Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1584 What is a black sheep? !

"The initial version of the promotional film is like this," Chi Feichi turned off the video, "I think the main perspective is a bit confusing, and there is still a lot of room for modification. After the filming is complete, we can consider making a promotional film for the new character, and then use the female lawyer's This new role is very important. Afterwards, I will shoot a series of reasoning movies with him as the protagonist. The fourth part of the female lawyer and detective. I originally wanted to use a case spanning ten years to make the identity of this character clearer. To put it simply, this character was involved in a murder case ten years ago. Ten years later, a similar incident occurred again. He became a suspect. The female lawyer investigated and cleared the suspicion for him. The past weaves through the case in preparation for the launch of his solo series..."

"That means, in the third part, he is on the side of the female lawyer, right?" Okiya Subaru squinted his eyes and rubbed his chin, "Because it seems that the uncle named Ishigami is probably the murderer, but He seems to have a friendship with the other party."

"He's a good guy."

Chi Feichi sent good person cards to the characters in the play.

"Then what's wrong with the fourth part?" Dr. A Li was still thinking about the problem that Chi Feichi and Kudo Yusaku couldn't solve, thinking, "Is there something wrong with the case or the method?"

Conan's first thought was 'impossible'.

In the past, Chi Feichi adapted the movie based on the incidents around him. He didn't think much of it, but in the promotional video just now, "how to detonate the patrol boat" and "why can the murderer have a perfect alibi?" I can't figure it out.

This is one of the reasons why there are not enough clues just watching the promotional video, but even he, a high school student detective who has solved many crimes, is attracted, which can prove that Chi Feichi's idea is very good, and with Chi Feichi's high requirements, It will certainly not be a far-fetched answer in the end.

In other words, Chi Feichi is also very good at 'writing cases'.

Coupled with his father, a mystery novelist, he didn't think the two of them would have trouble with the 'case'.

"No, the whole case has been conceived, and the details are fine, but because the case spans ten years, it needs scenes from ten years ago, new characters and scenes of the situation of the female lawyer. The script revised by the company, I don’t feel right no matter what.” Chi Feichi stared at the computer screen, recalling the script he had found in the attachment of his email a few days ago, “Just like the promotional film of this one, I hope to strengthen my personal characteristics, but minus the cumbersomeness.” And cumbersome perspectives, and if you want to shoot, you have to find an excellent director and an excellent post-producer, it is very difficult to shoot the fourth part well."

Dr. Ali felt that he was not very good at it, so he didn't come up with any random ideas, "Is there any good advice from Yusaku?"

Chi Feichi withdrew his thoughts, "Mr. Yuzuo said that his experience is more in novels. If it is published in the form of novels, it is enough to modify the sentences and words, but if it is a movie scene, he is not good. For the method, he also helped to ask Miss You Xizi, but Miss You Xizi didn't seem to have any good suggestions."

Huiyuan Ai pondered for a while, and she could do it in a simple way, but when it comes to things that are too professional, it is in her blind spot of knowledge, "After the third part is filmed, the actors rest for a while, and the fourth part will be filmed Right? If the script has not been completed, do we need to postpone the shooting?"

Chi Feichi took off the USB flash drive and put it back in his pocket, "Min also said that the company has found a young screenwriter with a good level, I want him to try it, and take a break by the way."

Huiyuan laughed sadly, "It's better to leave it to others first, maybe the other party can handle it well, or maybe after a period of rest, you will suddenly have a good idea."

"The way to detonate the patrol boat..." Okiya Subaru asked thoughtfully, "What is it?"

Conan, who also wanted to ask the same question, immediately turned his head to look at Chi Feichi, "Brother Chi, there are two cases in the third part, one is the patrol boat explosion, and the other is the murderer's perfect alibi, both of which we have never experienced before." yes, right?"

"That's right, it's two cases..." Chi Feichi didn't expect Subaru Okiya to lose his composure before Conan, wondering if Subaru Okiya thought of the possibility of 'sniping', stood up, and closed his eyes. Looking at the computer screen, he turned around and said to Subaru Okiya calmly, "Sorry, Mr. Okiya, the movie hasn't been released yet, these things need to be kept secret, I won't say anything about it."

Okiya Subaru: "..."

Suddenly I feel that Mr. Chi is so hateful, put some bait, and run away after seducing him!

However, this is indeed a commercial secret, and he is not easy to entangle...

Conan saw that Chi Feichi was going to run away, and thought that he was a child, and he knew Chi Feichi well, so there was no pressure to mess around, so he followed Chi Feichi who was going to the cooking table, and deliberately said aggressively, "Hey——? Brother Chi You won’t use a trick to fool children to explain it? For example, the deceased who received the threatening letter actually committed suicide or something…”

It's not impossible, right?

Chi Feichi stood still in front of the cooking counter, looked at Conan calmly, and paid attention to Okiya Subaru who was following him from the corner of his eyes, and turned his head to make lunch, "It's not suicide, it's murder, and it's murder with a knife. A rifle bullet can do it."

There are two correct ways to play a famous detective:

One is to say the answer in advance when the detective's brain just enters the fast thinking link, destroying the detective's reasoning fun.

