Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1641 Seems broken

"Yeah," Conan said in a low voice, "I just went to his residence, he seems to have not been back for a long time, only the roommate who rented with him was there, I heard from the other party that Mr. Mizutani and the man who died in the fire Originally, Miss Nanako likes stargazing."

"Have you been there?" Hui Yuanai frowned, "That means..."

"If the police went to Mr. Mizutani's residence after me, they might have heard from his roommate that there was a little boy who went there earlier than them and asked similar questions, right? Ireland who is a policeman will doubt me even more," Conan sighed helplessly, "but there is no way, I have to find out the truth of the matter faster than the police."

Hui Yuanai was silent for a while, "Hey, let me say..."

"Relax," Conan quickly laughed, "When I passed by, I told the other party that it was the detective Mori Kogoro who asked me to investigate, and I asked the other party not to tell others, although he may face the police. Say it, but I think he also has the idea of ​​'a detective Mori Kogoro is investigating this matter, there is no possibility of maliciousness', and he feels that there is no need to tell the police..."


in the living room.

Chi Feichi stewed the pumpkin porridge, cut ginger slices and added brown sugar to boil, then turned on the faucet to wash his hands, "The more water, the porridge needs to be boiled for a while, and the egg custard will be stewed after ten minutes."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki added salt to the egg custard, looked up and said, "Ah, yes."

"It's really troublesome for you." Dr. A Li said with emotion.

"It's okay, I'm Xiao Ai's elder brother, it's my duty to take care of her."

Chi Feichi lowered his eyes and dried his hands with a towel, then raised his head and smiled lightly at Dr. Ali, put down the towel and walked to Hui Yuanai's room.

Dr. A Li was surprised by Chi Feichi's gentle smile and froze on the spot. When Chi Feichi arrived at the door of the room, he came back to his senses and hurriedly followed, "Feichi..."

Chi Feichi opened the door softly, saw the small bag bulging in the quilt on the bed, walked to the bed, and called calmly, "Xiao Ai."

Under the quilt, on the side of the phone in Hui Yuanai's hand, Conan still whispered in a serious tone, "Anyway, I'm going to Miss Benshang's place now..."

Hui Yuanai was facing the wall, lying on his side under the blanket, and was startled when he heard a chilly familiar male voice sounding from the bedside behind him, and froze under the blanket with his mobile phone in his right hand.


Why did Brother Feichi come in? When did you come in?

"F-Feichi..." Dr. A Li quickly followed to the door, and saw Chi Feichi standing by the bed, staring down at the bulge in the quilt, with cold sweat on his forehead, because Chi Feichi's expression remained the same. Calm, not sure if Chi Feichi had discovered anything, hesitated for a moment, but decided to continue playing innocent, "Breakfast is not ready yet, why are you..."

On the other side of the phone, Conan also sensed something was wrong, and remained silent decisively.

"It's nothing." Chi Feichi sat down beside the bed, "You don't have to watch the porridge all the time, I'll talk to Xiao Ai."

Dr. A Li breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "So that's the case."

"Xiao Ai," Chi Feichi saw that Hui Yuan Ai was still hiding under the quilt, and reached out to pat the quilt, with a soft and calm voice, "Don't you have anything to say to brother?"

It was obviously the same as usual, even with a gentle voice, but Dr. Ali's hair stood on end in an instant when he listened, and his expression of just relaxing froze on his face.

It seems... no, something is wrong!

Yueshui Nanatsuki, who followed to the door, also felt his scalp tingling, and quietly looked at Chi Feichi's calm side face staring down at the bed.

Brother Xiaoqi seems to have broken down suddenly.

Under the quilt, the weird and terrifying feeling in Hui Yuanai's heart became even stronger, his fingers froze when he pressed the phone's hang-up button, and countless similar thoughts flashed through his mind.

she's done...

she is dead...

On the other side of the phone, Conan also remained silent.

It's over, has Huiyuan been discovered?

Is he hanging up the phone now, or not?

If you don’t hang up the phone, you may be directly caught by Chi Feichi as the “hard evidence”. Hang up the phone, he feels that the atmosphere on the other side of the phone is very wrong, and he, the instigator, left Huiyuan and the doctor to face it, it seems not very good .

Chi Feichi didn't have the idea of ​​lifting his sister's quilt, but sat on the edge of the bed, looked sideways at the bulging quilt, and waited patiently.

Before coming to the doctor's house, he had some doubts. After all, there was no plot about Hui Yuanai catching a cold in the original plot, but such a thing as catching a cold was uncertain, and he couldn't be sure whether it would happen.

It wasn't until he arrived at the doctor's house that he found the doll bears in the corner next to the piano. One big bear had indentations, and one small bear had strangle marks, so he was sure that the doctor was lying.

The fluff of this kind of doll bear is dense and soft, and it will leave a little mark when it is leaned on or hugged. It can be recovered in about ten minutes if it is left alone. Huiyuan Ai has the habit of holding the little bear in the arms of the big bear. , The traces left are similar to the traces on the doll bear today.

Judging by the depth of the imprints on the big teddy bear, Hui Yuanai leaned on it for at least twenty minutes.

And Yue Shui came from Kuboto Town, not much closer to him, at most a minute or two earlier than him.

That is to say, when the doctor called him, he kept saying 'Xiao Ai doesn't want to get up' and 'Xiao Ai has been lying on the bed'. In fact, when he was calling, Hui Yuan Ai was next to the landline, probably on the sofa, Holding the little bear and leaning against the big bear, watching Dr. Ali call him.

The doctor was lying, Hui Yuan Ai didn't lay down and refused to get up at all, and the lie of the two colluding.

He had seen Hui Yuan Ai's condition, and it was indeed a cold.

