Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1587 The smell of police stalking

Considering the cold weather, Chi Feichi bought a lot of ingredients and went to a convenience store to buy a few bottles of beer. Then he and Subaru Okiya carried the bags back to Dr. Ali’s house, and set up in the yard. pot.

It's cold, it's more suitable to eat hot pot.

Because there are children, Chi Feichi didn't make the hot pot soup too spicy. When the chicken was almost cooked and vegetables were added, a large group of people sat around the fire and pot in the yard to eat hot pot.

Seeing that Chi Feichi and Okiya Subaru drank, Huiyuan mourned and reminded Chi Feichi, "Don't drive back after drinking."

Chi Feichi nodded, "I'll bother you one more night at the doctor's house tonight."

If he stayed at the doctor's house, he wouldn't be able to continue experimenting with his 'fire magic', but the research couldn't be rushed, and a delay of two days would do.

Wuming didn't stay for long. After eating and drinking, he stretched himself, jumped onto the fence, and ran away meowing, "Master, I'll find an open place to practice magic!"

"Huh? Brother Chi, why did Wuming leave?" Ayumi asked in surprise.

"It's okay, it probably wants to go out to play, don't worry about it..." Chi Feichi said, feeling the phone vibrating in his pocket, took out the phone to check the number, and answered, "Xiao Lan? I'm at the doctor's house... um, Conan is here too... What time?...Okay, see you tomorrow morning."

Dr. A Li waited for the phone to hang up, and asked curiously, "Feichi, did something happen to Mao Li and the others?"

"Xiaolan asked me if I was free to have breakfast at Polo Café tomorrow," Chi Feichi put away his phone and said, "She and Miss Xiaozi have something to ask me."

"Did sister Xiaolan not say what happened on the phone?" Conan asked.

Is Miss Xiaozi in trouble? Why didn't Xiaolan find 'Kudo Shinichi'?

"I didn't say anything, just let me go there tomorrow morning," Chi Feichi picked up the beer can again, "and let me tell you, if you play too late, you can stay at the doctor's house for one night, and then come with me tomorrow."

Conan nodded obediently.

I'll know what's going on when I go tomorrow, but I don't know if I can use this evening to ask Chi Feichi what's going on with the method of 'the murderer has a perfect alibi'.


The next day, 8:58 in the morning.

Chi Feichi took Conan and Hui Yuanai outside Poirot Cafe.

Hui Yuanai and Chi Fei felt at ease when they were late.

At the doctor's house, she always thought of the suspicious person next door, so she might as well go out with Brother Feichi for a walk, and take a good rest while watching Brother Feichi.

Conan raised his hand and yawned.

Don't ask, the question is that I was so curious last night that I couldn't sleep well. I lay down and pondered for a long time, considering various possibilities, and ruled them out one by one.

He wanted to pester Chi Feichi to tell him, but last night after he finished washing, Chi Feichi had already closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Chi Feichi pushed open the door of Poirot Cafe, and at the moment the bell rang at the door, he suddenly felt the atmosphere change. Five eyes stayed on him, four of them quickly retracted, and the remaining one was still looking at him quietly. he.

In addition to the Mori father and daughter and Enomoto Azusa, there were five customers in the shop.

Inside sat two men in winter clothes.

At the seat by the window, there were also two middle-aged men dressed in plain clothes.

In front of the counter, sat a man wearing a knitted hat, sunglasses, and a long windbreaker.

The person who looked at him was one of the guests at the innermost table, but soon, the other party's companion said something in a low voice, and that person looked away as if nothing had happened, and lowered his head to eat breakfast.

The store is full of... the smell of police stalking.

Hui Yuanai also looked at the people in the store, and followed Chi Fei to the table late.

"Brother Feichi, Conan, good morning! Xiao Ai, you are here too, good morning!" Mao Lilan didn't seem to notice that the atmosphere in the store was not right, and greeted with a smile, "You haven't had breakfast yet, have you? I ordered a lot of sandwiches, You can eat a little to fill your stomach first, and then order whatever you want!"


Chi Feichi greeted him and sat down across the table.

Mao Lilan found that Conan who was sitting next to Chi Feichi was not energetic, and asked concerned, "Conan, did you not sleep well last night?"

Mori Kogoro sat on the sofa, flipped through a newspaper, and said without raising his head, "I see, this kid probably played too late last night!"

Conan didn't care what Mori Kogoro complained about him, and asked aloud, "Sister Xiaolan, what's the matter with you and Miss Xiaozi looking for Brother Chi?"

"Didn't I make strawberry crystal cake a few days ago? It turned out to be too much, and the three of us couldn't finish it, so I sent some to Polo Cafe. There were two customers in the shop at the time, because There were too many, so Ms. Xiaozi gave strawberry crystal cakes to the customers to taste, and when the two customers came to the store, they asked Miss Xiaozi if they could sell strawberry crystal cakes in the store for dessert," Mao Lilan said. Looking at the silent and busy Azusa Enomoto behind the counter, "Miss Azusa wants to learn how to make it, but Brother Feichi taught me how to make the Strawberry Crystal Cake. We want to ask Brother Feichi what he thinks first."

"So that's the case." Conan felt relieved, and reached for the sandwich on the plate on the table.

When Chi Feichi saw Enomoto Azusa coming over with a tray, he gave the answer, "When you make something, it's for people to eat. As long as Miss Xiaozi makes it, it doesn't matter if you sell it in the store."

Mao Lilan smiled and looked at Azusa Enomoto who came over, "That's really great!"

