Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1634 Worse than Belmode

"Yes!" Mori Kogoro felt the atmosphere of being a policeman in the past. Thinking of being called by the boss and entrusted with important tasks, he immediately saluted energetically and said with a smile, "My next Mori Kogoro will definitely live up to expectations and work hard with sincerity! You Thanks for your hard work!"

When the fake Matsumoto Kiyaga left, Mori Kogoro was still grinning.

"Are you still drinking?" Chi Feichi asked.

"Forget about it during this time," Maori Kogoro said cheerfully, "If you want to drink, you have to wait until the celebration banquet!"

A group of policemen who followed behind laughed dumbfoundedly.

Conan looked at Chiba Kazunobu, "Huh? Officer Chiba, you seem to have lost weight?"

"Ah, you've seen it all," Chiba and Shinobu laughed, "I've been losing weight recently!"

"Speaking of being thin..." Mori Kogoro looked at Rensaburo Shiratori who walked to the drink vending machine, "Officer Shiratori, have you gained weight recently?"

"Don't, don't be kidding, Mr. Mori," Shiratori Rensaburo said hastily, "I go to the gym twice a week."

On the side, the Henggou brothers did not get involved in the small talk here, and complained about each other's habit of drinking coffee.

"Twice a week..." Mori Kogoro looked Shiratori Rensaburo up and down, then turned to look at his apprentice, "Feichi is exercising almost every day."

Shiratori Ren Sanlang had black lines all over his head, and couldn't help but said, "Surely there were none this morning?"

Chi Feichi just bought a bottle of coffee, when he heard that, he turned to look at Shiratori Ren Saburo, "No, I'm going to exercise in the morning."

Shiratori Ren Sanlang choked, "Did you not sleep last night?"

It was impeccable.

As an ordinary person, Mr. Chi, should he work so hard?

Conan was listening on the side, and he wasn't surprised to know that Chi Feichi was after July, but he was a little surprised to see the coffee drink in Chi Feichi's hand.

His little friend actually drank coffee with sugar today?

"Min was too noisy last night. When he arrived at Juren's house, he kept running out. If he didn't pay attention, he ran out to play the guitar in the yard." Chi Feichi unscrewed the lid of the coffee drink bottle, a little suspicious that he had brought it on himself, "Actually You guessed wrong before, I didn’t go home until after five o’clock in the morning, and it was getting late, so I ate something, went out for a couple of laps to refresh myself, and planned to go back to rest after attending the search meeting.”

"This time, you two have really worked hard!"

Shiratori Ren Sanlang said with an apologetic smile, feeling something was wrong again.

It's not that they let Mr. Chi drink so much last night... Cough, but who asked them to find someone to help and trouble him first.

Conan looked up at Chi Feichi and took a sip of coffee, and asked suspiciously, "Brother Chi, don't you like coffee with sugar?"

Chi Feichi looked down at the coffee drink in his hand, bent down, pretended to help Conan pull his coat, and put the bug into Conan's coat pocket, "add a little sugar, I have to go back to catch up on sleep later."

Conan reached into his pocket, touched the bug, and said with a smile, "So that's it."

Thank you for your cooperation just now!

"Mr. Chi..."

Ogino Ayami stepped forward, saw a group of people turning their heads to look at her, and explained, "It's nothing, I just want to ask, will you participate in the investigation next?"

"Teacher and I just attended the search meeting as special advisors to provide the police with some ideas. The next investigation will be left to your police," Chi Feichi said, "But if there are any clues, the teacher and I should still meet Join the meeting."

"Then I'm looking forward to your performance," Ayano Ogino smiled, and bent down to look at Conan again, "By the way, he is the Conan everyone is talking about, right?"

Conan greeted obediently, "Hello, police officer sister!"

"It really makes you laugh," Mori Kogoro raised his hand to rub Conan's hair with a smile, "This brat is always running around the scene of the crime, causing a lot of trouble for the police!"

Conan: "..."


"Really? But everyone seems to think that he can often help solve cases." Ogino Ayami laughed.

"Crow, why are you crying..."

Conan vaguely heard the melody of "Seven Children", and remembered that Belmode used the key tone of this melody to send emails to the people behind the organization. His face changed slightly and he turned his head to look, and found that Yamamura was wiping his hands with a handkerchief, shaking He quickly came out of the toilet and ran over while the others were not paying attention.

"The crow is high on the mountain..."

Yamamura hummed a song ecstatically, and when he saw Conan running up to him, he stopped in doubt.

"Mountain village police officer," Conan asked anxiously, "this song is..."

"I'm talking about you," Yamamura flipped through the ID in his breast pocket, pointed to the police title on it, and hinted frantically, "You may not have heard of it..."

"I see, Mountain Village Police Department," Conan changed his words speechlessly, and asked again, "Why did you sing this song just now?"

"Why?" Yamamura Cao was stunned, "When I was going to the toilet just now, I heard the sound of a cell phone button from outside. It seemed to be this tune. When I walked out of the toilet, I saw a criminal policeman wearing glasses talking on his cell phone. ..."

Conan didn't wait for Yamamura to finish, and ran away in a hurry.

Mao Lilan found Conan running towards the elevator, and quickly shouted, "Conan, where are you going?"

"But I'll go back first..."

Chi Feichi, who was talking with Ayano Ogino, was interrupted and turned to look at Conan.

Belmode dared to put clues to warn Conan under his nose, isn't it a little too wild?

