Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1629 Chi Feichi's feng shui is not good


The door was opened.


Chi Feichi raised his hand and pressed the light switch, entering the room.

"Sorry, I had a nightmare just now." Conan squinted his eyes to adapt to the sudden light in the room, and then looked up at Chi Feichi again, thinking that Chi Feichi seemed to be sleeping lightly, and he just yelled loudly, Suddenly feeling a little guilty, "Brother Chi, did you wake you up?"

"I just fell asleep." Chi Feichi went to the cabinet, flipped a new towel for Conan, returned to the bed and handed it to Conan, "Do you want to continue to sleep, or take a break?"

Conan thought about not letting Chi Feichi accompany him, wiped the sweat from his forehead, put the towel on the bedside table, looked up and smiled, "I'm fine, I don't seem to remember much about my dreams when I woke up."

The night finally passed peacefully.

Conan didn't get up until after nine o'clock, and his complexion improved a lot, especially after seeing that Chi Feichi's breakfast was different from his dream, he felt a lot more at ease.

In his dream, he dreamed of steamed buns and soy milk, but what Chi Feichi made was soybeans with sauce and fried rice cakes, which he had never eaten before, and milk soup for one night.

It made him suddenly feel that the habit of making repeated food that his friends don't like can actually make people feel at ease one day.

After breakfast, Chi Feichi drove Conan to the downstairs of Maori Detective Agency.

Conan found that the Poirot Café was open normally, with three or four customers sitting in the shop, and felt more at ease.

Dreams are just dreams.

"Shall I take you up there?"

A cold voice came from the car behind.

Conan was taken aback, and looked back at Chi Feichi's calm face as usual, feeling that this scene was almost exactly the same as in his dream, "No, no need, Brother Chi won't go with us to Mihua Forest?"

"I told the doctor that I won't go this time," Chi Feichi said.

He couldn't take people to Mihua Forest Akira where Matsumoto Kiyonaga was imprisoned. If he didn't know, he would think that he deliberately led people there.

Conan stared blankly at Chi Feichi.

This sentence is also the same as in a dream...

Chi Feichi felt that the detective's expression was abnormal at the moment, and asked aloud, "What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing, then I'll go up first~"

Conan closed the car door and started to go upstairs. When he reached the second floor, he heard Kogoro Mori yelling inside. He looked back at the stairs and found that Chi Feichi should have turned around and was about to leave. He couldn't help but laugh.

It's okay, it's just a coincidence.

But he knew Chi Feichi quite well, he knew what Chi Feichi would say even in a dream.


In the afternoon, the camping team entered the Mihua Forest.

After setting up the tent, Conan sat in the tent, looked down at the phone, and clicked the button from time to time.

"Edogawa, we are going to catch beetles..." Haibara Ai walked to the front of the tent and found Conan frowning staring at the phone screen, looking with his head, "What are you doing?"

Conan didn't avoid it, and let Hui Yuanai watch what he checked.

He just wanted to check online to see if any strange things had happened in Chi Feichi's apartment.

"This is Brother Feichi's apartment address? What are you looking for?" Hui Yuanai deliberately pretended to be puzzled, wondering if the famous detective was going to do something again.

Last night, she received a UL message from Brother Feichi, saying that Edogawa already knew that Brother Feichi was in July, and told her not to be scammed.

Hmm... She remembered Brother Feichi said that Edogawa must have gone to take a bath at that time.

"I had a terrible nightmare last night. When I woke up, I was dazzled, as if I saw something flashing past my eyes." Conan looked down and checked the information on the Internet, "You also encountered strange things when you went there. thing, right?"

"But didn't you say that maybe it was a projection deliberately made by someone, or that the light refracted a picture like a small mirage?" Hui Yuanai asked.

"Yeah, but I feel that the apartment where Brother Chi lives is a bit cold. When the air conditioner is not turned on, the temperature seems to be a little lower than in ordinary rooms, and sometimes you can't sleep well there. This happens to me too. Brother Chi usually sleeps. It doesn't seem to be very good, I was wondering if there is something wrong with the apartment..." Conan said, noticing that there was something wrong with Hui Yuan Ai's eyes, he looked up and saw Hui Yuan Ai glanced at him with a little contempt , asked speechlessly, "What's your reaction?"

"You don't think there are ghosts and ghosts, do you?" Hui Yuanai looked at Conan suspiciously, "If it wasn't for sure that your appearance and height have not changed, I would suspect that you were dropped."

"How can there be any ghosts?" Conan retracted his gaze speechlessly, and continued to look down at the information on the Internet, "I want to check if there is any problem with the design of the apartment, for example, for some reason, the humidity nearby is relatively high, or The light is not enough, or has there been any chemical leakage incidents nearby? If so, people will definitely feel uncomfortable living in it for a long time. We have lived there many times, and occasionally we have poor sleep and blurred vision. In this situation, brother Chi often lives there, has poor sleep quality for a long time, and occasionally sees strange hallucinations, after a long time, it is difficult for the mind to not think of problems, right?"

Speaking of feudalism, he suspected that Chi Feichi's feng shui was not good.

