Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1606 Missing a Cheetah Delivery Service

Struggling, Conan poked his head out from under Suzuki Sonoko's arm, looked back at the apartment building behind, and said in a low voice, "But Officer Sato and the others have been staring at that apartment with ugly faces. If you look carefully, there is someone on the third floor of that apartment. A window with a curtain was closed, and there seemed to be a figure swaying behind, and then Officer Sato immediately reached out and hooked Officer Takagi's neck, probably in order not to arouse the suspicion of the people there, he hurriedly pretended to be...a couple... ...couples..."

Why does it seem that there is a familiar line of sight staring at him?

"If it's monitoring, then I'm even more sorry. Conan ran out suddenly..." Seeing that Conan had been looking at the opposite side of the road, Mao Lilan said apologetically, and couldn't help but look over. Seeing the familiar but rare Behind the red sports car, he asked in surprise, "Is Brother Feichi here to help?"

"Actually it is……"

Takagi spoke awkwardly about what happened.

Suzuki Sonoko burst out laughing, "You guys actually suspect Brother Feichi is a Hammer Man? Hahaha..."

"It's not that I suspect him, but I just want to confirm what he was doing that day," Sato Miwako explained helplessly. "If someone provides clues, but we don't conduct investigations, that would be a violation of the regulations."

"But it's no wonder. Brother Feichi is more than 180 centimeters tall and has good agility. I heard that the hammer man catches up to the target like the wind and then attacks. The speed of 100 meters is 11 seconds." Suzuki Sonoko laughed, "Only Brother Feichi Only such people can do it.”

Miwako Sato laughed, "The rumors about the wind-like speed are all exaggerated rumors..."

Conan took the opportunity to sneak to the car, raised his head and asked Chi Feichi in the car, "Brother Chi, are you staying here to help the police find out the identity of that hammer man?"

Chi Feichi put out the cigarette in the ashtray in the car, "No, I just want to pass the time."

"Really..." Conan paid attention to Chi Feichi's expression, he always felt that Chi Feichi's reaction was more indifferent than usual, and he was not surprised or surprised when he saw them, as if he was not interested in what happened outside, "Uncle Mao Li I went to the racetrack today, if you want to pass the time, wouldn't it be better to find uncle?"

"Too noisy." Chi Feichi said calmly.

"Then..." Conan leaned towards the car window on tiptoe, lowering his voice to be cute, "You should have heard Officer Sato and the others say about the witness, right? Can you tell me all the information about Hammer Man that the police now have. "

Chi Feichi raised his eyes and looked at Miwako Sato who was standing at the entrance of the alley over there, "Go and listen by yourself."

Isn't Miwako Sato talking to Mao Lilan and the others? Why did a famous detective come to him and ask him?

Conan looked at Chi Feichi, but he still didn't bother, and went to Miwako Sato to listen to the clues.

It's normal for the police to receive clues and conduct investigations. Chi Feichi should be able to understand, and wouldn't it be because of this pique that he is simply not interested in this case?

Miwako Sato stood at the entrance of the alley, and was asked a lot by Conan, Mori Ran, and Suzuki Sonoko.

Not long after, Chiba Kazunobu, who was in charge of monitoring the entrance and exit of the apartment building, rushed over and brought three people who had entered and exited the apartment.

There is a tall and strong male Ta-Q-Bin delivery man who comes here to pick up goods, a relatively petite female motorcycle delivery man who also comes here to pick up goods, and a skinny male foreigner delivery man who comes here to deliver pizza.

When Miwako Sato questioned the three of them, Chi Feichi sat in the car and watched a group of people quietly.

I'm sorry, but he still remembers this episode, the 'hammer man' is actually a woman, that relatively petite woman, because her boyfriend ran away with the long-haired woman, so she went out wearing thick-soled shoes in the middle of the night, and attacked the long-haired woman with a hammer The woman who sent the hair was blocked by the police in the apartment, called the courier and the food delivery, attacked one of them, changed into the other's clothes, and tried to escape...

There is no delivery person named Cheetah Delivery Service, bad review.

Um? etc……

It seems that there is a lack of a delivery person here to deliver Cheetah's delivery service.

"So, now there is no police watching at the entrance of that apartment room, right?" Conan raised his head and asked, "Isn't it easy for Hammer Man to leave the apartment now?"

Miwako Sato was startled, and immediately turned and ran to the apartment, "Chiba, I'll leave these three to you!"

Takagi Shepherd, Conan, Mao Lilan, and Suzuki Sonoko also chased after them.

In the car, Chi Feichi checked the bounty list with his mobile phone.

Hammer man, living on 1.5 million yen...

Dead ones aren't worth that much.

Because Hammer Man has been attacking long-haired women coming home late at night, although no one has been killed yet, it has caused social panic. This price is relatively low, but considering that the police have received clues from eyewitnesses, the bounty price should be lowered. Live a lot.

