan was not reconciled, and said seriously, "We can also serve as reinforcements!"

Long Weijing, who followed Dahe and dared to help, was sweating, wondering in his heart whether these young people and children were all so capable and irritable, so he stepped forward helplessly, "In fact, those people were quickly dealt with... "

Mao Lilan was taken aback, and greeted Long Weijing, "Mr. Ajing, you are here too."

Chi Feichi didn't expect Long Weijing to follow, so he looked puzzled.

"Officer Yamato said that you are probably going back to Tokyo today, so I'll follow you over here to take a look." Long Weijing smiled and looked at Chi Feichi, "Teacher, there are so many things happening in the Hutian family and the Longwei family, Ling Hua I was also killed. I want to calm down for a while. By the way, I also want to see if there is anything that needs help. I don’t know if I have time to send you off. I’m really sorry, but teachers and friends can come here to participate in the celebration. Treat everyone well."

Chi Feichi nodded, "You are busy with your work, so we won't make trouble for you."

Thinking about the tragedy of the Longwei family and the Hutian family, there are only three old men left now, namely Naobu Huda, Weishi and Jinglong. The funeral is too busy, so Long Weijing will be busy next time.

"At that time, you must come to the police station to take notes," Yamato Kansuke and Torita Naobu told him. After seeing Torita Naobu nodding and leaving, he looked at Kamihara Yui and said in an emphatic tone, "You too, you must come to the police. Bureau reports!"

"Ah, yes..." Uehara Yui nodded absently.

"Then let's do this first!"

Dahe Ganzhu was still the same as usual, he turned around and left without intending to say hello to Chi Feichi and the others.

Chi Feichi breathed a sigh of relief.

Very good, they don't need to do the transcripts, the Hutian family, the Longwei family, and the people in the village are indeed more suitable for the transcripts.

"It's as fast as the wind..." Uehara Yui murmured while standing there, turned his head to look at the back of Yamato Gansuke leaving, and shouted, "That...I..."

"Huh?" Yamato Gansuke stopped and turned around.

"I..." Uehara Yui ran up to Dahe Gan to help him, "I thought you were dead, Xiaogan, so I had to stand up and do something, so I married Yoshiro...I'm sorry, say I am very sorry for my husband for saying such things, he really loves me..."

Seeing Uehara Yui's depression, Yamato interrupted, "Idiot! Didn't I tell you? I told you to report to the police station."

Uehara Yui was taken aback, "Huh?"

"Get rid of the worldly eyes, and come back when your heart calms down," Yamato Kansuke suddenly laughed, "The criminal captain is also waiting to drink the horrible coffee you made..."

"Yeah!" Uehara Yui nodded hastily with tears in her eyes.

The detective team watched the dog food of the two people all the way.

Mao Lilan guessed, "The two of them will not..."

"It feels really good." Yuan Shan and Ye whispered with emotion.

Hui Yuanai yawned, and Ban Yueyan said, "Such a fierce police officer, he seems to be able to say nice things."

She wants her brother to learn a lesson, don't always send swords and knives, and take people to kill people. Although that is getting along with each other, it is not quite right.

Alas, but thinking about it carefully, her brother Feichi's future is dark, and she doesn't know if she should remind her.

"Pingji, come with me!"

Toyama and Ye suddenly pulled Hattori Heiji away with a serious face.

Mao Lilan also took out her mobile phone with a determined face, and walked aside to make a call.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki stepped forward, looked at the backs of Toyama and Ye in confusion, "What's wrong with Kazuha? Why did you suddenly drag Hattori away in a hurry?"

Chi Feichi pretended not to notice Conan who ran away to answer the phone, and kept watching Toyama, Ye, and Hattori Heiji run away, "Probably inspired, the blood is on the top."

"Inspired?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki was puzzled.

Hui Yuanai reached out and pulled Chi Feichi's clothes corner, expressing that he wanted to whisper something, and after Chi Feichi squatted down, he hesitated and whispered, "You don't want to fall in love, do you have any concerns? It will be hard to force yourself."

Brother Feichi doesn't seem to be so confused, he is clearer than anyone else when he sees other people's affairs, but Brother Feichi is not clear about his own affairs... She doesn't know.

However, it is also possible that Brother Feichi knew about it, but he just had some concerns in his heart, so he could only pretend that he was not enlightened.

"Don't worry," Chi Feichi looked at Hui Yuan Ai, stood up again, and added in a low voice when Hui Yuan Ai frowned, "I'll take care of it."

Hui Yuanai's words were blocked back, and he sighed inwardly, but he still didn't ask any more questions.

Brother Feichi is like this, he doesn't say anything, even if he can solve the matter all the time, it's still worrying, more worrying than the doctor and godmother.


The raid-like action was indeed just a matter of passion. After calming down, Yuan Shan, Ye and Mao Lilan couldn't say a word they wanted to say.

That afternoon, a group of people separated at the station, those who should go back to Osaka went back to Osaka, and those who should go back to Tokyo went back to Tokyo.

After a night's rest, Huiyuan Ai felt that it was time to deal with the troubles of a famous detective, and started to make antidote again. After two days of busy work, after hearing that Suzuki Sonoko invited them to travel, they were dragged by Dr. Ali go out.

Suzuki Sonoko not only invited the Boy Detective Team, but also Mao Lilan, Mori Kogoro, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki, but he hit a wall with Chi Feichi.

After hearing that Chi Feichi directly refused and hung up the phone in seconds, a group of children didn't think much of it, and said that they were getting used to it, and then they were involved in the incident again.

Hui Yuan Ai also thought it was normal at first, no matter it was Feichi who was suddenly busy with other things or encountered an incident, but after returning home, she realized that something was wrong.

I heard that the uncle and Edogawa were invited to participate in the wine tasting meeting and encountered murder, which is normal, but Brother Feichi rejected the uncle's invitation again.

Listen to the Ministry of Heiji...

Needless to say, Hattori received a letter saying that Kudo Shinichi's reasoning was wrong, so he asked Uncle, Xiaolan and Edogawa to investigate. She knew about this, and the doctor also gave the temporary antidote she developed to Edogawa, so that Edogawa changed back to Kudo Shinichi during the investigation, and she and the doctor rushed to deal with the aftermath.

Hattori originally planned to call Brother Feichi, but was rejected again.

In fact, as far as the result is concerned, it's good if Brother Feichi didn't go, so as to avoid someone's identity being keenly noticed by Brother Feichi.

Brother Feichi suddenly didn't want to mess around with Heipi, which was normal, but she just felt that Brother Feichi wanted to stay away from everyone...

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