Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1595 This assumption is not good at all

In the room, the flame of the candle was shaken by Hongzi Koizumi's roar.

Chi Feichi waited for Koizumi Hongzi to finish yelling, and then said, "Sorry, I just wanted to tease you because you didn't even know whether you had cast magic."

Koizumi Hongzi looked at Chi Feichi's calm face, and suddenly felt that the anger was suppressed, but it didn't completely disappear. comminicate."

Next, Chi Feichi pulled Koizumi Hongzi to start the metaphysics exchange experiment.

First of all, it is the contrast of the flames released by the two.

Without needing to use an instrument, Chi Feichi reached out and touched the fireball condensed by the two, and he was able to determine the temperature of the flame he released, which was about twice as hot as Koizumi Hongzi.

The flames of both are more difficult to extinguish at the beginning, and after burning for a period of time, they can be extinguished by water.

But in comparison, his flame is a bit more tenacious.

Secondly, it is the release method of flame magic.

Koizumi Hongzi's fire magic comes from the conversion of magic power, mobilizing magic in the body, transforming it into flames through a specific method and releasing it.

Chi Feichi's fire magic comes from the fire seed in the body. Since the process of transformation is omitted, when the fire is condensed on a certain part of the body, it will be much faster than Koizumi Hongzi.

Of course, Koizumi Hongzi is proficient in using magic, and the time in less than a second is almost negligible.

When igniting the fire in the air, Koizumi Hongzi can delay the process of magic transformation, just like a computer presets a certain program and acts on the candle. There is no need to worry about being exposed to the air and causing the flame to ignite in advance, but Chi is not late. The kindling flame needs to reach a certain place from the object medium, and if it is exposed to the air in advance, it will burn in advance.

"No." Koizumi Hongzi threw the fireball in his hand and frowned, "Your flame is very hot, and when you shuttle through the table, you can burn the table. Since you can pass through the table without letting the table burn, it means that the flame is burning." At that time, it was similar to the state of 'slumber', so why can't you sleep in the air?"

"I've thought about this problem and found a way to solve it," Chi Feichi said, holding the cup on the table with his right hand, and let a ray of flame pass through the cup and into the blood. "It should be a matter of proficiency." , There will be some subtle differences in the way the flame in the dormant state passes through solids, liquids, and gases, among which passing through solids is the easiest, followed by liquids, and the most difficult is gases."


A ball of fire appeared from the blood in the cup, floating in the middle, roasting the blood to give off an unpleasant smell, and was quickly extinguished by the blood.

Koizumi Hongzi concluded, "In other words, you can only proficiently control the flame to pass through solids and then burn. There are still some problems with liquids. The method of not burning through gases has not been mastered yet, right? "

"It's almost like this." Chi Feichi stretched out his hand and a ball of flames emerged in his hand, "If you try a lot, you will gradually feel the difference between this kind of flame burning in solid, liquid, and gas. If you try more, you should be able to burn." solve."

"Then work hard on your own," Koizumi Hongzi asked expectantly, "What about the next experiment? What is the next experiment?"

Chi Feichi put away the flame in his palm, stretched out his hand and floated above the flame in Koizumi Hongzi's palm, "The flame absorbs."

Seeing the flame twisted in his hand, Koizumi Hongzi burrowed into Chi Feichi's palm, determined with a complicated expression, "Can you absorb the magic flame released by others?"

"Is your magic not working?" Chi Feichi withdrew his hand and asked.

"Of course not. Flame is a very powerful offensive magic. When someone else releases it, it is an attack against yourself. There is a way to extinguish the magic flame, but..." Koizumi Hongzi paused, touched his chin and said, "No, Wait, I remember that there seems to be a way in forbidden magic to absorb other people's flames."

A ball of fire appeared in Chi Feichi's hand, and he reached out to Koizumi Hongzi, "Try it."

"Well, wait..." Koizumi Hongzi took a deep breath, stared at the flame in Chi Feichi's palm, stretched out his hand, but before his finger was close to the flame, he retracted, raised his eyes speechlessly and said to Chi Feichi, "Your fire is too hot, can you make it smaller?"

Chi Feichi retracted most of the flame, leaving only a trace floating above his hand.

Koizumi Hongzi's expression became serious again, and she stretched out her hand above the trace of flame.

One second, two seconds, five seconds...

Half a minute later, Koizumi Hongzi withdrew her hand angrily, "No, I can't absorb your flames. Does this mean that you won't be injured in my flame magic, and you can still absorb my flames. I can't absorb your flame magic. It will definitely be burnt, it's really unfair!"

Chi Feichi: "After absorbing your magical flame, my fire will recover a little faster. Absorbing ordinary flame will not have this effect."

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

Is the Son of Nature showing off?

Seeing Koizumi Hongzi glanced at him half-moon, Chi Feichi explained, "Have you thought about a tactic? You release a large-scale magic flame first, burn the enemy, and before your flame magic goes out, I will absorb your flame." into the body, it can transform your flame into a flame that doubles in temperature with almost zero consumption..."

