Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1656 This topic is wrong

"I believe they are smart people," Chi Feichi said in a calm voice, "find a reason to explain the question of 'whether it is unreasonable', and they will know that this is actually good for the future development of the group and good for their future after retirement." There are benefits to welfare and even a lot of benefits to their safety when they compete."

"You even arranged my work..." Ike Shinosuke paused, "I just finished the meeting, and I've already dealt with it."

As soon as Chi Feichi heard it, he knew that he didn't need to worry about it, "Does Mr. Dashan have any thoughts on this?"

"He hasn't told me how you dealt with it yet," Chi Shinosuke said, "I just want to make sure whether he reminded you and what you think."

"Is there anyone else who has sued me?" Chi Feichi asked again.

"No," said Ike Shinosuke, who was a little speechless about the term 'reporting blackmail', but he also felt that it was quite appropriate to use, "If I had another child, they would have the motive to sue you for blackmailing, but unfortunately I don't have one, so at the moment Everyone responded very well.”

Some people may worry about whether the heirs will be indifferent to the old employees, but the person being dealt with made a mistake first, or a big mistake, so that little worry is actually not much, and it will not turn into an attack.

My own group doesn't even have a spare heir, so what's the use of asking him to sue him and speak ill?

If because of this incident, someone spoke ill of Chi Feichi to him, he would instead wonder whether the other party was dissatisfied with Chi Feichi, or whether he had ulterior motives or ulterior motives.

Chi Feichi thought about the ethos of the Zhenchi Group, and found that the overall situation is very good. This time, it is considered a bad event that has been rare for many years, so he wanted to use the tragic end of the troublemaker to warn other people when it happened. People, try to avoid this from happening again in the future.

"In short, it's not a big deal after this matter is dealt with," Chi Shinosuke continued, "I will help you negotiate about the giant panda. Although I planned to negotiate after the merger of the group, I am free recently. , It’s good to mention it to the other side in advance, how long it will take depends on the attitude of the other side.”

Chi Feichi: "I see."

Chi Shinosuke: "That's it. After the negotiation is over, I will tell you the result."


Takato Yan Nan saw that he hung up the phone almost a second faster than Chi Feichi, and seriously suspected that there was a big problem in the relationship between the father and son.

It's reasonable to say that Mr. Shinnosuke is busy with something, but Mr. Shinnosuke clearly said 'I'm free recently'. This is like a way of communicating with colleagues and leaving after talking. Does it lack some warmth that should be between father and son?

If it were his father who had been separated from the two countries for a long time, his father would probably have to ask him what he is doing now, what he has been doing recently, whether he has encountered any troubles, or ask how he is doing about the weather.

Of course, he did the same with his father.

After struggling for a while, Takatori Yannan asked directly, "Boss, are you and Mr. Manosuke always like this? I mean...the phone call will not exceed three minutes."

Well, I should be more subtle in saying this, so as not to cause the boss to think too much.

Chi Feichi thought for a while, "No, sometimes the video call can last for an hour or two, what's wrong?"

"Ah, it's nothing," Yan Nan Takatori reflected on his thinking too much, and said with a dry smile, "It's because Mr. Shinnosuke hung up the phone too quickly, and you are usually the same, so I wonder if you and your son also like short communication .”

"Some things can't be kept short."

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, lowered his head and continued to flip through emails on his phone.

Ever since he had a business to talk about, the talk time between him and his cheap dad has doubled, doubled, and then doubled.

But I didn't expect Takatori to gossip like this, and would be curious about the communication mode of other people's father and son.


After the incident was resolved, the crime-solving team went to have lunch while traveling and sightseeing, and took a stroll in the retro-style streets of Kamakura.

Mao Lilan suddenly smiled with emotion, "Thinking about how nice our family is, we don't have any worries about competing for inheritance!"

Conan almost failed to keep up with Mao Lilan's brain circuit, raised his head and said with a smile, "That's right..."

Mao Lilan smiled at Chi Feichi again, "Brother Feichi's family is also the same, there is no messy struggle, it feels really good."

Takatori Yannan silently agreed in his heart.

In terms of inheritance, his boss probably doesn't need... Hey, wait, isn't this topic unlucky?

"Hahaha..." Mori Kogoro waved his arms in front of a store shelf in front of him and smiled at the female clerk, "Miss, I want all the wine on this shelf!"

The female clerk was stunned, "Ah, good!"

"Wait a minute, Dad!" Mao Lilan hurried over, frowning and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I didn't do anything," Mori Kogoro said with a straight face, "The specialty here is local wine!"

Mao Lilan couldn't help raising her voice, "If you want to buy special products, you can buy one bottle! You can only buy one bottle!"

Mori Kogoro put his hands together and smiled, "Don't be so stingy..."

At the door of the store, Conan complained in a low voice, "How can it be estimated that there will be an inheritance?"

"It's time to continue the teacher's inheritance. There should be many years left, and there is still a chance to make more money from the teacher." Chi Feichi paused, looking at Conan with a calm face, "But it's also Xiaolan's. You're fine."

The inheritance of his teacher must belong to Xiaolan.

Kudo Shinichi? Xiaolan disagreed, and Kudo Shinichi didn't want to spend a dime.

Conan choked, thinking that Chi Feichi was talking about the fact that he borrowed from Mao Li's house, and said with Ban Yue's eyes, "What are you thinking? Of course I know this, and my parents also have inheritance..."

Wait, this topic is wrong.

Takatori Takeo looked at Conan who stopped.

Finally figured out that this topic is off?

To be honest, he felt sorry for Mr. Maori who had just been discussed about his legacy.