Azusa Enomoto nodded absent-mindedly, bent down to put the coffee on the tray on the table, and tried to cheer up and said, "Thank you, Mr. Chi, I discussed with the boss, and he said that if you want, he will put strawberries Part of the proceeds from selling crystal cakes will be given to you, or deducted from your consumption in the store, I will help keep the account, and you can just come and spend."

"That's not bad," Hui Yuan Ai took the sandwich, looked at Chi Feichi, and teased in a leisurely tone, "If it sells well, you can come here every day for free breakfast in the future."

Seeing Azusa Enomoto turned around to serve ramen, Mao Lilan said confidently, "I think the sales will be very good!"

"By the way, Feichi, I received a commission yesterday. The commissioner is a director of a theater I met a few years ago. She asked me to meet at the theater. I heard that the commission was related to the early popular dramas in England. She invited me by the way. If you are interested in going to see a theater performance, you can come with us, I mentioned it to her, she said that it’s okay for you to bring the little devil’s head, and she gave me several tickets..." Kogoro Mouri said with his head bowed , turned the page of the newspaper, looked at the report on the page, and said with emotion, "However, in this world, there are really different incidents happening every day, and there are many bad incidents. An employee of a financial company actually My family was murdered, the murder weapon was a hunting rifle, and the police are investigating in the direction of vendetta..."

"I saw this case on the TV news in the morning." Mao Lilan recalled.

"Really," Mori Kogoro looked at the newspaper and thought, "If you want to shoot, you can shoot birds? It has to be used to kill people..."

"Don't you think it's dangerous? The scene of the crime seems to be around here, maybe the murderer is still lurking around here," Mao Lilan said, "So Brother Feichi and Xiao Ai must be careful when they go back..."


Azusa Enomoto, who brought the ramen, loosened her hand, and the tray and ramen plate fell to the ground, and hurriedly squatted down to clean it up, "Hold, sorry, I'll bring it back right away!"

Chi Feichi suddenly remembered this episode.

Probably Enomoto Azusa's brother was suspected of murder, but the murderer was actually a colleague of Enomoto Azusa's brother, who wanted to frame Enomoto Azusa's brother after the murder.

Mao Lilan got up and squatted down to help Enomoto Azusa clean up the ramen dishes on the floor, "Miss Azusa, you look ugly, are you okay?"

"'s okay." Azusa Enomoto replied in a low voice.

Conan looked around at the other guests with serious faces, and had a vague guess in his heart, "By the way, Sister Xiaozi said before that her brother can also shoot, right?"

"What does that matter?" Mori Kogoro looked at the newspaper casually, "Miss Xiaozi's brother is playing Frisbee shooting, not hunting."

Conan's childish voice reminded me cutely, "But..."

Hui Yuanai looked at the people in the store, and said calmly, "It seems that there are more than one or two people who think Miss Xiaozi's brother is suspicious."

"More than one or two people?" Mao Lilan also looked at the surrounding guests.

"So, why are there so many vicious guys around?" Mori Kogoro looked away from the newspaper, frowned and looked at the man sitting by the window, "Huh? Why do I think you look familiar... "

"Also," Conan turned and pointed at the man sitting in front of the counter, with a childlike expression on his face, "That big brother is also very similar to someone we know."

The man in front of the counter turned his head and found that Mao Lilan got up and came over. He was sweating, and turned his head away quickly, thinking 'I can't recognize it, I can't recognize it'.

"Aren't you... Officer Takagi?" Mao Lilan saw through Takagi's disguise accurately, and asked doubtfully, "What are you doing here? You still dress like this."

"Ah, this..." Seeing that she was seen through, Takagi She turned around with an embarrassed smile, hesitating whether to say, "Actually..."

"There is no other suspicious person in the store, so it doesn't matter if you tell me?" Conan encouraged with a smile, "Maybe Uncle and Brother Chi can help?"

"I know, I know..."

Seeing that other colleagues in the store did not object, Takagi spoke honestly.

It is the case of the murder of a financial company employee. Azusa Enomoto's elder brother Sugito Enomoto is suspected of murder, and the police are indeed monitoring the store.

"Mr. Takafumi Torihira, who was killed, was the boss of Ms. Azusa's brother. Mr. Sugito's fingerprints were also detected on the murder weapon rifle left at the scene, and we have been to his apartment, and he has disappeared. Going to work in the company," Takagi Tsutomu looked at Enomoto Azusa who was standing aside, "We thought maybe he would contact his sister, so we will monitor here."

Azusa Enomoto stood with her head bowed, her hands tightly twisting her apron, her expression depressed.

Haibara Ai looked up at Enomoto Azusa's face, and sighed inwardly.

My brother is suspected of being a murderer, what would it be like to be a younger sister?

incredible? Have doubts? Don't know what to do? Or do you hope to help your fleeing brother?

She is also a reduced person in the world who is worried about her brother, so she can imagine a little bit.

Because even if she felt the murderous intent from her brother, she still wondered if she had made a mistake in her judgment. Without evidence and seeing it with her own eyes, she was unwilling to think about her brother that way.

Because she was nervous, worried about what to do if her brother was caught by the police, and wondered if her brother had been wronged in some way, but as a younger sister, she didn't know, and wondered if she could do something.

Miss Xiaozi's brother is only suspected, and her brother is even more suspicious in her judgment. The only good thing is that he has not been discovered by the police. So far, it seems that he has not been suspected or investigated by anyone.

It's really not clear who's in a better position.

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