Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1648 Conan: Is Ireland over-compensated?

After one night, the climate enters summer.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, on the highway from Tokyo to Kanagawa Prefecture, a car that was traveling too fast suddenly blew a tire, lost control and hit an oncoming large truck.

After the accident, the black car driving on the road ahead did not stop.

In the car, Takatori Yannan drove the car towards Yokohama City at an even speed.

After Chi Feichi called Cohen to evacuate, he was about to send an email to Rum, but a call came in first. He took the laptop beside him and answered the call.


"Brother Chi, I want to go to the doctor's house to play games, do you want to go together?"

Chi Feichi took the computer, typed with his free left hand, sent an email to Rum, and called Conan without delay, "Your cold is better?"

"Uh, yes... I heard that Huiyuan bought a CD of a new horror game, but neither the doctor nor she dared to play it. I'm planning to go to the doctor's right now. If it's convenient for you, would you like to try it with Feichi? Are you trying a new game?"

Chi Feichi's typing fingers paused. Even though he knew that Conan should not be in the mood to play games at this time, and the phone call had malicious intentions, he was still tempted for a moment when he heard the new horror game, "What game did Xiao Ai buy?" ?”

In the Mihua forest, Conan stood at the foot of the tree near the wooden house, listened to the question on the phone, laughed dryly in his heart, and then quickly pretended to be serious, " said Haibara, based on the work "I Have No Mouth" by American writer Harlan Ellison. , But You Must Scream" is an adaptation of the game, which can be played with five players online!"

His little friend can really use games to seduce him!

"This game is not suitable for children." Chi Feichi said, while passing the mail to Rum, while counting the time in his mind.

The car accident just now was of course not a simple accident, but a deliberate act of tampering with the brakes and blowing out a tire with a sniper rifle to cause the car accident.

This is already in the territory of Kanagawa. The people arranged by Rum will drive behind the traffic and will confirm whether the unlucky guy who was in the car accident just now is dead. If he is not dead, the unlucky guy should be sent to the hospital in Kanagawa County.

According to the plan, he and Takatori Geno will go to Kanagawa to wait until the result comes out. If the other party is not dead, they will find a way to get rid of that person in the hospital. If the other party is dead, the mission will be considered over. four hours.

Even if he rushes back to Tokyo after the mission is over, he will not be able to reach Dr. Ali's house until around seven o'clock in the evening...

"Hey?" Conan asked suspiciously, "Not suitable for children? Why do you say that?"

Speaking of this, Chi Feichi has something to say.

"I have read the reports before the release of this game. It is said that many settings in the novel are restored. In the novel, the artificial intelligence AM as the villain kills everyone except the five people, and the five people are left for fun. There are also many bloody scenes in the game."

"Yes, is it..." Conan was stunned, "It's really not suitable for children..."

"How did Xiao Ai buy this kind of game CD?" Chi Feichi asked.

"I don't know either." Conan looked at Haibara Ai who was standing next to the wooden house with Dr. Ari, and asked, "Is this the kind of game that is forbidden to be sold to children?"

Chi Feichi definitely responded, "Yes."

Conan was speechless for a moment, then realized that his purpose was not to say this, "Brother Chi, do you want to..."

"I'm in Yokohama." Chi Feichi said.

"Hey?" Conan was a little surprised, "What are you going to Yokohama for?"

"Didn't Teacher Maori tell you?" Chi Feichi said in a calm and natural tone, "In the shipbuilding factory of the Manchi Group in Yokohama, an important technician was injured during work and almost died. The person in charge reported that it was due to mechanical management. An accident caused by inappropriateness, but someone reported it, which may involve improper internal competition. Originally, a local detective was entrusted to conduct a secret investigation, but the report letter was still sent to Mr. Dashan, saying that the detective had colluded with the internal management personnel. The day before yesterday I Seeing that the police have locked down the suspect, we rushed over to have a look.”

This thing is true.

About five days ago, the technician was injured. That night, Dashan Mi received a report letter, and the next day he asked a local detective to investigate. As a result, he received another report letter three nights ago.

Because the technician is very important, Noah has already intervened in the investigation of this matter, issued an investigation instruction on the Ark platform, and grasped the truth the day before yesterday. In the past two days, the African-Mexican Legion and investigators will collect evidence, and it will basically be resolved tomorrow.

The night before yesterday, before the Tokyo Tower was scanned, he left Dr. Ali’s house. Yamato Kansuke called him and asked him if he would like to participate in the search meeting. There was an accident at Chi Group's factory, I'm going to have a look." He refused the search meeting on the grounds that he also called Mori Kogoro.

According to his original idea, he solved the unlucky guy on the highway to Yokohama, and he will also stop by to deal with the accident at the shipyard tomorrow.


Conan was a little surprised. He and Xiaolan were injured these two days. Uncle Mao Li was worried all the time. He didn’t mention what Chi Feichi was doing. Thinking about it again, Chi Feichi hadn’t been seen for the past two days, and he and Xiaolan hadn’t moved when they were injured. , Uncle and Xiaolan probably already knew what Chi Feichi was doing, but he was too busy watching the police's investigation of Ireland and didn't pay attention, "Uncle Mao Li didn't tell me... Is your side going well? Do you want to help?" ?”

There was an accident in my little friend’s factory, and it was suspected that someone was playing tricks. As a detective, he is very good at investigating. Anyway, there are no clues here. If there is anything that can help, he will definitely help.

"No, there is a problem with the management staff," Chi Feichi said, "I have already obtained some evidence, and I will deal with it tomorrow."

He didn't dare to let Conan come over, otherwise the situation where no one died would turn into someone being killed and the factory being bombed.