One is to use the detective's strong curiosity to tell a miraculous event without giving the detective enough hints, let alone the answer, so that the detective suffers from curiosity.

However, this time he cast a hook and caught two fish.

Akai Hideichi seems to be very curious because he has been too busy recently.

Okiya Subaru walked to the cooking counter, and Conan looked at each other.

Now that Chi Feichi himself affirmed that the 'murder weapon' was a bullet from a rifle, it made people even more curious.

How on earth is this done?

"Brother Chi is lying, how could a rifle shoot at a patrol ship on the sea, and make the patrol ship explode, burning the hull to pieces..." Conan was not reconciled, and continued to pretend to be a real kid. Chi Feichi saw the three children following around, trying to incite the three children to join the pestering team and hide his thorn, "Are you right?"

"Yeah," Mitsuhiko was fooled, touching his chin and said, "No matter how you think about it, it's impossible."

Ayumi was also fooled, and asked with a puzzled look, "A bullet is not a bomb, is it magic?"

"This is a mystery drama, there is no such thing as magic," Conan secretly reminded, and continued to fan the flames by the way, "And it's not that the dead committed suicide!"

Yuan Tai doubted, "Could Brother Chi just randomly think of something that won't work in reality..."

Chi Feichi, who was cooking, looked sideways, coldly, and stared.

"The trick..." Yuan Tai was sweating, regretful in his heart.

He's so damn upright!

Chi Feichi saw that Conan still wanted to continue talking, so he spoke first, "Conan..."

"Huh?" Conan said innocently.

"You are a horse." Chi Feichi finished speaking calmly and seriously, took a cucumber in his left hand, and a kitchen knife in his right, and began to slice the cucumber into thin slices.

"a horse?"

Conan wondered... Could this be a hint.

"Is Conan a horse?" The three children also looked at Conan suspiciously.

Hui Yuanai dragged a stool to the cooking counter, ready to help Chi Feichi process the ingredients. When he passed by Conan, he said the answer calmly, "Didn't Brother Feichi say it before? You are a black sheep."

Conan: "!"


Chi Feichi, this bastard, bastard, bastard...!

What is black sheep? Why do you say he is the black sheep again? Don't you know it's too much to say?

Also, what is the meaning of Akai-san's expression of wanting to laugh but unable to do so, but still smiling?

He announced: The boat of friendship has capsized! All turned over!

Chi Feichi saw that Conan's face was so dark that it was almost approaching Hattori Kuropi. After thinking about it, he felt that it was not good to hurt Conan all the time. Not everyone has the kind of gin that's like "you pissed me off and I'll piss you off to death" With a cheeky face, he added aloud, "It's also a very important horse."

Conan's expression eased.

Hmm... It's rare that Chi Feichi praised him, so he stopped being angry.

"That's right," Genta nodded repeatedly, "Although Conan sometimes likes to run around very much, and sometimes he doesn't listen to lectures in class, and was reminded several times by Mr. Kobayashi, but Mr. Kobayashi also said that Conan is very smart. It’s better to be more serious.”

Conan: "..."

Yuan Tai, who can lose his mind for a class when he thinks of lunch in class, is the most unqualified to talk about him.

Moreover, there is only so much knowledge in the first grade of elementary school. He can memorize it forward, backward, and cross-referenced with his eyes closed.

"And Conan observes meticulously. He can notice and think of many things that the police did not notice or think of." Mitsuhiko nodded and gave a pertinent evaluation, "It is indeed Maxima."

After Chi Feichi cut the cucumbers and knelt down to get the eggs from the cabinet, he turned to Conan with a relaxed expression and said, "I can give you a hint..."

Conan's eyes lit up, and he looked straight at Chi Feichi.

"To accomplish that technique, Officer Sato cannot do it, Mr. Mao Li cannot do it, but the doctor can do it." Chi Feichi said.

Conan nodded, "Hmm..."

Then what?

And then it's gone.

Chi Feichi got up with the egg, cracked the egg into the bowl with a 'pop', and then turned to get the egg beater.

To say that Conan is a black sheep is a bit unrealistic. Conan often stops the other three brats from messing around, but only occasionally causes troubles. He is sorry for this. It should be said that Conan is a villain of death...

He said that he was wrong, but Conan's behavior of instigating other children to do things is also very bad, so it is better to give Conan a little hope and let Conan figure it out by himself.

Just divert the children's attention to Dr. Ali, and don't disturb his cooking.

Maybe you can bully Akai Shuichi.

Akai Hideichi lives next door to Dr. Ali, and the most interesting thing is that he can come and bully him whenever he has problem.

Dr. Ali was standing by the side laughing and watching the fun, but suddenly found that Conan and the three children raised their heads and looked at him with scrutiny. Even Okiya Subaru looked at him suspiciously, and his smile froze.

Ayumi looked forward to asking, "If the doctor can do it, then he must know the answer?"

Dr. Ali: "Ah, no, I..."

Mitsuhiko: "Did Brother Chi tell the doctor? Or the inspiration for this technique came from the doctor?"

Dr. Ali: "I didn't..."

Yuan Tai: "The doctor shouldn't be some kind of sharpshooter, right?"

Ayumi: "Huh?!"

Dr. Ali: "..."

Help...don't ask, he really doesn't know the answer.

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