Koizumi Hongzi understood, stood up with bright eyes, "burn the enemy again?"

Chi Feichi nodded, "Correct."

"It's amazing to think about it this way, and I must try it some other day..." Koizumi Hongzi was excited, but suddenly couldn't get excited, sat down, picked up a cup to drink blood with a sad face, "But, ordinary people can't let it go. We burn twice, and I can burn each other. If you burn something, my flame can't burn steel, and yours can only burn steel red. I burn it once, and you burn it again. In fact, the effect is the same. It's better to let I use melting magic, as for the Holy See, they might have some sacred objects like light magic, you only have fire magic now, it’s still too much for them..."

"Don't count on me. Every time I talk about going to the Holy See to fight, the result of the crystal ball is that I will die a miserable death. It can't predict how I will die. Just like this time, you have I haven't received any news about the new ability before, so I let it be calculated by twice my ability, and the result is the same, that is to say, within ten or twenty years, it would be difficult for me to defeat the Holy See alone. I can only watch you grow..."

Saying that, Koizumi Hongzi cheered up again and said, "But your growth rate is very fast, maybe in a year or two, we won't have to be afraid of them!"

"It's much better now than before." Chi Feichi said.

"Yes," Koizumi Hongzi nodded with emotion, "You are indeed a child of a god. Your growth this time is really amazing. In terms of fire magic, you surpassed me in no time!"

Chi Feichi added, "If you are caught by the Holy See and burned to death, I can go and absorb the flames and save you from leaving."

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

This assumption is not rosy at all.

"Actually, success or failure is determined not only by the strength of magic, but also by tactics, or..." Chi Feichi continued, "If Umbrella can make a mushroom bomb, then they can be easily eliminated."

Koizumi Hongzi nodded speechlessly, "That's right, ordinary people's technology is still terrifying, and what can kill them can also kill us."

"Ordinary people won't be provoked, and won't trouble us. The biggest hidden danger now is the Holy See. Of course, they can also use technological weapons to deal with us." Chi Feichi paused, looking at Koizumi Hongzi's serious eyes with coldness , "Before that, I want to make sure that there are no people like me in the Holy See."

"Same as you..." Koizumi Hongzi turned pale, and looked down at the cup on the table, "You are so skeptical, is it because the crystal ball can't calculate the specific situation? But, the crystal ball also said before However, in this world, apart from you and me, there is no other..."

"Ask the crystal ball now, can it predict my existence?" Chi Feichi interrupted.

Koizumi Hongzi was silent for a while, "Don't ask, I'm afraid it won't work now, it can see less and less things related to you, and it's hard for me to see your daily life through the crystal ball, but, but like this If so, doesn't it mean that there is a terrible guy in the Holy See who grew up earlier than you, perhaps before I was born?"

"It doesn't necessarily have to be people," Chi Feichi said, "You also said that after the massacre of witches and wizards by the Holy See a few centuries ago, they collected a lot of treasures, and they themselves have some sacred objects, In the Dharma-ending Age, there is no such thing as before.”

"It's also possible," Koizumi Hongzi's face changed a lot, "If it's an item, it will be much easier to deal with, maybe we can snatch their items and use their items to deal with them, Ann Has Brera Blue Umbrella collected similar intelligence?"

"I have been collecting, but what they communicate with through communication tools is not important. The core figures are still using the traditional communication method of person-to-person communication. It is difficult to collect important information from the technology back then," Chi Feichi paused. , with a calm and serious expression, "It's not good to send eyeliner. You know how terrible religion is. I worry that the eyeliner will be brainwashed and betrayed, and our existence will be exposed instead. Joshua may be able to do it, but... I'm not sure he can handle it." To survive the brainwashing of beliefs, they should not have discovered our existence now, otherwise, with the dominance of the Holy See, they would have come to them long ago. Now we are in the dark, which is an advantage, so I think it is not wise to send out eyeliners now .”

Koizumi Hongzi sighed, "If the Holy See can live in harmony with us, I don't want to fight with them."

Chi Feichi took out a cigarette and bit it, let a ray of flame pass over, and lit the cigarette end, "Why not me."

When the religion develops to a certain level, the speaker and high-ranking believers will be treated more than the emperor. Not only will they be respected and supported, but even if the request is unreasonable, a single "oracle" can solve most of the problems. It's hard to be questioned.

But he is really not interested in developing religion, otherwise he would have already shifted his focus to the natural religion, and he wouldn't leave it to Joshua to develop at will.

After all, there are many ordinary people in the world who are not so fanatical and loyal to religion. He still prefers to engage in technology and make money. This is the lifeblood of ordinary people. It is really impossible to build two more buildings, which are also real things.

It's just that they are willing to live in harmony with the Holy See, but the Holy See may not be willing.

"But that's impossible," Koizumi Hongzi thought for a while, and said softly with a serious expression, "Even if we join the Holy See, they will let us recognize their teachings, we must become a part of them, you are okay, you If I join them, I might be regarded as the most important core by them, I can't, I will never forget the disasters suffered by my ancestors, I won't join them, let alone recognize their teachings!"

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