Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1660 The horror game feeling is back

After the three people selected a character, the other two characters turned into light spots and disappeared. The three selected characters woke up from a coma, and three values ​​of 'hunger', cold, and 'spiritual state' appeared. In addition, each person has a different stamina and a skill.

The protagonist Tate, who was not selected by the Red Army, had zero hunger, coldness and mental state, and his physical strength was the strongest among the three, and his skill was to 'eliminate an AM penalty'.

Nidak, who Chi Feichi chose, has 0 hunger and cold, but his mental state is 5 points. At the beginning, a reminder popped up, indicating that when the mental state reaches 50, the character will lose control once due to collapse, and his physical strength is among the three. Worst, and the skill is 'taken away by AM alone once'.

The Benny chosen by Subaru Okiya has the same hunger and coldness as 0, and his mental state is also 5. His physical strength is a little higher than that of Nidak, and his skill is "simple technology production".

Okiya Subaru suddenly felt the joy of playing games with Chi Feichi, and couldn't help but smile, "We seem to have chosen a very good team configuration."

A Ted who can carry and fight, a Nidak who can get hidden clues or special props, and a Benny who can provide game-breaking props, this lineup is good, but the other two characters may not be unmatched.

What really makes people happy is that this result is no different from their prediction just now.

"Feichi opens the way, let's turn around first, don't separate," Chi Feichi saw that Feichi's operating game character moved, and followed him, "Pay attention to the clues, there is no life value, the chance of fighting is not high, the high probability is In the game of solving puzzles, there will be no chance to fight back if you are beaten by AM. In addition, everyone has a backpack that can carry ten items. Maybe it is for us to collect some items in front, which will be used in the next level.”

The three game characters walked through the rows of shelves in the computer room together, and the light was on and off.

Okiya Subaru felt emotional, and didn't know whether to say that Chi Feichi understood the game, or that Chi Feichi was careful, and followed the analysis, "Then if you say that, the ending of not being able to pass the level is the same as in the novel, AM will not Let people die, but trap them..."

"Or be punished," Chi Feichi's character stopped in front of a clock, looked at the beating countdown ahead, and added, "AM won't make people comfortable, we only have four minutes."

"It looks like this, let's turn around first, see what's there, and then look for clues," Okiya Subaru thought for a while, and said with emotion, "But the picture of this game is really real enough, as expected of Ambre La provides technical support."

In the game screen, the metal feeling of the rack is very real. The place blocked by the rack from the light of the chandelier is dark, and the place where the line is not blocked by the rack is brighter. However, servers are indestructible or selectable.

In addition, there are some sundries left in some dark corners and inconspicuous places.

Mops, empty cans, plastic trash cans, airtight cans, knives, wrenches, circuit boards, data cables, tarps, dirty teddy bears...

There are also some strange characters hidden around.

This is indeed a secret room puzzle game.

When Dr. A Li came over, he found that the two and the snake were collecting clues and things. They put the tray aside and watched curiously.

Okiya Subaru looked at the things piled up together, and looked at the prompt, "I can make a power-on display here, and combined with the fact that there are many wires, it should be the way to get clues."

"This game doesn't look too difficult!" Dr. A Li couldn't help laughing.

"It's just that you need to be more careful to find out these things," Okiya Subaru smiled, let the character make the display, and turned to ask, "Do you want to join the doctor? It's only the first level now, and it's not a pity for us to quit."

Dr. A Li scratched his head and smiled, "You guys play first, and I will join you when you pass the level or die!"

Chi Feichi controlled the character to jump up suddenly, making the field of vision shared by the three of them go up and down again.

"Mr. Chi?" Okiya Subaru looked at Chi Feichi suspiciously.

"It seems that there is still something missing. When we walked the third and fourth rows of shelves, the distance and inclination angle of the left and right shelves were wrong..."

Chi Feichi controlled the character to keep jumping up, raising his field of vision constantly.

Pull up and down, pull up and down, pull up and down...

Dr. Ali felt a little dizzy.

Okiya Subaru's character is making things, squinting at the shelf that Chi Feichi said, and finally found the abnormality, "It's in the third row of shelves against the wall!"

Seeing that Okiya Subaru's character had finished making the electronic display, Chi Fei stopped jumping down, "Go over and have a look first."

The three characters ran over, and it was better to let the physically strong Ted do things like moving shelves.

The shelf was creaked and moved to a gap, and a dead body crashed through the gap, its face was stiff and pale, its eyes were round, and there was a long bloodstain on its neck.

Dr. Ali was taken aback, and finally realized that this is still a horror game.

The three characters in the game have already started to search for the corpse, harvesting a key and a note.

"The mental state suddenly increased by 10, 5, 5 just now," Chi Feichi concluded, "Ted is relatively tough, so it's not surprising that he only increased by 5 points, but..."

"Nidak actually only increased by 5 points." Okiya Subaru controlled the character, connected the electronic display screen to the computer, and said with a smile, "Is it my Benny who tends to become a lunatic?"

