Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1601 The Theory of Punishment

Mao Lilan looked at Yuko Arizawa in a daze, "Ms. Yuko, you really..."

"But why do you want to do this?" Feiying was puzzled, and asked with a frown, "For a woman as good as you, if her husband cheats, wouldn't it be fine to just get a divorce? Why do you have to do such a thing?"

"Yeah, if it's just cheating, a divorce would be fine," Yuko Arisawa looked down at the floor, "but the person he cheated on was Omoto-senpai's wife, and I absolutely can't forgive that."

"Senior Omoto?" Mao Lilan confirmed in surprise, "Is that the judo champion you admire, Mr. Omoto?"

"But if that's the case, wouldn't it be enough to have an open and honest talk?" Fei Yingri asked, "You should also know Mrs. Omoto's wife..."

"That's right, my husband and I have visited Mr. Omoto's house many times. He has a virtuous wife and a lovely son, just like the kind of happy family described in the story, but my husband ruined it," said Arisawa Yuko gritted her teeth, and said with an ugly face, "I just can't bear the thought that he will continue to hurt such a family in the future. Divorce is not enough, I have to kill him... Yes, it would be nice if we weren't so close ..."

Saying that, Arisawa Yuko closed her eyes with a pained expression.

"If I hadn't been to Mr. Omoto's house, my husband wouldn't have known his wife. Worship can only be worship. If I just kept it in my heart, this kind of thing wouldn't happen..."

"Icarus' wings..." Fei Yingli sighed, "Although it's just my guess, I think your husband should very much hope that one day you can turn to him."

"Ah?" Arisawa Yuko didn't understand, and looked up at Fei Yingli in surprise and doubt.

"Master, don't be so reserved." Chi Feichi stood in front of the cabinet, looking sideways at the trophies on the cabinet, "Ms. Yuko, when you talked about Mr. Omoto, you told Xiaolan about Mr. Maeda. At that time, it was completely different. Xiaolan seemed to mention a celebrity she admired, but you mentioned Mr. Omoto as if Mr. Omoto was your only sun. With fanaticism and obsession, you married your husband because of love him?"

Fei Yingli felt that this question was a bit too much, she was sweating, "Feichi..."

Chi Feichi raised his eyes to look at Yuko Arizawa, calmly revealing the most revealing and gloomy truth, "Or...just a second-best choice?"

Yuko Arizawa stood on the spot with a stiff expression, her pupils tightly shrunk.

"What is the answer, you may know it, maybe you don't even know it yourself, but your husband knows it better than you. Listen to what you said, your husband has a sense of time, and the person who cheated on him is someone he knows. Both parties know that the other party has family, but he still took off his wedding ring in order to take into account the feelings of the person he cheated on, such a person, I think he would not be a nervous person," Chi Feichi turned his head, watching the golden trophy reflect his distorted figure , reached out and touched the edge of the trophy, "Also, even if it is a dull person, the wife who has lived with him for many years has always cared about another man, and cared more about another man, how could he not find out? His wife is an outstanding Judo The champion is like the sun in his heart, and his wife yearns for a man who is also very strong in judo. He is not tall and does not know judo. The heart is pulled back from the other party, and even hobbies, he and his wife seem to be better suited to that man, so, can you understand his mood?"

He could almost imagine how the couple got along.

The wife is powerful and dazzling. Judging by Yuko Arisawa's personality, she should be a cheerful person at ordinary times. As for the husband, he is careful and sensitive, and likes to take care of other couples.

Such a couple, if they love each other deeply, should be very happy, but unfortunately, the wife fanatically pursues another man, another man who is equally outstanding and dazzling.

He watched this episode in his previous life, and Fei Yingli said that what Yuko Yuko's husband really hoped was that Yuko Yuko would turn to him. He ignored it at the time, but only when he was in it could he find out...

His mother-in-law was right.

He felt that it was too cheap for Yuko Arizawa to hold the mentality of 'I killed him because he destroyed other people's families'.

What he hates is never bad people, not bad people pretending to be good people, but the kind of people who do bad things recklessly, and even feel that they are doing good.

"His mood..." Yuko Arizawa murmured absently.

"In order for you to take a good look at him, whether he has made any effort, after careful reflection, you should be clearer than us, but he failed, and his wife may not have even noticed his mood at the time," Chi Feichi said. Looking at Yuko Arisawa, "From a man's point of view, he chose Mr. Omoto's wife as his cheating partner. There are traces to follow. He wants to prove to his wife that he is not worthless, he wants to prove to his wife... You see, The person you admire so much, his wife can also fall in love with me... It has nothing to do with whether you have visited Mr. Omoto. If there is a chance to meet him, he will still choose Mr. Omoto's wife as his cheating partner. When he chose to cheat, what he hoped for was not only to prove... At that time, did you feel painful?"

"What, what?" Yuko Arisawa looked at Chi Feichi in a daze.