It doesn't matter if ten buildings funded by the group are bombed, but the shipyard in Yokohama has a technical center, and if it is bombed, it will lose much more than ten buildings.

"By the way, does Brother Chi know the follow-up to that serial murder?"

"Officer Ogino told me a little bit before going back, saying that the suspect was wrongly identified, but the real murderer has been arrested and brought to justice, so I won't say anything else."

"That's it... Brother Chi, then go ahead and I won't bother you."

"That game, remember not to let everyone play."


The phone hangs up.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, and looked up at Dr. Ari and Haibara who were walking over.

It's no wonder that Chi Feichi's side didn't move at all. The matter that the manager of the first investigation section of the Metropolitan Police Department was pretended to be, not only the police blocked the news from the investigation, but even he, uncle and Xiaolan agreed to keep it secret. Chi Feichi I probably don't know how dangerous that night was.

"Xinyi, what are you doing here?" Dr. A Li looked back at the wooden house, "Didn't you say you want to come over to see if there are any clues? Now that we have seen it, let's go back first, the police still have to Sending forensic personnel over to investigate, it is not convenient for us to stay too long."

Conan nodded, turned and walked out of the forest.

"Being imprisoned in this kind of place for ten days," Dr. Ali said with emotion as he walked on the path in the forest, "It's really not easy for the Matsumoto police to survive."

"But I don't seem to see the face of the person who kidnapped him clearly," Hui Yuanai said with a smile when he talked about the news he could hear after the news was blocked, "It's really thanks to the children who came here this time. It's a great achievement!"

Conan didn't participate in the discussion, and frowned all the way, thinking about Ireland's appearance before he died, and then thinking of Ireland asking him 'Why Chi Feichi didn't come'.

Ireland thought that Chi Feichi was investigating the organization, thought that Chi Feichi knew that he was Kudo Shinichi, thought that they joined forces, thought that Chi Feichi did not attend the final search meeting because he was hiding...

Every "thought" made him feel outrageous, so he was shocked when Ireland said it so seriously.

He thought that Chi Feichi didn't know the existence of the organization, that Chi Feichi didn't know that he was Kudo Shinichi...

In these matters, he and Ireland actually had two completely different guesses.

Analyze it.

Ireland thinks that Chi Feichi knows his identity, and after discovering that he was surprised, he is also surprised, which shows that Ireland is not sure about this, and probably thinks that Chi Feichi should have discovered that he is Kudo Shinichi long ago with Chi Feichi's insight.

And Ireland thinks that Chi Feichi did not attend the final search meeting because he was hiding. The reason why Chi Feichi went to Yokohama, and the reason why Chi Feichi called to inform Chi Feichi to attend the search meeting, Yamato Gansuke and Uncle Mao Li, should all be disguised as Ireland, the manager of Matsumoto, said that it seemed that Ireland did not believe it, and guessed that Chi Feichi was avoiding him. Of course, he might also be trying to deceive him.

From the very beginning, he didn't think that Chi Feichi would hide and let them face it without warning even though he knew there was danger. Judging from Chi Feichi's recent reaction, he didn't seem to have sensed any danger either.

At that time, he was still wondering if Chi Feichi's sudden disappearance was due to taking advantage of the timing when the organization surfaced and was planning to follow clues in the dark. Chi Feichi hadn't been seen for the past two days, so he wanted to call to test it out. .

If Chi Feichi was really investigating the organization, they could join hands.

It was just a phone call, and he got a somewhat unexpected but seemingly reasonable result.

There was no question about why Chi Feichi rushed to Yokohama.

The police have already locked down the suspect. The last search meeting was just to arrange tasks. As special advisers, Uncle and Chi Feichi just need to check for any loopholes and remind them. The police are better at hunting down criminals. , the uncle who used to be a policeman can give suggestions that are more in line with the police action process than Chi Feichi. With so many policemen present, Chi Feichi feels that it is reasonable for him not to be present.

At this time, something happened to the shipyard at home, and it involved the injury of important technicians and improper internal competition. Even the detective who commissioned the investigation seemed to have problems, so Chi Feichi rushed to deal with it, focusing on that Also normal.

No matter how you look at it, Ireland seems to have over-invented himself, making some speculations that surprised the two of them at the time, but were actually far from the truth, and almost led him into the ditch...

However, even if the two points of "Chi Feichi knows his identity" and "Why didn't Chi Feichi participate in the final search meeting" are over-compensated by Ireland, Ireland will think that Chi Feichi is investigating the organization, so there must be something very important , He did not know the reason.

Does Chi Feichi know that the organization exists?

Why does Ireland suspect that Chi Feichi is investigating the organization?

These two issues are interrelated. As long as he knows the reason why Ireland suspects Chi Feichi, he may be able to judge whether Chi Feichi knows about the existence of the organization and whether he has conducted an investigation.

But Ireland died after saying "Shinichi Kudo, try your best to chase after him", and there was no chance to answer the questions in his heart, leaving him alone here with a headache.

Are you trying to investigate by yourself? Or try Chi Feichi?

He was more worried. Originally, Chi Feichi didn't know the existence of the organization, but he discovered it because of his investigation or probing. At that time, he really wasn't sure whether it was joy or worry.

"As a result, the identity of Ireland is still a mystery," Dr. A Li sighed, looking at the mottled light and shadow cast by the leaves on the road ahead, "It seems that no remains were found in the crashed helicopter."

"They all escaped before the explosion..." Hui Yuanai turned his head, saw Conan frowning and distracted, and glanced at Dr. Li and Conan with dissatisfaction, "I said, do you have any clues to hide from me?"

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