From a scientific point of view, some places look good, but they are not considered a good living environment. People who live there for a long time will have an impact on their health.

If the quality of sleep is not high for a long time, people's emotions will gradually become out of control, such as easy depression or anxiety, which is not good for mental health. Coupled with dizziness from time to time, it is difficult not to go crazy.

Hui Yuanai nodded thoughtfully, "Although I slept well there, and I didn't experience insomnia or nightmares, the influence of the environment may have different reactions on individuals. If three people live there When they were both physically and mentally uncomfortable, it is indeed doubtful... What happened? Did you find anything?"

"Not at all," Conan flipped through the news on the webpage a little depressingly, "It is one of the best high-end apartments in Kuboto-cho, and there has never been any chemical leaks that may damage health nearby. I have checked for several years, but there is no similar report at all, and the apartment was designed by an international designer, and there are no tall buildings nearby that will affect the lighting and ventilation. The builder is a construction company under the Yan Group, and its reputation has always been good. , This apartment was built with great care, and there is no possibility of cutting corners or using inferior and harmful materials. Logically speaking, it is a very good place to live..."

"Could it be a problem with the decoration or furniture in the house?" Haibara Ai recalled the layout of the house, and suddenly thought of the scary doll wall where many dolls were hung with black woolen thread, and looked at Conan.

The two were silent.

After confirming their eyes, they thought of going together.

If there is something wrong with Chi Feichi's house, it should be the wall of dolls. Every time I see it in the past, it feels like some evil wizard's curse wall...

"Hehe..." Conan returned to his senses and smiled dryly, "Our dazzled eyes are related to that doll wall, how could such a thing be possible."

"Maybe I think that wall is strange, and after watching too much, I get strange psychological hints," Hui Yuanai said awkwardly, "But before there was that doll wall, Brother Feichi's spirit had problems, so I don't think it has anything to do with the wall of dolls."

Conan heard Mrs. Yuan shouting at them outside, put the mobile phone back into his trouser pocket, got up and walked out, "But why didn't Brother Chi come camping with us?"

Haibara Ai also came out of the tent, turned to Conan and said, "When the doctor called him to ask him, he said he was going to see Mr. Kyosuke today."

"He and Mr. Xiangsuke really hit it off, but it's a pity..." Conan sighed, and smiled again, "It's nothing, friendship will not be obliterated by external restrictions."

Hui Yuanai did not participate in the emotion, and said calmly, "I heard that I wrote a song to pay tribute to the Beatles, and I want to ask Mr. Kyosuke to read the song. In addition, Mr. Puhe's first court hearing has ended. Might be in the same cell as Mr. Kyosuke, they should talk about it."

Conan laughed inwardly.

Now Tokyo Prison not only has a composer with an absolute sense of pitch, but also a tuner with an absolute sense of pitch.

Having said that, are these people who are engaged in music prone to sentimentality or corners?


"Mr. Puhe?"

In Tokyo Prison, in a meeting room, Kosuke Haga was sitting behind the table, flipping through a sheet of music with his head down, and sighed, "I have been to Domoto Conservatory of Music several times, and with Mr. Domoto Genya, Kawabe Ms. Zuozi knows him and has met him several times, he looks like a very gentle old man although he is not good at words, how could he kill people..."

"You don't have the right to talk about others, right?" Oda Kirito was also sitting across the table, looking at Kyosuke Haga with one hand on his chin, with a resentful tone, "Aren't you going to jail for murdering someone who looks gentle and gentle? "

"That's right," Kayosuke Haga smiled casually, pointed to a passage in the music score, and said to Chi Feichi who was sitting next to Toshiya Odagiri, "You think that no adjustment here is right, right? Haven't you considered taking this section apart first?"

Chi Feichi recalled the entire score, and immediately realized, "Re-adjust the chorus effect of guitar and bass?"

"That's right, try to take it apart first, and readjust the parts responsible for the bass and guitar..." Xiangfu Yuga picked up the pen that Chi Feichi had handed over to him before, flipped through the pages, changed a few places in the score, and handed it to Chi Feichi said, "Look, it should be all right now."

Chi Feichi took the score and simulated the performance of the whole piece in his mind.

Haga Kyousuke did not urge him, instead he smiled and talked to Oda Kiritoshi, "The song has a very pure and melancholy feeling, and also a little free and easy, which reminds me of Feichi's "Castle in the Sky", but this Is it a new song? Is there any lyrics?"

"Of course." Odagiri also took out a stack of printing paper from the backpack he brought, and handed it to Haga Kyōsuke with a mysterious smile, "Don't be surprised!"

Haga Kayosuke took the printing paper, looked down and saw the title of the song 'Let's let it be', and was taken aback. After reading it patiently, he simulated the combination of lyrics and music in his mind, and then said with emotion, "Salute to the Beatles No, it can be regarded as an interpretation. No wonder the score gives me a very familiar retro feeling. Most of the songs are in the style of the Beatles. I am not allergic. I am afraid this song is not suitable for you, and it is not suitable for you. Girls singing, is there a suitable candidate?"

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