Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1619 That one is not partial

Matsumoto Kiyonaga froze all over, turned his body sideways, and fell to the ground.


The electric shock device shocked Matsumoto Kiyoshi's waist again before being put under the cloak by the gloved hand.

The tense muscles on Kiyoshi Matsumoto's face twitched from secretly clenching his teeth, and then quickly relaxed, and a trace of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth with his saliva.

Chi Feichi stood behind Matsumoto Kiyonaga, looking down at Matsumoto Kiyocho fell to the ground with a plop.

As expected of an old detective, when he realized that he couldn't escape, he bit the tip of his tongue and forced himself to retain a little consciousness.

But I'm sorry, he is used to supplementary attacks.


The high-heeled shoes knocked on the ground. With a smile on his face, Belmode approached the two of them unhurriedly, "It's been solved so quickly, it's really you, Lark, but have you become stronger again?" ? I couldn’t handle the speed just now.”

Behind Belmode, Ireland was wearing the exact same clothes as Matsumoto Kiyonaga and followed closely. Matsumoto Kiyonaga's disguised face had already been put on his face, and the scars on his face were imitated to perfection. The man in the black cloak had a dignified expression.

Based on what they saw at the exit of the cemetery just now, if there is no way to limit Lak's terrifying speed, if it were him, he would probably end up with Matsumoto Kiyocho.

"Probably because of more training recently." Chi Feichi perfunctory with a hoarse voice, squatted down, and searched for things on Matsumoto Kiyonaga.

Belmode didn't care about Chi Feichi's perfunctory, and turned his head to look at Ireland, "The people in the duty room have already dismissed, and I will let Ireland leave in his capacity in a while, and then drive to his home, his only daughter I'm married, so I don't usually stay at home, although there is still a servant at home, but I can hide it by saying 'I'm tired and need to rest'."

Chi Feichi dug out all the keys, documents, mobile phones and other things from Kiyoshi Matsumoto's body, put them on the ground aside, and reminded hoarsely, "Ireland, he is on vacation tomorrow. He just solved a big case and he doesn't rest all day. It doesn't make sense, but as a policeman, maybe you will suddenly lose your vacation."

"I can handle this," Ireland knelt down, picked up the things on the ground, and put them away one by one, with a wicked smile on his face, "If the police contact me with nothing urgent, the Matsumoto police will wait Take a good rest at home, during the rest, it should be okay to let the servants take a vacation, the morning after tomorrow, the restless Matsumoto Police Department returned to the Metropolitan Police Department, paying attention to the recent serial murder case."

"Good plan," Belmode said with a smile, "Then for the next action, you should contact the Piano Bar."

"Oh, I will," echoed Ireland.

Since it was not a working period, Matsumoto Kiyomiga did not bring anything that the police would use except for his documents, and of course he did not have a gun.

However, Chi Feichi still checked the hidden places such as the inside of Matsumoto Kiyoshi's long sleeves, the inside of the collar, under the socks, and under the belt, and found a paper clip and a small piece of iron, which they also handed over to Ireland.

Afterwards, Ireland took Matsumoto Kiyocho's identity and drove away in Matsumoto Kiyocho's car.

After Belmode and Chi Feichi helped Matsumoto Kiyonaga out of the cemetery, Belmode drove to the pre-selected place of imprisonment, and Chi Feichi watched Matsumoto Kiyonaga in the back seat.

After arriving at the cabin in the forest, a person in charge of guards took Matsumoto Kiyonaga to the cabin, tied him up on a chair, and sealed Matsumoto Kiyonaga's mouth with tape.

If Matsumoto escaped, Ireland would be exposed and surrounded by the police. The organization could not be careless. A camera was installed on the door of the wooden house to monitor Matsumoto and the guards in the house.

Matsumoto Kiyonaga can't die yet.

When Ireland gets the memory card, in order to ensure that the memory card is obtained, it may do some outrageous things.

the plan is

If Ireland has no choice but to damage the interests of the police or command in violation of regulations, let Matsumoto Kiyomitake take the blame, and then the information the police will get will only be "Matsumoto police violated the regulations for unknown reasons and took some evidence from the murderer and escaped." On the way, he died accidentally'.

In this way, the police will only focus on investigating what happened to Matsumoto, why he did that, and who he came into contact with. It is not so easy to find the organization.

Belmode and Chi Feichi checked the house again before turning around and going out, returning to the car parked outside the forest.

After getting in the car, Chi Fei sent an email late to report to that person.

Belmode took out his tablet computer and called up a real-time surveillance video, "Luck, you seemed to be looking at the ventilation windows in the wooden house for a while just now, is there any problem?"

"No." After Chi Feichi finished sending the email, he held the phone in his right hand, put down the window and lit a cigarette, and was about to wait for that person's reply. "The window is high from the ground and not narrow enough for a child to pass through. I It’s just that I’m more sensitive to open windows, so I can’t help but pay more attention.”

