Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1582 Conan: The Smile Freezes

"Meow..." Wuming meowed lazily, and arched Hui Yuanai's arm.

Xiao Ai is the younger sister of the big demon master, and Xiao Ai is fine if she hugs her.

Being hugged by Xiao Ai, except for the big demon master, it doesn't believe that other people will snatch it, so it can take a nap with peace of mind.

Okiya Subaru noticed Huihara Ai's vigilant gaze, his expression didn't change, he squinted at Chi Feichi who was standing beside the piano bench, and said with a gentle smile, "Because I know that Mr. Chi is here... I invited you over for two drinks before. Cup, when you are not free, we are all free today, I saw the children coming next door, so I followed to see."

Hui Yuanai lowered his head and stroked the cat.

Her brother didn't have many friends before, and probably even fewer friends of the same age. People said they came to see her brother, so she couldn't say anything.

Okiya Subaru saw Haibara Ai's reaction in his eyes, and felt certain.

Mr. Cengchi's "Sister Town Halo" is really useful, and it seems that he can have another meal this morning.

"But..." Dr. A Li scratched his head and smiled, "I made an agreement with Feichi to take the children to a tropical paradise in the afternoon."

"Really?" Mitsuhiko asked in surprise.

Ayumi smiled and looked at Chi Feichi, "Is Brother Chi finished with his work?"

"It's just a temporary rest." Chi Feichi sat down on the piano bench next to Hui Yuanai, "I heard that the roller coaster in the tropical park has been out of service for maintenance due to an incident, and it only started to operate again two days ago. Haven `t been there."

Conan sitting on the sofa: "..."

The smile froze.

That place hosted the worst events he least wanted to recall.

"We know about that incident!"

The three children didn't know the pain in Conan's heart, so they ran up to Chi Feichi and chatted about the matter.

"It's a big brother who was killed while riding a roller coaster..."

"The whole head was cut off. I heard that the roller coaster rushed out of the tunnel and blood was flying everywhere. We didn't see it at that time, but thinking about it makes me feel horrible..."

"In the end, the incident was solved by the high school student detective Shinichi Kudo."

"However, I still think Brother Chi is better!" Ayumi laughed.

Seeing Conan walking over with a complicated expression, Haibara smiled and said to Ayumi, "I think so too."

"Xiao Ai also thinks so," Ayumi didn't realize that Conan's mood behind her was extremely complicated, and asked Haibara Ai with a smile, "By the way, Xiao Ai, do you want to play games with us?"

"Let Feichi play with you first." Hui Yuanai looked at Feichi who was eager to try on the piano keys, "I want to play the piano for a while."

The three children were easily dismissed. Taking Feichi with him, he turned on the TV, took out the game disc and controller, and started playing games.

Conan saw that Dr. A Li followed him to the TV to watch Feichi play games, so he didn't go to join in the fun, watching Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai play the music.

Chi Feichi helped tune the piano, looked up at Hui Yuanai, "The one we agreed on earlier."

"Yes..." Hui Yuanai put Wuming down, tried the sound test, and started playing the piano piece that he had discussed with Chi Feichi last night.

"To Alice"

Chi Feichi appointed it out of bad taste, but Hui Yuan Ai actually played it seriously and easily.

Okiya Subaru also came to the side to join in the fun, and after listening intently, he smiled and applauded, "It sounds very good!"

Haibara Ai glanced at Okiya Subaru, but still said, "Thank you."

Brother Feichi doesn't seem to like children who are reckless and rude. It's rare for Brother Feichi to rest. She doesn't want to be scolded all the time like Yuantai used to be.

"It seems that the practice during this period of time is very effective," Okiya Subaru saw Conan and Chi Feichi looking over, and explained with a smile, "I occasionally hear the sound of the piano here next door, the song "To Alice" I've heard the song many times."

"Yeah, I guessed someone's bad taste, and sooner or later I will name this song, so I practiced it in advance." Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi pointedly, she had long been wary of Brother Feichi's move up.

"You won," Chi Feichi turned around, walked to another piano bench and sat down, "It's your turn next, have you decided which one to choose?"

Conan moved out of the way, raised his head and explained to Okiya Subaru with a smile, "Because Brother Chi's mother gave Haibara the Christian name Alice, so when it came to playing the piano today, Brother Chi designated this song last night. Make an agreement with Huiyuan to appoint one person at a time."

There was a trace of triumphant smile on the corner of Hui Yuanai's mouth, and he quickly recovered his composure, "I don't think I've heard it before, it's better to learn it easily."

Stealing two new pieces from Brother Feichi, isn't it too much?

Chi Feichi put his hands on the keys, thought for a while, and pressed his fingers on the keys.

If it was easy to learn, and Haibara Ai hadn't heard it before, he suddenly thought of the piano piece "Sorrowful Ayumi".

The melody is simple and doesn't require much skill.

Not only Ayumi, this song has appeared in many Conan plots, including the incident where Conan knew that his idol smoked contraband and killed people.

After the first melody was played, Conan restrained the relief on his face.

It's really a new song.

The melody at the very beginning is clean and innocent, clear and concise, but it also reveals an unspeakable melancholy and sadness, lingering like unceasing sorrow, fluctuating with the pitch of the sound.

When the pitch is high, it seems to be a face that is lost but still trying to show a smile; when the pitch is low, it looks like a pair of eyes that are holding back sadness and staring silently.