"If not, Nidak's psychological quality should be stronger," Chi Feichi released the things that tightened the backpack, and continued, "Also, the cold value of the game character has not changed, it should be because of the environment, And the hunger value has been increasing, judging from this, at most the third level, we will eat."

After the electronic display was connected to the computer, it displayed English paragraphs with gaps.

Whether it is a game for the public or the first level, this kind of code is not difficult.

Okiya Subaru didn't even look at the letters around him, and filled in the letters in the order of the rack just by remembering, "The second row, the fourth, the password should be 3614 on the note."

"Knives and wrenches can't open cans, but bring them first," Chi Feichi manipulated the characters in the game to tinker with things on the ground, cutting mop cloth strips and doll bears with knives, "You solve the puzzle, I'll try to get some protection from the cold things and long ropes."

"Ah, no problem." Okiya Subaru controlled the character to run to the second row of racks, connected the fourth server with the display screen, found that he could press the number, pressed the four-digit number, and found the next prompt, and then Pick up the key found on the corpse and go to unlock the cabinet door.

Chi Feichi cut up the doll bear and cloth strips with a knife, and according to the prompts, combined the cotton and waterproof cloth in the doll bear into a thermal blanket, put it in the backpack, and then used the scraps of cloth to form a long rope.

Feichi still persistently knocked on the can with the wrench, and when the wrench tilted, he smashed the trash can and harvested a garbage bag.

Dr. Ali: "..."

The strategy game feel is back.

And the more I watch this game, the less difficult it becomes, it makes him want to try it!

"I got a bomb here, and I can go out after blowing up the last row of racks. There are still two minutes," Okiya Subaru asked, "What about your side? How is it?"

"There is only one blanket to keep out the cold, three long ropes, and three cans, and they still can't be opened," Chi Feichi said, "There is also a smashed trash can and trash bag. I don't know what the trash bag is for, but Now there is enough space in the backpack, you can take it first.”

"I remember that in the novel, Benny went crazy at the end because of the can that couldn't be opened." Okiya Subaru controlled the character and ran to the last row of shelves with the bomb. Have you ordered a can that won’t open no matter what? Do you want to put it next to the bomb and try to see if it can explode?”

"You can try one first."

After Chi Feichi and Feichi put the props they might use into their backpacks, they walked to the last row of shelves, put a can on the ground, and took out a knife, "Detonate it later."

"Any new discoveries?" Okiya Subaru followed.

Chi Feichi controlled the character to get it to the corpse, squatted down, cut the corpse with a knife, and looked at the blood with a calm expression, "The corpse can indeed be cut. If the can can't be opened for a while, we need spare food."

Dr. A Li looked at the scene of blood splattering, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

The horror game feel is back.

Three characters, each with two corpses on his back, also used an empty soda can to catch the blood on his back, and detonated a bomb to blow up the rack.

After the lights in the computer room flickered, they went completely dark, and a steel wall opened.

Okiya Subaru glanced at the settlement page in the upper right corner, and walked to the rack that was blown to pieces and blackened, "It's so funny, the cans are gone..."

"I said..." Chi Feichi hesitated to speak.

"Huh?" Okiya Subaru turned his head and saw Chi Feichi staring at the TV screen, then turned his head to look over, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

The settlement page has ended, and there is a message from AM:

[Excellent Benny, your intelligence and production ability really amaze me, and it also makes me want to deprive you of your brain...]

The number at the end is a countdown and is counting down.

"There's something even worse coming." Chi Feichi said.

Yes, customs clearance settlement is not a reward, whoever contributes more in customs clearance will be caught and tortured by AM.

"Ted's skills can eliminate this punishment, but..." Okiya Subaru frowned slightly.

"Try it," Chi Feichi said, "Although the next level may not necessarily refresh the skill, you can find out how often Ted can use the skill of eliminating punishment."

Feichi pressed the skill release.

In the game, Ted was locked up in an iron cage, screaming and scratching the cage while covering his head under the attack of sound waves.

The punishment was eliminated, but Ted's mental state increased by 20 points.

Not red and expressionless.

Got it, Ted is the meat shield that takes the damage.

Chi Feichi was expressionless.

This game is not very friendly, it feels like there are only options of 'being abused by AM' and 'successfully avoid being abused by AM once'.

Okiya Subaru had no expression on his face.

The producer is really wicked, the settlement is punished, one of their cans is missing, and the remaining two don’t know how to open it. If the tarpaulin was accidentally cut before, the blanket to keep out the cold may not be able to be made.

Dr. Ali watched blankly as the iron cage opened on the screen, and the character Ted fell down with a blank stare.

He saw some clues.

The good news is that you don't have to worry about Feichi being led to attack others by the game, because the character in it is the one who was abused.

The bad news is that he began to worry that Feichi watched the characters being abused a lot, the psychological pressure was too great, and the mental illness broke out, including Mr. Subaru and Feichi. Playing this kind of game is also very worrying.

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