When a little girl catches a cold, it’s not surprising that she suddenly wants her brother to accompany her, but if she knows that her brother was recently invited by the police to investigate serial murders, as long as a sensible little girl thinks about whether her brother will lose faith in the police Not so good?

Haibara Ai will not be willful without consideration.

Thinking about it the other way around, Dr. Ali and Hui Yuanai colluded to lie in order to get him to come over, and it is likely that they did not want him to go to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Who is it good for? Conan.

Conan should really want to find the murderer before the police, get the memory card, or catch the clues of the organization, which is a big gain. Even if it doesn't work, the detective will work hard for the safety of the replaced policeman investigation.

Holding him back so that he could no longer provide the police with ideas was probably a last resort decision.

And Conan can also make Dr. Ari and Haibara collude to lie.

He didn't care about this, his sister was sick, and she pretended to be a willful little girl, so he pretended not to know, cooperated, and specially disclosed the progress of the police investigation to Hui Yuanai when he left the room, so that Hui Yuan could Ai reminds Conan.

However, he had a new suspicion that Haibara Ai's illness was a random event, or did he intentionally make himself ill in order to hold him back?

Cold evil enters the body, in simple terms, it means catching cold.

Now that the weather is getting warmer, even if you kick the quilt at night and wear thin clothes, you will not catch cold. If you want to catch a cold, you can only wash your hair in cold water, soak in cold water, wash your hair in cold water and not dry it.

So, after he left the room, he went to the bathroom and checked the bathroom by the way.

Haibara Ai and Dr. Ali's toiletries are separate, including shower gel. Huihara Ai's ones are for girls, and the doctor is not used to that fragrance.

He helped Hui Yuan Ai go to the storage room to get the shower gel before, judging from the recent weather, Hui Yuan Ai's bathing frequency, the consumption pattern of the shower gel, and the amount of shower gel left, Hui Yuan Ai should not have taken a bath yesterday. But the shampoo has been used, and the bath towels of Hui Yuanai and the towels used to wipe the hair on the rack are still wet, and the floor drain of the shower is dry, and there is a little fresh water stain next to the bathtub .

Well, that is to say, his sister washed her hair yesterday and took a bath, but she didn't use any shower gel or bath soap, just soaked in water, contrary to the usual bathing habits, it is necessary to suspect that she deliberately soaked in cold water for catching a cold ...

After he left the bathroom, he made another discovery.

The cups in the cupboard have no trace of being filled with water this morning, the cups on the cooking table are not there, and the water cups on the living room table are not there. The kettle that Hui Yuanai brought to school should have been washed last night, and the inside is also dry. It's not like it was filled with water in the morning, and there are no water spots nearby.

He has even considered the possibility of 'drinking medicine with a bowl of water', although it is like having a cup with water at home, Dr. A Li would not be able to watch Huiyuan Ai swallow the medicine directly or take the granules dry, Huiyuan Ai also It's impossible to be so self-abuse, Hui Yuan Ai has a cup and doesn't use it, and the possibility of using a bowl to hold water and take medicine is very small, but he still pays attention to the bowl of the doctor's house.

Also, apart from a plate of fried fish balls, none of the dishes showed signs of being used this morning.

Well, even saying 'already taken medicine' is false.

In order to help a famous detective hold back his brother, he took a cold bath to let himself catch a cold. He didn't take medicine when he caught a cold, and even lied to his brother that he had already taken the medicine. It was really good.


There was silence in the room for a while, Hui Yuanai came back to his senses, hung up the phone, poked his head out from under the quilt, only his eyes were exposed, and looked up at Chi Feichi who was looking at her expressionlessly, his face was a little stiff.

she's done...

she is dead...

"Feichi..." After regaining his senses, Dr. A Li entered the door and walked to the bed, a little at a loss.

He felt that Feichi must have discovered something, but he wasn't sure how much Feichi had discovered, and he didn't know if Feichi was stimulated by something, and whether Feichi would make any dangerous actions after being stimulated... …

Alas, it's a nuisance, it's really hard for Shinichi to do this favor.

"What's the matter?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki also followed the door, pretending to be slow to ease the atmosphere, and changed the subject by the way, "Even if you don't need to watch the porridge, you should be careful if the heat will be a little too high, which will damage the rice. Or is the pumpkin sticking to the bottom of the pot? I think it's still..."

"I never cook porridge poorly." Chi Feichi declared.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

This strong self-confidence actually feels... inexplicably arrogant?

After Chi Feichi finished speaking, he looked at Hui Yuanai and asked, "Why don't you take medicine when you have a cold?"

"I..." Hui Yuanai hesitated.

Brother Feichi is annoyed because she didn't take the medicine?

Then she said it was because the cold medicine was out... No, no, absolutely not, when Brother Feichi found the medicine box, she would really be finished. She didn't think the doctor could secretly take the cold medicine under the nose of Brother Feichi Walk.

Chi Feichi looked at Dr. A Li who was standing by the bed again, "Doctor, you lie for her too."

Dr. A Li sweated, scratching his head with a dry smile, "I woke up too early in the morning, Xiao Ai said she would eat later, and I didn't want you to worry, so... that's why I said..."

"Forget it," Chi Feichi looked at Hui Yuanai and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to take medicine, just have a bowl of ginger soup later."


Hui Yuanai nodded immediately, and after Chi Feichi got up and walked out, he breathed a sigh of relief, and exchanged a look with Dr. A Li.


It was too difficult to deceive brother Feichi, and it was too difficult for her.

Dr. A Li also had deep helplessness and fear in his eyes.


It was too difficult to deceive Feichi, it was too difficult for him.

The circle that he made just now was definitely the time he had the fastest reaction and quickest thinking outside of research and invention.

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