Hui Yuanai lowered his eyes and listened quietly.

It feels similar to "Castle in the Sky"...

Okiya Subaru listened to a few sounds at first, still marveling at the smoothness and clearness in his heart, but soon he lost his emotions, and a trace of oppressive and unspeakable feeling spread in his heart. In a trance, he actually remembered the last time we met At that time, Miyano Akemi held back tears and showed him a smiling face.

After playing the piano music for more than forty seconds, it suddenly stopped.

Even people who don't listen to music very much can feel that the melody is cut off suddenly, and there is obviously a follow-up, but it is forcibly cut off.

Conan looked up at Chi Feichi in doubt.

In the two notes before the stop, he felt uncoordinated.

It's not that the two notes are not connected smoothly, nor is it that the piano is out of tune, but that the player who plays it is not in the right state. The two notes are stretched a little bit, and when placed in the overall melody, there is a sense of incongruity.

Chi Feichi looked down at the keys, fell silent for a while, then turned around to find the three children and Dr. A Li were also looking at this side quietly, and said, "Sorry, playing this kind of music is a bit disruptive to the atmosphere."

Thinking of seeing Ayumi for the first time in Aoyama No. 4 Hospital, he suddenly didn't want to play this kind of song with a not-so-good name.

"Ah..." Dr. A Li came back to his senses and laughed quickly, "No, it actually sounds very good."

The three children nodded quickly.

Conan was puzzled and distracted. He had never seen Chi Feichi make a mistake before, and it was such a mistake that he couldn't play.

Is there any problem with your recent status, buddy?

Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi's still calm expression, and said softly, "Then why not change to another song, it doesn't matter if you've heard it before."

Chi Feichi glanced at Hui Yuanai inexplicably, reselected a song and started playing.

It's not difficult to find a song that Hui Yuan Ai has never heard before.

Conan heard a song that he had never heard before, thinking of Chi Feichi's complicated look at Hui Yuan Ai, he was speechless for a while, and silently listened to the piano music.

Sometimes he felt that Chi Feichi didn't have to worry at all.

Take the songs they haven't heard before, Chi Feichi seems to have countless songs and new songs here, which are as wide as the menu of Chinese cuisine.

Hui Yuanai was also silent.

She understood, Brother Feichi's look meant 'it doesn't matter what you've heard? You are looking down on me'.

Suddenly, he didn't want to talk to Brother Feichi anymore.

This time, Chi Feichi chose the piano piece of "Turning the Wheel of Fortune".

Although the tempo at the beginning was not fast, but with tenacious and gentle strength, the tempo was gradually strengthened. Not only did the depressive feeling brought by the song just now be swept away, but it also made others feel a little bit excited.

This song is definitely considered "long time" in the entire plot history of Conan, but when THK was established, he had been helping Mai Kuraki reproduce the songs of his previous life, and then lost many other Conan songs to other artists. This one fell through.

The piece was not long, and after playing it, Chi Feichi paused for a while, then continued to play "The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss".

When the three children heard the familiar tune and the cheerful melody, their eyes widened and they smiled until Chi Feichi stopped and applauded one after another.

Ayumi smiled and applauded, "Brother Chi just popped out the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, that's amazing!"

Mitsuhiko recalled, "The previous song also felt very good!"

Conan laughed heartily.

Everyone was listening to the tunes they hadn't heard before, and the tunes played by Chi Feichi were all poisonous, and the emotions conveyed in them were too engaging, so naturally they didn't pay much attention to the playing skills.

On the contrary, everyone has heard familiar pieces more than once, and it is easier to notice the level of the performer, and even the beauty of the piano timbre.

Okiya Subaru expressed the truest emotion in his heart, "Some people say that musicians are like magicians, magicians who can magically use music to control people's emotions."

When listening to the first piece of music, he felt that he would not be able to laugh today, even if the piece stopped before it was finished, he was also considering whether to find a reason to leave, so as not to make his face too gloomy and destroy The gentle image maintained during this period.

But after listening to the second piece and "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss", his mood improved completely, and he suddenly felt that he was okay again.

"But I still feel that playing the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is more powerful," Yuan Tai's eyes lit up, and he ran to the piano, "I want to try it too!"

Chi Feichi got up and gave way to the three children who surrounded him.

"Don't mess around." Hui Yuanai reminded, and gave up his piano to the three children to play, and Chi Feichi walked aside, raised his head and asked, "When you went to wash up last night, did you say Is the temporary rest because the script encountered problems, did you encounter any difficulties? Or is it because you are not in a good mood recently?"

Conan looked at Chi Feichi curiously.

Just now Chi Feichi even made mistakes in playing the piano, was it because he was in a particularly bad mood?

Hmm... I still can't tell by looking at his face.

Dr. A Li smiled and said, "Although I don't know much about scripts, if I encounter troubles, I can chat with you. Sometimes inspiration can't be suppressed by one person!"

"It's really about the new script." Chi Feichi turned his head and looked at the Kudo's house next door through the window. "Actually, I called Mr. Yusaku to discuss it two days ago..."

Conan was surprised, and quickly asked, "Is the problem still unresolved?"

Since Chi Feichi was still distressed, it meant that the problem had not been resolved.

What kind of problem is it that even his father, an internationally renowned detective novelist, can't solve it?

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