The next day, after a group of people returned to Tokyo, Chi Feichi was at home brushing up materials, collecting venom, and waiting for the giant panda doll he ordered to arrive.

In the evening, the doll shop in Chinatown delivered the giant pandas downstairs.

Since the giant panda doll stands 1.5 meters tall and has a chubby figure, more than 20 pandas can fill the truck compartment to the brim. Chi Feichi had no place to put the dolls, so he simply rented a delivery truck for a few days. After dismissing the truck driver, he called Geno Takatori, who lives in the apartment building next door, to come down and pick up the doll.

Takatori Yannan went downstairs, walked to the opened door of the truck compartment, saw that it was full of black and white giant pandas packed in transparent gift bags, and couldn't help laughing, "The big giant panda doll looks bigger than it is." The medium size one is too big, more than 20 will take up space... By the way, boss, don’t forget to give one to vodka, he seems to be very interested in giant pandas!"

"I can't forget," Chi Feichi said, "You live close by, so you happened to get it first."

"Then I won't be polite!" Yan Nan Takatori stepped forward, reaching out to try to hug the giant panda doll, and the smile on his face froze.

The doll's body is too wide, and he can't hold it with his arms stretched out.

Then... carry it back? But the doll is too long, and it hangs on the shoulders front and back. It doesn't matter at the back, but the front will block his sight on one side, making it unsafe to walk.

Chi Feichi stood aside and looked at Yan Nan Takatori, "Want to help?"

"Okay, okay."

Takatori Yannan turned his back to the car door, squatted down, and bent over.

After much deliberation, it seems that there is only one way to go back.

Chi Feichi came forward to help put the giant panda doll on Takatori Yannan's back.

"Boss, I'll go back first."

Takatori Yannan held the giant panda doll's short legs with both hands behind his back, and bent forward with the giant panda doll on his back, feeling inexplicably awkward in his heart.

The weight is not very heavy, but the couple passing by looked at him strangely.

Boss, this panda doll is definitely a big buy!

Fortunately, his apartment building is close, and he wears sunglasses, so others can't see his face clearly, so he got home after he endured it.

Chi Feichi admired the back view of Takatori Yannan walking forward with his back on his back, looked away, took out his mobile phone, and called Koshimizu Nanatsuki.

Others are not in a hurry, just calculate the time schedule.

The phone connects.

"Mr. Chi?"

"It's me. I came back from Yokohama and brought you a gift. Are you at the hotel?"

"Yeah, I'm at the hotel..."

"Then wait for me for twenty minutes."

"Ah, okay, then I'll wait for you downstairs."


More than ten minutes later, Chi Feichi drove the truck to the hotel entrance.

Yueshui Nanatsuki saw Chi Feichi get out of the cab of the truck, stepped forward, looked at the truck, "The gift you mentioned..."

"There are also gifts for other people, which take up more space," Chi Feichi explained, walked to the back of the car, and opened the door of the truck, "So I left the delivery truck."

"You can't use the truck anyway?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki followed curiously, and his eyes lit up when he saw the giant panda doll in the carriage, "It's so cute, it's exactly the same as a real giant panda! After I came to Tokyo, I just thought about going to the zoo to see giant pandas when I have time!"

"The size and shape are the same, you can choose whichever you choose," Chi Feichi stretched out his hand and pulled a panda doll to the car door, "It's not easy to move, do you want me to help you move it up?"

Yue Shui Nanatsuki was stunned for a moment, then laughed again, "No, no need, don't underestimate me, I can do it myself."

Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Yueshui Nanatsuki, his eyes were calm, and his tone was calmer than usual, "Is there any reason why I can't go up?"

Yueshui Nanatsuki's hair stood on end in an instant, feeling his hands and feet became heavy, and he was sweating, "That..."

The breath I felt at Dr. Ali's house last time came again.

It was obviously a very peaceful reaction, but it carried a creepy and dangerous aura. It was not too obvious, depressing, distorted and weird, as if the whole person was broken and wanted to kill her.

If Xiao Ai refused to take medicine last time because she was sick, is it because she refused this time? Or……

Chi Feichi looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki calmly.

He has already completed a series of things such as kidnapping the police, sweeping Conan, murdering people, and traveling to Yokohama and Kamakura. The commission of Yueshui has not been completed yet, and it has been almost a month after calculation.

It is not surprising that the entrustment takes a long time to investigate. He is also happy to see that Yue Shui has something he likes to do. After all, he also has a lot of things on hand, but Yue Shui's entrustment is not right.

In the short term, there is nothing unusual about the commission. The crows of the non-Mexican Legion will occasionally send information to the intelligence network. One day they go out and walk on the street, one day they meet the client in a hotel, and one day they go to a museum. I was looking for something, I stayed for a long time, one day...

After a long time, if you summarize it, you will find that Yueshui meets the client frequently and for a long time, almost once every two days, and the meetings are always at the hotel where Yueshui lives. The client has to stay for half a day every time, although there are also crows I saw two people drinking afternoon tea, but most of the time they were in Koshimizu Nanatsuki's room with the curtains closed, which was mysterious.

If the client is not a woman, he has already considered whether it is time to formulate an action plan.

In addition, Yue Shui never finished the investigation, and when he asked if he wanted to help, he kept refusing. There must be something wrong with this commission.

The crow of the African-Mexican Legion had followed the woman wearing sunglasses, but all failed. The other party seemed to be evading intentionally and was able to evade surveillance.

This client is by no means an ordinary person.

He was annoyed that Yue Shui concealed it from him, and he was also guessing whether Yue Shui would be threatened by some strange person to complete some strange commission, such a guess... was even more annoyed.

But the situation is unclear, and Yue Shui really can't be killed.

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