It doesn't matter how much the bounty is, what matters is that he's got his spirits up again

How to complete this order under the eyes of the police and Conan?

Thinking of this, he remembered that he hadn't given pocket money to his sister for a long time.

"Can you let us leave, officer?" the tall and strong male delivery man said to Chiba Kazunobu, "There should be no need for us to do anything now? We really didn't see the person in that room, and we just pressed That phone call said, to pick up or deliver something."

"We still have to work, can you let us finish what we are doing first?" The woman looked puzzled, "There are still customers waiting for me to come to pick up things."

The man who delivered the pizza also said, "I have to go back to the store, at least let us go back and ask for a vacation?"

"This..." Qianye and Shinzheng were in a dilemma, and when they saw Chi Feichi getting out of the car and walking over, they turned their heads and greeted in confusion, "Mr. Chi?"

"You guys are busy, I'm going to the convenience store to buy something."

As Chi Feichi said, he walked past Chiba and Shen, and walked to the entrance of the alley on the other side. After arriving at the entrance of the alley, he found a motorcycle with the same logo on it according to the logo on the woman's work coat. , quietly glued a letter transmitter to it, took out the mobile phone, sent an email to Feimo, and walked to the convenience store on the side of the road.

When Chi Fei was waiting to buy ingredients for dinner at the convenience store, the three people who had entered and exited the apartment got away from Chiba and Shinobu, and when they walked to the street, they also exchanged emotions about this experience. Get on a motorcycle on a motorcycle.

The woman who was the 'Hammer Man' deliberately chatted with the man who delivered pizza on the motorcycle after getting on the motorcycle, and figured out where the man worked. peers.

The two motorcycles were riding in the same direction, and the woman looked at the man riding in front of her with a ferocious smile on her lips.

Yes, that's how we go together.

When she arrived at the nearby park, she pretended that she wanted to go to the bathroom, and asked the man to wait for herself first, and said that the door of the toilet could not be opened, which felt a little strange, so she tricked the man into the women's toilet to knock her out, and took off her overalls , put on this man's inconspicuous clothes, and run away completely...

At the intersection ahead, the traffic light jumps to the red light.

The two motorcycles parked side by side. The woman took the opportunity to act according to the plan. She pretended to look around anxiously. When she saw a park on the side of the road, her eyes lit up, showing an embarrassed expression, and she looked at the man and said, " Um... I want to go to the toilet, but that hammer man might be wandering around, can you please go to the park with me? Just wait for me at the toilet door. "

The man was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

When the green light came on, the two motorcycles arrived at a nearby park, stopped at the main entrance of the park, and walked to the toilet in the park.

The woman went into the toilet as she wished, and just about to stay in the toilet for a while, she went out and told the man that there was something abnormal in it, but when she closed the toilet door and looked up, she saw a black mobile phone on the sink.

The phone seemed to be muted, and when a call came in, it just buzzed and vibrated.

"Which idiot dropped the phone in a place like this?"

After a moment of surprise, the woman walked forward with a smile, picked up the phone and prepared to put it away, "Today's luck is really good!"

After she escaped, there was a mobile phone that someone didn't know used as a communication tool, which seemed good?


The phone call was hung up, and a text message also came in.

Hammer Man, I'm watching you, if you don't want to go out, you will be caught by the police...

The text message only showed part of it, but it was enough to make the woman's face change. Click to view the following content.

...if you get caught by the police for not wanting to go out, just do what I say:

Now, take the blood-stained clothes you wore when you committed the crime, go through the window to leave the toilet you were in, walk along the green belt, and reach the back gate of the park. After seeing a cardboard box leaning against the wall, Open it, there are gifts I prepared to help you get rid of the police chase.

The content of the newsletter ends here.

The woman frowned, looked at the 'anonymous' display on the sender's side of the text message, opened the call log again, and found that the call log was blank, felt the coldness behind her instantly, couldn't help turning her head to look at the behind closed doors toilet cubicle.

Who is the opponent? How do you know she came to this toilet?

And just now she clearly heard the vibrating buzz of the phone on the sink. When she picked up the phone, she also saw the page where the phone call was hung up. Why is there nothing in the call log?

Although it is broad daylight, the light in the toilet is still a bit dim. In the quiet space, the water pipe in some compartment is loose, and there is a "tick" sound of water droplets from time to time. Behind the closed doors, there seem to be a pair of eyes. stared at her in the dark.

Do you want to do what I said above?

The woman only hesitated for a moment, and then chose to do so.

The other party knew that she was the Hammer Man, knew that the backpack she took out contained the clothes she wore when committing the crime, knew where she was, and put her cell phone in advance, indicating that the other party had already been eyeing her, and she might not be able to escape.

And if the other party wants to call the police, they have already informed the police to come here to arrest her.

Then it's better to do the same, if the other party can help her out of trouble, that would be the best...

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