Conan ran to the window, jumped up with his hands on the window, looked down, and saw a criminal policeman wearing glasses walking out of the gate, and then ran to the elevator, frowning anxiously at the elevator that hadn't come up yet.

Mumu Shisan and Kiyomaga Matsumoto were standing by the window talking, but when they saw Conan climbing the windowsill and looking at the elevator, they asked suspiciously, "Conan, what's wrong?"

Seeing that it was too late for the elevator, Conan ran to the next stairs, "I'm going to the toilet!"

"Huh? Conan." Seeing Conan running away in an instant, Mu Mu Shisan said in a daze, "As for the toilet, there is one on this floor."

"Maybe I forgot..."

Ireland was perfunctory, silently suspecting that he had fallen in love with some brat.

He remembered that Belmode had just arrived downstairs and was about to go out when the brat suddenly jumped on the window sill to look, and left in such a hurry...

Could this brat be chasing Belmode?

Seeing that Conan had run away and disappeared, Chi Feichi looked away.

It turned out that Ireland was not too sensitive, but that Conan was worse than Belmode. If it hadn't been for this incident, Ireland would not have been staring at Conan's investigation.

Wait, is Ireland spying on him?

He can't hear Yamamura Cao singing here, let alone what Conan said to Yamamura Cao. What does this have to do with him?


Downstairs, Conan chased outside the gate of the police station, saw a black Porsche 356A on the side of the road just closed the rear door and drove away, his face became serious.

That's... Gin's car!

In the leaving car, Vodka drove without looking back, and asked aloud, "How is it? Belmode, there should be no problem in Ireland, right?"

"No problem, so far, no one suspects that he is a fake," Belmode sat in the back seat of the car, tore off his disguised face, reached out to remove the hairpin, and loosened his coiled hair, "That's right , do you know that Lark drank until the wee hours last night?"

"Huh?" Vodka said in surprise.

"Yeah, I know..." Gin picked up the cigarette lighter on the car, lit the cigarette in his mouth, and responded with a vague voice, feeling that Vodka was making a fuss, and added, "He's done with his work, just wait It’s not surprising that I went to drink last night because I wanted to attend the search meeting, and that one knew about it.”

Belmode: "..."

Even Gin is so disapproving, it is conceivable that that person probably has the same attitude.

"He didn't delay today's search meeting, did he?" Gin looked at the front window and smoked, and said again, "But if there is nothing wrong with Ireland, it doesn't matter whether he goes to the search meeting or not."

Belmode realized that it was a mistake for him to complain about gin, and he had nothing to say. He was so depressed that he also lit a cigarette, adjusted his mood, and handed the notes he brought out to the front seat, "He didn't delay today The search meeting, and he also helped the police sort out the direction of the investigation..."

Gin took the notes that Belmod took at the meeting, opened them and looked at them.

In the notes, it was nothing more than the two points of "the commonality of the victims lies in Qixi Festival and Beijing" and "the suspect has a sense of ritual in committing crimes", but Belmode's shorthand notes are not bad, and even Chi Feichi's analysis process was also recorded.

"Humph... His thinking is much clearer than those of the police. If it weren't for the fact that there is a lot of information to be investigated, it would be much more convenient to use the police's investigation system. We can do our own investigation faster than those policemen," Qin Jiu lowered his head and finished reading. Finally, he handed the notebook back to Belmode, "However, with these investigation directions, the police can help us find the guy who took the memory card faster!"

Belmode took the notebook with his left hand and put it beside him, with a cigarette still between his right fingers, and hinted with a smile, "Luck seemed to drink too late last night, and the search meeting this morning started early again, if the police afternoon I found out that he will probably be absent."

"Ireland is watching over the police, it doesn't matter if he's there or not," Qin Jiu said.

"Yeah, it's just that if he drinks too much and doesn't get enough sleep, it won't be good for his condition. Don't forget, he was supposed to abstain from alcohol during the treatment, but that one actually allowed him to be so self-willed," Belmore said. De Youyou said, "He's free, instead of drinking, he might as well deliver a meal for me..."

"I want him to abide by the contraindications during the treatment... No, he doesn't even want to take the medicine, so it doesn't even count as the treatment period, right? Fortunately, his condition is tending to be stable now, so let him go, anyway. He won't be addicted to alcohol..." Gin understood what Belmode was complaining about, and added, "If you are too busy, you can discuss with him yourself, and he will deliver meals twice."

"Then why don't you tell him for me," Belmode said with a deeper smile, "Anyway, you have to contact him at night, don't you?"

If Luke wanted to rest recently, wouldn't she make Luke feel bad if she left the matter behind?

It's okay for others, she doesn't care if the other party is happy or not, but if Luke is unhappy, she won't dare to eat the food made by Luke for a while.

"Hmph..." Gin sniffed a cigarette, sneered, and stared at Belmode reflected in the rearview mirror with his eyes under the silver hair, and asked jokingly, "I said, are you too nervous to face Lark?" , Belmode?"

The one who complained was Belmode himself, but let him talk about the unpleasant things, is he that stupid?

"Really?" Belmode laughed, "I just haven't forgotten the feeling of toxins erupting in my body, abdominal cramping, and body muscles being stiff, weak, and throbbing."

"Forget it..." Gin Jiu didn't want to get entangled any longer, and looked away, "I'll trouble you to send him off one more night tonight. I'll tell him when I contact him later."

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