Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1627 You are July, right?

"Of course I'm serious..." After Conan answered, he felt something was wrong, Ban Yueyan asked, "Are you threatening me?"

Chi Feichi asked him "Are you serious?" It should be referring to the matter of "cursing July", just to tell him to "consider the consequences, scold him now, and force me to admit that I am July, then I'm going to retaliate for what you just scolded me. If you don't force me to admit it, then I can pretend that you scolded someone else and let it go'.

Hehe...Since he dared to expose Chi Feichi in front of him, he was ready for Chi Feichi to become angry from embarrassment, and was he afraid that Chi Feichi would beat him up because of him swearing?

Anyway, it was impossible for Chi Feichi to kill him.

"You think too much."

Chi Feichi denied his threat.

It seems that the famous detective is going all out. Since the famous detective has long been prepared to be beaten by him, it is meaningless to beat Conan again.

When Conan is asked to "don't don't", it's interesting to beat him up.

Conan looked at Chi Feichi in doubt, decided to believe it for the time being, and continued, "Although I don't know how July got those people caught in a daze, but thinking about it carefully, he also has a lot of tricks he wants to do." Opportunity, for example, that time on Shenhai Island, before that, let us tie the two treasure hunters who are internationally wanted to the place he calculated, and give the dagger to one of us for self-defense, And he was responsible for making the explosion and blowing up the cave to let everyone out of trouble. The scope of the explosion and the impacted parts of the hull were calculated in advance by him. The time to explore the cave where the boat was parked should be when he was diving alone. Well, after the explosion, the pillars binding the two bounty hunters collapsed as he expected, and water poured into the hull. The man cut the rope, released the two guys with his own hands, and sent them into July's trap..."

"As for the arrest of Miss Hammer, the media reported some of the circumstances of her arrest afterwards. She said that when she went to the public toilet in the park, she saw a mobile phone on the sink, and she entered because of the instructions on the mobile phone. From this point of view, July should have noticed that she was a hammer man, and kept staring at her, followed her there, and then let her fall into the trap in a joking way. This guess was obtained by the police. Granted, I am no exception," Conan looked at Chi Feichi and continued, "However, there are still some loopholes that cannot be explained clearly, for example, when did July start following Hammer Man? If he hadn't been following Hammer Man Miss, then he will not know that the other party left the house and went to the public toilet in the park, but if he has been following Mrs. Hammer, Officer Sato and we have monitored the apartment and the house for a period of time before, if there are suspicious people staring at the apartment , unless he's a ghost, we'll be sure to notice."

Xiaomei appeared behind Conan, with her long hair swaying and her head tilted, looking at the side of Conan's right ear, and cast a questioning look at Chi Feichi.

What do ghosts say? Are you looking for a ghost?

Conan felt the coolness in his right ear, and turned his head to look in doubt.

Strange, this side is close to the room, why the cold wind can't come here, why does he feel that the air in the right ear is suddenly colder than the left ear which is blown by the wind?

The moment Conan turned his head, Xiaomei disappeared again, so the detective turned his head and saw only the light coming through the glass door of the living room.

Taking advantage of Conan's turning around, Chi Feichi mouthed to Xiaomei's hiding place, "It's okay, don't make trouble." When Conan turned back, he looked at Conan and asked, "What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing," Conan pondered for a while. Maybe it was because he was still worried that Chi Feichi would become angry, so he felt a chill behind his back. He calmed down, looked at Chi Feichi and continued, "Also, no one in July. Show up, but use the hammer to guide the male lady to open the box with the hypnotic gas. The intention is also worth pondering. This is the first time I entrusted a real Cheetah delivery person to deliver something instead of delivering it myself. It may be a bad idea to do so, but there is also a possibility that July was not in the park at all, so there was no way to do it! Whether it is sealing the box, picking up Take the hypnotic gas bottle in the box, stick printing paper on it, and contact the courier, it should be the helper he found to do it, as for him..."

As he said that, Conan smiled, stared at Chi Feichi firmly and said, "At that time, there was another person beside us, who was watching the hammer man's apartment with the police. At first, he probably didn't even think about grabbing the hammer. Male, but he saw the police let Hammer Man go without any precautions, maybe he was worried that speaking out would reveal his previous investigation, or maybe he thought he could take the opportunity to use the identity of July to catch Hammer Man, but no matter what, he If he knew that the lady was Hammer Man, with his reasoning ability, it should be easy to guess that Miss Hammer Man would find the delivery uniform on his body too conspicuous. If he wanted to find a place to change clothes, the most suitable place would be In the nearby public toilet in Mihua Park where the Hammer Man attacked a woman just the night before, he then took advantage of the opportunity to go to the convenience store to contact his helpers to put mobile phones in the toilet and set up traps. He fell into the trap as expected, that's naturally the best, and if Hammer Man didn't fall into the trap, he could also be by the police's side and lead the police to investigate. In the end, his plan was as successful as ever, and he stood by us and the police. Beside me, watching the delivery of the TAKY, which symbolizes victory."