"Because the windows of the wooden house are sealed, and the door has to be closed from time to time. If there is no ventilation window, the guy who is here to take care of it may go out to smoke," Belmode stared at the surveillance screen and explained, "If you are not careful Being seen, or leaving cigarette butts on the ground, can be troublesome."


Probably because the loss of the memory card was too important, that person replied to the email very quickly.

Chi Feichi looked down at the content of the email, "My task is complete, and I will leave it to you."

Belmode was stunned, and complained softly, "Yes, yes, I have to disguise myself to deliver food and water every day. If there is any abnormal situation, I will also be responsible for notifying you. I thought that person would ask you to help me. Changing shifts..."

"There are too many people in contact with the guards, and it is easy for others to take advantage of it. If more than one person will deliver things, if someone finds that they are tied up here and tries to rescue them, they can pretend to be the sender. If you are careless, you will be attacked." After Chi Feichi deleted the email, he replied 'ok' to that person, "It is best that you are the only one responsible with the same disguised face."

"You can also disguise yourself, so it doesn't matter if two people come here with the same disguised face..." Belmode shifted his gaze to the monitoring screen, and laughed again, "Okay, then I won't send you off, wake up in Matsumoto When I come here, I have to keep an eye on him, lest he cheat the guards with tricks, and when he is hungry, he won’t have the energy to run.”

She, who wanted to paddle, actually took on such a tedious job, and she suddenly didn't want to send Lak back who was resting.

"no problem."

After Chi Feichi put away his mobile phone, he reminded, "Don't forget to eat in sync with Ireland. If the police find Matsumoto Kiyonaga's body at that time, they should conduct an autopsy. Don't let the food left in the stomach be wrong."

"Of course," Belmode said with a confident smile, "Even the rope that binds his wrist, I will make sure that there is a handkerchief on it so that there will be no obvious strangle marks. If it is convenient, I can also let him He moves a little bit at gunpoint so that he doesn't sit too long and cause something to happen to his body."


After Chi Feichi responded, he noticed two lights coming from the back of the road, so he took off the black cloak, revealed Lak's disguised face, opened the door and got out of the car.

After the approaching car stopped at the rear, it honked its horn.

Belmode raised his eyes and saw the black Porsche 356a with the lights on from the rearview mirror. He was stunned for a moment, and asked speechlessly, "You wouldn't have guessed that I couldn't take you back, would you?"

"No, this task is completed, but I still need to make preparations." Chi Feichi closed the car door with his backhand. "If you don't want to bring food and water, we can exchange them."

Belmode suddenly regained his mental balance, and said with a smile, "Ah, no need, I can handle it, and you all have to work hard!"

Come over to deliver food and water, as long as she finds time to come twice a day, the rest of the time, she can stare at the monitor, or set an alarm program, and then go out for a walk.

If you want to prepare for action, you may need to organize people to transport bombs and arrange people to install bombs, or you may have to investigate the Metropolitan Police Department and the places near Matsumoto Kiyoshi’s house, arrange people and hands and feet in advance, and even arrange or confirm with Rum. The preparations for planting things, no matter which link they are in charge of, are much more troublesome than delivering things, but she doesn't know how long it will take to deliver things, so she can take a break after the preparations are over.

In comparison, they are almost the same.

It seems that that one is not partial this time.


The next day, Polo Café officially launched strawberry crystal cakes and red bean crystal cakes, regular customers were invited to taste them at half price.

When Azusa Enomoto delivered the beef pasta to the table, he watched Chi Feichi stop after tasting a strawberry crystal cake, and asked expectantly, "How is it, Mr. Chi? Is the taste okay?"

"It's fine as a dessert," Chi Feichi didn't taste it, "but it's a little too sweet for me."

"Sorry, sorry," Azusa Enomoto put the beef spaghetti in front of Chi Feichi with a smile, "Because the boss said that if the taste is too bland, some customers may find it bland, so I asked Xiaolan for her regular noodles. that sweetened recipe."

Mao Lilan tasted the crystal cake in doubt, "It's not very sweet..."

Conan sat on the side, turned around with a smile and complained to Mao Lilan, "Even if the sweetness in the food is a little bit stronger, brother Chi will say it's too sweet."

Mori Kogoro sat aside and flipped through the newspaper, and said in a casual tone, "There are not many people who eat sweets and demand that the sweets are not so sweet. Many people order desserts just to eat sweets!"

Takagi, who had just been discharged from the hospital and was on vacation, was sitting at the table with a bandage on the bruise on his face, eating happily with a piece of red bean crystal cake, "I think this is the sweetness that normal people are more comfortable with. ..."

Chi Feichi looked up at Gao Mushe.

Does that mean he is abnormal?

Feeling being stared at by chilly eyes, Gao Mushe raised his head to look at Chi Feichi, recalled what was wrong with what he said, and choked on the crystal cake he swallowed for a while, so he quickly grabbed the coffee cup on the table and took a sip of coffee .

Chi Feichi lowered his head and continued eating pasta.

Takagi Tsubasa is completely on vacation, but he will go on a tour of Tokyo with a different identity in a while, watching others transport the bomb to the designated place...

Eat quickly and go out to work.

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