"The method of recording may be able to deceive his wife once, but he can't continue to deceive, not to mention that he took the matches from that restaurant home, almost telling you that he often goes to that store, and he has Time is lying and deceiving you. If you care, you can investigate. He wants to pull you to feel his pain with unwillingness and love-hate emotions," Chi Feichi said indifferently, "When you find him Who is your cheating partner, he should also want to tell you... Is it sad? Painful? Desperate? This is what you once gave him..."

"Feichi," Fei Yingli worried that Yuko Arisawa would collapse, interrupted Chi Feichi softly, frowned, wanted to say something, but couldn't refute, "Enough, it's done."

These words are like a ferocious and indifferent devil, pointing at the heart of Arisawa Yuko, saying: Think about it, everything is caused by you, the tragedy of two families, the pain of five people, it is you who caused it Yes, you are the most selfish one...

But what Chi Feichi said was right, and she could also imagine what kind of mood Arisawa Tsurugo had in choosing such a cheating partner, and he generously took the matchbox home and deliberately led his wife to find out.

But then again, some truths are too cruel and ugly, and when you uncover them, you have to consider whether other people's current emotions can bear it...

"Sorry, I was nosy."

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze and didn't say any more.

Fei Yingli sighed helplessly in her heart. This is not a question of meddling, but a question of her feeling that Yuko Arizawa is going crazy, "Ms. Yuko..."

"It was my fault, wasn't it?" Yuko Arizawa raised her eyes to Fei Yingli, her eyes murmured hollowly, "After Icarus flew out of the cage, he was used to the existence of air and freedom, so he ignored their importance and just Staring at the sun and chasing, falling into hell..."

"Ms. Yuko, your husband doesn't have a Yoshikawa line on his neck. When he found out that you were going to kill him, he chose to give up struggling." Fei Yingri sighed, put his hand on Arisawa Yuko's shoulder, and said softly, " He knows what he did wrong, and he is willing to bear your anger. In fact, it’s not too late for you to think about it. Now you should take responsibility for him. After you atone for killing him, come back and tell him , you understand how he used to feel, you also paid the price of losing your freedom for killing him, and you are also sorry, I think, if he who likes you so much can know, he will let go of everything in relief, and I hope you can let go of your knots and start your life again."

Chi Feichi felt that his teacher and wife were really good at speaking.

In fact, if you want to refute Fei Yingli's words, you can.

Is Tsuguro Arisawa still the husband who only loves his wife?

Thinking about it a little darker, Arisawa Tsurugo didn't struggle before he died, was it just because he knew he was wrong? Is it possible to feel freed from the pain at last?

Letting his wife kill him as he wished, did Arisawa Tsuguro ever think that after his wife understands, will he fully understand his feelings? Will you care about his past pain? Will he fall into more painful pain than his derailment?

You can even question Yuko Arizawa.

When Yueshui talked about "the greed of Icarus", if Yuko Arisawa could figure it out, maybe the ending would not be like this, and Yuko Arisawa still killed her husband. Before the truth was revealed, Yuko Arisawa How well does Yuko know her husband? How well do you know yourself?

However, Fei Yingli was right.

Anyway, Arisawa Tsuguro is dead, and there are no people who know Arusawa Tsurugo's real thoughts. He and Fei Yingli are just interpreting Arisawa Tsuguro's thoughts for their own purposes.

He also didn't want to get into trouble, so that the police would come to him and tell him that something happened to Yuko Arizawa because of his words.

The theory of killing the heart ends here.


After Arisawa Yuko left the living room, she found Mumu Shisan and surrendered.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong, Fei Yingli also took a group of people, big and small, to say goodbye, went out, looked at Chi Feichi who was indifferent, and said helplessly, "Feichi, you may be angry because of this matter, However, I know a little bit about Ms. Yuko's character, she is indeed not as delicate as her husband, and she may not care about her husband at all, she only focuses on chasing the senior she admires."

Chi Feichi nodded, "That's what I said."

Of course he knew that when Yuko Arisawa chose her husband, she must have thought about living a good life with her husband and treating her husband well. It was a bit too much to say that the choice of "retiring to the next best thing" was a bit too much. Nor did he choose to cheat.

However, who made Yuko Arisawa's attitude offend him a little.

So, why did he let Yuko Arisawa, who was in a bad mood, indulge himself?

Conan looked at Chi Feichi, feeling a burst of emotion in his heart.

It's definitely not a detective's job to drive criminals to a dead end.

However, he believes that Chi Feichi understands how terrible words are, and he also believes that the little friend is just too dissatisfied tonight.

Seeing that Chi Feichi was so active in solving the case tonight, I knew it. Before they figured out the key point, they immediately began to persuade Ms. Yuzi to surrender, but Ms. Yuzi still didn't understand her problem in the end, so Chi Feichi was very annoyed That's all.

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