"Good reasoning." Chi Feichi praised in an overly calm tone, which always sounded perfunctory.

Conan knew that Chi Feichi was like this, so he didn't take it seriously, Ban Yueyan said, "Actually, I hadn't thought about these possibilities before today, but tonight, Mr. Jiroji pretended to be replaced by Kidd, which made me figure out that he and A trick Kidd used once, he pretended to be replaced by Kidd, but he was already on board with us. For this reason, he even pretended that he didn’t understand, and left his pet in Osaka, while Kidd De, is to replace the white bird police officer who was temporarily transferred back from the seaside vacation. After they met on the boat, they exchanged each other. Kidd would pretend to be him, and he would pretend to be the white bird police officer, just like tonight Like Mr. Jiroji, let me discover the flaws he deliberately exposed before, and use me to expose Kidd's disguise as him. In fact, when I revealed it, he and Kidd had already completed the exchange. De, and later, he revealed that he replaced Officer Shiratori in the identity of July..."

"Because in terms of time, it is impossible for him to rush from Osaka to the place where Officer Shiratori is on vacation, I subconsciously think that it means that he cannot replace Officer Shiratori, and before tonight, I judged myself at that time There is no doubt about it, so I have never discovered this method, this method seems to allow people to travel through time and space quickly, and it seems to have an extra person out of thin air," Conan said, feeling the subtlety of this method in his heart, looking at Chi Feichi His eyes were also filled with splendor, "Just like what Tang Chuan said in the third trailer of Detective Female Lawyer, a person appears in two different places, which is almost like a split body technique!"

Chi Feichi watched Conan reasoning silently.

The detective worked so hard to reason, which made him a little excited.

"His plan is indeed very subtle, taking into account other people's reactions accurately," Conan looked at Chi Feichi rather displeased in his heart, leaned back on the back of the chair, looked up at Chi Feichi, The tone is leisurely but serious, "However, it's okay when you don't doubt it. As long as you are convinced of your doubts, it's like confirming your doubts. Many abnormalities will surface. On Shenhai Island, treasures have been built for many years. The hunter, the beautiful horse and the male gentleman who can get out of the body, should be keenly aware of the aura of a bounty hunter in him, so they have a strange attitude towards him. I gave him a treasure-hunting clue that is dangerous for ordinary people, and Mr. Meima thinks that finding the treasure is not a problem for him, so this is a valuable gift..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

What the famous detective said was right. It’s okay when you don’t have doubts. As long as you are convinced of your suspicions, it’s like confirming your suspicions. Many anomalies will surface.

That's why he likes to avoid being suspected from the beginning.

In fact, it is also very useful. If he hadn't played the trick of "exchanging disguises, real and fake" with Kaito at the beginning, Conan should have stared at him suspiciously.

Well, detective please go ahead.

"When Kidd stole the purple nail sandals in the way of 'walking in the air', as a magician's disciple and with excellent reasoning ability, he should have easily seen Kidd's tricks, and then went to the top of the building ahead of time. Ambush, appeared as July, and that time, he happened not to be by my side... You are July, right? Brother Chi," Conan said with a smile, "It doesn't matter if you deny it, because I really don't have any evidence , but when you were ambushing on the building that night, you were supposed to be with Miss Nanatsuki and Haibara. You may have some reason to fool them, but it is also possible that one of them already knows who you are Regarding the matter of July and helping you cover it, if you release the false news that July was caught or in distress to them, and let them don't think they have such strong concentration as you do you?"

Chi Feichi asked with the same expression as before, "So, what kind of result do you want when you say this tonight?"

Conan was taken aback.

He was not reconciled because Chi Feichi had used him more than once, and he still felt that he had seen through the truth and was being used foolishly.

Especially when Shi Kaobing was arrested in July, he said with certainty that "Chi Feichi was impersonated by Kidd". Afterwards, he did not suspect that there was a problem with his reasoning for a long time. Very wronged.

The more I think about it, the more angry I get!

That's why he wanted to expose Chi Feichi's plans to prove himself to Chi Feichi, and by the way, he also wanted to tell Chi Feichi that he had seen through it all, so don't use him as a fool in the future, it will hurt his self-esteem.

But if he wanted a result, he really hadn't considered it before.

Does Chi Feichi have to admit it? In fact, it doesn't matter if Chi Fei doesn't admit it later, but...

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